Marry The Beast (BAKUGOU KATS...


151K 3.8K 1.3K

Sparks of Love ignite as you and Bakugo journey into the life of heroes with the thrill of fighting villains... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33

Chapter 34

1.1K 33 7

All For One and Y/n trade powerful blows which has the ground shaking. The fight is intense but the sound of laughter can be heard.

"Hahaha! Feeling tired already Beast? You know you cant beat me like that!"

Y/n is panting hard and sweating profusely. She seems out of breath as she tries to keep up with All For One.

"Shut up! Im not done with you!"
DammitMy body is getting exhausted. I still dont have complete control over my quirk. Keep yourself together y/n, you cant lose control here. Y/n keeps reminding herself internally but her body was saying otherwise.

"Heh!  I know how much that quirk of yours takes a toll on your body. The senses and the power fighting within you to claim control over your body! Now! Give yourself up to the power if you want to beat me! Let the power consume you!"

"I said shut up!" y/n lunges an attack on All for One with her fist but he easily grabs it and throws her into the ground.

"Finally losing it are we! Your attacks are becoming more and more rash. Here lemme tell you something, Your mom and I worked together. She was young but ambitious. We were so close, almost like lovers!"

Y/n flies off the ground, directly launching an attack at All for One who simply dodges her and conterattacks her instead.

" Did you give up already? Your attacks are becoming futile. Your mother wouldn't be proud of you right now, afterall, I do know her inside out"

"Why cant you just shut up already! Dont talk about my mom so casually after actually killing her, you monster!"

"Arent you the monster here? And as much as I hated it, I had to kill her. It was absolutely necessary. Afterall, I put my faith and trust in her, keeping her close, revealing my plans and dreams to her, but she goes on to fall in love with a hero, get married and have a child!? I just couldn't let that go can I?"

Y/n was slowly starting to lose herself more and more. She grew horns which were only growing longer with every passing minute.

All For One noticed it and continued to verbally attack Y/n while keeping up with her attacks.

"That fated day, I decided to finally pay your family a visit as a little surprise. However, that was not possible with your mom as she had already realized it and had you hidden away. She had stayed back to prevent me from finding you, so I gave her a chance to come back to me and work for me, but she refused it, so I Killed Them Both! Hahaha! It was such a great moment! Seeing their face in agony, suffering in pain as they eventually reached their death!"

That was the trigger. Y/n lost it.

All for One continues, "I'd have killed you too! Unless that All Might didn't intervene. I received such huge damage from him that I had to go into hiding. However I recovered and came back to cause chaos and pain for the world only to know that All Might had become weaker because of my damage dealt on his chest. Things just couldn't get any better for me! Hahahah"

Not only were y/n's parents brutally killed, the murderer was right infront of her sprouting more shits about his evil deeds, trying to harm his new found family and friends. Y/n had completely lost control over her body and her powers released taking control over her entire senses. Her wings grew majestically big and darker, her horns and fangs were longer than ever, and her eyes were now both transformed completely to the likes of something never seen before, something really dark and sinister. Blood flowed out of her eyes as she now carried a killing intent for All For One.

The two clashed powerfully once again, only this time, All for one was the one finding it hard to keep up. It was not only faster but the impact of the trading blows was so powerful it felt like the entire earth was trembling and quivering before the two.

As the ground shook wildly with the growing intensity of the fight, a figure stood firm on the ground looking up at the fight in disbelief.

"Just what the fuck is going on here! My eyes cant even keep up!" Bakugo who had just appeared at the fight scene was so taken aback by what was infront of him, he couldnt find the will to even move.

I knew something wasn't right! My heart was uneasy all this time, because something awful was happening here. N/n has lost it! I need to get her back to her senses, its not too late! But my feet wont move.... Move! Move! Move! Move your damned feet Katsuki! Move before she falls deeper into the dark and is consumed by her power! You can do this! Do this for her! Bring her back before its too late!


Next chapter in another 2-3 days!!!
And somehow, I'v made All For One kinda OP too, like more OP than in the anime, because I wanted it to be that way to balance out the changes iv made in the book. Hope you enjoy and I'll keep updating after my works are done hopefully! Thank y'all and I love my readers!

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