Finally Yours: The Sequel | T...

By ratedJG

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Read the first book before reading this. More

• prologue •
• one •
• two •
• three •
• four •
• five •
• six •
• seven •
• eight •
• nine: part one •
• nine: part two •
• ten •
• eleven •
• twelve •
• thirteen •
• fourteen •
• fifteen •
• sixteen •
• seventeen: part one •
• seventeen: part two •
• seventeen: part three •
• eighteen •
• nineteen •
• twenty: part one •
• twenty: part two •
• twenty one •
• twenty two •
• twenty three: part one •
• twenty three: part two •
• twenty four •
• twenty five •
• twenty six •
• twenty seven •
• twenty eight •
• twenty nine •
• thirty •
• thirty one: part one •
• thirty one: part two •
• thirty two: part one •
• thirty two: part two •
• thirty three •
• thirty four •
• thirty five •
• thirty six •
• thirty seven •
• thirty eight •
• thirty nine •
• forty •
• forty one: part one •
• forty one: part two •
• forty two •
• forty three •
• forty four •
• forty five •
• forty six •
• forty seven •
• forty eight •
• forty nine •
• fifty •
• fifty one •
• fifty two •
• fifty three •
• fifty four •
• fifty five: part one •
• fifty five: part two •
• fifty six •
• fifty seven •
• fifty eight •
• fifty nine •
• sixty •
• sixty one •
• sixty two •
• sixty four •
• sixty five •
• sixty six •
• sixty seven: part one •
• sixty seven: part two •
• sixty seven: part three •
• sixty eight •
• sixty nine •
• seventy: part one •
• seventy: part two •
• seventy: part three •
• epilogue •
on to the next... book #3!

• sixty three •

564 18 50
By ratedJG

Monday, March 23

"Hey ladies!"

"Kelendria!" Michelle said cheerfully.


"Sissy!" Bey joined in.

"My BB!"

"Killa Kelzzzz!" Solange sang.

"Solo Star!" I laughed, enjoying all these personalized greetings. "How have y'all been?"

"Girl, it's only day four and the cabin fever is real. I need to be out in these streets." Solange replied.

"Okay I know you like to be a rebel and shit but you better stay that ass in the house for real."

"It's sooo hard though."

"I feel you girl, but it'll be worth it in the end. Bey where your quarantine bae at?"

"His ass sleep. The kids are doing their own thing so it would be the perfect opportunity for us to spend time together but he wanna be a sloth all day."

"It's crazy how much we can relate." I shook my head. "What about you Chelle?"

"I haven't seen Peter since the lockdown started... I hate this, especially since we don't even know how long it's gonna last."

"I think you should sneak a visit, or hell, pack a bunch of shit and go stay with him until all of this is over."

"Dang so she can hit the streets and I can't?" Solo joked.

"See the difference is, she actually has a destination. You wanna go out just to go out." I teased.

"Man whatever."

"How you and Peter been doing anyway, Chelle? I guess this is a rhetorical question cause you been hella MIA from us since you and him started getting serious." Bey smirked.

"We're good, really good. But..." her voice trailed off.

"Uh oh." the three of us said at the same time.

"What? It's not a bad 'but.'"

"But it's still a 'but.'" I pointed out. "What's wrong?"

"I'm kinda scared to say it..."

"Girl say it! It's just us."

"So basically I want to spice up our sex life but I don't know how to initiate it without it seeming like I think the sex is trash, cause it's not. I just wanna try some new things."

"Oop! Solo I think we should excuse ourselves, you know this is Kelly's territory." Bey said.

"You are absolutely right." Solo agreed.

"Man I've had it up to here with you bitches. Always tryna freak shame me." I rolled my eyes. "We've been through this many times. Only difference between me and y'all is I'm more vocal about it."

"Blah blah blah. If you don't hurry up and give Michelle some advice. We're waiting."

"One day y'all will realize- ugh, anyways, Chelle what do you like and what don't you like? I gotta know that first."

"I don't even know where to start." Michelle mumbled.

"Okay... how bout where do y'all be having sex?"

"Um, the bedroom? I mean where else-"

"Aaaand that's one thing right there. See with me, I'm all about spontaneous sex. I be ready to get it on anywhere. Kitchen counter, sofa, staircase, hallway, dresser, shower, backyard, balcony, studio, inside the car, against the car, on top of the car... the list goes on and on. Things are more exciting that way."

"Well damn."

"Try it one day! Just pick a spot in the house and yeah. It should come naturally once you get in the mood."

"I'd be so nervous though. Like how do I even get us comfortable enough to do that?"

"You be sucking his dick?"

She gasped, "Kelly! Why you had to say it like that?"

"What did you want me to say? 'Do YoU pErFoRm FeLLaTiO?'"

"Uh, yeah! That's the proper term!"

"Giiirl bye, you know how I talk." I laughed. "So do you?"

"Not often."

"I- okay well, do he eat you out?"

"Not really..."

"HUH?! Oh nah. Back up, back all the way up."

Now I know not all women are comfortable performing oral sex on their man, that's one thing. But men who don't eat pussy is where I draw the line, I'm sorry.

She cringed, "Is it really as bad as it sounds?"

"Yes." Bey, Solo and I answered.

"Y'all need to step it up in the head department before you try anything else. You won't feel comfortable getting to the other stuff if y'all not even comfortable with that." I said honestly.

"Mmkay... I guess that's the easy part. So Kelly you like random sex, Bey what about you?"

"Hmmm. You could try doing a sexy dance for him before y'all get into it, or y'all could give each other some sexy nicknames. Both of those definitely get the blood flowing."

I stuck my tongue out, "Eeeooow! Peaches has spoken!"

Michelle shook her head, "Oh my heavens. Solo what about you?"

"You're not ready for my answer."

"You can't possibly be more bold than Bey or Kelly."

"Oh yes I can... I love me some ass play."

"Biiiiiiiiitch!" Bey and I yelled at the same time. "Now we're talking!"

"Ass play? I know that's not what I think it is." Michelle said, appalled.

"Dick up the ass, fingers up the ass, tongue up the ass, all that shit." Solo said bluntly. "I fool with butt plugs too."

And they call me the freakiest!!!

"What?! I'm sorry but y'all officially lost me. I would never!" Michelle exclaimed.

"Don't knock it til you try it suhweetie." Solo laughed.

"I don't want nothing near that area except toilet paper, water and a washcloth."

"Tenitra." Bey groaned. "You gon have to be a little more open minded if you really wanna have fun."

"I'm not cut out for y'all type of fun. I guess it's time for me to just accept it."

I shook my head, "No, you and Peter just need to figure each other out more on a physical level. Learn each other's bodies. The sex will be 10 times better once he knows where your weak spots are, where you like to be touched, how you like to be held, how to talk to you while he in it, your favorite positions, the right angles to hit it from so you can c-"

"Aaaalright, that's enough from your horny ass today Kelendria." Bey interrupted. "I'm finna tell you to go take a cold shower in a minute."

Either we gon have to change the subject or I'm gon have to hang up, cause... Whew.


I'm a pretty patient person. I think I've been patient enough.

I was on the phone for over two hours thinking that would be enough time for Trey to be done with the game and he'd be waiting for me to shower him with my love and affection... but no, he's still playing.

So now it's officially time for me to go bother him.

"Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe... Baaaaabe-uhhhhh!" I flicked his ear on that last one.

"Ouch, Kelly damn what's up with you?"

"I'm bored and you not paying me no mind."

"I'm in the middle of something. I'm playing Chris in 2K, best 3 out of 5 and it's close. I needa beat him."

Y'all hear this shit? Grown ass men, mind you.

"Is it really that serious?"

"We're betting on it and he's been tryna cheat me out my money."

"Or maybe you just suck." I mumbled under my breath but he heard me and gave me a straight face.

"You wrong for that."

"Okay, if you're so good then you can afford to take a break."

"Just one more round Kelz and I gotchu."

"That shit's boutta take forever knowing y'all. I hate that I'm even entertaining this right now."

"Where the kids?" he asked, basically ignoring what I just said.

"Both sleep."

"You should get some sleep too."

"I don't wanna sleep Tremaine."

"What you want then?"

If only he could see the mean mug I was giving him right now.

"Chris says hi." he said.

"Tell him I said hang up."

"He heard you. He said no can do."

"Tell him I said 'I wasn't asking nigga.' Say it just like that."

"Kelly, he can hear you."

"Gimme the mic." I tried to reach for his headset but he kept dodging me. "Trey come on!"

"It's almost done babe I promise."

I eventually just gave up on forcing him and decided to go with Plan B instead. If I'm gonna get any type of attention I gotta act like I'm actually interested in what he's interested in.

I came around from behind the sofa and sat next to him, pretending to be focused on the screen. "So how you play this?"

He gave me a side eye, "Trene."

"Damn, why the middle name?"

"Cause you ain't slick."

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just tryna learn." I said innocently. "What you press to shoot the ball? Lemme do one."

"So you can make me lose? Hell naw."

"Boy you was probably gon lose anyway."

He sucked his teeth, "You not gon keep disrespecting my skills like this."

"Then teach me." I climbed into his lap with my back facing him and brought his arms around me so we could both hold the controller.

"Aight so I'm playing as Kobe. He has the ball right now, try to shake the defense so you can make a good shot."

"Uhhh..." I looked down at the controller like it was
a foreign object.

He put his hands on top of mine to help guide me. "Hold this stick while moving that one at the same time. Now press the square, hold it aaand... let go."

I managed to do everything he said even though I didn't understand none of it, and somehow the ball actually went in.

"AYEEEEE. I'm a baller, I'm a baller!" I yelled out while doing a lil twerk in his lap.

He laughed, "Good job. Now give it back."

"Wait but that was kinda fun! Lemme do it again."

"Nah I shouldn't. This nigga already in my ear calling me a cheater for letting you shoot that one."

I scoffed, "Fine, I'll watch."

"You not gon get down?"

I turned my head and looked at him flirtatiously, "Do you want me to get down?"

No answer, like I thought. My real Plan B was about to come into effect.

"Think of me as your good luck charm." I winked then leaned forward and he rested his hands on my lower back as he kept playing. I started slowly grinding up on him, pretending I was readjusting myself.

"You're distracting me."

"What I'm doing?" I asked acting clueless.

"You know what you're doing..." I could feel him rising through his sweats as I continued to rub my ass against his groin. "You boutta get fucked up in a minute."

"F-" he quickly covered my mouth so he could mute himself from Chris cause he already knew I was about to start talking wild.

He rolled up my shirt while still using the controller with his other hand on some multitasking shit. I pulled down my boy shorts and guided his dick into me, biting my bottom lip to stop myself from making noise like I know my loud ass would.

"I'm still muted. Lemme hear you." He smacked my ass hella hard and I let out a yelp. "Good girl."

He leaned all the way back into his seat and I continued to do my thang on him while he was focused on finishing the game, which was honestly fine with me cause the dick was hitting sumn serious from this angle. I didn't mind doing most of the work right now.

"Ohhh shit!" he yelled out of nowhere.

"You cumming?"

He unmuted himself, "That's game! Run me my fucking money nigga! Cashapp, Venmo, Zelle, whichever one comes quicker and gon give me every penny."

I would've been so mad at him for yelling in my ear like that if I wasn't currently trying to get one off.

"Muthafucka!!!" I heard Chris say loud as hell through the headphones.

"Speaking of fucking a mother..." He gripped onto my ass cheek which turned me on even more. "I'm off this shit bruh, I need both my hands right now. I'll hit you later."

He slammed me face down onto the sofa so hard it knocked the damn bun off my head.

"Fuck fuck fuck." I whispered as I felt him slowly enter deep into my guts. A chill went down my spine when he slipped his thumb in my butt. "Mmmmm, yes."

He proceeded to kill my shit with the backshots, not too fast but still hitting my spot real good. I was already about to be sent over the edge and we were just getting started.

"Treyyyyy!" I moaned loudly. He pulled out and flipped me over on my back literally right before I was about to cum. Such a tease.

He tugged at my shirt, "Off, now. You know how I like to see you."

I quickly did what I was told and he licked his lips at the sight in front of him, having his lil fun feeling up on me before sliding back in. He wrapped his hand around my neck then leaned forward to give me a fat wet sloppy nasty ole tongue kiss. Welp, there goes my lipstick.

I locked my legs around him tight so he wouldn't move at all. He had his dick right where I wanted it.

"Oooooh baby it's soooo gooood... I'm bout to- fuckyesohmygawdshit!!!"

I had to take a few moments to recollect myself before I returned the favor. I pushed him backwards then squatted down to my knees and started stroking his dick. I drenched the whole thing with my saliva to get it even more wet than it already was from my pussy juices. My hands twisted up and down the length of it as I worked my magic with my mouth. After a while I took him out, my lips making a "pop" sound and I started jacking him off while looking him dead in the eyes.

"Give it to me daddy." I said seductively, licking and sucking on his balls while my hand was still wrapped around his shaft until he nutted. I caught as much of it as I could and smeared it all over his dick then slurped it all up. He licked his lips as he watched me lick the rest off my hand.

He shook his head in disbelief. "You're fucking filthy."

"And I'm not even done." I straddled his lap and reached for his dick to hold as I lowered myself down onto it.

Social distancing might not be as bad as I thought if it means I can stay home and do this all day.


"I know bubba, I know." I cooed at a very cranky TJ who was crying uncontrollably in my arms right now. "Trey get these heathens away from my baby."

See, TJ gets along with everyone but Trey's dogs are a big no no for him. The nigga knows this good and well, yet for some reason he got them up here playing in the nursery like it's nothing.

"He'll be fine Kelz. He still needs to get used to them that's all."

"Well I'm sure he will one day... but it won't be today, so please."

"Alright you won. Kane, Halo, downstairs."

They scurried they asses out the room and while I thought that would end TJ's cries, it didn't.

"Baby what is it...? You hungry?" I positioned him in front of my chest but he turned his head away. That left one other option.

"Trey can you check if he needs a change?"

"You already holding him."

"Just do it man." I held TJ up in front of him and he made a face and scrunched his nose up.

"Gotdamn, this lil boy eats too much."

"Tell me about it. Anyways, here you go." I said as I handed TJ over to him.

"Wait what?"

"You smelled him, you change him." I shrugged.

"Woooow. You set me up for that one didn't you?"

"Duh, you think I can't tell when his diaper's full? I know my child's cries like the back of my hand." I laughed. "Thanks baby daddy!"

I blew him a kiss and quickly left out the room before he could protest further.

As I'm going down the hall to check on Kiara all I hear is some loud ass music talking bout some "Renegade, renegade, renegade, renegade."

I followed the noise and found her in me and Trey's room dancing in front of her iPad. Once she spotted me she froze.

"Oh, hey mommy!" she said nervously.

"Girl what are you doing and why are you in our room doing it?" I chuckled.

"I'm making a Tik Tok. The lighting in here is better and there's more space."

"You making a who?"

"Are you telling me you don't know what Tik Tok is?!"

"Never heard of it in my life. What is it? Enlighten me."

"It's an app where you can make funny and cool short videos."

"Ah, like Vine?"

"What's that?"

Lord, she be acting so grown sometimes that I forget there's a generational gap between us.

"Never mind. Come show me this Tic Tac business."

"Tik Tok." she corrected, bringing her iPad to me. "Here's my profile."

"Hold up, you made the account yourself?" I mean my baby is smart but she's still only six years old, she ain't supposed to be knowing how to do all that yet. Like damn, next thing you know she'll be texting me and whatnot.

"Nooo silly, daddy made it for me last week." she giggled.

"Oh I was about to say."

"I was gonna make my first video by myself but now I have an even better idea! Me, you, daddy and TJ should do the Something New challenge!"

"The huh?"

"It's easy." She stood in front of me, "We get in line one after another and then go elbow, elbow, shimmy shimmy clap."

"Wait, run that back real quick?"

"It goes 'baby come gimme-' elbow, elbow, shimmy shimmy clap, then you slide out of the way for the next person."

I tried to follow along while she was talking it through.

"Now do you slide out of the way after you clap or while you clap?"

"Mommy it doesn't really matter. You just go with the song." she said, laughing at me.

"I'ma need to hear the song so I can get it right."

"Oh come on, it's sooo easy! Aren't you supposed to be a dancer?"

"Well after I learn a dance I gotta hear the song to match it with the choreography boo."

"Hey you can't use a big word like that on me. I don't know what corey-graphy-whatever means."

"That's what happens when you try to school the teacher." I teased. "So how TJ gon do this?"

"I dunno, one of y'all can hold him and make him do the movements. Be creative."

"Alrighty, let's practice so I can get it down before your dad gets in here. You know how he likes to make fun of me."

"Yaaay, I'm turning my mom into a Tik Toker!"

"Don't get too excited. Ion know about this app, it seems like it's too much."

"You're saying that now but you're gonna be obsessed before you know it."

I laughed, "Just play the song, miss ma'am."


"Alright y'all, I'll answer some questions before I dip."

I've been on IG Live previewing some songs for my fans for the past hour while I've been down here in the studio. I figured I could use all this free time to try to be productive.

"When's the album dropping? Soon as fuck, but I wanna make sure everything's perfect before I give out a date."

"TJ is doing fine, growing fast. He'll be five months this week."

"Shout out to Boston. H-Town. Brooklyn. ATL. Miami."

"Joint album from me and Kelly? Believe it or not we don't really talk about doing music together besides a few collabs here and there. If that's something y'all really want I can talk to her about it after we both drop our solo albums. No promises, but stay tuned."

"Speaking of Kelly, damn I just read five comments in a row asking where she's at. She's around here somewhere, let's go find her shall we?"

I made my way upstairs and saw Kiara playing with the dogs on the main floor.

"Keeks, wanna come say hi?" I called out.

"To who?"

"I'm on live."

"Ooooh!" She ran up to me and snatched my phone from my hands. "Wassup everybody! Queen Kiki in the house."

"Girl you can't even read what they saying."

"Yes I can, meanie." She put the phone up closer to her face as she looked at the comments. "I'm doing good, thanks for asking um... I don't know what your username says sir or ma'am, it's too long."

"Oh my Lord." I laughed, shaking my head. "Where ya momma at?"

"Follow me!"

She led the way upstairs and I noticed Kane and Halo tagging along behind me.

"Nope, outside." I demanded and they ran out to the backyard.

"She's up here somewhere."

As I got closer to our bedroom all I heard was, "I'm a savage. Classy. Bougie. Ratchet."

"No way..." I took the phone from Kiara and flipped the camera to face Kelly, "Y'all, look."

It wasn't until she turned her head that she saw us standing there, and she screamed.

"We caught youuuuuu!" Kiara started cracking up. "Daddy I told her earlier she was gonna become obsessed with Tik Tok and now look!"

Meanwhile TJ was in here sitting in his bouncer staring blankly at Kelly like he was just over this whole thing. That's how I know she was probably in here practicing for a minute.

"When did y'all get here?! Are you recording me?!" She shouted when she noticed me holding my phone up.

"Even better, I'm on live."

"What?! You put me on blast in front of how many people?!"

I laughed, "I don't think you wanna know the number."


"Chill Kelz, they're saying you killed it."

"I got the coolest mom ever! I know they jealous." Kiara said.

"I'm so embarrassed," Kelly groaned, "but tell em I said thank you."

"Here, you can tell them yourself. They've been asking for you."

"Awww, little ole me?" She took my phone, "Hi babies! I won't hold y'all too long, I just wanna send my love. This is a trying time for all of us, some more than others but just know that Trey and I hold y'all in our hearts and minds. We're looking to help out and give back any way that we can. Hopefully this will all be over soon. If you're feeling overwhelmed, try journaling or meditating. That's what I do and it's been helping me a lot-"

"I thought you said you wasn't gon hold them too long." I interrupted jokingly.

"Boyyyy you lucky I can't curse in front of the kids." she said, cutting her eyes at me. "Anyways, y'all please stay safe, stay strong, and wash ya flippin hands."

"And follow me on Tik Tok! KiaraNeverson17 thank you."

"Might as well plug mine in too. KellyRowlandxo." She winked into the camera before handing the phone back to me.

"Alright y'all, lemme go kick it with these crazies. Goodnight."


Yes, two chapters in one day 🤗 I'm trying to make up for all the slow updates 😭

S/O to sosghjkl2 for this chapter idea. It was fun to write lol 💗💗💗

Thanks for reading guys 😘 hope y'all are staying safe!!!!!!!!

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