[Legacy of a Martyr #2] Liber...

By ShinomiyaDR

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It's been a year since Alain Watanabe, now nineteen, completed his journey through the world of Engrada. Just... More

Author's Note
Episode 0
Episode 1: Overturn
Episode 2: I Must Go
Episode 3: Departure
Episode 4: The Night Before
Episode 5: A Son's Homecoming
Episode 6: The First Step
Episode 7: Hannah
Episode 8: Moms
Episode 9: Chastity
Episode 10: Lost Girls
Episode 11: Vanilla, Rocky Road, and Telephone
Episode 12: Empathy
Episode 13: Shedding Tears
Episode 14: A Cluster
Episode 15: Run in With a Train
Episode 16: Pool Day
Episode 17: Cold
Episode 18: Story Time
Episode 19: Flesh and Blood
Episode 20: Shrinking Violet
Episode 21: Picture
Episode 22: Into Taradita
Episode 23: Telepathy with 20 Questions
Episode 24: Horse
Episode 26: Out for Coffee
Episode 27: Scary Silk
Episode 28: Two Little Monkeys
Episode 29: Useless Sister, Useless Queen
Episode 30: A Duke's 16th
Episode 31: Purity and Love
Episode 32: An Offer
Episode 33: You're Not There
Episode 34: The First Lock
Episode 35: Break Them in
Episode 36: Sleeping Beauty
Episode 37: Broken
Episode 38: Go for a Drive
Episode 39: Out with Noah
Episode 40: Bowling
Episode 41: Didn't Deserve It
Episode 42: Regrets
Episode 43
Episode 44: Scouting
Episode 45: The White Room
Episode 46: Burnt Out
Episode 47: Familial Love
Episode 48: The Carnival
Special Episode
Episode 49: The Firebird, the Lion, and the Elephant
Episode 50: Halloween
Episode 51: The Ringmaster
Episode 52: Depleted
Episode 53: A Firebird's Smoke
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 56: The Burning Fire-bird
Episode 57: My Little Firebird
Episode 58: A Little Game of Pool
Episode 59: Haughty, Little Laugh
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62: Building Blocks and Stories
Episode 63
Episode 64: Purely Engrad
Episode 65
Episode 66: A Letter from M.J.
Episode 67
Episode 68: A Key Keeper's Thanks
Episode 69
Episode 70: Lights of Love
Episode 71
Episode 72: Mixed Emotions
Episode 73: Daddies and Pure Love
Episode 74: A Christmas Surprise
Episode 75
Episode 76
Episode 77
Episode 78
Special Episode
Episode 79
Episode 80
Episode 81: An Evolution
Episode 82: A Divine Encounter
Episode 83
Episode 84
Episode 85
Episode 86
Episode 87
Episode 88
Episode 89
Episode 90
Episode 91: Cheerful Sunflower
Episode 92
Episode 93
Episode 94
Episode 95: Connelia and Rebirth
Special Episode III
Special Episode IV: A Lion and a House Cat

Episode 25: A Mother's Love

9 3 0
By ShinomiyaDR

*sweat drop* Sorry for the delay. Was being baka and forgot...

T and I really should have gone through more hypotheticals when we made our plan to leave last night. We hadn't expected them to be waiting for us. the only ones missing when we first got there were Lie, Eni, and Marshall.

"Where did you two disappear to?" Duke had his hands on his hips. "You were gone a long time."

Recah sighed and refused to meet my gaze. I was sure she had some idea of where we went.

"We went to scout out Taradita. We didn't need to all go."

Duke rolled his eyes. "Are you sure about that?"

This was Marshall came through the door. He was dripping in sweat. Seeing as his natural tan couldn't hide his blush and I felt his heart skip a beat, it clearly didn't take him long to realize something was up.

Marshall immediately sat beside his sister. "Did something happen?"

"These two snuck off on their own!" Duke shouted.

"Name one good reason we should've all gone." I shoved my hands in my pockets and met the fifteen-year-old's gaze. "I can think of three that justify what we did: large groups draw attention to themselves, Tiana and I didn't do much, and a Lock could've been waiting to ambush us."

Marshall raised an eyebrow. "Why'd you bring your sister then?"

"You and Duke don't have powers." I glanced at Kaze. She could hardly keep her eyes open now. "Natalie and Phoenix could use more training." Then I smiled. "Besides, T and I sleep together. I couldn't have snuck past her, anyway."

Recah shook her head. She didn't seem convinced by my words. "I wouldn't have wanted to go, anyway. I've been a part of every important thing since we confronted the Council."

Marshall gritted his teeth at hearing "the Council".

"You don't believe that." Duke rolled his eyes. "You and your sister oversee his training. I've overheard you both say he's pretty much on par with you."

T nudged Duke away from me. "He still has things to learn. He's powerful, but strength isn't everything."

"You don't believe that, Princess, Key Keeper."

"What do you mean by that?" she shouted.

"Never mind." Duke turned his head. "It's not important right now."

I face palmed. "You really had to go there?"

The boy smirked. "I did."

"Enough!" Kaze rose. "We did what we had to do. We're playing by ear. We haven't planned that far ahead."

Marshall rolled his eyes. "Why would you admit that?"

"We'll discuss it next time." I put my hands in my pockets. "I saw no point in it then. I wanted to get the ball rolling."

"I still can't understand you!" Duke ran into the hallway.

Marshall took off after him. "Duke!"

I turned to Recah. "How did you guys realize that we snuck off?"

"You weren't anywhere around the house. I think your mom was the first to realize it, but she didn't say anything. It hit us after a few hours." Recah got up. "Anyway, I should see if my brother needs a hand. That kid can be pretty hard to reason with sometimes."

"Good luck."

Recah left the room.

I stroked T's hair. She'd laid down on a now empty couch. "You can go lie down if you want. I know I got you up at o'dark-thirty. That couldn't have been easy."

"I'm fine..." my big sister mumbled.

This was when Mama came into the room. A look of relief washed over her face. "Welcome back, you two."

I averted my gaze. "You're mad at us, aren't you?"

"I'm not mad." Mama sung into my ear. "A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they've got planes and trains and cars. I'd walk to you if I had no other way."

My flames pooled into my cheeks. I knew she loved that song and all, but why did she pick that song? Why that song of the hundreds, maybe thousands, she knew?

"You both went to scout out the place. I can't help worrying, but that's just what a mom does. You just wanted to help Vanna's and that girl's parents."

T had tears in her eyes. She was probably thinking about her own mama, Cece. It couldn't be easy knowing it'd nearly been fifteen years since Kaze had seen her. I couldn't imagine what it was like knowing Mama could never come back into my life.

Mama squeezed T's hand. "I'm sure your mom is watching over you and that she's proud of all you've accomplished. A true mom is proud of her kids regardless of what they decide to do."

I wanted her to myself, but that was something I couldn't have. T deserved a mother figure too. Until we came home, that was something Leon and I had no way of giving her. After all, we weren't women. Her caretaker and Eni's did what they could, but T's probably felt more like a grandma, and Eni's definitely came off more like an aunt or a Chastity.

"I know you kids can handle yourselves. I wouldn't be able to tell you so, if you couldn't."

I was tempted to cry myself. Mama and Kaze wouldn't care. Still, I felt the urge to hold them back. Someone had to be strong.

"Come here, you two," Mama said.

We hesitated but did as she asked.

She wrapped an arm around each of us and we hugged her back. "You're both so strong. Phoenix is lucky to have you as his elder siblings. Whenever you're unsure, cry if you have to then watch his smile. Watching someone you adore smile can be quite the forced to be reckoned with."

T and I looked at each other. "As long as the North Star guides us, we'll never be lost."

"That's right." Mama took a moment to look each of us in the eye. "It's true. Even in the darkest night."

The North Star was the brightest star. That was probably why people used it to navigate the seas at night.

"Let's go eat." Mama smiled. "One of the workers brought some food by while you were gone. She insisted I had to try it. There's no way I could eat it all myself."

"Who was it?" I asked.

Mama opened the door for us. "Rosemary."

My mouth watered when I heard that. Mama and I didn't like depending on the kitchen staff, but there were times we didn't really have a choice. Rosemary had always been our favorite. It was always clear that she put her love in her cooking.

Rosemary had made a casserole. It looked like it had just come out of an oven.

Eni was inspecting it. "Hey, Ain? What's this?"

"It's called a casserole, sweetie." Mama smiled. "Someone brought it over, so we could all have some."

"Have you eaten?" T asked.

Our little brother shook his head.

"You should try this with us then." Mama got out silverware and plates. "The lady that made this is a really good cook."

Eni looked at me and tilted his head.

"Mama's right. She is."

Mama gave T the first plate then passed two to my brother and I. As usual, she gave herself the last one. She and I had a habit of doing that whenever we were serving people. As long as it meant everyone else ate, we were fine with it.

Eni's eyes lit up. "And I thought the people in our house were good at cooking!"

T and I were laughing on the inside. That was on odd way to phrase it, but it was still a compliment. He was certainly right. People usually refused to believe that Rosemary never went to cooking school.

We got up when we were done.

Eni wrapped his arms around us and pulled us close. "No reason," he whispered.

We relaxed into his hold. He didn't need to have a reason. We were family. That was reason enough. We loved each other. That was all.


Thoughts on Ain and T this episode? Mama Sarah? Theories? Predictions?

~Shino out!

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