Infatuated ◆ JeonJungkook ✔

By BornToSpark

758K 36.5K 13.8K

"We all need someone, sometimes." ❖ Your mom decides to move in with her new partner, taking you and your you... More

• Playlist •
tysm/ghost in my head
Fairy Realm


13K 720 229
By BornToSpark

"Don't you tell him tho." You laughed as Jungkook and you walked up to your house, after you spent the evening at Lotte World, "He'd totally destroy you."

Jungkook snickered, "You know, I'd be into that."

You hit his shoulder, acting scandalized although - really - you didn't expect any other answer from Jeon Jungkook.

He unlocked the door and you two entered, too caught up in your childish bliss to notice that the house was unusual dark, quiet.

You were the first one to enter the kitchen, immediately freezing in your spot.


You unfroze and your body moved all by itself, running towards your mother who was sitting at the dinner table, crouching down in front of her.

"Why are you crying mom?"

Your mother quickly wiped off her tears and bit her lip, trying to surpress her sobs.

"I-It's nothing."

You sighed and wrapped your arms around her shaking figure.

You had hoped to never having to hear your mother crying again, swore to do everything to keep her happy.

You literally felt Jungkook entering the kitchen, hearing a sharp breath being sucked in behind you, "What did he do?"

His voice sounded like iron or like ice and you would've flinched if you didn't know this tone already.

"H-He? Nothing..."

You turned your head, still holding your mom close, watching your step-brother clench and unclench his fists.

"Yoona." He said calmly, "Please."

"I-I just found the medical records and I asked him about them and he..." Your mom's voice broke, leaving you in confusion. You didn't know what she was talking about, didn't know how to help her.

Jungkook's eyes, on the other hand, filled with a mix of dread and understanding, "I see..."

He rushed past you, already half way upstairs, shouting 'Dad!' when Yoona just shook her head, "He left."

His head snapped around and he stumbled back downstairs, grasping his coat and leaving just like that, slamming the door behind him shut.

It was impressive in a way, how Jungkook seemed to despise the fact that someone made your mother cry like that as much as you and if you wouldn't've been as clueless as you were in the moment - you would've appreciated Jungkook more than ever.

You were left alone with your shaking mother, still not knowing exactly what had happened but you waited patiently till your mom was ready to talk.

"You know, Haru seemed so off lately." Your mom began to explain as you were cuddled together on the couch.

"He never talked to me about anything, I didn't know him like that."

It was true that in the three years your mother had known Haru, he never failed to share everything with her.

"So I... I wanted to talk about it but then I found the records and- and..." Your mother tensed up, "Y/N he let her die."

You blinked, "What? Who-"

"Taeyeon." She whispered, "Jungkook's mother. He could've saved her but - for some reason he wasn't willing to pay for her treatment."

You stared at your mom, mind racing as you put things together - Jungkook experienced the trauma of watching his own mother die, grew up with the knowledge that his father could've prevented it and now had this very man blaming Jungkook for the effects of his cruelty.

"This- This is-"

"I know what this is Y/N." Your mother said, voice going an octave higher, "I confronted him with that, wanted to know what this was all about, why he never even told me what happened to Taeyeon and he- and he..."

Her voice gave up on her and you watched with dread how your mom's eyes filled with tears again, "He hit me. M-Multiple times just because I..." She sighed, "I shouldn't have done this."

You shook your head feverly, "No mom. It was normal of you to ask, don't you dare blaming yourself for the actions of this- this maniac."

Tears rolled down the woman's cheeks and she looked at you with a sad smile, "What happened can't be made undone."

She stroked the side of your face gently, "You know what that means, right?"


Jungkook boiled in anger.

He felt sick in the stomach, knowing what his father did and what he did to Yoona.

He wanted to kill him, scream at him for ruining the close to perfect life they could've had, for ruining this amazing woman.

Yoona deserved better.

Y/N deserved better.

He didn't even want to think about what they would tell Jee, how they would explain whatever happend to him.

Jungkook pushed open the doors to the fancy upper-class bar, that was hidden in the darker streets of Seoul.

He knew his dad liked to seek comfort there, the excessively expensive alcohol giving him the feeling of being more important than this piece of shit of a man actually was.

He grew up with the feeling of utter disdain towards his own father, forcefully adopted his dad's fake-act and finally got numb towards the constant feeling of rage he felt towards his own dad, his rather careless life style maybe having to do something with his wish to anger his father as much as he was able to.

Well, most of the time he succeded.

Seeing Haru getting wasted at the bar right now had his hands itching to punch the man square in the face.

He rushed towards him, grabbing Haru by the collar, "What the fuck did you do?"

"Hey, hey, hey back off son." The bartender tried to cool him down, but really Jungkook couldn't care less.

His dad didn't react, just stared stubbornly past Jungkook.

Latter shook him aggressively, "You are fucking sick. Instead of being home, apologizing on your knees how you should, you drown yourself in this disgusting booze-"

Haru made a strangled noise when his son's grip on his collar tightened.

"Enough." The bartender tried to get beween them but Jungkook shoved him away, backing off his dad as any reaction failed to come from him.

"You ruined everything." Jungkook hissed, walking backwards, "Are you happy now?"

Haru's eyes looked empty, but a small smile krept over his face.

Jungkook kept on walking backwards until his back hit the door.

He turned around and ran.


Sorry for updating as late


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