Effect [✔️]

由 jisung__pwark

132K 6.9K 6.5K

All the Dreamies have special super powers and abilities, except for Renjun. His parents had powers, but he... 更多

◸ ? ◿


449 28 23
由 jisung__pwark

Everything worked out with Taeyong and Eunji.

Taeyong was happy to hear her out, and has been trying to help her remember what she's forgotten for the past week.

The seven of us decided to get dressed up and go visit Malachi on Planet Zage, just to see how he was doing.

The castle still looked the same, but it appears that they're having more and more balls than ever now.

The moment we walked in, we were greeted by Malachi.

"Long time no see. It's good to see you all are doing well"

He smiled.

"We are~. How are you and that girl doing?"

I asked.

"Where did she run off to...? Valentine!"

He called out, and the robot girl from that day came after a few seconds.

"Her name is Valentine. We got married soon after you all left"

He smiled again, and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so happy for you two~"

Chenle clapped with excitement.

"Oh! Before I forget, I'm glad you all came"

"What's up?"

Donghyuck asked.

"Follow me"

Malachi led us to the same secret room from our first visit, to reveal a boy around Mark's age.

His distinct features were his messy red hair and mesmerizing green eyes.

"This is Syndell. Valentine and I were on the top balcony one day, and saw him falling from the sky. He crash landed floors below us. We ran down and found him unconscious at the ship deck. We nurtured him the best we could, but we were hoping that you all could do better than we can"

Malachi explained.

"He seems like a nice guy, so we'll take him with us back home. We'll do our best to restore him back to good health"

Syndell smiled at my conclusion.

"I appreciate your help. Thank you"

I helped him up, and we bid our goodbyes to Malachi and Valentine before we left.


1 Week Later


Syndell is doing better with each and every day of his recovery.

He said he doesn't remember what happened to him, or how he got on Zage, but he's very grateful for our help.

Through the course of this whole week, Jeno, Jaemin, and Chenle have become good friends with him.

They've hung out a lot this past week. I do miss hanging out with them, but I'm happy that they get along so well.

Jisung, on the other hand, is a different story.

He really misses Chenle. They're not hanging out like they used to, and I can see the jealousy in his eyes. Luckily for him though, I don't think Chenle hasn't noticed the change in his demeanor every time he sees him with Syndell.

But everyone else has noticed his change.

I try to comfort him, but it doesn't really work since I'm not Chenle.


The Penthouse


The seven of us and Syndell decided to hang out in the penthouse.

Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle, and Syndell were huddled up together as usual, and Jisung couldn't look more disturbed.

"I wanna show you three something tomorrow"

Syndell suddenly informed.

"Really? What is it?"

Jeno asked.


He smiled.

"Sounds like fun~"

Jaemin smiled.

"I can't wait to see what it is~"

Chenle excitedly cheered.

"I can't wait either~"

Something seemed off about Syndell when he smiled this time.

It seemed more menacing and maniacal than before.

'You saw that too right?'

Jisung telepathically questioned.

'I did. He has to be up to something'

'My thoughts exactly. We should keep an eye on him hyung'

'I'm with you on that. We take action if he tries anything funny'

'Got it'


The Next Day


I met Jisung in his room, and we waited to hear anything regarding the planned voyage.

Soon enough, we heard Jeno, Jaemin, and Chenle going down the hall. Jisung exited the room while I stayed behind his door to listen and peak.

"Hey Lele. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

He quietly asked.

"Uhm... We're kinda in a hurry Sungie. We can talk later though~"

Jisung looked like he'd had enough of Chenle rejecting him, and quickly grabbed his wrist when he started walking away again.

"Please Lele. It's really important..."

"It's alright Chenle. We'll meet you on the first floor with Syndell~"

Jaemin cheered, quickly rushing off with Jeno.

"What going on with you Jisung? You're not acting like you usually do"

Chenle inquired, gently removing Jisung's hand from his wrist.

"It's about Syndell. He's up to something, I just know it. You can't go with him. Please don't go with him"

Jisung pleaded.

"What are you talking about??? We haven't noticed anything off about Syndell! And isn't it my choice to hang out with whoever I like?!"

Chenle looked annoyed.

"Of course it is! But it's not a good choice if you're hanging out with a scheming trickster like him!"

"How can you say that about him?! You've never even hung out with him like we have! You know don't know him at all!"

"Like you do?! You've only known him for a week! You can't know somebody front and back just from a week after meeting them!"

"You're not even trying to get to know him Jisung! Jeno-hyung, Jaemin-hyung, and I are the only ones who've reached out to him!"

"Ugghhh! Why are you so gullible Chenle?! You don't even know when something is up with another person!"

"If I'm gullible, then you're selfish! You're just jealous that I'm hanging out with Syndell more! You just want me all to yourself don't you?! I'm not some robot that you can control any time you feel like! You can be selfish on your own! I'm going to hang out with Syndell and prove to you just how wrong you are!"

Chenle stormed off before Jisung could reply.

He came back into the room and slammed the door behind him.

"Jisung-ah. Calm down. No one's gonna stop Syndell if you stay here being mad. We have to go after them"


Jisung huffed.

"I don't think you'd want that on your conscience if something happens to them"

Jisung seemed to lighten up a little after I said that.

He quickly grabbed my hand and led me in the direction the three went in.


2 Hours Later


'When do you think they'll stop...?'

Jisung telepathically questioned, exhausted from walking for so long.

The moment he asked that, they finally stopped in a very questionable place.

Jisung and I hid behind one of the rocks, to see what was going on undetected.

"Wahhh~. What is this place~?"

Jaemin excitedly asked.

"It's a very sacred and special place. And also, it's the last place where you'll have your freedom~"

Syndell suddenly chuckled.

"Ah~, alright~"

Jeno smiled, but it soon disappeared when he realized what Syndell said.

"Wait, what???"

"You all actually trusted me~. I'm grateful for that~. You've only made my job so much easier~"

"What are you talking about Syndell??? You're acting very different"

Chenle seemed confused.

"You three still don't get it do you...~?"

Syndell suddenly snapped his fingers and changed his form completely!

'I knew it!!!'

Jisung telepathically exclaimed.

As quick as he changed, he created two bubbles and they floated towards Jeno and Jaemin.

Thinking they were just colorful bubbles, they didn't move and got hit with them.

They collapsed right after the bubbles hit them.

'Toxic Bubble...'

Jisung mumbled.

'What does that power do Jisung???'

'Those bubbles, if touched by anyone anywhere on their body, will knock someone unconscious instantly. Not to mention his other power is Disguise. He used it to hide his true identity from us. He planned all of this from the start...'

Jisung explained, completely on edge.

Chenle started backing away, and he started shaking when he finally comprehended what happened.

"You trusted me the most. Isn't that right Chenle? You're such an idiot. Seifer, Vexx, and Xander are gonna be so happy to see what I caught for them"

He smirked.

So that's why he brought them here!

He wanted to take all seven of us out one by one, to bring us to those three maniacal bastards...

"And to think you thought I actually enjoyed your company. Your clinginess is so annoying. Not to mention you're loud for no reason. I really hated that"


"You would've been better off staying around Jisung. He really enjoys your company, but he hasn't enjoyed mine at all, because he feels like you ditched him for me"

"T-That's not true... H-He knows that...!"

"Does he? Answer me these questions Chenle. When was the last time you two hung out like you used to, for hours and hours at a time? When was the last time you've seen him genuinely smile in your presence? And when was the last time, you saw him happy?"

Chenle froze up and his expression dropped.

'...H-He didn't mean to though. I've been blaming him this whole time, but it was never his fault... I'm so selfish...'

Jisung stressfully thought.

Chenle dropped down to his knees and started crying, realizing his fault.

"Jisung... I-I'm so s-sorry... Y-You don't deserve a brother l-like me..."

'Lele... That's not true...'

Jisung frowned, wishing he could say something.

"Indeed he doesn't. You should never ditch your own brethren for someone you just met. Remember that Chenle, if you make it out of this alive"

Syndell formed another bubble, and it started making its way to Chenle.

"...I'm sorry hyung. Tell our hyungs that I had to do this"

Jisung smiled at me, and dashed off before I could say anything.

He made it over to Chenle and pushed him out the way, but he got hit with the bubble instead.

Jisung was unconscious by the time he landed on the ground.

Syndell seemed surprised, but he just smiled.

Chenle scrambled to get to Jisung and shook him repeatedly, begging him to wake up.

"Well what do you know. Even after you ditched him, he still came to your rescue. You've got yourself a real brother there. Even after that fight you had, he didn't just let you go"

"Y-You heard our fight...?"

"How could I not? You're even louder when you're angry. But that doesn't matter now. He may have saved you, but no one else is here to save you again"

He formed another bubble, but this time I acted.

I channeled the same amount of energy as the day I changed into that knockoff super saiyan when my hair turned green, and I transformed to that same form.

I think I'll like to call it, Zircon Mode.

While dashing over to Chenle, I created a green fire ball and threw it at the bubble.

I picked Chenle up and ran away with him, despite his protesting. The fire ball popped the bubble, and almost hit Syndell's face, but he blocked it with his arm in time.

He opened up a portal and threw Jeno and Jaemin inside. He then picked up Jisung and carried him through it before the portal closed.


Back at the Dorms


The moment I ran through the door of the first floor, I dropped Chenle and collapsed, changing back to normal out of my exhaustion.

Jay and our other ladies were already in the room, and came to see what was wrong. Chenle sat me in his lap for support, and Suko examined me to make sure I wasn't hurt.

Kou came over too, to see why Chenle had been crying.

We informed them of what happened, and neither Geno, Serafina, or Aurora took it well at all.

Suko and Chenle helped me walk to the elevator so we could find Taeyong and tell him the bad news.

The elevator ride felt agonizingly long, but we finally reached the kitchen where all of Force 127 was.

Taeyong was the first to see our condition, and he quickly ran over with Johnny and Jaehyun, the rest following soon after.

"Renjunie, what happened?!"

"Where are Jeno, Jaemin, and Jisung?!"

Taeyong and Johnny asked while Jaehyun got chairs for us to sit in.

"It was Syndell..."

Chenle mumbled, breaking down again soon after.

"...Jisung and I went after them because we knew something was up with Syndell, but we wouldn't know what was off if we hadn't gone after them. He took Jeno, Jaemin, and Chenle to a far away place, where probably no one would've found them, and he attacked them. The only reason Chenle is still here is because Jisung saved him. The three of them were captured, but Chenle and I got away..."


"Jisung wanted you all to know that he had to do what he did..."

I don't know if it was just my eyes, but Taeyong's appearance changed, as if he became more demonic looking for a split second.

He looked calm, but also very sad and angry.


"Are you okay hyung...?"

Johnny and Jaehyun looked very concerned.

Taeyong took a deep breath and calmed himself down.


"Y-Yeah hyung?"

Doyoung stuttered as he came to him.

"Those rings that you made for Renjun to give to the other Dreamies. You can track the three of them with the rings right?"

"Oh! Yes! I have a device that can show us their exact location with specific details! I'll go get it!"

Doyoung quickly ran off.

"Johnny-hyung and Jaehyun. Make sure Renjun and Chenle get lots of rest, and make sure to get everyone up to speed on what's going on"

"Got it hyung"

Jaehyun complied.

"Sure thing Yongie, but how soon are we gonna act?"

"Depends. Renjun, what power did Syndell use on them?"

"Toxic Bubble, according to what Jisung said"

"...In that case, they should be asleep for a couple days, depending on how much power he used in the bubbles. That should give us enough time to get prepared and get to their location"

Taeyong concluded.

"Are you ok hyung?"

I worriedly asked, and he crouched down in front of me to caress my cheek.

"I'm fine. But this is the last straw. I'm not going to let them get the chance to harm any of you a third time, or ever again"


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