Werewolf's Mate |JiminXReader|

By VersusUniverse

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You meet a wolf in the forest where your house is located. He was hiding behind a bush. You didn't know until... More

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By VersusUniverse

It's time for the project to be turned in and you and Jimin worked super hard so you can get a good grade on it. You had to present the project as well. "So as all may know that frogs are amphibians. Amphibians are small vertebrates that need water, or a moist environment, to survive." Said y/n. (Thank you google!) "The species in this group include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts." Said Jimin. They continued to talk about their project. So did other students of their own topics.

The teacher felt like you all did an amazing job that he let you out of class early.

"Hey,y/n! Wanna eat with me and my friends?" Asked Jimin. "Sure" you replied back.

They were on the way to the cafeteria and met up with Jungkook and Taehyung. All got their food and sat at a table.

"Have any of you two seen the hyungs?" asked Jungkook. "no" said the two oldest in union. "Oh, look they are right there!" Jungkook. Jimin and you looked over the shoulder because they are behind you.

"Yoongi hyung!" Jimin yelled. "where where you guys?" "We had to get study for our test coming up." replied one of the four boys walking to their table. "and who may this be?" questioned a boy with purple hair. "oh, right! This is y/n! A friend of mine." "Y/n this is our hyungs." Jimin said ecstatically. "Hi my name is Namjoon!" said the purple haired boy. "This is Yoongi, Seokjin, and Hoseok."

"Nice to meet you all!" you said cheerfully. "omo! She has the cutest smile besides Yoongi's gummy smile and Jimin's eye smile combined." exclaimed Seokjin. "aha... Thanks?" you replied. "Hyung!" Both Yoongi and Jimin yelled. "what? OK, FINE! maybe not as cute as your guys' smile but for a girl she has the cutest!" he said with an adoration tone in his voice.

"Anyways, I have to go and work on my Korean class homework." you said while getting up from you seat after finishing your food. "oh, ok. see you later?" asked Jimin. You just nodded and left after placing your tray in a bin at the end of the cafeteria doors.

"Is that her? Our Luna?" asked Yoongi. "Yep" said Jungkook.


You found yourself wondering the outskirts of the school during your free period. You waked by a classroom and heard some shuffling. "You. Are. Going. To. Do. As. I. Say!" A male student said in between kicks to another student.

You wanted to see what it was about, so being curious person you are you went and slightly opened the classroom door and peaked. You say two male students, one on the floor and the other standing .

You always hated bullies, I mean who doesn't, you were never bullied but always say them bully others. So being the confident person you are, you pushed the door open with a bit of a force and the door slammed against the wall. "What do you think you are doing?! Leave him alone!" you yelled. The bully scoffed but did not turn around to face you, "and what are you gonna do about it, newcomer?" "Luna" the kid on the floor whispered. You didn't hear what he said but the bully did and stiffened. "Luna?" he repeated in a whispered as well. The bully slowly turned around and his eyes went wide.

"Are you ok?" you asked to the male student on the floor. You walked up to the boy and helped him up. "What's your name?" you asked. "Taewoo. Kim Taewoo" "ok, taewoo. Im y/n!" "I know." Taewoo whispered. "what?" Taewoo just shook his head. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you anywhere else?" "no, just here to the stomach." you turn to look at the bully, " and what's your name?" " Woojin. Kim Woojin" he said with his head down. "Kim. You guys aren't related are you?" "NO" they both said. "umm...ok then." "Come on Taewoo, I'll take you to the nurse" you say grabbing Taewoo by the arm. "and you!" you say pointing at Woojin as he stiffened, "You better apologize!" "I'm s-sorry" he said while bowing down. You seemed content and walked Taewoo to the infirmary.

"Thank you, Luna" Taewoo siaid. "No problem! ... Wait, Luna?" Taewoo realized that she doesn't know yet. "sorry I mean, y/n! Thank You y/n!" You just nodded.

A few moments later Jimin came i the infirmary while breathing heavily. "taewoo! Are you ok? What happened?!" "y/n?" jimin was to worried about the other boy and didn't notice you at first. "Lu- y/n helped me." he responded. Jimin then looked at you. "Thank you for helping him." "Yea of course! I don't like people being bullied." You said looking at Taewoo, with a smile.  "Well I'm gonna head out my next class starts soon." And with that you walked out of the infirmary and to your next class.

Jimin POV

"You should have seen his face, Hyung!" said Taewoo laughing. "He looked scared" "really?" Taewoo nodded. "so what exactly happend?" Jimin asked.

"Well.. he wanted me to stop following him and to not talk to him, inside of school." Taewoo said with a frown on his face. "But he is your mate, woo. and-" "I know! But he- he doesn't want to be seen with a weakling like me and I understand that." "Do you? Your mate should be happy with you outside and inside of school. He should be proud to have you as a mate, woo. Your smart and fast!" "But I'm not strong" he said with pleading eyes. Jimin got up and padded Taewoo on the back, "Get some rest" "ok"

After school, Jimin went to find Woojin. "Hey, Woojin!" Jimin yelled. "What the hell his your problem?!" Woojin just stayed silent. "You can't just do that, especially to your own mate!" Woojin whimpered, "I'm s-sorry." "Don't apologize to me, go apologize to your mate." Jimin said the last part with authority in his voice.  "Yes, Alpha." Woojin bowed and went to the infirmary. "After you get Taewoo pack to the pack house, I want you to do a 10 mile run." "Alpha-" "No whining, Just do as i say!" He mocked Woojin. "Yes, Alpha" Then Woojin walked away towards the infirmary where Taewoo is at.

Ok so I had writers block for a while but I'm finally back.

So here is another chapter.

Thank you for reading

See y'all next chapter!

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