
By Spottedleaf07

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Lily Potter is eleven years old. She has been patiently waiting for her turn to go to Hogwarts. But there are... More

5 years later
Diagon Alley
Hogwarts Express disaster
Sorting Ceremony
Morning feast and escaped beasts
Potions and Choices
Flying class
Library and the plotter
Defense Against the Dark Arts Drama
Mysterious walls
Night falls and Morning calls
Kreacher Brawls
Herbology and Answering
Truth revealed and Transfiguration take two
Lashing out and Missing instructor
Finding and Seeking
Quidditch 1
Unexpected development and encounter
The Worst Mistake
The confrontation
The tryouts
Author's note
Practice and Distraction
The Quidditch match
Teddy's Big Secret
Problem in the forest
Problem in the forest part 2
The secrets and the big plan
Unknown letters
Memories hurt
Another A/N
Christmas on the way
Secrets revealed
Back again
Caught Red-handed
Probably last A/N
Prepare for Battle
The battle
The burial
The end
Last A/N

Break comes to a close

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By Spottedleaf07

The rest of the break went back quickly as they had to clean up the mess.
'If you guys need a break let me know and I'll explain to Ginny. She's been very understanding.' Teddy thought to Lily which she whispered into Ly's ear.
'Today should be the last day we feel pain if separated maybe tomorrow.'
'I know.' Lily yawned.
'Go rest. You've been pushing yourself to hard over this.' Teddy and Ly both thought at her.
'I have to. Its what dad expects. He's never gone too easy on me. I don't want him to start now.'
'Lil, you know if you hurt Ly's gonna hurt and then Harry's gonna get mad.'
'Ugh. Alright.' She leaned towards Ly.
"Room." She whispered. He nodded and followed her.
"Where are you two going?" Harry asked.
'Pretend to support me. Just do it.'
"He's taking her to lie down. She almost passed out."
"Okay." He moved to the next room. Ly guided her to her bed and sat at her feet.
"I know your worried but its two days after. You can stay in control. Come here please." He gave in and crawled over to her.
"I'm just always worried about how in control I am. I just feel that side taking over when I'm around you, I just... I just give in too easily."
"You remind me of Teddy after the thing happened. He said almost the exact same thing. Its okay. You wanna know the reason I don't break apart from you?"
"That side of me is what's in control. I can't unless you move. I try to fight but like you said I give in. That's part of the reason it's so hard for you. The other side of you knows I can't fight back so it tries to take over and its harder to fight. I should be apologizing."
"Oh, I had no idea."
"I'm used to hiding any signs of that side. But around you I feel safe enough that small signs of that side show which causes your side to act out." She rambled.
'Go lock the door please.' She then thought. He did and sat back beside her. He felt her wanting for him and knew better than to fight. Their lips met and ended up laying down. Tension grew as more lust overcame him. He knew he couldn't give in because she wasn't able to say anything. He tried to break but he felt sharp pain as soon as he did. She gasped softly. He let the other side take partial control. Time passed but they were so lost they didn't know or care.
"Lil, we need to stop." She winced as she pulled away.
"You're right. I'm sorry. I gave in again. I can't help it."
"Relax. You were also right. I was in more control this time. We better head back down."
"We need to wait a little."
"Why?" She pulled the mirror off her nightstand. His light green eyes were closer to Lily's natural eye color.
"Look at my eyes." She said. He caught his breath. Her eyes were so dark that they appeared almost a black green.
"Yeah. That's the one thing that no one knows about yet except Teddy, of course."
"Okay, what should we do?"
"Look at the time. Its already four. That means all the mums are cooking. They always have."
"That doesn't answer my question."
"Practice, I guess." She handed him his wand.
"How'd you?"
"What can I say? I'm a skilled pickpocket."
"That you are." They sat a foot apart to avoid pain but also avoid any more loss of control.
"Its time for dinner." Audrey called.
"Coming, aunt Audrey."
"I forgot which Weasley brother she's married to."
"Uncle Percy, Ly."
"Okay, thanks. I will probably forget again."
"Oh, I know." They both ran down the stairs.
"You guys seem better." Al joked. He pulled Lily aside. "You both reek of hormones by the way. Just so you know." He whispered silently laughing.
"Only you and Teddy can smell that so shut up." She hissed back. She sat down in between Ly, who was beside Lorcan, and James, who was beside Ginny.
"It smells amazing." Arthur complimented.
"Thank you." The moms replied collectively. They ate everything and said their goodbyes.
"I convinced Ginny to let you two share a room for tonight. You're welcome. I'm not gonna say anything because I trust you guys."
"Thanks, Teddy. See you at Hogwarts."
"Alright." Lily hugged him. He walked out the door and the parents sighed.
"Kids, go on up. Its ten. We have to get up early. Make sure your trunks are packed." Neville said tiredly. "I have to leave. Love you." He hugged his wife and kids.
"Love you, dad." Frankie said. He stepped out of the barrier and apparated to Hogsmeade.
"Up to bed." Luna repeated. Ginny nodded at Lysander and Lily. They walked to her room.
"Not gonna say it." James said.
"Good." Ly shut the door and saw Lily had already quickly changed.
"How do girls do that?" He asked perplexed.
"Well it does help I'm used to it so I can hide my scars."
"True. I'm tired. Lets go to sleep." She curled up against him. He purred quietly and soon they both fell asleep.
"Who said you two could share a bed much less a room?" Harry said, loudly and angrily.
"Mum, did. Now hush before you startle him awake. I can wake him up. Go wake up the boys."
"Watch your tone." He walked out the room. Lily leaned towards Ly and kissed him softly.
"Come on love. We have to get going."
"Don't wanna." He replied grumpily.
"Get up or no more kisses today."
"Ugh." He grudgingly got out of the bed. She walked over to him.
"Good boy." She said jokingly before kissing him. She pulled away no matter how much her instincts screamed to stay there. They went and grabbed their trunks.
"How'd you sleep?" Ginny asked them.
"Good. Thank you."
"Teddy told about everything and as long as you two don't do anything across the line, I am fine. I will talk to your mom and see what we can do. We don't want to see you two in pain."
"Mum, its only times around the full moon. That's to say two to three days before until two to three days after."
"Okay. I'm going to go help your father. Can you two handle making some toast and eggs?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Please call me Ginny, Ly."
"Lets get started shall we." She took out the bread and put it into the toaster.
"I, uh, I don't know how to make eggs." He said sheepishly.
"Come here. Let me show you." After one failed egg, Lysander got the hang of it. Lily finished the toast and walked back over to him.
"Good job, love." She laid her head on his shoulder.
"Thanks. You want to finish the eggs, don't you?"
"Noo, you can do it."
"Come here." He pulled her to in front of him and handed her the spatula. He placed his hands on her hips. He bent forward and kissed her head.
"You two need to stop." Lorcan laughed.
"Let them be." Frank whacked him in the back of the head. Lorcan jumped on his brother's back and tackled him.
"Boys, not in the kitchen please." Luna came in.
"Yes, mom." Frank got up and gently shoved Lorcan away.
"How are you two this morning?"
"Good, thanks Luna. I am very sorry for growling at you on Christmas."
"Lily, its okay sweetie. I know it wasn't on purpose. "
"Lets eat and head out." Ginny said pushing Harry and the boys out the hallway.

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