
By Diana_the_1Dfan

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"Ed....wait." her voice holds me back. Diana hasn't called me Ed ever since we were last friends "Edward... More

Diana Fernaux
Edward Rephlin


26 6 2
By Diana_the_1Dfan

Diana :

I wake up to my phone's buzzing sound. The first thing I noticed was the time - 2:14 am.

Which freaking dumbnut would think of texting me at this time.

'Oli' read the notification panel.

Ofcourse, only my best friend would think it would be a cool idea to realise my importance at 2:14 in the morning.

D, I'm picking you up at 7 today.

Reading this brought a smile on my face. If Oli picks me up, I get to sleep half an hour extra. I send her a reply and go back to sleep.


"Rise and Shine!"

I hear a voice sing while I'm still on my bed, sleeping yet in slight consciousness

"Rise and Shine!"

I hear the voice sing again.

"Diana! I said rise and shine." The person scream that makes me open my eyes forcefully out of surprise.

I sit on my bed and see Oli.

"What the actual heck, Oli ?" I move my blanket

"Get up, my Stormiloo. Rise and Shineee" She smiles widely

"You singing that song is more annoying than my alarm sound."

"Rise and shineee!" She continues

"Oli! I swear to God, if you don't stop with that you will get a thread of unholy words from my mouth."

"C'mon D ! Don't be cranky at 5:45 in the morning."

"How do you expect me not to be...wait what? It's only 5:45?" I become annoyed and look at the clock and it really is only 5:45 am

I take the blanket again and put it over myself and lie down to sleep again.

Within no time Oli comes and yanks the blanket off me. With my half open eyes I search for the blanket and I put it over me and I go to sleep, again. But Oli, sits down on the bed and removes the blanket off me, again!


I get up and sit on the bed while Oli picks up the blanket that fell on the ground after she removed it from me.

"Rise and Shineee" she screeches

Without thinking twice, I take a pillow and aim at her.

"Diana! How dare you ?" Olivia laughs and starts hitting me with the same pillow

"Oh, Oli ! Why wouldn't I you dumbnut?" I hit her with another

"Okay okay....stop!" She giggles and sits on the bed.

"Look at you. You came all dressed up and ready for school. But now you look as though it's you who just got up from the bed." I laugh.

"Thanks to you!" Olivia gives me a death stare and goes to mirror and fixes herself.

I realised I was still in my bed, wide awake and still haven't brushed. I usually don't talk to anyone as soon as I wake up from sleep until I brush my teeth and freshen up. I just feel it's a really bad habit and not good manners.

"Tell me why do we need to go to school so early, Oli?" I ask Oli as I was almost done getting ready.

"I don't know."

Eh ?

"So we're just going to school early to do absolutely nothing?" I look at Oli with utter disbelief.

"Well, we can check out the boy in the sport teams." Oli winks

" 'We'? You mean 'you' ?"

Oli smirks and goes hopping towards the window.

I was trying to tie my hair into a perfect high ponytail but my hair was not cooperating. Evertime I would put the hair tie because the ponytail came out perfectly, the hair tie would ruin it and I would have to remove it again.

That's it. This is the last try. If I don't get the perfect ponytail this time, I'm gonna forget about the fact that I spent 10 minutes doing it.

After spending quite a few seconds, I got the perfect ponytail and I was contently looking at it and was about to put the first knot of the hair tie.

"Diana!" Oli screams and I jump out of the sudden sound and turn to her but she was still keenly looking outside the window.

Before I could yell at Oli, I was hoping that my ponytail was still perfect.

Please be alright, please.

And no. It wasn't. It was all ruined.

A few strands had left the hair tie and some of my frinches were sticking out. Ugh! Olivia Zelleger is to be blamed.

I decide to leave my hair loose because I have lost all my patience trying to get the perfect ponytail.

"Diana! Come here right away!" Olivia screams again, without taking her gaze away from the window.

"What is it, Oli?" I was walking towards her while I was setting my hair with my fingers.

"Isn't that Edward's car parked there?" She points to the black Audi that's been parked a few meters away from my house.

"Um...I don't know.." I walk away from the window and peep to the mirror to see if my hair looks alright

"Diana! Oh my God! Edward Rephlin is there! Yes, it is his car! Oh my God! Oh my God!"

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name. I take small steps and walk towards the window and there he is, looking like an absolute perfection.

He was wearing the sleeveless jersey. The blue jersey with two white stripes in the sides complemented his tanned skin so well. He parked his car and he was keeping some stuff in the back seat of the car. I'm guessing it to be his sports equipments. When he was keeping his stuff, the way his arms moved in sync was worth observing. His biceps would hunch and stay stiff and it would look as though is arms were sketched perfectly. Damn! I curse that sleeveless jersey to give out such details. Now, I can't stop looking at his biceps.

"Woah....his ass." Oli remarks beside me

No sooner I heard this I nudged Oli and she looked at me.

"Stop checking him out, Oli."

"Correction. His ass."


"What ? Have you even looked at those pair of buns?"

"Stop saying that!"

"Okay. You're not going to agree with me? Look at that ass" Olivia places her hand on my head and she gently pushes my head outside the window. So now, I can see Edward who is bending inside the car with a duffle bag in hand.

I shouldn't be observing so much but his jersey shorts fits him perfect and his ass sure was going to get a lot of attention.

"Somebody told me not to check him out a while ago. Seems like it's actually them who can't stop staring at him."

I turn to see Olivia standing with her arms crossed.

"Staring at him ? Don't you forget it's you who practically shoved my head outside the window." I raise my eye brow

"And I'm guessing you don't regret my actions."

She is right. But I'm not going to admit it.

"Edward Rephlin is not something we should be talking about right now." I take my school bag and look at myself one last time before leaving my room.

"You are not the one to say, okay? You freaking sit with him for the entire day." Oli takes her bag and joins me near the mirror.

"Well, it wasn't my choice." I go to the window because it was still open

"God's plan."

"I swear to God, if you start the song." I mumble

"Thank God you warned me."

Instead of closing the window, I search for Edward. His car is still there but he wasn't.

"Looking at Mr. Nice Ass, huh ?" Oli stands next to me

"Does it even look like he's there?"

"Oh, he isn't ? His ass must have been too hot to handle." Oli laughs at her own joke

"Your brain can try putting in some effort into your jokes." I raise both my eye brows and give a wide smile.

"Diana! He's back!" Oli squeals

My heart skipped a beat. I almost moved to look at him but I stopped myself because I didn't want to give out the wrong message to Oli or else she would never stop nagging.

"C'mon Oli, let's get going."

"Let me see his ass before you get him all to yourself in school."

I sigh. This girl would never stop.

I look at Oli who is having a smile on her face and then she turns to me and gives me a wicked smile. I have a 'what?" expression on my face while I'm trying to figure out what's running in that mind of hers.

"Hey Edward!" Olivia screams as loud as she can looking outside the window

My eyes went as wide as they could and my heart was in my mouth.

I leap towards Oli and pull her away from the window and make sure that I don't expose myself through the window.

"What's wrong with you ?" I yell


"You ask me 'what' after screaming out "Hey Edward" " I imitate her with a lower tone

"I just wanted to say 'hi' to Mr. Nice Ass"

I let out a sigh and roll my eyes.

"Are you pissed ?" Oli closes the window and stands in front of me

I just stare at her and thinking if I should punch her or pull her hair out.


Stay calm, Diana.

"So you're not mad at me, right ?" Oli sheepishly smiles

I just stare at her and burst out into laughing

"Now c'mon let's get to school."

After half an hour of bickering and bantering about the songs to play, we reach to an almost empty school.

"Where are all the sports guys?" Oli looks around

"Probabaly hiding from you." I laugh

"Not that one!" Oli points

So there's this guy standing with his hoodie on with a sling bag on his shoulder.

"I'll go talk to him?" Oli asks

"Why ? Didn't you get enough from screaming Edward's name out loud ?"

"I knew you were mad at me!" Oli huffs

After trying to drag Oli from all the places in the campus where she was checking out boys, we went to class only to find Angelo sitting there all by himself and staring at his phone.

"Seems like he's making out with his phone." Oli laughs

"Can you not talk about him like that." I say in a low yet stern tone

"Stop getting mad at me, D"

"You stop acting like a kid, Oli."

"Okay...geez...I'm sorry."

"Well, that's good to hear because Angelo is the last person who would actually want to make out with someone." I say as we walk towards him

" wish." Oli murmured but I still managed to hear but I ignore it because I know she isn't really fond of him.

"Angelo Hugston! Good morning!" I chirp

He looks up immediately and gives us what I reckon as the most adorable smile.

"Mornin' ladies!"

"Do you always come so early ?" I ask ad I place my bag on his desk and Olivia does the same

"Not really. My dad had to pass by school this morning, so I tagged along." He smiles

"Should have stayed home." Oli says loud enough for both of us to hear.

I glare at hear and Angelo just doesn't look very pleased as his smile disappears. He looks at me and I just give him a small smile.

"Too bad your stuck with me, Olivia." Angelo says looking at her.

Olivia doesn't say anything when I most expected her to give some remark but she just stares at him and I stare at her.

I have no clue what kind of tension is going on between them but that's what I'm trying to figure by looking at Olivia and Angelo.

"Achoo" too bad someone sneezed as they entered the class just then and broke the weird staring session between them.

The three of us snapped our head in the direction of the sneeze. Caleb.

"Caleb! Hello !" I call out to him.

He waves and I see him walking towards us.

"How are all the good looking guys your friends?" Oli remarks.

I laugh and roll my eyes

"Am I included, Olivia." Angelo comments and look at her.

Okay, here they go again.

"What's up!" He eyes me and smiles

"Nothing much"

"You look really beautiful." He says as he looks into my eyes.

I don't say anything because I don't know what to say but I just let out an awkward laugh.

I turn back to Oli and Angelo who were having a conversation of their own. I'm glad they made peace for the moment.

Even Caleb looks at them and smiles. Angelo gives the same adorable smile and a fist bump whereas seeing the look on Olivia's face, I can say that she's mentally drooling over Caleb.

Caleb and I walk to my place which happen to be the last bench.

"Okay...I think I need to go to the cafe and get myself a bottle of water." Caleb says as he shuffling the things in his bag.

"Can I come with you. There's nothing else for me to do apart from listen to their quarrelling." I point to Angelo and Oli

"Sure thing. C'mon." Caleb says as he asks me to walk ahead of him.

Wow. Manners on point.

"So what are you're plans for the weekend?" Caleb asks

That's when I realised Edward and I had extra SCB classes

"SCB" I mutter really softly

"What?" Caleb still managed to hear

"Sleeping. I have plans to sleep for the weekend."

Caleb chuckles and I join him.

"What about you?"

"Ummm...I think I'll be visiting my nan. Haven't seen her in a long time."

"Awww" I look at him

"What?" He looks at me while we enter the wide doors of the cafe

"That's adorable! Nan's little boy, I assume."

"Yes, maam !" He nods and gives me a smile

The cafe is crowded as though people don't get food at home.

"You can sit here, the queue's long. I'll get a bottle of water and be right back." Caleb smiles and I see him taking his place in the line.

He looks at me from the long line and smiles at me. He looks like he's already given up on the long line.

I keep scrolling through my phone and I constantly keep looking at where Caleb has reached. The last time I looked up he's talking to the cashier. I look down again and hit the lole button on Gigi Hadid's latest post.

"I'm back." I look up to see Caleb placing two long cups on the table.

"Glad you made it out alive." We both have a little laugh

"This is for you." He says as he pushes one of the long cups on front of me

"What is it ?"


It struck me that this was some sort of deja vu because when I and Edward were at the mall while Oli and Mike had gone for shopping. Even Edward bought me something even though I didn't ask anything. Wow...that seems like a long time ago when I wasn't really in good terms with Edward.

"I'm sorry. I went with a common thing and I also didn't know what you like. I just ordered something because I kept you waiting." Caleb's voice gets my attention

"Oh no no...Caleb. I really love anything of coffee flavour." I smile at him

"So you like it ?" His face brightens

"Yes! Thanks a lot. But you didn't have buy it for me because I myself wanted to come with you."

"I'm glad you did though."

"Uh huh!" I smile at him as I take a sip of the divine drink.

We hear the bell and we start walking towards the door to get back to the classes.

"How much do I pay you ?" I ask Caleb as we make way to Caleb's seat

"For what?"

"The Cappuccino." I shake my glass infront Of him

Caleb looks at me like he doesn't know me anymore.


"But Caleb..."

"If you insist on paying again, I'll make sure to buy you coffee everyday." He cuts me

" I'll make sure to never step the cafeteria with you then." Caleb gives me a puppy look and I swat his arm playfully as he still has the same puppy look on his face and he burts into laughter and so do I.

Man ! Those ocean eyes have some sort of magic !

"So...I'm guessing I'll buy you English tea tomorrow." Caleb lifts his left brow and his lips take the shape of a cheeky smile.

"Leave that to me." A voice said from behind. A husky and thick accented voice.

I snap my head behind and I'm immediately greeted with the familiar green eyes with a tint of golden flecks in them. Edward.

A/N :
Please vote and comment! Much love !

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