A Convenient Wife - A Norman...

By cantgettosleep

19.6K 1.6K 217

Semi-mature. Completed. There is such a thing as being too 'eligible' a bachelor and Norman is finding the pr... More

Chapter 1 - Something Old
Chapter 2 - Something New
Chapter 3 - From This Day Forward
Chapter 4 - Forever Hold Your Peace
Chapter 5 - We Are Gathered Here Today
Chapter 6 - Speak Now Or....
Chapter 7 - We Give Thanks
Chapter 8 - Something Blue
Chapter 9 - My Solemn Vow
Chapter 10 - Dearly Beloved
Chapter 11 - This Man And This Woman
Chapter 12 - Holy Matrimony!
Chapter 13 - Will You Honour Her?
Chapter 14 - I Pledge Thee My Troth
Chapter 15 - This Glorious Union
Chapter 16 - For Richer Or Poorer
Chapter 17 - For Better
Chapter 18 - I Now Declare You
Chapter 19 - Forsaking All Others
Chapter 20 - Something Borrowed
Chapter 21 - To Have And To Hold
Chapter 22 - Or Worse
Chapter 23 - Do You, Finleigh Yindi Killara Take....
Chapter 24 - With This Ring, I Thee Wed
Chapter 25 - Husband and Wife
Chapter 26 - I Present To You, Mr and Mrs....
Chapter 27 - To Love
Chapter 28 - And To Cherish
Chapter 29 - This Day And Forevermore
Chapter 30 - A Symbol Of My Promise To You
Chapter 31 - Wear It And Think Of Me
Chapter 32 - With All That I Am
Chapter 33 - With All That I Have
Chapter 35 - And In Hell....I Mean Health
Chapter 36 - I Choose You
Chapter 37 - With My Body....I Thee Worship
Chapter 38 - This Circle Is Without End
Chapter 39 - I Share With You....
Chapter 40 - All My Earthly Goods
Chapter 41 - Do You Take....
Chapter 42 - Do Us Part?
Chapter 43 - My Heart Will Be Your Shelter
Chapter 44 - Until Death
Chapter 45 - Repeat After Me
Chapter 46 - Constant Friend and Partner
Chapter 47 - My Words Are My Truth
Chapter 48 - Do You, Norman Mark Reedus

Chapter 34 - In Sickness

325 36 1
By cantgettosleep


"I'll just put your bag in the car, gorgeous. Go have myself a smoke. The flight isn't leaving until four, so take your time."

Norman leaned over and smooched me gently on the forehead. Trying carefully to avoid the godawful baby shit, yellowy-brown bruise covering most of it.

"Keep bending over in front of me like that, mister? My puckered lips will be landing on those butt cheeks of yours instead of a Miami runway, sho'nuff."

"You must be going blind in your old age, Meeka. Can't you see the 'Reserved'  sign plastered all over it? That awesome honour belongs to my Skip only!"

He winked at me, then growled in warning. Tilting my face up so I've got no choice but to look into his eyes.

"I'll be home in a couple of hours, sweetheart. Behave yourself! "

"Yes, dear...."

I gave a tiny smile in return before he pinched my nose. Then grabbed Meek's suitcase and strolled out.


Meeka placed a coaster down on the coffee table next to me. Plonked a huge glass of iced tea on top of it, along with some biccie snacks and a banana.

I hunched forward slightly as she plumped the cushion behind my head. Re-arranged the throw rug over my legs then perched beside me on the edge of the sofa.

"I wish you'd both stop fussing, I'm not an invalid. And I'm perfectly fine....honest."

"Give Seth and everyone a big kiss from me. To Manu as well when you arrive in Trinidad. You're all going to love it at his villa. Have an awesome holiday, Meek."

"I'm so sorry it was delayed. You shouldn't have done that for me. But I really appreciate you coming to help."

I move to hug and kiss her goodbye. Only she pulled back....and gave me her  look.

"Now you listen to me, Mrs Reedus....and stop pissin up a damn rope! As if I'd leave to go anywhere  without makin sure you were Ok first. And it's about time someone else looked after you  for a change."

"If Norm and I wanna hover and fuss? Then we're gonna fuckin hover and fuss. So shut it!"

Her finger wagged itself at me, like Puppy's little tushy when he gets excited.

"Fin, how long have we been besties....sisters?"

"Ummmm?  One year, eleven months, two days and an hour give or take. Why?"  I ask, baffled by the look on her face.

I know exactly  how long. Because it was only a couple of hours earlier than that. When Norman first gate crashed my life.

Not that I'm like....obsessively keeping track or anything.

"Nearly two years, huh? And in all that time you've never lied to me....not a once. Oh, you've kept some things to yourself. We all do, so I can't knock ya for that. But ya ain't never out and out fibbed to me."

"Ya ain't perfectly fine!"

"I ain't talkin about here and here....I'm talkin about in here. And seeing ya like this? Well, it's enough to bring a tear to a glass eye. Why won't you tell me what's goin on, hun?"

She waved her hands over my still-battered body before gently settling a palm on my chest. Feeling the wobbly sigh that fills it and releases slowly.

"I want to, I really do. But I can't. Not yet. I just need to...."

Get brave and tell someone else the truth first. He deserves that, at the very least. Everyone deserves the truth.

And when he returns from dropping her off at the airport? That's just what I'm going to do.

"When you come home to New York? I'll tell you then. I swear it, Meek. I'll tell you everything before I....I promise."

My stubborn, feckin eejit voice forces back the other one. That just wants to howl the truth out right here and now.

Her green eyes narrowed. But she eventually pursed her lips together and nodded her acceptance. Knowing she really has no other choice.

"Well, it's time I get my ass moving. Do what ya old man tells ya, alright? Otherwise, I'll come right back and kick ya butt from here til' Sunday. That's my  promise."

"I love ya, hun. Even though you're as plum ugly as Grampa's toenails nowadays."

She kissed me with a sad excuse of a giggle. Hauled her curvy, denim-clad ass off the sofa and out the door.

"Love you too. Even though you're meaner than a bingo barrel full of possums."

I'm pretty sure her folks, who are clear over in Pflugerville Texas....could've heard her responding raspberry.


When the sound of Norman's car fades, along with the distant sound of the front gates closing....I dizzily find my feet. Stretch tentatively.

Give a tiny wince as the little scars low on my tummy tug a bit, while my ribs let out a small groan of complaint.

Other than that? I'm glad to be up and about. Without either of them hovering around me like anxious helicopters.

Relieved also to have some time to myself.

Sorry. That must sound awfully ungrateful of me, huh? But it's been nearly a week now since my hospital discharge. And I'm well on the road to recovery.

Would've been travelling much further along it. If I hadn't been cosseted in cotton wool and bubble-wrapped for good measure almost 24/7. By the both of them and everyone else.

Love them all for it though, regardless.

I bend over, grab the glass and plate. Shuffle out to the deck then settle down gingerly on the huge daybed.

Eye jumped on the cushions beside me and happily snaffled up bits of bologna. While I eat the remaining cheese and crackers.

Bless Meek for making me some afternoon tea. It's just....I'm not as fond of the mystery meat as she and the fluffball are.

When the last crumb is swallowed I lay back.

Turn my face up to the weakening Autumn sunlight, start getting my head and strength together. Need to concentrate on what I need to....have  to tell him. Finally.




Didn't know if I was actually awake or not. But the word croaked its way out of my parched mouth regardless.

This was followed up with a small groan. When I tried  rolling over to grab the bottle of water I always keep on my bedside table.

Emphasis being on the 'tried'.

Because my brain was sending all the right signals to get some muscles and bones to play ball. Instead, my body replied with a resounding....

Oooow feck no, girl!

When an eye squinted itself open? Everything that was black and soothing exploded into white....painful. White ceiling, white walls, white vinyl floor, white blanket, white sheets....neon pink arm.

Snapped it shut again as quickly as possible. So I could try and sink down into the comforting darkness once more.

"What the hell?"

"Skip? Thank fuck you're awake. No don't try to move, baby. You Ok....hurting?"

Was that a trick question?

"Water?"  I rasped.

"Open, angel"  Took a punt it was my mouth and not my eyes that he prompted.

The straw that slid in delivered the most deliciously cool liquid to ever pass my lips.

Like a dried-out sponge, my tongue rehydrated. Filled my gob once more as I gulped and slurped my way back to a pain-free oblivion.

The next time I woke, the blinds on the window were drawn a bit. Once the shutters in my head rolled open wide, my surroundings became clearer to me.

I was in a hospital bed. And when Henny's happily smiling face came into view? I knew exactly which one.

"Hello, my poppet. Those beautiful eyes of yours are a sight for my sore ones. Don't you go and fret now. You've been in a bit of an accident, but you'll be just fine. Drink up, sweety pie."

Again I sucked like a calf at a teat through the straw she held to my lips. While hers lay a soft kiss on my hair.

"I'll just go let Doc Alexander know you're back with us. Here's your pain button. Don't be afraid to use it."

Trust me, I bloody wasn't!

When she walked out into the hushed corridor I clicked that darn thing relentlessly. As if Ming's X-box controls were in my hand and I was mascerating ET's butt.

When a wave of blessed relief washed through me, I tried pulling myself higher up the bed. To survey the room....and the damage a bit better.

The last time I'd felt pain like this? A three-hundred-pound bull calf got loose from his binds while being castrated.

He rolled over on top of my sixteen-year-old bod, then planted all four hooves at various points on my compass.

Repeatedly....for good measure.

'OhmyGod....I'M PARALYSED?'  Screamed through my head when my lower limbs failed to budge.

Peering down in terror I shuddered in relief, seeing Norman's slumbering head nestled on my thighs. His arms were firmly anchoring me to the mattress.

"Baby? I was just dreaming of you. Much better having the real thing back with me though. Missed you like fucking nothing else in this universe."

What started as his sexy sleep-filled smirk teetered, then dropped entirely. Just like his bundle when my mouth shakily tried to tilt up into a returning smile.

"Skip....Oh Jeezus Skip....I've never been so fucking terrified. Are you Ok, baby? You're really awake now?"

His sobbing lips were all over my face. Softer than a cloud on the hurty bits, possessive and moaning in relief on what little remained.

"I'm good, Daggy. Doped up to the eyeballs I think, but all good. Shhhh, don't be scared now....I got you."

Oh boy....that just made him out and out lose it altogether.

"Well Fin, you obviously haven't lost your touch. Still making grown men cry I see. Norm, reckon you can piece yourself together for a minute....so I can give your wife the once over?"

Doc Graeme prodded and poked. Shone his little torch into my eyes and nodded happily to himself. Obviously satisfied with whatever he saw.

Told me about my injuries and how I got them. While Norman clutched then kissed whatever fingers of mine were available. As he hitched and wiped his eyes.

I remembered nothing of the accident. Probably just as well. Because it sounds like it was a real humdinger and I'd had a close shave....

Way too close.

"My driver and the other one. Are they Ok?"

I heaved out a huge teary sigh of relief accompanied by a 'thank God!'.  When he said they're right as rain and already released.

"Half an hour, Norm. Then you need to go home and get some quality rest yourself. Come back tonight and I'll let you know when we can release Fin. Not a request this time, mate....understand?"

"Heard you, Doc. Thanks for everything again"  His sheepish grin broke through a bit.

"I would  say anytime, but I sincerely hope I won't be treating either of you again. Half an hour....and make sure she eats her lunch before you go. Fin? Don't you go giving him any more grief than you already have, young lady! I'll see you later."

"I'll try...."

Sorry, Doc. But try is the best I can do for now.

As soon as he and Henny cleared the door, Norman raced to close it behind them.

He used the little controls to raise the bedhead a bit. Watching my face until I indicated it was enough. Then he fumbled about with the safety railing.

Swearing away until it finally lowered and he carefully climbed in alongside me.

"Unc rang last night and I told him what happened. Don't panic. Everything is cool....he's cool. He told me what...."

"....told me he sends his love. So does everyone else."

Ok. Now it might just be the drugs? Only it seemed like Norman was going to say something else, then changed his mind completely.

"I know you're hurting and feel like shit. But I need  to do this now, baby. Or they're gonna have to drag me out of here kicking and screaming. Not that they've seen me doing much else while I've been here."

"Can you....can you look at me Skip. Please? "

Norman winced right along with me, while I slowly maneuvered around until I faced him. He softly ran his fingers down my face and arm. Before settling lightly on my own that peeked out from the pink cast.

Even when he's been at his lowest ebb?

I've never seen him so wretched. The pain in my chest doubled as I waited for the whispered 'Bunyip'  that never came.

"The last time I said this to you, well....I thought it'd truly be the last time  I'd ever say it. Not expecting you to forgive me this time as well. That'll be way too much to ask for. There's no excuse for what I did. Been doing to you for so long now."

"Mel was with me when we spoke on the phone a couple of days ago. And she told me....everything...."

I listened quietly. Did my hardest to concentrate despite the spacey effect the morphine was having on me. As he stumbled and stuttered his way through.

He needed me to listen and I needed it just as much, I think. And not just to reinforce the decision I'd come to yesterday....the day before maybe?

He told me of his horror once he finally realised. How much his misguided pity and friendship for Laurie had blinded him. To what she was saying behind our backs.

What she was saying and doing in plain sight....to me.

She's gone though! And by the sounds of it? Daggy gave her a resounding send-off.

"Thought I couldn't feel any more shame. Then I found out what I'd said that night. Those fucking thoughtless words. I just wanted to shrivel up and die, Fin."

"Know I told you when we first met. That there are some wires between my brain and mouth that don't connect sometimes. But that night, I had myself one hell of a fucking short circuit."

"I think....no....I truly know  what I meant to say. That asking you to marry me? Was the best thing I've done in my whole life. And you saying yes was more than I could've ever hoped for."

"When I said you're my pretty woman? Skip....you're so much more than fucking beautiful. Inside and out."

"My Mom, she gave it her best to raise me right. Tried to teach me to respect, appreciate and never take any woman for granted. I failed her, you, Mingo....and me. I'm so ashamed and sorry."

"I know you are, Daggy. What happened was shit and it really hurt me, I'm not going to play it down. But it was unintentional on your part. I know that now and I forgive you, honest."

"Me on the other hand? The despicable way I treated you for so long....and spoke to you was far worse. Because I did it with the full knowledge....that it would hurt. I was horrible to you and no one deserves...."

"I did deserve it and with good damn reason, Skip. Especially once I found out why. Ain't never gonna give you cause to feel like that ever again, do you hear me? That's my promise."

He burst into tears again. I held him as best I could, before my body caved in and I fell asleep once more.

Next time I woke up, he was gone.

He promised....but I just couldn't. Because it'll only be one more  promise to him that I'll have to break.


I woke up with a start from my unplanned nanna nap. Noticed the sun has commenced its slow descent.

Carefully balancing my dishes I went inside. Pottered around a bit in my bedroom and elsewhere. Had myself a bit of a sob. Then slowly started dinner prep.

Tonight will be our first and probably last real meal alone together, since I came back. Can't really count him spoon-feeding me in the hospital as a dinner date.

We've had lots of friends rocking up to check me out. Norman asked them not to visit until I got released, to just let me be for a couple of days.

The house is now full of the fragrance wafting up from dozens of bouquets that'd been delivered.

Gave it my best, convincing Norman to go back to work. Couldn't bear the thought of him having any more time off. Leaving Greg and the production team in a pickle because of me.

Even though I told him I'd be fine on my own and didn't need a babysitter, he started ringing around. Trying to find a home care nurse to come over. Only then would he 'think'  about returning to the set.

And that's the exact moment when Ms Bossy-Boots Thurgood stomped her way in through the front door. Commenced throwing her  weight around as well.

Norman was relieved as all feck and got doused in kisses of sympathy.

Whereas I got a new one ripped for scaring the 'Hooters'  off her. Before she burst into a maelstrom of tears and all but smothered me.

"I'm alright, you eejit"  Became my catchphrase over the next four days.

Whenever either of them went into panic stations over any tiny twitch or frown that creased my face.


"You call this behaving?"


When I straightened up and bumped the pantry door to a close, I had two potatoes in my hand.

Spinning around at the unexpected sound of his voice behind me? One of them flew across the kitchen and landed in Eye's water bowl.

Norman caught the other, right before it torpedoed through the kitchen window.

"Just knew you wouldn't be able to help yourself, so I snuck in. Get your ass back on that couch and lay down. RIGHT NOW....me little divil! "

Muttering in frustration all the way, I was shepherded into the living room. He then proceeded to stand over me with a look of mock fierceness on his face. While I arrange myself on the sofa again. 

"I was only going to wrap them in foil. Get them in the oven and chop up some toppings. It's not like I was planning on prepping you an eight-course degustation dinner."

"Oh yeah? And I suppose my clothes hamper just mysteriously floated itself into the utility room and threw its contents in the washer? Then the dishes licked themselves clean while the scrap bin cha-cha'd its way out to the compost tumbler....eh?"

"Must be some after-effects of the concussion. As I have no recollection whatsoever of those events"  I smile up at him, coming over all 'Little Miss Innocence'.

He leaned over suddenly....placing his hands either side of me on the sofa. Norman's nose is now only a few millimetres from mine.

When I shrink back a bit to put some space between us, his whisper became soft. Yet villainous at the same time.

"Always been kinda disappointed. That a liar's pants don't actually catch on fire, Mrs Reedus. Cos right now? I'd be putting yours out with my bare hands."

"And, as we're on the subject of 'recollecting events'?  I just thought I'd let you know....not to worry."

"Not to worry about what?"  I squeak.

"Your flight tonight. You know....JFK to Sydney. Remember?  Don't panic, I cancelled your ticket last week."

Norman smiled just as innocently back, before spinning on his heels and heading to the kitchen.

'Mr Bloody Helpful!'  Pops into my head. Then a nanosecond later? What he actually  said....starts to register.

"Got you a full refund too. Told them you aren't fucking going anywhere....ever.  Not without your husband!"  He yelled out merrily before the door closed behind him.


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