A Convenient Wife - A Norman...

By cantgettosleep

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Semi-mature. Completed. There is such a thing as being too 'eligible' a bachelor and Norman is finding the pr... More

Chapter 1 - Something Old
Chapter 2 - Something New
Chapter 3 - From This Day Forward
Chapter 4 - Forever Hold Your Peace
Chapter 5 - We Are Gathered Here Today
Chapter 6 - Speak Now Or....
Chapter 7 - We Give Thanks
Chapter 8 - Something Blue
Chapter 9 - My Solemn Vow
Chapter 10 - Dearly Beloved
Chapter 11 - This Man And This Woman
Chapter 12 - Holy Matrimony!
Chapter 13 - Will You Honour Her?
Chapter 14 - I Pledge Thee My Troth
Chapter 15 - This Glorious Union
Chapter 16 - For Richer Or Poorer
Chapter 17 - For Better
Chapter 18 - I Now Declare You
Chapter 19 - Forsaking All Others
Chapter 20 - Something Borrowed
Chapter 21 - To Have And To Hold
Chapter 22 - Or Worse
Chapter 23 - Do You, Finleigh Yindi Killara Take....
Chapter 24 - With This Ring, I Thee Wed
Chapter 25 - Husband and Wife
Chapter 26 - I Present To You, Mr and Mrs....
Chapter 27 - To Love
Chapter 28 - And To Cherish
Chapter 29 - This Day And Forevermore
Chapter 30 - A Symbol Of My Promise To You
Chapter 31 - Wear It And Think Of Me
Chapter 32 - With All That I Am
Chapter 33 - With All That I Have
Chapter 34 - In Sickness
Chapter 35 - And In Hell....I Mean Health
Chapter 36 - I Choose You
Chapter 37 - With My Body....I Thee Worship
Chapter 38 - This Circle Is Without End
Chapter 39 - I Share With You....
Chapter 40 - All My Earthly Goods
Chapter 41 - Do You Take....
Chapter 42 - Do Us Part?
Chapter 43 - My Heart Will Be Your Shelter
Chapter 44 - Until Death
Chapter 46 - Constant Friend and Partner
Chapter 47 - My Words Are My Truth
Chapter 48 - Do You, Norman Mark Reedus

Chapter 45 - Repeat After Me

223 29 1
By cantgettosleep


"Hey, Fig? Don't look like you've lost your touch. How many of dem 'Merican fellas you do this to while you was over there, cuz?"

My eyes roll yet I can't help but smile. I've missed hearing my old nickname  🥰

Smudge chuckled then released the rope holding the young bull. We've separated some to castrate and they'll be returning to the main herd for a couple more years.

He's Uncle Ngarra's eldest son and is training hard to eventually take over as stock boss one day. Just about all of Kami's side of our family live and work here on the station.

Grampy might've started it. Only it basically belongs to everyone now....is home to all our mob. And there's a lot of us  😁

I've missed all my rellies heaps, but Smudgy and I have always been close. Probably because we're the only two cousins who've spent time away from home. To study and work.

Though everyone has welcomed me back with open arms as if I've never even been away.

Was glad of his nonstop gossip, questions and teasing over the last few days. It's as if he knows that I need to take my mind off other things?

"Not nearly as many as I should've, Smudgy....Yeeeeouch! "

I rub my wrist and wince when the release bar rattles furiously under my hand. Feckin little bugger has given the cage a hearty kick before breaking free.

Can't blame him I s'pose? I'd be pissed as hell too, if I had balls and someone just snipped them.

The old tummy, head and ribs have healed completely in the months since the crash. But every now and then my wrist gives me curry if I jar it too hard. Over the last couple of days, it's been a bit more than every now and then  😫


Uncle Ngarra yelled my name over the cacophony of mooing that surrounded us. He rode up and hooked his walkie-talkie back onto the saddle before dismounting.

I'm confused, as he's leading Alinta. And she's loaded up with my swag kit.

"You'll go now to Erindah Spring, niece. Caleb will take over here"  His abrupt order confuses both me and his son.

"What's up, Dad? Why does Fig need to...."  Smudge was interrupted.

"Ceremony tonight. Yindi can't be here. Erindah is far enough away, she can come back tomorrow. Off!"

"News to me"  Smudgy muttered to my raised eyebrows while I mounted Linty.

Then he yelled after my departing back.

"See ya tomorrow then I s'pose, Fig. And have a bath while you're there, cos ya smell like a bushpig! Hey....everyone was thinking it. All I did was say it, cuz."

I've learnt to love my middle finger. It's always sticking up for me.


My little croon of bliss as I lay back in the warm water is obliterated by the thunk of the helicopter. When it passes high overhead.

Must be bringing in more blokes for tonight's get-together, I'm guessing?

Erindah has always been a favourite camping hidey-hole for Smudgy, his sister Pye and me since we were kids.

Icy cold spring water gushes out of a chink high in the cliff walls. Then melds with the hot artesian water that seeps up into the pool below. And if you find just the right spot like I have? You got yourself a nice warm little bathtub to soak in.

'He was right'  I admit to myself grudgingly. I've got a fair bit of a pong going on after a few days of sweating under the sun. My pores are chock full of fine red dust and dried-out cattle poo.

The little gorge is surrounded by a strand of Red Ash trees and I've picked a heap of leaves. When crushed and mixed with water? They create a natural soapy lather that's excellent for bush baths and clothes washing.

I drape my laundered clothes over some bushes to dry. Dig out some clean undies and a singlet from my bag. Set up my swag then gather some wood for a fire later tonight. Cos it's bound to be a cold one yet again.

My makeshift overnight camp is now all set up.

Linty is happily grazing on some bush grass that's sprouted up after recent rains. So I find a comfy spot under the shade of some trees and park my butt on a bed of leaves for a spell.

Start to make a little mental list of what I need to do once I get back to Georgia:

1.  Collect Eye and cuddle the hell out of him;

2.  Barricade your....his  bedroom door so you can't go in and smother yourself to death in his pillows;

3.  Drink responsibly and remember to eat. Chocolate....lots and lots of chocolate;

4.  Stop crying;

5.  Dispose of the note you left;

6.  Stop feckin crying already!;

7.  Go and see Mel;

8.  Something or other....;

9.  Tell the hospital you won't be coming back;


11.  Take the clothes to Goodwill yourself and put out the trash for recycling. Don't forget your bike helmet;

12.  Something, something....blahblahfeckinsomethingblah.

Half my mind wandered off and the other half got lost when it went searching for it.

Tried my hardest not to let my eyes close, except it's about five days past my bedtime by now. My lids totally ignore all the death threats I throw at them and roll their way down.

And like the movies that Grampy used to project on the back porch every Saturday night? My own little horror flick made its merry way to the big screen.

You know the one? Where the leading lady is cornered. Trapped by the crazed killer who's wielding the knife that'll stab her over and over again in her heart. All the while chanting....

"Love you, Fin. God....how I love you...."

Blahblahfeckinsomethingblah  😭


"What is it, Linty?"

I'm startled awake by her growing whinnies. She stepped over my bare legs, starting a little dance as her head shook.

In the distance is a gathering cloud of dust. Isn't a willy-willy as there seems to be a central core to it.

And it's moving bloody fast....straight towards us.

I can just make out the horse and now the rider. Isn't one of my cousins, too light-skinned to be one of them.

A Pale Rider....

Has Clint Eastwood found his way to Yampilil? No....he's Kami's leading fantasy man. Not mine.

And besides, Clint wouldn't be wearing a baseball cap and sunnies? Toting a bulging backpack, along with a canvas duffle and a neon orange chiller bag strapped to the saddle?

He'd also be riding tall and proud, glancing around without a care in the world. Cigar clenched between his teeth.

Not doubled over and holding on for grim death. Arms frantically clasping his galloping steeds neck while his bum jackhammers up and down in the saddle.

My sleep-addled eyes grow bigger and an inwards suck of shocked breath strangles itself in my throat. When what has to be a mirage gets closer....

....and closer....

....and closer.

Fluffy drew to a sudden, snorting halt and the figure atop him slid inelegantly down his shoulder. Landing face first in the dirt at my feet.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyoufuckinghellthankfuck....I'm alive...."  He kissed the red earth reverently like the Pope does.

Well, almost. Don't think the Pope groans blissfully....or Frenches the ground below his lips?


His hand flew up into the air and a single finger wags frantically my way. Shutting me up instantly as he staggers to his feet. Still hunched over and dragging great lungfuls of air into his heaving chest.


"Might forget some things but I've never forgotten that vow"  He gasped then straightened up gingerly.

Face terrified yet at the same time absolutely furious. He turned his serial killer glare on me.




Fluffy blew the horsey version of a raspberry at us. Norman leapt aside before he got trampled by lover boy, who seemed just as desperate to get to the side of his girl.

He lay his neck tenderly against Linty's and started to nicker as he nibbled her withers. They both wandered away to smooch and drink from another spring pond.

Norman on the other hand, looks as if he's dying to lay his hand repeatedly across my bare backside while reading me the riot act????

Speaking of backsides....

"Ummmm, Norman? I know you said horses scare you shitless. But I never thought you meant it....literally?"  I whisper.

He followed my stunned gaze. The hand that wipes over the hem of his leather jacket down to his black denim-clad bum....comes away dripping. Liberally coated in a brown, rainbow-spotted sludge.

"Awwww FUCK!  The fucking freckles have melted!"

Say what?

"Norman, a freckle is to Australians what a brown-eye is to Americans. Please tell me you don't really mean...."

"Shit NO!  I meant the freckles....your freckles Skip. The ones I bought for you at the airport candy store. The ones you never got to buy with your birthday money from Unc."

"Got a carrot for your horse too. From one of them juice places that....Awwww dammit! "

He shrugged off his backpack. Tugged out a bundle of bubble wrap that's oozing liquid chocolatey goodness absolutely everywhere.

My knees wobble and my backside slumps to the ground. A mere millisecond before my face screws up onto itself, gob opening in a banshee wail.

"You bought me....a freckle"  My sobs are now teetering on the hysterical.

Norman dumped everything. Quickly wiped his hands before planting himself next to me and wrapping me up.

"Well of course I did. Nearly a dozen actually, uber-huge ones too. Baby, please don't cry. I'll get you some more when we fly home, I swear."

Oh deary, deary me. That just made me lose it altogether.

"YOU ALSO SWORE THAT YOU LOVED ME TOO....YOU GOMBEEN! Don't feckin lie to a woman about chocolate as well, Norman. Or you will die!"

"Already did, Fin...."  He whispered, huge tears running down his face now,

"....when I came home and found these."

He reached into his bag once more, pulling out a splattered envelope and upending it. Shreds of paper blow around us in the slight breeze along with the note I left him.

Then he snatched up a card and wiped it on his jeans. Handed it over to me along with some choc smeared printouts.

"It's the divorce papers. Got so caught up in all my stupid surprise plans that I forgot to cancel it, Skip. I was such a feckin eejit. I'm so....so sorry. I've already given your folks their invites and tickets."

"I never lied, sweetheart. I love you. Love you more than my stupid fucking life! "

"Was always the truth, always will be...."

He keeps talking. But in my ears, his voice is getting fainter and fainter while I shuffle through the documents.

A wedding invitation, to our  wedding? And return plane tickets from Georgia to Australia? Booked last year?

Please marry me....again? Infinity?

Oh, Fin. You total....utter....OH NOOOO!  😱

When I read the invite again my knees draw up to my chest and I wrap my arms around them. Bury my mortified face deep and weep harder than ever.

"Fin, baby please stop crying"  He begged again, holding onto me tight.

"Ccccan't help it. It's too late"  I whimper piteously.

"Too late? Why sweetheart? Do you mean the divorce? I've cancelled all that, the pre-nup....everything. What're you talking about, Skip?"

"It's already April, Daggy!"

"So?"  The fearful confusion is loud and clear in his voice.


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