Red Queen One-Shots

By siren135790

91.3K 1.5K 742

Red Queen series funny one -shots *Disclaimer, I do not own any of the characters, all rights go to Victoria... More

Fish and Gold
Original Red Queen povs
First Kiss
On The Plane
Glass Sword
RQ and Thor
Author Note
Modern AU
When They Forget
Modern AU 2
Found Him
I Do
I Do part 2
Catch the Flag (the teams)
First Kiss 2
MareCal Fight
First Kiss 3
Red Queen
MareCal Fight 2
Texting RQ&HP
Red Queen 2
Modern AU Part 3
MareCal Texting
Little Laughs
Birthday 🔥
MareCal Texting 2
Mare After Every Battle
Cal Texting Mare (disconnected!)
Little Laughs 2
Beach (CtF 2)
Little Laughs 3
Little Laughs 4
Little Laughs 5
Little Laughs 6
Red Queen 3
Airport part 1
Wake Up You Idiot!
Airport part 2
MareCal Texts
Snowball Fight
Muddy Anniversary
Modern AU 4
Little Laughs 7
Shot 2
Little Laughs 8
Thoughts 2
Corvium Battle AU
Little Laughs 9
True 2
Soulmates and Enemies
Would You Stop?!
Soulmates and Enemies 2
Thoughts 3
RQ Movie
Hogwarts AU
Little Laughs 10
RQ movie 2
Red Queen tag

Punny Wedding

931 23 10
By siren135790

Well, you asked, so here it is.
About time I'll update.
This is light, and hopefully funny.
Hope you'll enjoy 😄😊

"Unlike your future husband, you're not fireproof. So please stop moving unless you want the curling iron to burn your ears."

Mare glared at her little sister. She refrained from smacking her only because Gisa had a hot metal stick in her hand. Instead, she concentrated her sparks in her hand, playing with the white and purple bolts.

Mare was nervous, extremely so. She would be walking down the aisle in a few hours. To marry Cal.

Unlike the last wedding she's been at, this time she wouldn't be filmed and poised. Her best friends and her family will be there, watching her becoming a married woman.

Kilorn, Cameron and Farley flew back from Norta to see the Lightning Girl and the Calore prince declaring their vows.

Mostly they just wanted to have fun. And by fun, they meant watching Mare and Cal embarrass themselves. For the two certainly will. Mare's friends needed to see that.

And of course, emotional support for the ‏‏stressed bride. Just one of them was actually doing it. Kilorn cracked some jokes that will make Cal proud, and again, Mare found herself holding back her electricity. She'll be damned if she would have to sit still for much longer.

But annoyance was better than the growing anxiety pulling at the bottom of her stomach. She tried to distract herself, looking across the room. Farley and Cameron were splayed on the couch behind her, and she had a wonderful view of their shoes from the mirror hanging above the table.

The table itself was scattered with different beauty items. Make-up pots, lipsticks, hair brushes, and pins. Some she hadn't the power to notice, nor name and catalog. Mare wanted a natural look. The need for glam wasn't in her. Especially on her wedding day. She'll be in the spotlight whether her face would be left bare or painted. These products will be mostly for the benefit of her family and friends, Gisa more so.

It didn't matter to her. Nor Cal. True love and all that shit Mare usually snorted about.

Averting everyone's attention to her didn't stand on the top of her properties. There was only one man in the hall that she cared for his focus.

Yesterday, when she told Evangeline that, she feared for a second that she'll go back to that old habit of trying to kill Mare. And that usually didn't end well for the magnetron girl.

Mare knew that if not for her friend's respect for her, she would've totally used the opportunity to shine. And show off to her girlfriend.

A few hours later

Mare was dressed. Her wedding gown was a bright, white satin. It contacted with her dark, tan skin, making her glow. Her hair was loose, purple tipped brown locks that curled and flowed down her back.

She admired herself in the mirror, while wondering if Elane is the one responsible for the glow. But the Shadow wasn't in the room. Evangeline was, though. She isn't Mare's maid of honour, but aside from her sister, she was the the best she knew when it came to beauty and presentation. Together with Gisa, they took care of everyone's make-up and and looks. Gisa was the one who designed her dress, and the other's attires.

Her mother smiled at her through the mirror, and Mare grinned back. They turned around to as Clara squealing from excitement. Farley glanced at her, as if apologizing for the noise her daughter made.

And the reason of the squeals were her mother, the maid of honour, giving Clara the basket of flower petals. The kid is the flower girl, and she seems to be up to the job.

Mare's heart ached as she picked up the little girl, careful to not harm any of their attires. Clara, a clever child, understood that too. And she softly pecked the Lightning Girl on her cheek before trotting off to Gisa and Cameron.

Clara's appearance looked so much like Shade's. Her hair, her eyes. The naughty behaviour. The amused look. They were so similar.

Well, maybe except for their love for flowers.

That was Tramy's terrain. He was the one choosing the petals, and arranging the bride's Bouquet. The one she was meant to throw, and one girl will catch it.

Although it'll probably be Evangeline who marries first. She knew Samos was waiting for the fuss around Mare and Cal to quiet, before she'll show off as well.

Mare let her thoughts wonder in the seconds before she was informed the ceremony was starting. She thought of Julian, Sara and Anabel, all of Cal's remaining family, sitting on the front row. Her own family, some sitted and some not yet. Her father, who will walk her down the aisle to the love of her life. Something that once seemed impossible.

She thought of everyone who's here. The people that helped her. The man who truly loves her.

Mare hadn't thought about Maven at all. She didn't belong to him anymore. The smooth skin on her collarbone proved it.

*I don't feel like getting into the ceremony itself. This is after the "you may kiss the bride."

Mare was the happiest she felt like in, well, probably ever. The guests were cheering, and clapping.

"I love you," Cal murmured in between kisses. They didn't feel like stopping, and since it's their wedding, they didn't really need to. Only Clara was a bit grossed, and buried her face in her mother's clothes.

She poutted and squeaked "eww!" Loud. Mare had to stop the kiss because she was laughing so hard. Tears came out of her eyes, but mostly from getting emotional

After one last time, they separated. Grinning from ear to ear, they started descending the stairs. But Mare fell, clammsy with the heels.

Cal caught her. They entire room went still and quiet. None spoken. Neither of the newly wed couple did anything but gaze into each other's eyes.

Mare stared into his bronze eyes as he spoke. "I think," he said, a smirk creeping to his lips.

She hoped it wouldn't be what she thought. The entire room prayed with her.

"You just fell for me." He finished.

Everyone broke into roaring laughter. Kilorn was almost on the floor, Bree beside him. Cameron tried to get him to stand up as she herself almost collapsed with giggles.

Cal and Mare laughed hard. Mare was holding tight to his neck to keep from falling. Eventually, they had one last kiss. At least For the next few seconds.

Cal pulled her up. They smiled, eyes shining. And they kept so for the rest of the evening.

I just want to know... Do you actually think it's good?

Btw, a Fade one shot will probably be next! And Shde will be alive, with Clara about two years old.🙃

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