Ice meets Fire || RYEJI ✔

By lilacsonsunflower

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Hwang Yeji, a new student with an element of dancing. She spits fire with her eyes and captivates people with... More

| Author's Note |
| Introduction |
Chapter One: Clumsy? Clumsy.
Chapter Two: Fiery Eyes of a Light Fury
Chapter Three: A Smartass and a Dumbass
Chapter Four: Yeti
Chapter Five: Physics Class
Chapter Six: De-tension
Chapter Seven: Stalker
Chapter Eight: The Air Conditioner on Auditorium
Chapter Nine: It's you
Chapter Ten: It doesn't mean we're f-r-i-e-n-d-s
Chapter Eleven: What goes on
Chapter Twelve: Locker #0526
Chapter Thirteen: Who's the Mafia?
Chapter Fourteen: Third wheel
Chapter Fifteen: Chemistry Class
Chapter Sixteen: Sleepover (Part 1)
Chapter Seventeen: Sleepover (Part 2)
Chapter Eighteen: Monday
Chapter Nineteen: Tuesday
Chapter Twenty: Wednesday
Chapter Twenty-one: Thursday (Part 1)
Chapter Twenty-two: Thursday (Part 2)
Chapter Twenty-three: Friday
Chapter Twenty-five: Heejin
Chapter Twenty-six: Troublemakers
Chapter Twenty-seven: Meet-and-Greet
Chapter Twenty-eight: A B C D EFFIN' GOD HECK
Chapter Twenty-nine: Instructor
Chapter Thirty: Stuck in a Daydream and a Nightmare
Chapter Thirty-one: Fallback
Chapter Thirty-two: Ain't Playing No Games
Chapter Thirty-three: It's Official
Chapter Thirty-four: Head over Heels
Chapter Thirty-five: The Game Plan
Chapter Thirty-six: Women In Disguise
Chapter Thirty-seven: Unrevealed Secrets
Chapter Thirty-eight: Fri(e)nemies
Chapter Thirty-nine: "Rehearsal" [M]
Chapter Forty: Even the Coldest Burns
Chapter Forty-one: Wet and Dry
Chapter Forty-two: Unexpected Guests and Bromance
Chapter Forty-three: Undercover
Chapter Forty-four: ILY: I can't Lose You too
Chapter Forty-five: Keep Your Enemies Closer
Chapter Forty-six: She's Not One of Them
Chapter Forty-seven: Join the Cult
Chapter Forty-eight: Confessions [M]
Chapter Forty-nine: Tea and Ghosts
Chapter Fifty: Twisted
Chapter Fifty-one: SHOWCASE
Chapter Fifty-two: Happy Endings are Fairytales
Chapter Fifty-three: Life is A Fairytale
Chapter Fifty-four: Needles and Threads
Chapter Fifty-five: It's You and Me [M]
Chapter Fifty-six: Consequences
Chapter Fifty-seven: First to be the Last
[FINALE] Ice Meets Fire
| XX, A's Thank You Note |
| For my Friends-slash-Readers |

Chapter Twenty-four: Totally Spies

3.2K 156 204
By lilacsonsunflower

Hwang Yeji's POV

Ryujin grabbed my hand as we walked along the park, laughing. I blushed in the sudden contact, but I intertwined them together playing along. She looked at me blushing which made me smirk.

"Did I just made the great Ryujin blush?"

"Stop!" Using her other hand she pinched the skin of my shoulder, I pretended that I was hurt badly and she reacted in instant and said multiple sorry's and tried caressing my shoulder to ease the pain. I laughed loudly which made her glare at me.

"Hey, come back!" I ran towards her and tackled her to the ground. She flipped us over and now she's on top. She swatted the hair out of my face, giggling and she started leaning in. I smiled sweetly at her and she did the same. A few inches more and our lips would touch and bring us to another dynasty-

"YEJI!" I jolted from my bed, falling on my ass. I whined loudly in pain and faked crying. "You didn't have to do that! What the fuck?"

Dahyun pulled me up, chuckling at her humor and said a sorry in a small voice. I made gagging noises. "Idiot." I laughed loudly and she joined me. After awhile she looked at me, a playful smile on her face, "The dream definitely did something." I gaped at her and smacked her with a pillow. "Shut it. It was all just a dream. Not to forget, I'm still in pain because of her. But nothing a little love can fix." I grabbed her and squished her in the bed and made cat sounds while she whined and laughed.

"Anyway, not to break the happy moments, but what are we gonna do with Hyunjin? She's definitely planning something by now. We must be atleast one foot step ahead."

Before I could answer, her cellphone rang. She answered it and a few seconds later, her shoulder slumped down, and looked at me with fear. She ended the call and held both of my shoulders, shaking me.

"I'm gonna tell you something. Promise me, not to freak out?" She pleaded.

I nodded and stared at her dilating eyes.

"Ryujin got beaten." Three words, one name, and it's enough to make me stop breathing. I looked at her in red-blood.

"Okay, you can freak out now." She released me and I stood up and stomped around the room.

"What the fuck? What the fuck? What the freaking fucking fuckery of all fuckers? Do they know who? When? Where? And how the fuck? I swear to God if the stupid motherfucker Hyunjin is behind this I'm gonna f- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Dahyun rushed towards me and pushed me on the couch, afraid I might collapse again.

"I know I asked you to freak out but you really should calm down." She whispered softly which gave me the strength to collect my thoughts.

Jeongyeon's POV

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" I shouted as I scan the features of the beaten Ryujin. I can feel the gas coming out of my ears like a bulldog. I should have went home last night when Yuna was calling my cell but I know that it would be Ryujin so I turned it off. Now, I regret it. Yuna just sat and started shaking when she felt my anger. I closed my fist, preparing myself for what's to come. "The others will be here in a few minutes. I called them over."

"You did what?" Ryujin tried to sit up but the unforgiving pain on her stomach stopped her doing so. I grabbed the ice that's placed on the table and threw it at her in annoyance. Don't get me wrong. I'm not mad at her. I'm mad at the world for turning against us.

"If you're tryna help me, can you atleast be soft for now? I'm literally like dying right now." I sighed and sat beside her, smiling softly. "I'm sorry. I'm just really confused."

"Not as much as confused as I am." She whispered with her eyes closed, thinking maybe I wouldn't hear her. "Ryujin-"

"No, it's fine I get it. Also, you shouldn't have called everyone. Yeji would see me." I smirked at clicked my tongue. This girl obviously likes Yeji but wouldn't let herself fall to another river because she's scared that no one would catch her. I shrugged, dissing her concern.

The door opened and to my shock, everyone entered. "Did you guys rent a fucking coaster?" I exclaimed.

The others shook their heads, while the others went to Ryujin. "We didn't. Jihyo knows how to drive a van so Lisa asked her grandfather if she could borrow it and he approved, and that what brought us here." I noticed Yeji entered last inside the room, eyes quickly diverting from one corner to another probably looking for my sister.

"I appreciate the effort." I hugged Nayeon tightly. She pulled away and brought her palms to my cheeks, smiling at me. "She's gonna be alright." I nodded and kissed her softly, sighing as I felt safe within her touch.

"Enough of the lovey-dovey moments already. Ugh!" Lia jokingly exclaimed, the room felt like the bad spirit was destroyed, everyone chuckled.

"Stop being bitter, Lia. You're just single and have no one to smooch with." Chaeryeong retorted, sticking her tongue out in a childish way, which made Lia look at her with a funny face, earning a few chuckle from us.

"Excuse me? I have Yeji, my baby, my love, my wife." She said proudly and koala hugged her making cringey invisible kisses sounds. I glanced at my sister and saw she's giving Lia a death glare which made me snicker. Yeji pushed her off, dusting herself, and making an "ew" face. The two continued their drama bringing everyone into laughter despite of the reason why they're here. I went beside Ryujin and touched one of her bruises.

"Is it that bad?" She asked.

"No. You're the baddest bitch I've ever known." We chuckled, then Moonbyul, who's wearing a white polo and shorts, came asking Ryujin about her condition. Ryujin responded in ease but I could see that she's having a difficulty whenever she speaks. I asked Moonbyul if she can stop for awhile since Ryujin should take a rest from verbal actions in which she complied.

"Byul, what happened?" I asked her when I noticed that one of her hands have a bandage. She flinched a little and said, "Oh this? I brought my bike at the park yesterday and I fell off." She chuckled and quickly left. In instant my eyes fell down at her legs but there's not a scratch. I frowned and looked at Ryujin who just shrugged. "I didn't know she had a bike." Yuna said which made me nod in agreement.

"Solar unnie! Where were you yesterday? I came to your house at exactly 3PM like what you said to give you this but you weren't there." Jennie said grabbing my attention since everyone is silent and are just using their phones. She gave the plastic bag which I assumed is a cloth inside. "Yeah! I left the house around 12PM since there was an emergency at my auntie's house, I had to go." Jennie nodded in understanding. "Isn't that like a 12-hour trip back and forth like it'll take you half a day to get there and another to go back here?" Solar hummed and scrambled through the plastic. "It was an emergency so I had to." Jennie hummed again and left and went back to her girlfriend.

"Eavesdropping won't do you good." It's Dahyun. She went beside Ryujin asking her how she's doing and giving her what I think is a pain reliever. I smiled at their interaction. I'm really glad I have these supporting friends around me. Momo called for me and asked me to come with her to the kitchen, so I followed, leaving my guests in the bedroom. I entered the kitchen and before she began talking, Lia went inside jumping in fright when she didn't noticed us at first sight.

"Holy mother! Didn't see you guys there. I'm just gonna grab some water but keep talking, go on." After she stopped rambling, Momo looked at me.

"There's something a little sketchy that I couldn't put a finger on."

"I thought I was the only one." I said as I sat at one of the stools.

"It is sketchy. So how bout we start sketching?" Lia popped out of the fridge with a water on her hands and sat in front of us.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember when I said I have a suspect from the backstage?" We nodded. "I think Solar unnie is one of them." She whispered while her eyes wandered around making sure no one was around. Momo and I gasped at her confession. "I'm not kidding. She was the one who requested the song when I asked the dean." We all looked at each other and tried to compensate all the information.

"Are we gonna accuse her just because she requested the song?" Momo whispered.

"That's not all." I muttered and looked at them. We're getting somewhere and this must be a good thing. "I might have accidentally heard Jennie and Solar's conversation awhile ago-"

"You mean eavesdrop?" I gave Lia a glare, making her purse her lips.

"So, Ryujin's incident happened past 3PM. Jennie and Solar were supposed to meet up at Solar's house yesterday at exactly 3PM but Solar wasn't there, when Jennie asked her why, she said she left at around 12PM because ya'know there was an emergency at her auntie's house. Jennie asked her "Isn't that like a 12-hour drive?" and Solar said yeah. WHICH holy sHEET- Did you guys even realized it?" I exclaimed, they looked at me dumbfounded. I groaned.

"If she left at around 12PM and the trip is like a 12-hour drive before you reach the destination and a 12-hour drive to go back, then she shouldn't be here at this town during this ungodly hour which is 8AM? She should be here at least past 12PM."

"Holy fuck." They stopped drinking the water and just sat there with their mouth opened.

"Also, we've seen both of them with a group of other girls everytime something sketchy happens."

"Indeed. Then, we really have a possible suspect in our group. We'll have to tell the others."

"Tell us what?" Dahyun asked and we all got startled making Momo almost fall down on her chair. "Must be a sensitive topic since y'all are jumpy. Let me hear it." So, we told her everything from the top and all of our hypothesis based on the subject.

"Eavesdropping isn't that bad after all." She patted my head like a mother. I rolled my eyes and moved my head so she would stop. "I actually heard your conversation with Moonbyul." She confessed and I was about to tease her about eavesdropping when she put her hands front.

"I knew it was sketchy. So, after I had a talk with your sister. I went to have a conversation with moonbyul. I asked her what happened to her hand, telling her I didn't knew she had a bike and she told me "Now I don't have since I broke it yesterday." and she said she went out past 3PM her neighbor saw her leave the house. She didn't have to tell me that but she did anyway. Also, I mean if the bike broke to the point she won't be able to use it anymore, then she must have had more serious damages. No offense. She even told me she's wearing shorts! For fucks sake? Shorts? You fell? A broken bike you can no longer use? And not a serious injury aside from a bandaged knuckles?" She ranted.

I was about to speak but my brain beat me to it causing to laugh out loud. "You sound like a commercial model!" I grasped the table trying to reduce the harmony of happiness infiltrating my stomach. I began wheezing when three hands slapped me at my back, head, and arm, making me shout in pain.

"I'm tryna be serious but you knocked it out. By now, we have two. Anyone else a little sketchy?" Dahyun asked. Momo and Lia pointed at me in unison. "She's been sketchy since birth." Momo said then the rest of them laughed and I just stared blankly.

Shin Ryujin's POV

It's been hours since they got here but she still haven't looked my way nor talk to me nor ask me how I'm doing. It's making me insane. It made me feel like I've done something really bad. I watch her from afar, she looks okay now, better than yesterday. Despite the circumstance I'm in I want to reach out and ask her what's going on inside the pretty little head of hers. I closed my eyes, my forehead wrinkling as I felt a tinge of pain on my forehead. My head got hit pretty much badly same as my stomach. A warm hand touched both sides of my forehead in a circling pattern, I felt warmth and I opened my eyes.

"Is this okay? Or should I stop?" Yeji asked and I just stared at her like an idiot. Not being able to process the fact that I was just thinking about her awhile ago then I closed my eyes and open it again then she appears right in front of me. She was about to retract her hands when I gulped, forcing myself to speak.

"No. Please stay." My response took her off guard. She hesitated for a moment and started massaging my forehead. "Now, that's better." I whispered as I scanned her face. She's not even wearing a makeup, yet, she still looks breathtaking. Our eyes connected which made me genuinely smile, but pouted as I remember something.

"Did I do something wrong?"

She stopped what she's doing and looked at me. I wanted to grab her hands and put it right back again but I know I couldn't. "You did nothing wrong. It's just the way I am."

I hummed. "To make it fair, this is also the way I am."

She chuckled making me grin. Oh, how I've missed making her smile like that.

"Don't take this the hard way. But, can you please tell me what happened?" She asked sternly. I observed her and her composure changed. She has her guard up like an authorized officer asking about a very tremendous crime.

"I can. Well aside from leaving your house, meeting Chaeryeong outside, I went at the café and I bought mocha frappe and mocha bread-" She snorted which made me smile a little. Remebering the time I treat her there.

"So, I was there sitting alone, then Heejin came up to me-" I saw her body tensed when I mentioned the name, my eyebrows knitting together in response.

"I told her that I was upset since my friends have been acting really strange. When I told her that she started feeling uneasy, she stood up, typing on her phone, and quickly left telling me there was an emergency. Then, I lost my appetite, I took out the food and decided to walk home. I was on the last street when I had to take a detour since there was a road work, and then I entered the alley, then boom. That's where it all happened. What's more confusing was they said it's to send a message. How the fuck am I supposed to know that?" I ranted and quickly looked up only to see Yeji fuming in anger, her fists tightly closed, her nails digging in her palms.

"What were they wearing? How many are they? Do they sound like a boy or a girl? Their heights?" She bombarded me with questions. I squeezed my eyes shut as I try to process everything and answered her.

"Well, one was wearing shorts, the other was some track pants, and the other was some military jumper pants, they were all wearing masks and hoodies though. So basically there were three of them." I coughed as I try to gasp for air. Before I continued I asked her to pass me the water. I tried to take it from her hands but she insisted that she'll do it for me, making me feel a thousand of butterflies erupt in my belly.

"Okay, so next. They didn't really talked but the girl wearing a military pants did and it sounded like a girl. Based from their figures they were all probably girls. When it comes to heights, hmm I guess-" I tried to think of people who can visually represent the height of the figures who tried to kill me.

"I guess one was like Solar unnie's height, the other like Moonbyul unnie's height, and the last one was more of like my height. I'm not sure, it was all a blur." I shrugged.

"Fuck." She whispered and hastily stood up. I watched her as she ran to the door and stopped. She looked back at me and ran again, what I wasn't expecting was she kissed my forehead wishing me to get well soon, then disappearing behind the door. I touched the area she just kissed and blushed. I saw Yuna and Chaeryeong watching from afar who gave me a thumbs up.

Like Oh-Ah 👻

Thanks for readdaeeeng 😽💓

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