Blind Faith (Book 1)

Door ZaneDavidC

1.3K 147 118

Ash tries to escape his troubled past and start again in a new city. Only for the truth to drag him into an a... Meer

Gods Hand
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 23

17 2 0
Door ZaneDavidC



"Hey, Ashley?"

He came around to stare straight into the terrifying gaze of a face inches from his, with two white fires for eyes. He cried out in horror and closed them again, unable to move as something pinned him to the floor.

"Ah, sorry, sorry," said Aimee, "It's okay now, you can open them."

Ash risked a glance and this time saw Aimee's huge grey eyes and an expression of deep concern. She blinked as he blinked, in recognition as they stared into each other's eyes for a moment. He raised a hand to his chest, to ensure it still beat and noted Aimee had also done the same. He peered back into her eyes and saw them glisten with fresh tears.

Did she feel it too?

"Can you grip my hand, are you able to stand?" she asked not giving him the chance to respond, tugging him to his feet. The momentum pulled him in close, making him stagger against her, and for the briefest of seconds, he leaned into the side of her neck and long main of hair. What struck him instantly was the warm earthy scent, of forests and nature, with a subtle wharf of amber. A welcoming aroma he did not expect.

"Wh...what happened?" he asked as Aimee brushed past to pick up and straighten his fallen chair, easing him back into it, her face grim and mouth set in a thin line. For the first time, Ash thought he saw genuine concern in her eyes.

For him or her?

"You fell off your chair and lay on the floor eyes closed for a second or two and..." She suddenly peered up at him and something passed across her gaze like she knew more than she was letting on.

"We felt an energy surge...from you," she finished, her voice hesitant and careful.

A second or two? Energy surge?

"What in Raphael's name was that Ashley!?" exclaimed Emma her eyes glowing with green fire, peering over the shoulder of Father David, who barred her way to him, his eyes the same.

"Settle down priestess," he said to Emma, turning back to Ash. "We all felt it, but what it was, I do not know." His eyes winked out and changed back, however narrowing as if he saw Ash for the first time.

If only I knew what it was I was supposed to have done...

The Raphael monk next to Emma also appeared shaken up by the incident, pale slim hands gripped the top of Father David's chair. As if seeing Ash's gaze upon them, the Monk slipped them back in the sleeves and stood erect again. The shadow within the hood remained a dark veil, hiding the face, but Ash was sure he could see a green fiery glow of eyes within.

Ash peered after the other Monks, each continuing to hide their faces, leaving only the trademark glows of their eyes. Blue in the darkness of the Gabriel Monk and the Yellow of the Uriel Monk. Ash's arms tingled and goose bumps flowed throughout his body.

Can I feel their anger? Or when they change their eyes to fire?

Everyone's gaze was coloured fire, Anna and Jayne's blue, even Tiff, who was being held back by Rogers, were golden fire. Rogers and Father Thomas were the only ones not to change, not that Ash knew if Rogers was one of them. But Father Thomas grinned at Ash, his eyes sparkling in appreciation.

They all felt threatened by whatever I did...

There was a tingling sensation on Ash's leg, he noticed Aimee's hand touching his knee, as she knelt next to him. She caught him staring at her hand and quickly removed it, climbing to her feet and casually strolling back to her original position at the fireplace. She kept her gaze low and to the floor, though Ash noted the reddish tint of her cheeks.

"Well?" said Father Thomas, his voice high with a hint of excitement.

Ash looked to the High Priest and wondered for a moment if he was expecting an explanation for his sudden collapse. Ash was not sure how he could explain his vision, dream, or whatever the hell it was. Melissa's actions in the dream puzzled him. However, it helped him to make up his mind. He would do it for her and his mum.

He looked at Emma, who peered at him grimly, her eyes back to their original state but glistening as if she knew what he was about to do, as did Aimee who surprisingly smiled encouragingly at him. Maybe it was the determination in his jaw or a glint in his eye.

"I will fight." He blurted out. "I will fight with you."

A choice, but it is my choice, my fight, mine...

He surprised himself at how steady his voice sounded and how he was able to look Father David in the eye, unflinching from his emerald gaze. Did he see a smile slip on that stone expression?

"So there it is! We have a new student, willing to join us in our Holy cause," said, Father Thomas. He appeared to be happy with Ash's decision. The bald Monk beamed like a proud father and Ash couldn't help, but returned his smile.

"Yes...yes, I will," he replied. It was as if those last words lifted an enormous weight off his shoulders. A weight until now he did not know he even carried. The crystal around his neck agreed with his decision, instantly cooling against his skin.

Safe, he was finally safe...

"It's all settled then, he will start his studies tomorrow." Father Thomas moved and took Ash's hand and gave it a frantic shake.

"Welcome aboard my son, I am sure you will do fine. Rogers can you-"

Father David's cough interrupted Thomas who turned, gesturing for Rogers to stop.

"If I may?" said the bearded monk.

"Yes...yes my friend, please do," Thomas replied gesturing to Rogers to return to his station. Both monks nodded to each other respectfully, though Father David waited until Father Thomas was seated before moving to the centre of the room, a little further away from the fire than where Thomas had stood.

Ash had caught the tension between the Monks. Ash suspected there wasn't a friendship, just a form of respect. They both just endured each other. Ash thought he caught something else in their brief but heated stare, there was history between them.

Father David cleared his throat a second time, his eyes narrowing, probing deep within Ash's, searching deep within.

"Let's not be premature Thomas, it surprises me how readily you accept him...someone of his history, his nature into your home without understanding his true actions." Ash felt a chill run down his back and his stomach twisted painfully.

What was he talking about?

When David turned to face Ash, Thomas snarled behind his back, confirming Ash's suspicions. Father David did not seem to notice.

His nature? My nature? What does that mean?

"Now you have made your decision, why should we accept you, how can you even consider yourself worthy of the honour, let alone believe you can be of any real use to us?"

Ash was stunned, he had not expected a refusal, and Father David was the one who gave him the idea in the first place. He did not know what to say. Father David's imposing presence didn't help, towering over everyone in the room. He was a big man, not quite as tall as Leon but close and just as wide, powerfully built, his movement fluid and purposeful.

"Good...I can see it in your eyes; I can feel your fear, your anxiety. You should not make your decision so lightly boy." His tone was a knife into Ash's heart.

"You do not have a clue. But a babe in a pit of snakes. All your life you have been protected by the Order, keeping you safe, safe to live a normal life. You do not know how much blood has been lost at your expense! For what? For a promise? For faith?" His voice rose, trying to force his words into Ash, his eyes ignited and consumed, becoming green fire again.

Ash felt himself edging away into his seat, cowering from the High Priest's hostility, the crystal responding instantly in warning, burning against his skin. But also ignited something deep within him, a new inner resolve. He trembled as his skin burned and his skin crawled as tiny pinpricks flushed throughout his body. He gripped the arms of the chair rests until his hands turn white with strain as Father David continued advancing closer.

"I have lost many a soldier in this war at your hands, your kind, and now we have to open our arms and let you in, train you as one of us?"

Father Thomas stood up and raised a hand in protest. "David. I think you have said enough, making your point. He is just a boy, he does not know what you speak of, can't you see it, it is written clearly on his face. I think-"

Father David spun and confronted Thomas and looked ready to strike out at the smaller man.

"You were not there! You do not know what it is like to lose so many. Do not think to even guess what the Order of Raphael went through for him!" He spat back, facing Father Thomas but his trembling finger pointed accusingly in Ash's face.

Me? What is he talking about?

In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere in the room shifted. Anna and Jayne move to stand before Father Thomas their eyes burning blue fire, their bodies a defensive barrier between him and their leader. Emma had a hand on Father David's shoulder trying to hold him at bay while Aimee, and surprisingly the green monk had maneuverer their defensive stance in front of Ash, though Aimee seemed in two minds on how to proceed, her gaze shifting from Anna and Jayne to her sister.

As usual, it was Emma who intervened to appease the tension in the room, her eyes closed and head down as if in prayer. Green energy surrounded her like an aura as wave after wave of her calming power washed over everyone, instantly changing the mood in the room. Ash calmed, his frustration and anger gone, changing to the feeling of embarrassment. He smiled at Aimee who flashed him a dark look, shaking her head in disgust.

It's not my fault!

"Please...please stop this. We must not be at each other's throats, this is what the Fallen want of us, to let us destroy ourselves from within. We must not do their work for them." Emma was pleading on her knees, though her voice remained firm. Oddly it was Father David who moved to her side and placed a comforting arm around her.

"You are right my Lady, so right. We...I...have been blinded and we must keep our eyes open and our hearts true." Ash glanced at Father Thomas who was studying the exchange, a finger brushing his lips in thought, hiding a small smirk, just as his gaze fell on Ash.

"Ashley!" he said, his voice bringing everyone's focus back, the incident forgotten. The bald High priest shuffled over with the surprising speed of someone his age and grabbed Ash's hands in his and began to study them. At first, he turned Ash's palms up, inspecting closely, then spun them over and looked at the back. Just as quickly as he had grabbed them, he let them go and grinned up at Ash, an odd twinkle in his eye. It was a look Ash was wary of. He looked deep into Ash's eyes and leaned in close to whisper in Ash's ear. He smelt spice and cinnamon.

An odd scent...

"You need to control your anger, my son. I can help you with that," he said spinning away.

"Either way, you cannot go back into the world without the Holy Order's guidance and protection, that much is true. You have shown me enough and I am sure the rest of...our friends will agree that you must be trained, even if until you are safe not to harm others and yourself." He placed an arm around Ash's shoulder and directed him over to Rogers and Tiff. Father Thomas continued to smile up at him, and that knowing glint in his eye unnerved him.

Ash glanced over his shoulder to Emma and caught her worried expression as she watched him leave. Whatever Father David was saying did not hold her interest as she stared after him. She stepped to follow, but Father David snatched her arm and pulled her back, whispering in her ear.

He peered at Aimee, but she had her back to him, staring into the fireplace.

Alone again...

"Sir?" said Rogers, directing Ash out of the door.

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