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I got some good sleep in, so now we only have ten more hours left until we get to our destination.

Suko insisted on sleeping with me, because she felt that I had already been through too much to sleep alone.

I ended up waking up before her, and went to go check on everyone to see how they were doing. Everyone was asleep except for Johnny, Taeil, and Vexxen.

They were very determined to get us where we needed to be. Vexxen is actually a very nice guy. He's way different from how he was before.

He was never the go-getter type of person. He's always been laid back, and only hung around people in order to assist them.

Being controlled by Xander altered his personality completely, turning him psychotic.

Johnny told me that Chenle was the one who weakened Vexxen enough for them to destroy the mask. Chenle, however, doesn't remember it one bit.

After they recapped most of what happened earlier for me, I went to go check on Jeno.

Taeil created a really huge blanket and pillow for him, so he wouldn't be too uncomfortable.

Occasionally he'll whimper or groan from the pain he's in, so I play with his hair to try and comfort him.

I just wish this wouldn't have happened to him. He didn't deserve any of this, and neither did Jaemin or Jisung. I wish we could've helped him before Xander did this to him...

"I wish we could've helped him too"

I jumped as Jisung suddenly walked in.

I motioned him to over, and he sat down next to me. He looked very troubled.

"What's wrong Jisung?"

"...I should've tried harder to stop Chenle from going with Syndell. This wouldn't have happened if I had just tried harder. Then, maybe Jeno-hyung and Jaemin-hyung wouldn't have gone either..."

He pouted.

"But it worked out. You guys are alright now"

"But what about Jeno-hyung...? He's on the verge of death and look at the condition his body is in. I...wish I could've done something..."

"Don't be so hard on yourself"

Chenle suddenly walked in with Jaemin.


Jaemin knelt down by Jeno's head and gently caressed his cheek.

"...It's my fault that this happened to him. I should've listened to you Jisung. You wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't a serious matter. I see that now. I'm sorry... I've been such a terrible brother to you-"

"Don't say that! I was an asshole to call you gullible. I just wanted to keep you safe, but I couldn't even do that! What kind of brother was I to be so mean to you...?"

"But I was the one who called you selfish! I never should've said that... I didn't even pay attention to how unhappy you were for an entire week! How could I have not noticed that?! I was the one being selfish..."

"But... none of us would've been captured or hurt if I would've done better..."

"But none of you would've been captured or hurt if I had just listened to you..."

"That's enough, both of you"

Mark suddenly walked in with Hyuck clinging onto his arm.

"None of us can or should be blamed for any of this. Jisung, you did your best to try to warn Chenle about Syndell. Chenle, you may not have heeded Jisung's warning, but you saved Jaemin, as well as Vexxen, all by yourself. Hyuckie did his best to help Levi fight Jeno when I was too far out of the battle zone. Injun not only helped save Jisung, but he helped save Jeno too, despite how worn out he was. And even though both Hyuckie and Levi got hurt, I did my best to try and save Jeno. We all did what we could and that's all that matters. Neither of you should be calling yourselves terrible brothers, because you're not. You deeply care for each other. You wouldn't care for each other so much if you were terrible brothers"

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