𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫...

By cloudpuffss

118K 5.3K 1.5K

After coming back from being exiled, Princess Lee Sun-Mi returns to face an ugly secret that turns her world... More

Characters ~ Main only
CH. 1 ~ Unexpected Guests
CH. 2 ~ The Ball
CH. 3 ~ Escape Pt. 1
CH. 4 ~ Escape Pt. 2
CH. 5 ~ Trust
CH. 6 ~ Friends
CH. 7 ~ Test
CH. 8 ~ Problems
CH. 9 ~ Island
CH. 10 ~ People
CH. 11 ~ Aunt Bina
CH. 12 ~ Trail
CH. 13 ~ Choi San
CH. 14 ~ Sweet dreams
CH. 15 ~ Festival
CH. 16 ~ Incident
CH. 17 ~ Decision
CH. 18 ~ Battle masters
Announcement ~ Not an update
CH. 19 ~ An Acquaintance's Message
CH. 20 ~ Roommate
CH. 21 ~ Talk
CH. 22 ~ The Botanist Pt. 1
CH. 23 ~ The Botanist Pt. 2
CH. 24 ~ Gallows
CH. 25 ~ Secret
CH. 26 ~ Bad Omen
CH. 27 ~ Encounter
CH. 28 ~ Pain
CH. 29 ~ Jailbreak
CH. 30 ~ News
CH. 31 ~ Stranded
CH.32 ~ Gifts
CH. 33 ~ Peace Offering
CH. 34 ~ Reunited
CH. 35 ~ My Truth
CH. 36 ~ Training
CH. 37 ~ Home Sweet Home
CH. 38 ~ Jealousy
CH. 39 ~ Obssessed
CH. 40 ~ Dilemma
CH. 41~ Catch up
CH. 42 ~ Denial
CH. 43 ~ Stargazing
CH. 44 ~ Invasion of Thoughts
CH. 45 ~ More Than Friends
CH. 46 ~ Farewell
CH. 47 ~ A Royal Attack
CH. 48 ~ Recover
CH. 49 ~ Life at Sea
CH. 50 ~ Isle of the Lost
CH. 51 ~ Found Out
CH. 52 ~ Chaos
CH. 53 ~ Betrayal
CH. 54 ~ Showdown
CH. 55 ~ Attempt at Saving
CH. 56 ~ Aftermath
CH. 57 ~ The Captains' Meeting
CH. 58 ~ Assurance
CH. 59 ~ Nightmares
CH. 60 ~ Company
CH. 61 ~ Feelings
CH. 62 ~ Set in Motion
CH. 63 ~ Attack on Eohithra
CH. 64 ~ Battle of Fists
CH. 65 ~ Battle of Minds
CH. 66 ~ Battle of Words
Epilogue ~ Waking Up
Sneak Peak!! (Gemini)

Prologue ~ Arrival

5.8K 130 64
By cloudpuffss

A/N: So this is my intro just to get you all settled in on the story. I'm sorry if it's not very interesting but I promise the action starts in the next chapter so please give me a shot. ATEEZ will not show up in this chapter just yet we're taking things slow. Thank you!


It's been years. Three years to be exact. Three years since she's seen her family and friends in Eohithra. Her homeland.


"Sun-Mi?... SUN-MI!" I'm brought out of my thoughts and back into the carriage transporting me home. I look around the tiny compartment I'm in to see the source that's calling my name. It's my brother, Mark Lee; his dirty blonde hair, neatly combed to the side.

"Hm?" I respond not knowing what else to say.

"You seem lost, is all," he replies. I take a deep breath and give him a reassuring nod to tell him I'm ok. We're currently riding in a small carriage probably driven by a horse or two. It's all black and only a curtain separates my view from the outside world, one I'm not sure I want to see. "You know, we missed you," Mark speaks up to keep the conversation going. It's been a while since I've seen him so it's a tad bit awkward.

"I'm sure you did," I comment bitterly. After all, who would miss the misfit princess? He leans forward to take my hand in his. There isn't much room in here so he isn't overexerting himself. I grab his hand and he gives me a warm smile while turning to look out the window.

"Look there are so many dolphins today!" he exclaims. His eyes lighting up like a little toddler marveling at fireworks for the first time.

"Don't you see this every day?" I laugh.

"It's still cool!" he rebuttals

"You're so immature," I mutter under my breath, but he hears me.

"HEY! That's not nice take it back!" he whines. I roll my eyes, hearing a knock on the window behind me just to see that it's the driver checking up on us. Waving him off, I turn back around while looking down at my hands. I slide my fingers over the enigmatic characters inscribed on my inner wrist that have started to burn and I'm not sure why. It hasn't happened before.

(You can imagine them however you want this is just to show where they're placed.)



"What's it like? Back at home. How much has changed? Why do they want me back now?" I ask. He sighs looking away from me.

"Since the incident, everyone's been in disarray and confusion. The kingdom hasn't settled down. We were gonna bring you back last year, but she decided to give you another year. She still hates you, Sun-Mi. She always has and I can't-- and I won't-- forgive myself for what happened or what they've done to you. They unjustly blamed you and I'm scared you're gonna--"

"Mark, hey, it's ok.  I'm--We're gonna be okay. Trust me, just tell me how everyone's doing." I grip his hand tighter and give a little squeeze. He squeezes back and after recomposing he continues.

"Everyone's been making assumptions and gossip has been highly increasing since they announced your arrival a couple of days ago. Donghyuk and Jooheon are looking forward to you coming back home although Jooheon might not show it. So is Baekhyun, Ten, your maids, and your lady companion. Ji-Eun... not so much."

"Well, it looks like I'm wanted. To a certain extent." I nod gladly.

"What? Who wants you?" he snickers.


"Pfffft! Sure. You're just looking forward to seeing Taehyung." he mocks in a suggestive tone while raising his eyebrows. I glare at him but it doesn't hide the color rushing to my cheeks. "OooOoO, She's blushing!"

"Shut up! Oh my goodness! Everyone will find out!" I yell at him as I bury my face in my hands. I freeze as it soon strikes me like a cricket ball at 9 mph. 

How do I look?

"Mark, How do I look?" I say bringing out the mirror in my purse to check my reflection.

"Like Dog crap. That's what you look like," he says sitting back in his chair. I stomp on his foot as hard as I can with my heel. "Ow!" he yells. I study my reflection looking for any flaw that I might have. Normally, I wouldn't care, but I am seeing a certain someone to whom I need to look impeccable. I wasn't feeling too royal today so I opted for a more natural look. My baby-blue hair was collected into a neat bun that wasn't too tight or too loose. Some hair strands adorned my face making me look a bit more mellow than regal. With a slight bit of blush to add color to my cheeks and lip gloss on my heart-shaped lips, I look at myself a bit longer, staring at my rich ocean blue eyes.

"Sun-Mi you look great. You always do. Now put that mirror do--,"

"My dear royals, We have arrived." The driver interrupts while pulling up to the courtyard at the entrance to the castle. I forgot what home had looked like that it had struck me as alien when I glanced out the window. When the driver stops in front of the entrance,  I catch a group of people standing there.

"Remember to smile," Mark whispers as he gets out first meanwhile I straighten out my dress. He reaches out for me so I grab his hand and follow suit. Once I'm out I fix my shawl and bow ever so slightly for the people waiting for me, keeping my face hidden behind my fan. I can feel multiple pairs of eyes on me, so I keep my arm in Mark's as reassurance that I'll be safe, but I still feel something weird in the pit of my stomach.

"Look at us when you greet us, child." A voice chides from the people gathered around me. I bring my fan down and lift my head to see so many familiar faces. I make eye contact with the source of the voice only to find my nana staring intensely at me. I hear a small gasp here and there followed by a comment on my appearance. Did I really change that much? "Oh, Dear, you look ever so beautiful!" My nana exclaims as she stretches out her hands to grab my face. I flinch at the contact and grip Mark tighter.

"Thanks, Nana," I say as she studies my features. It stays in that awkward silence until a loud cough clears it.

"You know there are more who would like to welcome Sun-Mi home, right?" I look away from nana to see Dong-hyuck balancing on the balls of his feet. Nana scowls, muttering something about people not having any more respect for their elders as she backs off giving room for others to greet me. Right after she moves everyone steps in and swarms around me shouting greetings and compliments.

"There she is!" I hear Dong-hyuck exclaim as he takes a step closer to hug me, his dark-silver hair blowing in the wind. Before he does, Mark steps in front and blocks his path.

"She isn't feeling too well and she does have to face a certain someone. Give her some time to readjust and then you can disturb her all you want." I sigh, not exactly ready to make physical contact with everyone yet, and silently thank Mark. Everyone makes way for me to head inside. Some butlers take my luggage and my purse to my room, leaving me with nothing but my black and white fan. While distracted, Nana grabs my arm, tugging me inside a bit harshly.


Once inside the palace, I see all the servants and maids bustling and running hastily up and down the corridors. In the transition between Nana grabbing me and hoisting me inside, I let go of Mark. Now, I know I have more than one brother, three to be exact, but Dong-hyuck and Jooheon aren't as close to me as Mark.

"Oh, my dear Sun-Mi, you were always so beautiful, but look at you. You're stunning, divine, enticing! Any man would beg to be yours. I wish I had your beauty but... here I am. Not so much of a beauty." Nana starts to rant.

"Nana," I giggle, "You don't have to exaggerate." She stops in her tracks and looks at me with a scolding look.

"Don't degrade what you are. You are by far the most beautiful thing I have seen. As if sculpted by a god. You have your mother's looks. You know every man that's laid eyes on her wanted her-"

"I know." I interrupt bitterly. "I know what they wanted with her."

"Dearie, you know I resent what those men did to you, but you can't let them control you." She consoles. I look down at my hands again fiddling with the fan. Nana steps in and grabs my chin caringly while tilting my head up. "Just lift your head high and smile. Soon, all will be forgotten. Don't fret, love." I nod and she continues to lead me down the corridors to my old room.

When I step inside it's like I unlocked an old memory that had been stored away and forgotten. I take in the deep blue colored walls with elegant gold designs covering them like outgrown vines. The room is huge and spacious with a bed in the middle, pressed against the back wall. Huge windows on either side of the bed lead to an outdoor balcony. I look around at the furniture and walk over to a creme-colored drawer with tiny porcelain figures on it. I set down my fan while I pick up a brush on the drawer with intricate golden designs. I set it back down and look into the mirror attached to the drawer. I study my reflection again. I guess you could say I am pretty. But that's it. That's all I am and will ever be to men. A pretty lump of flesh. Not a woman. Not a person. Nana steps inside and walks over to where I'm studying the objects on display on the drawer.

"Sun-Mi? It's time for you to take a bath. Your father wants you in the Throne room. There are visitors here to see you. Very important ones. Your warm bath is set. I'll get your clothes for you. If you need anything let me know," with that she turns around and heads into another room attached to mine which I suppose is my closet. I make my way into the bathroom; a huge tub with bubbles and rose petals waiting for me at the center. There's a long window across from it that lets in light but conceals me just enough in case of any wandering eyes. I strip down and set my dress aside while I step into the tub.

Once I've bathed and refreshed, I cover myself with a towel, walking into my bedroom again and notice a beautiful baby blue dress waiting for me.

While walking out, my wrist starts to flare up in pain as if someone were slowly taking it apart and re-assembling it. The pain spreads from my wrist to my back in a short span. I take two more steps but then a wave of nausea and shortness of breath overwhelms me. I gasp loudly when the pain becomes unbearable and a timid-looking girl shuffles into the room.

"Your highness?" she gives me a puzzled look, rushing over to my side once she takes in the state I'm in. She helps me over to the edge of my bed but just as soon as the pain came, it went away. I look up at the girl with furrowed rows and remember who it is.

"Irene, it's been so long! And what's with your highness?" I exclaim pulling her into my embrace. When I pull away, her rich brown eyes stare back at me in happiness and worry.

"Sun-Mi, Are you all right you looked like you were in pain, and I'm sorry but the Queen said that I have to start calling you that since you're no longer a girl." I roll my eyes at her response.

"Oh, I'm fine it was just a little... panic attack, besides, I want you to call me Sun-Mi when we're alone," I shrug it off and she nods, worry still evident in her eyes, "Now help me get into this dress."


After minutes that seemed to drag on for an eternity of arguing, we decided that I'd have to wear a corset. It took forever to tighten it to the right size, but it was all in the name of tinier waists and suffocation. We settled on no makeup since everyone is dead set on me being the most beautiful being to live *cue the eye roll*. My hair was pulled back into two dutch braids going halfway, leaving some hair strands out to adorn my face. My light blue heels clicked on the tiled floor as I followed Irene into the Throne Room.

The throne room is this huge meeting space where important people come to decide on the kingdom's treaties and proposals. It can also be considered as a courtroom since most rulings with capital offenses are treated here. When I enter, The King and Queen sit on their respective thrones waiting, while my brothers and sister chatter at the foot of their thrones, oldest to youngest. My half-brothers are on my father's side and my half-sister at the Queen's side. They have changed into more formal clothing which I suppose means that the visitor must be of utmost importance. All fall silent when I enter the room. To anyone else, the sight must seem majestic, godly almost. But to me, all I see is a liar and a traitor sitting on thrones that should belong to someone else. My sister, or half-sister, eyes me suspiciously, clearly under the Queen's lies and influence.

Unfortunately for me, the Queen has always hated me. Way to go, mom! But it's not like I care, the only problem is that when things go bad, I'm the scapegoat.

My cousin Baek-Hyun and My beloved Taehyung stand off to the right. I make eye contact with Taehyung who smirks at me, his dark brown hues never ceasing to amaze me, and instantly I long for him and his touch. To the left, stands a man that looks to be in his late forties, finely dressed and accompanied by a boy not much older than me.

"Daughter, please join us." My father says as he motions the guards to let me through. They hesitate at first but then let me pass. I lift my head as I make my way to the Queen and Ji-Eun when my father calls out. "Please take your place at the center and greet our guests." I turn to the mysterious man and bow, flashing a brilliant smile. When I turn to look at the king and queen they give me a nod of approval.

"Your Majesty, I, Sir Oh of Illoriant, am here on a proposal from Queen Lee herself. I bring with me my son, Oh Sehun, on behalf of Illoriant. It was the Queen's request." The man in his late forties speaks up, bowing deeply to the King and Queen. My father stays silent and it is the Queen who speaks up.

"Rise, Sir Oh, I have called you here today, as well as many more, to celebrate my daughter's return." The Queen speaks with such poise and elegance. I could never. "I requested you here to discuss matters at hand with your kingdom and ours and to settle a disagreement. Hopefully, with this marriage, we can unite our kingdoms in peace and prosperity." At that, my heart falls in my chest, and I turn wide-eyed to Taehyung. He seems to feel the same way because while everyone is applauding we don't lose eye-contact. Everyone is applauding except for the few that know about my relationship with Taehyung.

I look back at the man and to my father, who is resisting the urge to look at me in the eye. If he won't speak out, I will.

"I deeply apologize for this intrusion, but may I ask, What marriage are we talking about here?" The Queen eyes me for a moment before she speaks up.

"Oh, silly me, I forgot to tell you. Your father and I decided to marry you to the second richest Kingdom on this land. Lee Sun-Mi, you will be marrying Oh Sehun. The heir to the kingdom of Illoriant." I scoff indignantly.

"Me? The daughter you sent off to some random place and forgot about over the past three years? How is that even fair?!" I start to rant tightening my fists.

"Sweety, life isn't fair and it--"

"NO!" I interrupt the queen, "I will not be the object of peace for your stupid kingdoms. There are treaties for that. It is not my fault your malice and desires break those oaths. Father, Don't I have a say in what happens to me?" The queen laughs rudely, almost cackles, and looks at me with pitying eyes.

"Oh, Darling, An object is all you are. Why else would we have let those men do what they did to you?" She snickers. Everyone's head is turned away from me. I freeze up and become unable to talk. I open my mouth in defense but nothing comes out. My body feels like lead and I take a step back to steady myself but the pressure builds up and soon everything around me turns black. She hit right at the center of my insecurities. As my anger boils so does the seal on my wrist, and for a moment I see it light up. Before I can say anything in response, the king orders Baekhyun, Taehyung, and the new visitor to escort me out of the room. I leave, hearing the queen complain about how rebellious I've become.

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