Dinotrux one-shot (Requests a...

By caliba3

31K 504 241

I'm just doing this for my Dinotrux fans. More

Requests are open
Ty Rux x Female! reader (fluff)
Ton ton x Female! reader (Fluff)
Ty Rux x Female! reader (Fluff)
Dozer x Female! reader (Fluff)
Dinotrux x Female! reader
D structs x Female! reader (Smut)
Revvit x reader (Fluff)
Ace x Male! reader
"Relaxation" Waldo x Female! Reader
"Fun Ball" Ton ton x Female! reader
"Guardian Angel" Scrap it x Female! reader
"Anger Issued" Dozer x Female! reader
"Some trux never change" Ty x Female! reader
"Big sister's protection" D struts x Sister! reader
Face reveal!!!
"The Creeps" Ton ton x Female! reader (Smut)
"I'm nuts about (Y/n)!" Skya x Male! reader (Smut)
"Ain't 2 Hot To Handle" Revvit x Female! reader (Smut)
"Building Special Memories " D stroy x reader x D structs
"Bit by a Love Bug" Scrap it x Female! Reader
"Cuddles" Revvit x Female! Reader
"My Munchkin" Ton ton x Shy! Female! reader
"Insecurity" D structs x reader
"My Protecter" D structs x Depressed! Human reader
"She's Mine!" D stroy x Paris x D structs
"I'm here for you" Garby x female! reader
"It's alright" Ty x Leila (oc)
"Life or death..." Revvit x adventurous! reader
"Thank you for your support!" Ty x Revvit
"Can I steal her from you?" Dozer x Silvera (oc)
Guys, please watch out...
"Bodyguard" D story x Kudio (oc)
"Break ups and make ups..." Ty x Paris (OC)
"Protection mode... activated" D stroy x Kudio

"My Scaredy Cat" Click Clack x Female! reader

814 14 4
By caliba3

This is requested byHarperLittleTurtle11


Warning: Includes rape... but it is based on a true story that happened here in Belize. Don't worry, I'm not gonna describe the rape part... trust me.

(Y/n) is a rather anxious Reptool. You know, plagued by fears and superstitions-even the slightest surprises can cause her to faint. However, after befriending the Dinotrux-notably Ton ton the Ankylodump -she began to find the courage to do things that made her scared or uncomfortable. Though she remains timid and irrationally fearful at times, Click Clack has also found ways that she could cope, such as making her a "panic room" and filling it with bright lights. You loved being in bright, warm rooms. While (Y/n) does suffer from paranoia, it does give her a good sense of the danger that she and her friends face. Click Clack have a excellent feeling of fear, so he's the one who would try to calm you down. Interestingly, (Y/n)'s almost perpetual fear has at times proved an asset, enabling her to make connections that her less timid companions were unable to make without her. She has also demonstrated moments of impressive bravery in times of crisis, as at time goes by she becomes quicker and quicker to aid her friends in conflict in. Let's get into the story.
(Y/n) was in the garage as you sat by the window. You hated outside. It just scares you. You drifted off to sleep before hearing someone drove in.
"Hey, (Y/n). Wanna go on a scrap run?" Ty asked you.
"Sure." You stuttered.
You hopped on Ty's head as you went. 

After the scrap run...

You were glued onto Ty's head the entire journey. Then a bright light catch your eyes. A flashing light. (Y/n) gasped with excitement as she snuck off Ty and went chasing after the light

Few hours later

You finally caught up to the light. It was a Light Bug.

 You looked around to see that you were lost. You started to panic as you tried retraced your steps. (Y/n) was too scared to think straight. (Y/n) started to walk around before her mind started to play tricks on her. The night is cold and damp. You can hear the wind howling around the trees; hear thick and heavy raindrops pummeling the leaves. Inside you felt your blood went cold. The flashing moon gives off a soft and comfortable light. Colorful images flash before your eyes as the wolf howled in a low like murmur. You gulped with your eyes fixed in front of you. Suddenly you whip around. You have seen something moving out of the corner of your eye. But there's no one there. And how can there be? After all, you are alone in the forest. Well, not for long...  You started to hear cackling. (Y/n) whimpered as she back away. It continued as it got closer and closer to you.
"Get out will you still can!" A voice roared. 
(Y/n) screamed with fear, running the opposite direction. 
"Why, why, why???" You asked yourself as you continued.

With the others

Click Clack look for his beloved friend as he started to panic. 
"Guys, where's (Y/n)?" He asked the others.
"She must be hiding as usual. It is stormy tonight." Dozer replied.
"Have you check in her panic room? She would always hide in there." Ty asked him.
"No. She's not in there. I checked the entire garage, she's not here."
Click Clack looked outside as a thunder boomed.
"Please don't tell me we left (Y/n) behind." Skya gulped.
They all looked at each other before rushing out into the rain.

Back with (Y/n)

The trees started to look familiar. You were heading back home. (Y/n) smiled before being pulled back by your back leg and yanked her harshly. (Y/n) wasn't budging. With one rough tug, (Y/n) went plunging back into the consuming darkness, only leaving her what useless claw marks behind. 

With the others

"(Y/n)!!!" Click Clack called out.
No reply.
"(Y/n)!! Where are you?" Ty shouted.
Dozer heard a familiar whimper. Dozer went towards it until he found the now fear filled (Y/n).
"Guys, I found her." He called out to the others.
Revvit and Click Clack came rushing in to check on her. (Y/n) was jumped by scraptools again. Most of her bits were missing, her paint was severely scratched, dented, her paint seems to look a little pale as for her horror filled eyes refused to look anywhere else other from the floor.
"(Y/n)!!" Click Clack called out as she jumped and scampered away.
(Y/n) poked her head out, trembling. She refuse to say a word. Click Clack made the first move and hugged her. You were shocked but you hugged back. He led you back to the garage as she immediately went into her panic room and sobbed. The others started to get troubled about your condition. (Y/n) struggle to even speak to anyone. This happen for a few days before you had a talk with Click Clack.
"(Y/n)? Do you want to come out?" He asked, shakily.
"N-no." You whimpered.
"Do you want to talk about what happened the other night?"
You made eye contact with the reptool before looking away quickly. Click Clack jumped in and sat beside you.
"What happened last night?" He asked softly.
"I g-got jumped b-by Scrapt-tools." You stuttered with fear.
"Go on."
"And they..." You stopped your sentence and gulped.
"What did they do to you, (Y/n)?" Click Clack asked you sternly.
"They raped me." You muttered.
Click Clack didn't respond but he went and hug you. (Y/n) shivered at his touch but started to enjoy every minute of it. The two of you eventually fell asleep. 

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