[Legacy of a Martyr #2] Liber...

De ShinomiyaDR

991 201 205

It's been a year since Alain Watanabe, now nineteen, completed his journey through the world of Engrada. Just... Mai multe

Author's Note
Episode 0
Episode 1: Overturn
Episode 2: I Must Go
Episode 3: Departure
Episode 4: The Night Before
Episode 5: A Son's Homecoming
Episode 6: The First Step
Episode 7: Hannah
Episode 8: Moms
Episode 9: Chastity
Episode 10: Lost Girls
Episode 11: Vanilla, Rocky Road, and Telephone
Episode 12: Empathy
Episode 13: Shedding Tears
Episode 14: A Cluster
Episode 15: Run in With a Train
Episode 16: Pool Day
Episode 17: Cold
Episode 18: Story Time
Episode 19: Flesh and Blood
Episode 20: Shrinking Violet
Episode 22: Into Taradita
Episode 23: Telepathy with 20 Questions
Episode 24: Horse
Episode 25: A Mother's Love
Episode 26: Out for Coffee
Episode 27: Scary Silk
Episode 28: Two Little Monkeys
Episode 29: Useless Sister, Useless Queen
Episode 30: A Duke's 16th
Episode 31: Purity and Love
Episode 32: An Offer
Episode 33: You're Not There
Episode 34: The First Lock
Episode 35: Break Them in
Episode 36: Sleeping Beauty
Episode 37: Broken
Episode 38: Go for a Drive
Episode 39: Out with Noah
Episode 40: Bowling
Episode 41: Didn't Deserve It
Episode 42: Regrets
Episode 43
Episode 44: Scouting
Episode 45: The White Room
Episode 46: Burnt Out
Episode 47: Familial Love
Episode 48: The Carnival
Special Episode
Episode 49: The Firebird, the Lion, and the Elephant
Episode 50: Halloween
Episode 51: The Ringmaster
Episode 52: Depleted
Episode 53: A Firebird's Smoke
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 56: The Burning Fire-bird
Episode 57: My Little Firebird
Episode 58: A Little Game of Pool
Episode 59: Haughty, Little Laugh
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62: Building Blocks and Stories
Episode 63
Episode 64: Purely Engrad
Episode 65
Episode 66: A Letter from M.J.
Episode 67
Episode 68: A Key Keeper's Thanks
Episode 69
Episode 70: Lights of Love
Episode 71
Episode 72: Mixed Emotions
Episode 73: Daddies and Pure Love
Episode 74: A Christmas Surprise
Episode 75
Episode 76
Episode 77
Episode 78
Special Episode
Episode 79
Episode 80
Episode 81: An Evolution
Episode 82: A Divine Encounter
Episode 83
Episode 84
Episode 85
Episode 86
Episode 87
Episode 88
Episode 89
Episode 90
Episode 91: Cheerful Sunflower
Episode 92
Episode 93
Episode 94
Episode 95: Connelia and Rebirth
Special Episode III
Special Episode IV: A Lion and a House Cat

Episode 21: Picture

12 3 2
De ShinomiyaDR

I was in the garden at Ain's house cuz I wanted air. I didn't like being inside all the time. When I lived in the big house with T and Ain, I spent most of my time outside. Unless the sky was angry, they even tried to do most of my school outside.

I was playing with the camera T gave me. I liked it even better than the one I had on my phone. It made the pictures look better. It didn't talk to me like my phone did, but I'd been able to take a few pictures without that to help me.

T probably put it together for me when I wasn't looking or before she gave it to me, and I could just give it to her or Ain if I wanted to hold my pictures.

Huh... Did we have any of Mommy? I couldn't remember. I think T, Ain, and I had some of us, but we left them at home. I wished I had one I could hold. It was like I could hold little us if I did that. It felt nice cuz I was still sorta missed sleeping with T. It was weird to sleep by myself since I got used to seeing T whenever I woke up scared.

Anyway, I was taking pictures of Lie's birdie friend. She was being tough. Funny, too. I was sure the others would laugh if I showed them. The birdie was good at getting her picture taken.

I wished I knew what her pretty sounds meant though. Lie did, but that wasn't helpful since she wasn't here.

I wished I knew why, but the air got warm. It was nice. It was a little cold cuz it was September. Sometimes, September was nice and warm. Sometimes, September was a little cold. Today, it was a little cold.

The warm air was getting closer, but I didn't know why. I thought that only happened when I was around T or Ain. They were special, though. T could make a breeze come out of her hands, and Ain could make fire came out of his hands like I could. I wasn't sure why that would happen. I knew they didn't do it this time.

Lie's birdie friend made more pretty sounds before she flew away. She probably needed to eat breakfast. I hadn't done that yet. T or Ain usually made something to eat, but they hadn't done that yet.

Somebody put their hands over my eyes, and whispered in my ear, "Peekaboo!"

I smiled. "Noah!"

Noah gave me a big smile, too. "Did you miss me?"

"Yeah! I was gonna ask Ain if he could help me get your number."

"Let's take care of that then." Noah held his hand out. "Let me see your phone."

I put my hands in my pockets. "I left it in my room."

That was when I remembered I still had my camera around my neck. I flipped the screen away. I could look at my pictures later.

"What were you doing before I came outside?"

"I was taking pictures of a birdie." I put my hand on my camera. "She's really funny."

"Oh? I'd love to see that."

I took Noah to my room. I left my phone on my bed table. I'd forgotten about it when I went outside.

He was looking on the things on the walls on our way there. "Your brother really has a nice house. I don't think I've ever seen so many paintings and things everywhere."

Noah said that about Ain's house. What would he say about T's and my house? He'd probably be surprised about how big it is.

Noah picked up my phone when we got into my room. When he opened it, it started talking.

My cheeks got hot. It was so embarrassing... I forgot it was reading me a book, earlier.

"Does your phone talk, too?" I asked.

Noah shook his head. "It can. I don't use the screen reader, though."

Noah was didn't seem to be mad or anything, but my cheeks got hotter when he said that. "I'm not any good at reading."

Noah shut my door. "Let's sit on the bed."

I did as he asked.

"Phoenix, look at me."

Noah was so warm. His eyes reminded me of chocolate. They looked so soft. He put his hands on mine. "I don't care about things like that. It doesn't matter if you know how to read or not."

"It doesn't?" I asked.

"Some people can't read. Some people can't add. Some people can't draw. Some people can't write." Noah pushed my chin up. "Everyone has things they're bad at."


He nodded. "I don't know why, but I decided to study French in school this year. I'm probably gonna do something else next year."


"It's a hard language to learn, and I'm not sure I want to. It's better to try and not like something than to not try at all."

I tilted my head. "It is?"

"Oh, yeah." Noah looked at the ceiling fan. "It's better to be nice and work than to be mean and naturally good at something."

I think I stared at him.

"You're nice. Who cares if you can't read? I don't." He put his arm around me. "You're always worried about that, aren't you?"

I leaned into him. "Yeah... Ain, T, Ellie, and Leon don't care, but I worry about everybody else. Am I bothering everyone else cuz I can't read?"

"If they think that, you don't need them. If they care about you, it won't bother them."

"You sure?"

"Positive." His eyes lit up. "Can I see your camera?"

I gave him my camera.

"Phoenix. These pictures are incredible." Noah had the biggest smile on his face. "If you showed them to other people, they'd probably think you learned how to do this in school."


"Oh, yeah. These would definitely fool my brother's friend."

I was happy Noah liked my pictures. I didn't show most of them off to the others. I was scared to find out what they thought. I was scared they wouldn't like it. It was a relief Noah liked them.


Is anyone else proud on this little firebird? :) Thoughts on him this chapter? Noah? Theories? Predictions?

~Shino out!

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