A Convenient Wife - A Norman...

By cantgettosleep

19.2K 1.6K 217

Semi-mature. Completed. There is such a thing as being too 'eligible' a bachelor and Norman is finding the pr... More

Chapter 1 - Something Old
Chapter 2 - Something New
Chapter 3 - From This Day Forward
Chapter 4 - Forever Hold Your Peace
Chapter 5 - We Are Gathered Here Today
Chapter 6 - Speak Now Or....
Chapter 7 - We Give Thanks
Chapter 8 - Something Blue
Chapter 9 - My Solemn Vow
Chapter 10 - Dearly Beloved
Chapter 11 - This Man And This Woman
Chapter 12 - Holy Matrimony!
Chapter 13 - Will You Honour Her?
Chapter 14 - I Pledge Thee My Troth
Chapter 15 - This Glorious Union
Chapter 16 - For Richer Or Poorer
Chapter 17 - For Better
Chapter 18 - I Now Declare You
Chapter 19 - Forsaking All Others
Chapter 20 - Something Borrowed
Chapter 21 - To Have And To Hold
Chapter 22 - Or Worse
Chapter 23 - Do You, Finleigh Yindi Killara Take....
Chapter 24 - With This Ring, I Thee Wed
Chapter 25 - Husband and Wife
Chapter 26 - I Present To You, Mr and Mrs....
Chapter 27 - To Love
Chapter 28 - And To Cherish
Chapter 29 - This Day And Forevermore
Chapter 30 - A Symbol Of My Promise To You
Chapter 31 - Wear It And Think Of Me
Chapter 32 - With All That I Am
Chapter 33 - With All That I Have
Chapter 34 - In Sickness
Chapter 35 - And In Hell....I Mean Health
Chapter 36 - I Choose You
Chapter 37 - With My Body....I Thee Worship
Chapter 38 - This Circle Is Without End
Chapter 39 - I Share With You....
Chapter 41 - Do You Take....
Chapter 42 - Do Us Part?
Chapter 43 - My Heart Will Be Your Shelter
Chapter 44 - Until Death
Chapter 45 - Repeat After Me
Chapter 46 - Constant Friend and Partner
Chapter 47 - My Words Are My Truth
Chapter 48 - Do You, Norman Mark Reedus

Chapter 40 - All My Earthly Goods

269 34 0
By cantgettosleep


"Git away with yer, divil child"  I mutter under my breath, chastising myself out of tears by pinching my own nose.

Then I tug out another few shoe boxes from the top of the wardrobe. Sit back on the floor to see what they hold in store.

"What's that, Skip?"

"Nothing, Daggy. Just talking to myself."

"Poor baby....are all your imaginary friends ignoring you again? Well, at least you've got a captive audience now. Ummmm....think I'll just go put some more boxes together?"

One of these days? I'll have to rock up to one of those acting workshops he attends now and then. So I can teach my facial expressions how to use their indoor voices.

Norman sprinted from the bedroom with a chuckle. After he took the risk and bent down to kiss the top of my head.

It's Friday morning and we only have a few hours to finish what's left. Before everyone arrives at Win and Ed's house for the wake.


Unc left very strict instructions. No funeral service....whatsoever. Nor a bunch of maudlin, feckin eejits moping around a hole in the ground.

"Lots of porter and whisky to get the craic going, darling girl. That's all he wanted. And what Unc wanted, Unc must get!"  Win decreed firmly last night.

Who are we to argue?

He managed to pull himself back together somewhat. A far cry from the tear-stained mess who greeted us when Lou's cab pulled up. Mind you, Norman and I weren't holding it together any better ourselves.

For much of the flight up from Georgia, we took turns wiping each other's faces. In between crushing hugs and sad sobby kisses.

We settled into their living room and they told us.

"Knew something was wrong when he didn't answer my daily check-in call. So I woke Win and we both went down"  Eddie hiccupped forlornly, tossing back the rest of his wine to cover the crack in his voice.

"He was sitting in his chair with the telly on. Looked as if he was sound asleep....and even had a little smile on his face"  Win took over.

"He went gently, Fin. It's how everyone prays they'll go. Our hearts are breaking, but I can't help but be happy for that."

"I rang the funeral home and they did the rest as per Unc's instructions. Then I rang Norm and he....he said he'll tell you himself."

"We love you both so much and so did Unc. Thank you just doesn't really cut it, for always being there for him....for us. You're family. Always."

Win and Ed waved away my words, but never wave away my hugs and kisses.

I waited until we got home to our apartment before placing the call to Gramps and Kami.

It's one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. And Norman never let go of the hold he had on me throughout, never stopped nuzzling my forehead.

And he kept up that hold right through the night until we woke up this morning. When I rolled in his arms and kissed him gently.

"What is it, baby?"  He looked down quizzically....sleepily.

"It wasn't Win, it was you."

"You  came home....for me....so I wouldn't be alone. You hurt bad too and I never thanked you for coming home. I'm sorry, babe. Thank you. I love you Norman, I love you."

"I know, sweetheart....I know...."


"Keep or donate, Skip?"

Daggy's voice bought me back and he's holding up one of Unc's pipes he found. He's going through all his clothes before folding and placing them into large packing boxes.

We did the rest of the apartment yesterday. Everything worth donating including his furniture is ready for Goodwill to pick up tomorrow.

Left Unc's bedroom until last because in here? He's still....everywhere.

"Keep. That makes eight now. When you come home, do you think you can make a frame for me? I'll mount them and hang it in my office."

"Awesome idea, sweetheart. I'll do one for me as well to pop his shoes and hat in. Place it above the still that Greg and I are working on in the man cave."

I huff out a little laugh at my wannabe moonshiner.

The shoes are those stuffed with the Times newspaper. The ones I tried in vain getting Unc to relinquish, the night Norman and I were first properly introduced.

Daggy found them under Unc's bed. Called dibs when I told him to chuck them out.

"Nup! You've got your memory books. So I'm gonna keep my memories too, Skip"  He announced, putting them into the box holding other items he wanted to keep.

My couple of boxes hold photo albums and other family mementos. Uncle Ted's and Charlie's letters included.

I've already set aside a beautiful antique fob watch for Win. The massive vintage lace tablecloth for Ed, cos he's always eyed it off.

And Aunty Claire's stunning mother-of-pearl vanity set is going to Meek. Unc already planned on giving it to her as part of his wedding gift.

The boxes containing his miniature train collection plus what seems like miles of rail tracks and other stuff are all still stored in Win's garage. He's sending them to Georgia for me.

They were Unc's childhood passion and he lived for them. Probably why he made it his lifelong career driving them too.

I know Norman will go cray-cray when he arrives home and finds them. He, Andy and Greg will probably turn half the man cave into a big kid's playground.

Though I reckon I'll spend just as much time playing with Thomas the Tank Engine myself  😁

And his hand-made, Waterford crystal chess set is going to Ming. I know Unc would want him to have it. The sixty-odd-year age difference never stopped them from becoming best buddies.

I let out a tiny gasp when I removed the lid from the last shoe box. Norman came and sat cross-legged next to me, watching silently as I pulled out more letters. Unfold one and start reading.

He'd kept all these too?

"What is it, Skip?"  He smiled back at me when I handed it over.

"I wrote him all the time when I was little, cos we were pen-pals. Kami mailed them for me."

"They came to visit Yampilil every year, even way before I was born. I always thought they were so....exotic almost. Coming from so far overseas with their strange accents and everything."

"I'd just turned four when I wrote that one."

"What's a freckle and....Ganystand? Oh fuck, Fin....you must've been one fucking adorable kid. Driven your Kami nuts I bet?"

"Gramp's even more so I think. A freckle is like a tiny chocolate button, covered in hundreds and thousands....ummmm  sprinkles? And it's Afghanistan. That's where Unc's son, Charlie was sent after he enlisted."

"Did you end up buying one and a carrot?"

"No. Actually, my piggy bank is still back at Yampilil in my old room. Never ended up going into town and the shops after all. Dad....Dad died a couple of weeks after I wrote it."

"You've mentioned him, but you never actually told me....what happened? How old was he, baby?"  Norman asked gently.

"He was twenty-four. It was just a silly, freak accident is all. He....he lost concentration. Fell off a fence into a pen full of bulls, got crushed and died instantly. Gramps and Kami raised me. Until they sent me to live with Aunty Nin and Uncle Ted."

"But....what about your Mom? Why didn't she....?"

My eyes shot away from his and I stiffened in reflex....just couldn't help it. So he knew instantly something was off. Why else would he backtrack so quickly?

'Do it! Tell him now, Fin. Before you psych yourself out again'  My head ordered only I wimp out once more. But I can see that Norman is kinda waiting for an answer.

After a few more seconds of cowardly silence from me, he gave me the out I didn't deserve. Shame....and overwhelming regret fills my throat.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Not exactly the right time for all this, huh? C'mon. Let's finish this last lot and go home, get cleaned up. Then we'll come back and say our farewells to Unc just as he wanted. No maudlin feckin eejits!"

"You know....you know deep down it's going to happen sooner or later. Doesn't make it any easier when it does though. Or stop you from believing. That when you walk in the door, he'll still be sitting in his chair and packing his pipe."

"We'll raise our glasses and remember him as he was, Fin. Be his  memory book, eh?"

I smile wetly back at this man. This one, beautiful human being who can see things so clearly....and simply. Yet still be so deep.

Yes, he drives me absolutely spare sometimes. But that's....Norman. And I don't ever want him to change.

Every day I discover another new part of him, and I know that tomorrow won't be different. Yet I can't wait....for all our tomorrows.

I lean over and put my head against his. Giving eternal thanks to the fates who conspired to bring him to me.

"Jaysus, Mary and Joseph....I love the feckin absolute feck out of you Daggy!"


Norman and Win were right.

There were no maudlin feckin eejits that afternoon and the house was jam-packed. With all the neighbours who knew Unc, the chessmen from the park plus his own crew.

Lou and Sal, Clive plus a few of my old friends from work. And even some of the staff from his hospital including Unc's heart specialist. His former colleagues from the railways.

There are also people I've never met before, including some blokes who'd been with Charlie in Afghanistan. I spent time chatting with them and hearing stories of them both.

Also kept Mingus close to me, so he could listen to all the happy reminiscences too. Cos he's grieving terribly as well.

Win, Norman, Meek, Seth, Helena and Ed floated through the crowded rooms. Keeping everyone's glasses and tummies full. Sharing memories as they went.

It was sad....yet strangely happy and beautiful at the same time. Plus there was laughter. Lots and lots of laughter.

"Sorry, Sharkie. It's time I got me Da home. Our Tuesday nights just won't be the same anymore...."  Hubie gathered me up into a hug but was pushed aside by his tiny leprechaun of a father.

"The fella was a feckin eejit, me grabaire. But we'll be meetin up agin. The wee gobshite owes me a porter fer poppin off first. And I intend to claim it"  Ignatius's brogue is as thick as Unc's and his eyes are just as devilish.

I kissed them goodbye. Whispered to Hubie that I'll drop in to see him before I leave for Georgia again.

"We must depart too and prepare for Shabbat. Our family will light another candle for Eustace. Do not forget us, motek"  Mr Rosen kissed my cheek and I nearly smothered him, Mr Eglese and Mr Tran right back.

Tony grabbed the opportunity to land as many kisses and cuddles as he could. Until Daggy took it upon himself to step in....and play the jealous husband card.

"Never! You lot aren't getting rid of the Gallagher's or Reedus's that easy you know. I love you. Thank you for loving me, Mingus and Unc back."

It was near on four by the time everyone drifted away and we set the house to rights again.

"I'll see you soon, hun. We got plans to make and Ed wants to start the dress fittins. Don't you go gettin all soppy again! If there's a mule sittin in a bar up in heaven? Our Unc will be talkin it's ears off by now."

"Love you. Later boys! C'mon, dear....chop-chop."

Meek clip-clopped off. Let out a little shriek when Seth gave her a whack on the bum as he followed.

He and Norman high-fived.

Yep. Deffo  the same reaction from men the world over, methinks.


I was just about to flop on a kitchen chair for a minute, when Win patted Fin's shoulder.

"Darling girl? If you're not too tired....Patrick is still here. Said we could get it over and done with now. It'll save you and Norm coming back?"

"Do what now, big fella?"  I ask, cos she's as confused as me.

"Unc's will, dear boy. Pat's going to contact all the other beneficiaries over the next week, so this won't take too long at all."

I was just about to put my foot down....gently though. Don't want the guys to think I'm ungrateful after everything they've done. It's just that my baby looks totally done in.

But she breathed in deep then gave a brave nod.

On second thoughts? After such an emotional couple of days, it might be best to just get it over and done with....like he said.

"Ok. Ummmm, yeah. You're right....it won't take long at all eh? Actually, it'll be good to get things cleared up. Find out if there's any outstanding bills or whatever that I need to settle. Patrick will know all that, won't he?"  Fin peered up at him as she climbed wearily from her seat.

"And speaking of clearing up, Flavia is coming in on Monday. To help me get your apartment all spick and span. Then you can put it back on for lease again, quick as. I hope you find someone nice to move in?"

Win gaped at her in astonishment as we all trundled into his living room.

Patrick glanced up from the papers spread in front of him and gave a small, sad smile. Skip and I plonked ourselves down on the sofa, where she settled back into my waiting arms.

"Fin! Didn't you do what I advised, young lady?"  Win shook his head and frowned.

"Huh....as if I'd ever disobey. I did everything you said. When Unc got out of hospital we got the Power of Attorney done. I asked him about his living expenses and whatnot. He told me that his pension from the Rail Transport covered it all and not to worry."

"Tried again a few times, but he refused to say another word. Called me a feckin harpy. But I did....worry that is. You know me."

"So to make sure Unc had a bit of wiggle room in his finances for treats and whatever? I hired Flavia to clean each week and paid Lou to drive him wherever. Ordered his meal deliveries, groceries and stuff. A few other odds and sods."

"Didn't tell him of course. Cos you know how he is....was....I mean."


I know Fin has paid out a lot of her own money for our  living expenses and more at home. Kept it on the quiet from me. Didn't let on that I'm well aware of it, though. Cos I know how much it means to her.

Had no idea she's been doing all this for Unc too? Plus taking care of her own personal stuff as well?

Think I might have to have some words with my stubborn little eejit of a wife. Get it through her head that she doesn't have to do it all  by herself.

And then I'll kiss the fuck out of her again. Because she's my  stubborn little eejit of a wife....who does it all by herself.

"Oh bugger....the Pharmacy! Have to cancel my account for his medicines before I forget. I'll do that on Monday too."

You could've heard a pin drop.

"Winston, darling....I can't believe it! The poor girl. She hasn't got a single clue....has she? "

Eddie's mouth is forming a huge 'O'.

All was silent again for a few seconds before he took off for the drinks cabinet. Fin started to shake slightly, looking up at me as if to say, 'Huh? Did I say something wrong?'

"Guys, what's going on? You're scaring the shit out of her....fess up"  I order when Ed pressed the glass of Benedictine in her hand, all but forced her to scull it.

"Fin, Unc wasn't our tenant. He was, well....our houseguest really."

"Dearest....this home? It belonged to him and your Aunty Claire. Hien's bedroom was once Charlie's. When Claire passed, he put it on the market. We're the lucky ones he sold it to."

"My lovely....we thought you knew all that. Didn't Unc ever tell you?"  Win asked softly.

Now it's our jaws that unlock. She shook her head....totally lost for words.

"He knocked back every other buyer, said they were all upstart dryshites. He wanted a proper family to move in, make it their home and be happy like he was. Told Winston that he knew straight away we're the very ones the house needed....wanted."

"Practically gave it away to us for far, far less than the offer we put in. It was on one proviso. That we allowed him to live in the basement apartment until he....how did he put it darling? 'Popped his clogs'....?"  Eddie added.

Feck me....

"We made a proviso of our own though. That we'd take care of all the related expenses....utilities and such. Was the least we could do, after all he did for us. We fell in love with the house instantly and the old eejit to boot. Didn't we, my love?"

Eddie nodded in wholehearted agreement back at Win.

Those guys! 

Now I'm  starting to leak again.

"He argued like hell that he could support himself and that's when he told us. Didn't manage to change our minds though. Darling....I think we should let Patrick break the rest of the news to them now, don't you?"

"Oh, I can't wait to see her face....let me get my phone so I can take pics"  Ed's sly grin is one of pure anticipation.

Fin fearfully whispered, "Rest of the news....told you what....?"

"Ok, Fin....Norm? Unc made his first will out just after he sold the house to the boys. But he's made a couple of amendments since then. Other monetary bequests that he wants carried out."

"His friends from the park and a donation to the hospital up here. To yours down in Georgia as well, Fin. Also to your Aunty and Uncle, your Grandmother."

"And your  son, Norman. Mingus....did I pronounce that correctly? His bequest will go into a trust fund until he turns twenty-one."

"What?"  I splutter slightly, cos I just swallowed a mouthful of beer.

Fin peeped up at me with a smile of pure, confused delight. Which grew even bigger when Patrick continued.

"Now before we get to the main part, his final bequest is to you two. Win and Eddie I mean. Unc has given you back your payment for the house....in full. Twelve million."

"WHAT????"  Win and Ed all but screamed.

Went white as ghosts before staring at each other. Then started to furiously shake their heads in sync.

"Noooo....nononono....!"  Win gasped before bursting into tears.

"We cannot possibly accept. That money belongs to Unc's family by right. The feckin eejit must've been off his rocker? Such a lovely and overly generous gift, but no can do! Patrick....Eddie and I....we must  decline."

"Like feck you will, Winston! 'What Unc wanted, Unc must get!'  I believe those  were the words you used the other night, big guy?"

"Unc loved you guys so much. He wanted and now he's feckin getting, so shut it. Babe? Take a photo of their  faces!"

Fin found her voice at last and it's an adamant one that brooked no argument whatsoever. We both peer at each other and burst into slightly hysterical giggles.

I've seen Win cry bucketloads heaps of times. Only seen Eddie do it once before though....

"Right, can I take it that's settled then?"  Patrick tried to smother his own laughter but failed.

Win and Ed eventually give snivelly, stunned nods.

"Feckin harpy"  Eddie muttered as we all settled down once more.

"Now, Unc decreed that all his personal belongings go to Fin for disposal as she sees fit."

"The remainder of his holdings after the bequests have been paid and all debts settled, of which there are none by the way....are to be equally distributed as follows."

"Niall Diarmuid Gallagher, Finleigh Yindi Killara Reedus and Norman Mark Reedus shall receive...."

Now I know how Win and Ed felt.

The shock of hearing my  name hits me like a freight train. And I immediately open my mouth to refuse whatever the hell is coming.

But Skip got there first.

"Unc has spoken and I won't let you  say no either. I'm sure it's just his toy trains or pipes or whatever that he's leaving for us and Grampy. It's what he wants. So shut it....DEAR! "

One hand plants itself over my open gob while the other wags a finger furiously under my nose as she grinned.

"FEWKN ARPHEE "  I growl back under her palm.

"....shall receive Twenty-Seven point Two million...."

"Wha....?"  She whispered.

I try to second that as well. But Skip's fingers clench my mouth so hard? My lips pucker up tighter than a baboon's ass.

"....each...."  Patrick concluded happily.

"Say cheese you two"  Eddie started to eagerly click away on his phone.

"Bu....bu....but how can that be?  Train drivers don't make....no....this is wrong. Eddie put you up to this. Stop joking, Patrick! It's not feckin funny at all now. Win, please make them stop...."

Skips eyelids take flight. Then she burst into tears of hurt. While I just sit here stupidly....about as much use as a third tit on a nun.

"You're totally right, lovely. Train drivers don't make that much money at all. But young men who headed north to seek their fortunes....sure as feck did."

"Hate to break it to you, darling girl? But some good actually does  come out of hating horses"  Win finished with glee.

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