Chasing Mr. Carlton ( The sto...

By egeecotton

14.7K 883 33

NOTE: I don't have a cover for this story yet- anyone wanna take a whack at it? Bobby Darling had her eyes on... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
One Summer...

Part 50

170 12 0
By egeecotton

Why did it feel like Bobby was always at a party?

Because the Carltons loved to celebrate that for some reason they were unable to do any of it if she wasn't overlooking it all. She wondered what they did before she came along... probably overpaid to have half a dozen people running around, pretending to be very busy with work that could easily be managed by one single person.

Like today, she arrived early, oversaw the caterers and when the party planner did show it, it was pretty much left in her hands. Bobby always kept a tight eye on the planners, making sure they didn't spend unnecessarily. The Carltons might be able to afford all the luxuries in the world, but Bobby knew they weren't about waste either.  Now she watched as they greeted every person that entered the room individually, some press members but mainly employees and friends.

Nora was beautiful, she looked absolutely breathtaking... timeless and Brian watched her constantly, barely seeing anyone else in the room. She'd watched them descend into the large room, watched how they laughed together, moved together and then as they danced together. She could almost picture them, 30 years before, young and in love. The years didn't' touch them and she'd become convinced that it didn't matter how much time passed, they'd always be young and beautiful.

"I know, right?" She heard the voice from beside her say and she turned to find herself face to face with Vada Carl... Peroni. They two women were just about the same height, with Vada being only a little more than an inch taller.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming." Bobby said with a slight frown. She made it a point to know everything about these things.

"Well, it's not your job to know these things anymore." Vada said with a big, gleaming smile.

"That doesn't matter." Bobby said, looking back towards Nora and Brian.

"They'll never grow old and they'll never stop seeing anyone but each other." Vada said as she turned back towards her parents.

"It's amazing." Bobby said softly. "How do they do it?"

"As far as looking THAT fantastic, I won't lie and say the money doesn't help." Vada said, making Bobby turn towards her. "But I think it has a lot to do with how happy they make each other."

"How can two people spend so much time together and now want to kill each other?" Bobby asked and Vada laughed.

"They do. Trust me, they do. But they find better things to do together and you know, that's how love works." Vada said.

"I've met people in love who aren't nearly as good for each other." Bobby said bitterly thinking about her parents.

"It happens." Vada said, "But when it's right, it works."

Bobby thought that over. She supposed it could be true but she didn't if she believed in something so simple.

"Oh, excuse me. Nick found Davide and this could get ugly." Vada said with a smile, running off to say her husband and brother from killing each other.

Bobby watched her hurry off, a faint smile on her face. What was it about the Carltons? She wished she could put her finger on it. They lived such a charmed and protected life- she'd hate to burst Vada's bubble with the cruel reality of the world.  She watched her approach Nick and Davide and she frowned. Had Nick and Ryan not made up yet? It was strange to see Nick without him at an event like this one. Her eyes scanned the room, at first looking to see if she would find Ryan sulking somewhere but eventually just in search of the one person she was always searching for.

She wasn't sure when or how it happened, but somehow she was always searching for him. She chuckled to herself, thinking that he'd said the same to her once.

She couldn't believe it. He'd bought the house. He'd bought that beautiful palace in Manhattan.  She wondered what a house like that would look like when it was up and running, filled with pretty furniture, a fire lit and maybe even a child or two running around. She had a sudden image of Brian and Nora trying to chase their triplets around, a chuckle escaping her lips as she pictured a very young Matt getting into all types of trouble. She was absolutely sure that he was a troublemaker, the type of child that gave any parent grays. She laughed at the thought- he must have been a very beautiful little boy.

"Can it be that the very serious Roberta Darling is actually laughing?"

Bobby tried not to roll her eyes as she turned to look at Michael who was now standing right beside her. She'd done her best to avoid him at work all morning. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but she just didn't trust him.  

"How are you, Michael?" She asked, turning back towards the people dancing.

"Disappointed that you didn't let me go pick you up." He said and Bobby shrugged.

"I had to be here early anyway." She said as politely as she could.

"This is such an impressive house." He said, looking around and Bobby nodded. "Can you imagine what this room looks like without so many people? It must be huge."

"It is but with the furniture it looks quite cozy." She said, picturing it as it usually was. Michael raised his brow.

"Have you been here before?" He asked and she nodded again.

"Yes, several times actually." She said simply.

"Of course, the right hand of the Carlton family is probably here every weekend." He said with a smile.

"Of course I'm not here every weekend." She said.

"Right... so when was the last time you saw this place?" He said.

"Christmas." She replied simply. He turned to her and raised his brow, impressed.

"Wow, Christmas with the Carltons?" He said and Bobby sighed.

"Would you mind not repeating that to anyone?" She asked.

"Sure, but I don't see why you should want to hide something like that." he said. "I can imagine how grandiose this place must look at Christmas. Do they have a big party?"

"Actually, there are no parties. It's a very quiet, intimate affair. They don't even have staff around for it." She said, remembering the weekend. Bobby's face softened as she thought about it, her hand going to her wrist, where she no longer wore the bracelet Matt gave her. She figured it was inappropriate to wear it but she still carried it around with her all the time.

"It sounds nice." He said as the music changed. "Well do you hear that?"

"What?" Bobby asked, wondering what he was referring to. Then, he reached out and grabbed her hand, dragging her towards he dance floor.

"our song." He said with a grin.


Matt was late.

To his own party.

Well, it was typical of him, right? It wasn't like anyone actually expected him to be on time. He sat in his car, adjusting his tie as he waited for the valet to come by and open the door.  He looked to the passenger seat and sighed. Of course, his reason for being late was definitely an important one.

As he walked up to the house, he found one of the house maids and gave her a few instructions. He needed to be as discreet as possible. There was too many people here and he didn't want to cause any type of scene, for his parent's and for Bobby's sake. 

He wondered as he was greeted by every single person that saw him how long it would take until he would find Bobby, let alone get a moment alone with her to tell her...

"So you finally decided to show up." Brian said with a frown as Matt approached them.

"Fashionably late, as always." Matt said with a grin and a wink of the eye.

"I've never agreed with fashion." Brian said, still frowning but Nora playfully patted his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around Matt.

"Fashion has never really agreed with him." Nora said simply, placing a kiss on his cheek. "I'm glad you're here."

"You surprise me." Matt said, looking down at his mother.

"Me? How? I'm always happy to see you." She said and he smiled.

"Just when I think you can't get more beautiful." He said, "You do."

Nora burst out laughing.

"Right." She said, noticing how his gaze was no longer on her. His eyes were scanning the room carefully and she remembered that feeling she'd had earlier.

"Yes, she is here already." Nora said, putting her hand on his arm carefully. He looked at her. "Oh, you don't have to say it. I know you're looking for her."

"Right." he muttered.

"We can talk later." She said, patting him gently. "Now let's see, she might be dancing. She was watching the couples last time I saw her."

"She doesn't dance." He said with a smile. "Except with me."

"I noticed." Nora said. "But go on, I'll let you find her."

Matt moved through the crowds of people, stopping to say hello here and there and immediately excusing himself to search for her again. He noticed Vada in the distance, arguing with Nick and... George? He had no idea that George would be here.  Without thinking, he walked over to her and she smiled, more so in surprise as he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.

He hadn't seen her since Christmas and with everything that had been going on, it was such a nice feeling to have her nearby.

"Well, I missed you too." George said with a grin as Matt pulled away.

"Hi brat." He said to Vada, kissing her cheek softly as they watched him surprise.

"What's up with you?" Vada asked, wondering why Matt was being so... affectionate.

"A man can't be happy to see his little sisters?" Matt asked, prompting Vada and George to glance at each other before looking back at him.

"What do you want?" George asked suspiciously. Matt chuckled.

"Nothing, I really am just glad to see you." He replied, turning back to continue searching.

"She's not there but I did see her a few minutes ago." Vada said, looking around.

"Where?" Matt asked.

"She was grabbing a glass of champagne." Vada replied and Matt frowned, shaking his head.

"She doesn't drink." He said.

"Since when? I've seen her drink plenty." Vada said, confused. Matt looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Bobby doesn't drink." Matt said and Vada's eyes widened.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were looking for Lisa." Vada said. Matt stopped for a second.

"No." he said, turning back to continue looking. There was so many people, and his eyes scanned the room for those adorable large glasses.

"Well, she might be dancing." George said, searching among the couples.

"Bobby doesn't dance." He began, about to finish with 'except with me.'

"Really?" George asked, her eyes fixed on the dance floor. "That is her, right? And, unless I'm mistaken... that is dancing."

Matt looked at George, who pointed to a couple on the far end of the room. He squinted, recognizing her almost instantly.

She looked amazing, like an angry little angel, frowning. He pretty hair was hanging low and the dress she wore... she looked like she was floating. Then, he noticed the arm that was snaked around her waist, pulling her close as they shifted on the dance floor. It was Michael and Matt felt a knot form in his throat instantly.

Michael was dancing with her. It was his  Bobby, dancing... and not with him.

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