Daughter of a trickster God (...

By EsmyRiley345

196K 4K 738

Davina is the daughter of Loki, Goddess of fire and virtue, granddaughter of Odin, niece of Thor and Princess... More

The start
Finding out
Who is she?
Why help?
Warning to the so called King
My scepter
Shopping ambush
What to do for fun
Rocket and Groot
Lunch visit from Kol
Found you
A week later
First date
Frigga's visit
All about an Asgardian
Nurse Davina
Work together
Girl fight
Dramatic birth
Sent away
Kol's Steamy visit
Attention caught
Battle of New York
Dinner is served
3 weeks of bliss later
Sweet phone call
Turning up the heat
Long lost sister
Tale of Dahlia
Loki's arrival
Books for you
Pairing for Rebekah
Welcome home (sort of)
Date night
Meant to be
Banner and Stark's visit
Pay back prank
Make you talk
Dahlia attacks
Flerken + the tesseract + A Koloki talk
Ice bath
Damn those witches
Don't mess with this mama
What now?
Avengers visit
Moving time
Family dinner
Unexpected Arrival
To Asgard
Meeting Odin
Dinner and a tour
The Christening
I am yours
One month later
Going on a date
Car sex
New story
More information
The next morning

Marry me

865 17 7
By EsmyRiley345

Here's a new chapter, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I feel like this story is going down hill and nobody's liking it even though you all vote everytime which is nice but I like getting comments too as it lets me know you're enjoying the story. Anyway I don't want to waste time rambling on so read on and enjoy.

Continues from previous chapter...

Kol's pov

After a silent twenty minute car drive, we arrive at the restaurant where I made reservations for our date. I booked a table for outside on the porch which I bought out for the night so there won't be any interruptions except for when the waiter comes to take our orders and bring food and drinks but that's it.

"Well this looks fancy" Davina comments as she steps out the car when I open the door for her "only the best for my girl" I respond taking her hand in mine making her blush "you spoil me" she replies making me shrug as we make our way to the entrance of the restaurant. "I like spoiling you" I respond kissing her cheek before I open the door "after you darling" I say stepping aside and doing a little bow making her giggle "what a gentlemen" she says as she waltzes through the door, swaying her hips as she passes me. I smirk as I follow after her, cheekily grasping her bum with my hand making her shriek and giggle as we reach the podium earning looks of disapproval from all the snobby people currently seated. Good job we're not sitting inside and that I rented out the whole of outside. 

"Hello, how may I help you?" a male host asks in a posh tone looking a bit like a butler "yes, I made a reservation for tonight" I respond "name please?" he asks "Mikaelson" I respond he scans the list in front of him. "Ah yes, here you are sir. Table for 2 Mikaelson, follow me" he says grabbing two menus and turning on his heal.

Me and Davina follow after him, ignoring the gazes from the other customers "what is she wearing? She doesn't belong at a place like this" "I bet she's a prostitute or one of those sugar babies and he's paying her for pleasure and company. What a gold digger" I hear two women comment in a hush tone. I instantly send a glare their way causing their eyes to widen as I purposely make my vampire eyes appear which probably made them piss themselves. 

"Wait, I recognise her. She was one of those heroes that stopped those aliens from taking over Earth" I hear another woman say "I don't think that was genuine. I think that whole thing was staged by the government you know like a conspiracy theory" I hear a man comment making me scowl so I turn and glare at them, showing my full vampire face making them practically crap themselves as the colour drains from their faces and they shrink back in their seats. Good that's what they get for trash talking about my goddess girlfriend.

Me and Davina eventually reach outside "here is your table sir" the host says handing us the menus "it's lovely out here" Davina comments as we sit down at the nice table which has a dimly lit candle and some red rose petals scattered around on the floor and on the table giving it a calm but romantic vibe "thank you but your boyfriend arranged all this" he replies making Davina's eyes widen and she turned to me as he walked away. "You organised all this?" she asks "yeah, I did. I also booked out this area so we could be alone" I respond "aw you didn't have to go to all that trouble" she replies "I wanted too. This is the first time we're able to go out and be alone in months with everything that has gone on" I respond making her nod. "Yeah it has been a while" she replies biting her lip "yeah it has. I mean the last time we went on a date was before Gideon was born" I respond "oh I remember" she replies with a small smile gracing her lovely rosy lips.

"Now let's look through this menu. You can have whatever you want, tonight is on me" I respond making her smile widen "okay" she replies there's a little sparkle in her eyes from the candle and the fairy lights that are strung up above us making her look even more breathtaking. 

"Have I ever told you. I love your eyes? They're so pretty and unique, one minute they're blue the next they're green and sometimes they're orange like the sunset" I say making her blush "did you just bring me out here to compliment my eyes?" she asks with a teasing smile "no, I brought you out here to spoil you and have you to myself for a few hours before we return home to our son" I respond making her smile and bite her lip. "Well spoil me away" she replies tilting her head to the side causing the lights to shine against her skin making her glow slightly. "Oh I will" I respond sending her a wink before looking at the menu in front of me.

"The lamb dish sounds quite nice" she comments "I agree" I respond as a waiter walks up to us "good evening sir and madam. I'm Richard and I'll be your waiter for today. What drinks can I get for you?" he asks "I'll just have a water please" Davina replies "just water? No wine? We have the best wine here" he replies "oh no thank you. I have a baby to feed so I don't drink" Davina replies the waiters eyes instantly trail down to her chest making me clench my jaw. "Very well. Now what drink would you like sir?" he asks turning to look at me "I'll have a glass of your best bourbon please" I respond giving him a fake smile. 

"Okay, one water and one bourbon. Are you two ready to order?" he asks "yes, we'll both have the lamb please" I respond "good choice" he replies as he writes our order down on his notepad. "Would you like anything else?" he asks "no, thank you. That will be all" Davina replies handing him the menus "very well. Your meals will be brought to you very shortly" he replies his gaze solely on Davina making me narrow my eyes. 

"Okay Richard you can bog off now" I say giving him a glare making him scamper away making me smirk. "What was that about?"  Davina asks confused "did you not notice?" I ask "notice what?" she asks "he was staring at you" I respond "so?" she replies shrugging her shoulders "when you mentioned having a baby that you feed he looked at your chest and right then when he should've been on his way to hand in our order he just stared at you" I explain "well I didn't notice and you shouldn't let it get to you. This is suppose to be about us, don't make it about some waiter who we won't even see again after tonight" she replies making me sigh. "You're right, I'm sorry. I just hated the way he looked at you, it just got me mad" I respond she smiles and reaches across the table, grabbing my hands. "It's okay, now let's forget about it and talk about something else" she responds I rub circles on her knuckles before lifting one up and placing a kiss on it.


Richard comes back with our drinks "here's your water and here's your bourbon" he says as he places the drinks on the table "thank you" Davina replies giving him a small nod before turning back to me. "Could I get you anything else?" he asks staring at Davina "no thank you" Davina replies waving him off making him huff and walk away in disappointment making me smirk. "Wipe that smirk off your face" Davina says making me look at her "what?" I ask feigning innocence making her giggle "you know what" she replies "he was so hoping that you would ask for something else and that it would be something that wasn't quite on the menu" I respond "and what would that be?" she asks "him, he wants you I could see it in his eyes" I respond "well I don't want him. He's just a waiter while you on the other hand are my soul mate and the only man I want" she replies making me smirk "yeah too right I am" I respond cockily wiggling my eyebrows making her giggle and shake her head causing her eyes to squint making them light up.

"And you are mine, all mine" I say making her smile and bite her lip "yeah I am" she replies as she picks up her glass of water and brings it to her lips to take a sip and as she does, she peers at me with a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "You know what? I'm gonna move a bit closer" I say scooting my chair round the table a bit so I'm closer to her "why'd you move closer?" she asks "I like being closer to you" I respond placing one of my hands on top of hers giving it a squeeze.

"Okay, so what do you have planned after we're done here or are we just going straight home?" she asks "I have somewhere else in mind for us to go after we're finished here but it all depends" I respond "depends on what?" she asks "it depends on how well this date goes" I respond placing my other hand on her leg and trailing it up her thigh causing her to bite her lip. "Well I have a feeling it will go well" she replies "me too" I respond moving my hand further up her thigh making her shift in her chair and she gently slaps my hand "hands off until after dinner" she says playfully making me chuckle "oh I plan to have all hands on deck after dinner" I respond huskily with a smirk as I give her a wink making her smirk. "Oh I bet you will" she replies biting her lip making me chuckle.

I bring my hand up to one side of her face and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear as I lean forward and press my lips against hers. She instantly relaxes and responds to the kiss, moving her lips in sync with mine. I move my hand to the nape of her neck, rubbing the line of her jaw with my thumb as she tilts her head slightly to the side.

She brings one hand up and cups my cheek as I deepen the kiss making it a bit more intense and I can feel myself start to get a bit excited causing my pants to tighten as a result and I feel this sudden rush of hunger in my body causing me to kiss her harder and more passionately making her moan slightly. 

I move my other hand to her waist and go to loop my arm around her waist but I hear the sound of footsteps approaching causing me to pull away to see Richard the waiter arriving with our meals. I glimpse at Davina to find her smoothing down her hair and her lips are a bit puffy from our little heated kissing session making me smirk.

"Your food sir and madam" Richard says as he reaches us and starts placing our food down on the table "thank you" Davina replies giving him a small smile. "Would you like anything else?" he asks "no thanks mate. We're good now sod off" I respond giving him a sarcastic wave as he huffs and walks away. Davina tuts beside me and gently hits my arm making me chuckle "Kol don't be rude" she says trying to be serious but fails as a smirk tugs at the corner of her lips. "He was killing the vibe darling" I respond making her laugh as I wrap one of my arms around her to pull her to me to plant a kiss on her cheek before removing my arm from around her so I can eat.

"Hmm this smells good" Davina hums looking at her food "it does but do you want to know a little secret?" I ask "what?" she asks "you smell better" I respond with a cheeky smirk making her giggle "stop it, you're so cheeky tonight" she replies making me chuckle "where do you think our son gets it from?" I retort "oh lord so help me I'm in trouble" she teases in a dramatic tone making me laugh and kiss her on the nose before we start eating our food before it goes cold because we're too busy flirting.




1 hour later...

We've just finished a chocolate fudge cake which we shared instead of getting one to ourselves. I'm now getting very nervous as I'm about to propose to her and I don't know how it's gonna go down like I know she loves me and we're soulmates but what if she says no because she thinks it's too soon or she's not ready for marriage. What if she doesn't want to get married? Maybe I shouldn't propose tonight? No if I don't Rebekah will kill me.

I clear my throat and take a deep breath before standing up making Davina frown "Kol what's wrong?" she asks "nothing love. I just have something to say" I respond biting my lip "okay, what is it?" she asks turning her body round so she's facing me giving me all of her attention. 

"So I've been wanting to do this a while back but things happened that got in the way and I wanted to wait for the right moment because I'm only going to do this once and I want it to be perfect just like you. Davina you came into my life when I least expected it, well I found you really but from the moment I first saw you I thought you were an angel and I needed an angel. You turned my world upside down in the best way possible and you became the very angel I needed" I say slowly getting on my knees grabbing one of her shaky hands as tears fill her eyes. 

"When I found out we were soulmates, I couldn't believe it because no way was it possible for such a beautiful, strong and compassionate woman to be mine. I don't know who or what decided that I was worthy and deserving enough to be your soul mate but I'm beyond grateful because I bloody adore you and you are fucking incredible" I say making her giggle through her tears as she tries not to let them spill. 

"You have changed my life for the better. You gave me a wonderful son, a son I never thought I'd have but you are proof that dreams can come true" I say kissing her knuckle before I reach into my pocket pulling out the little black box containing the ring I got "I got this a few months ago, it was that day me and Rebekah went out jewelry shopping. It wasn't really to help her pick out some new earrings, she was helping me pick out the perfect ring...so Davina Lokidottir will you marry me?" I ask as I open the box revealing the ring which is gold with a light blue diamond to match the colour of her eyes.

(The ring)

Davina has a hand over her mouth with tears streaming down her face as she slowly nods "y-yes" she whispers sniffling a little as she moves her hand away from her mouth. I take the ring out of the box and gently slid it onto her finger. I stand up and gently pull her up, wrapping my arms around her waist before swinging her around making her giggle right before I kiss her passionately, cupping her face in my hands. I put her down as she kisses back, moving her hands up my chest to the nape of my neck. I feel her tears wet my cheeks but I don't care. I'm so damn happy right now.

She pulls me closer to her allowing me to feel her body warmth which radiates against mine. I run my hands down her body, holding her tight trying to keep the warmth between us plus I love feeling her body against mine. It's quite arousing if I'm being honest plus I have the strong urge to rip her dress off.

Davina suddenly pulls back and our eyes lock allowing us to see the love and lust in each others eyes "do you wanna head out of here?" she asks her eyes flicker to my lips "yes, I do" I respond "we should get the bill?" she suggests nodding to the table "ah, I'll just leave money on the table. I'm not waiting for the damn bill, I've got other things to do" I respond pulling my wallet out and slapping $300 on the table before grabbing Davina's hand and pulling her along making her giggle as we rush through the restaurant.

"Hey, stop! You forgot to pay your bill" Richard the waiter says appearing in front of us "yeah sorry about that. Me and my fiancee are kind of in a hurry so I just put some money on the table" I respond "oh but you don't know how much your meal cost?" he asks making me shrug "I put $300 on the table so that should cover it and if it's over the amount then just keep the change. Now excuse me I have to make love to my fiancee" I say making Davina giggle behind me as we move past him. We earn ourselves some dirty looks from snooty people in the restaurant but we don't take any notice.

We reach the door and I hold it open for Davina "after you darling" I say with a charming grin "why thank you sir" she replies in a posh tone doing a little bow as she begins to walk past me out the door and I quickly look around the restaurant to make sure nobody's looking before smacking her ass making her shriek and swat at my hand making me chuckle as I begin chasing her around the parking lot towards the car. 

End of chapter

Davina and Kol are now engaged. The night doesn't end there for them, there will be an extra part just for you lot and it will be a dirty one. What did you think of Kol's proposal? Kol's one flirty bugger isn't he? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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