A Convenient Wife - A Norman...

By cantgettosleep

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Semi-mature. Completed. There is such a thing as being too 'eligible' a bachelor and Norman is finding the pr... More

Chapter 1 - Something Old
Chapter 2 - Something New
Chapter 3 - From This Day Forward
Chapter 4 - Forever Hold Your Peace
Chapter 5 - We Are Gathered Here Today
Chapter 6 - Speak Now Or....
Chapter 7 - We Give Thanks
Chapter 8 - Something Blue
Chapter 9 - My Solemn Vow
Chapter 10 - Dearly Beloved
Chapter 11 - This Man And This Woman
Chapter 12 - Holy Matrimony!
Chapter 13 - Will You Honour Her?
Chapter 14 - I Pledge Thee My Troth
Chapter 15 - This Glorious Union
Chapter 16 - For Richer Or Poorer
Chapter 17 - For Better
Chapter 18 - I Now Declare You
Chapter 19 - Forsaking All Others
Chapter 20 - Something Borrowed
Chapter 21 - To Have And To Hold
Chapter 22 - Or Worse
Chapter 23 - Do You, Finleigh Yindi Killara Take....
Chapter 24 - With This Ring, I Thee Wed
Chapter 25 - Husband and Wife
Chapter 26 - I Present To You, Mr and Mrs....
Chapter 27 - To Love
Chapter 28 - And To Cherish
Chapter 29 - This Day And Forevermore
Chapter 31 - Wear It And Think Of Me
Chapter 32 - With All That I Am
Chapter 33 - With All That I Have
Chapter 34 - In Sickness
Chapter 35 - And In Hell....I Mean Health
Chapter 36 - I Choose You
Chapter 37 - With My Body....I Thee Worship
Chapter 38 - This Circle Is Without End
Chapter 39 - I Share With You....
Chapter 40 - All My Earthly Goods
Chapter 41 - Do You Take....
Chapter 42 - Do Us Part?
Chapter 43 - My Heart Will Be Your Shelter
Chapter 44 - Until Death
Chapter 45 - Repeat After Me
Chapter 46 - Constant Friend and Partner
Chapter 47 - My Words Are My Truth
Chapter 48 - Do You, Norman Mark Reedus

Chapter 30 - A Symbol Of My Promise To You

278 35 6
By cantgettosleep


"It's only a small event on Friday afternoon, once filming finishes for the day. A meet and greet with the Governor of Georgia actually. Followed by some drinks and finger food."

"But I'd really love having you there with me. And I reckon you'll get a big kick out of it too, Skip....we both will."

"Do you think you'll be done and dusted with Unc by then? Fritzi will organise your flight home on Thursday if you let me know what time suits? I'll be at the airport waiting for you, sweetheart."

"That is, if you can make it....and you want to come of course?"

I try to keep the plea out of my voice. All too well aware that I'm failing miserably though.

Have also been concentrating so hard on not letting her know. How much....how desperately  much I've missed her these last couple of weeks.

Awwww fuck!  How much you've missed her for nearly a month now, Reedus. Well before she even left for New York when Unc took a funny turn.

Stop kidding yourself!

"You still there, Skip?"  I whisper when the silence between us goes on for too long.

"Yes. Uncle Eustace finished his tests and got the results last Friday. I'll return to Georgia if that's what you want me to do. And thank you, but I'll book my own flight....get a car back to your house. No need for you to leave work to come and get me."

"Is there anything else?"

Her voice is soft and so polite. Polite....and so fucking formal.

"I didn't know that! How did he go....is everything alright? Jeez why didn't you tell me that was when you'd find out, Fin? I would've come up there. Not let you go through all that worry on your own, angel."

"Why didn't you ring and let me know?"

This time? It's sudden hurt that I have to keep from flooding the words I speak.

"Norman, there was no need for you to interrupt your work schedule for my Uncle. The specialist said he'll change his medication around and there shouldn't be any need surgery. So....is there anything else you require?"

I pinch the bridge of my nose and then run a hand through my hair. Barely stopping myself from sighing out loud in sheer frustration.

"That's great....fantastic news sweetheart. Must've been a huge relief. It is for me I can tell you. Love that old eejit."

There's nothing but silence on her end as she waits for me to answer her question.

"Ummmm, yeah. Now that I think about it....you wanna grab my black riding jacket from the wardrobe in Ming's room? It's too small for me now. But I was thinking maybe you can wear it? It's getting a bit chilly down here, and I don't want you to catch your death when we go for a ride."

"We haven't hit the road together for so long now, Skip. And I fucking miss having you with...."

"But I won't need a jacket, will I? Unless of course, there's a specific requirement for me to go out with you on your bike before filming ends? Be seen riding around with you I mean....for publicity purposes and all that"  She interrupted.

What the fuck?

It used to be that just the slight jingle of my keys would be enough to send her dashing, gazelle-like for the door. Laughing in excitement as she grabs her helmet off the table.

Riding is our  time! When we just go out by ourselves and have a blast. Getting lost and not caring one little bit. As long as we're both on my wheels and chewing up the miles....together.

That's when I'm the happiest. Because it's just us....me and her. Did I get it so wrong? I honestly thought she was happy doing that too?

And apart from encountering fans, the only photos are the ones I take. For us and us alone. Well, sometimes my Instagram too, but only after I ask her first. Though she always says yes.

Always says yes to everything.

Our rides were never a photo op or for publicity....ever! Why would Skip even think  something like that, let alone say it?

That hurt. Not only that....it hurt bad.

"Though please, do let me know if there's something else you need from your apartment. I'll drop by and get it for you before I leave New York"  She continued.

"But, I don't understand baby? Are you at Meeka's or something....I thought she was in Miami? Why aren't you....where are you staying if you're not at our home? "

That little bit of information throws me for another huge loop.

"I'm at Uncle's."

"What the....? I just don't get it, Fin. What in the fuck is wrong with you lately? "

"In the note you left, you said Unc is gonna be fine once he's discharged. Has his emergency alarm if he needs any help. You should be in our  perfectly comfortable bed in our  home. Not crashing on his  goddamned sofa!"

"Tell me what the fuck is going on?  And what the fuck do you mean by 'specific requirement'  to go out for a ride anyway?"

This time I don't hold back. Because I'm getting really, really  scared at how weird she was....is....behaving.

Scared and now....angry.

But Fin chose to ignore my outburst completely. Along with all my other questions to her.

"This media event on Friday then. How do I need to dress for it? Casual, formal or what? Just so I can look the part. Bring something appropriate back with me if I need to"  She continued to speak quietly.

"JEEZUS!  It'll be semi-formal....Ok Finleigh? Don't go to any fucking trouble on my account. You can wear stilettos, crotchless knickers and a damned corset for all I fucking care! "

I'm almost yelling down the phone now. My self-control and temper have snapped.

Oh crap, Reedus!

I don't know who drew in the biggest shocked breath then....me or Fin.

But before I can even begin to apologise, this disastrous excuse of a conversation with my so called 'wife'?  Is brought to a confusing end....by her.

"Well, no one will be at all surprised if I show up dressed like that....will they! It'll be just another day at the office for working-girl Fin, as far as you're concerned. Eh, Norman?  Leave me an appointment in the online calendar of where and what time. I'll be there. Goodbye."

Had to strain hard to hear her final, pain-filled whispered response. Then Fin hung up without another word and my hand fell away from my ear.


I've got no idea how long I stood there. Shaking like crazy and just staring at the screen of my phone in disbelief.

It's only the small rustling of a page coming from the direction of the dining table, that reminds me. Mel is there. Reading the script and patiently waiting for me. So we can continue rehearsing our next scene.

When I turn around, sheepish and embarrassed as all hell? She glanced up and shook her head sadly. Went back to her lines.

"Fuck, Mel. I'm really sorry you had to overhear all that. Didn't mean to have a domestic with Fin in front of you. Hell....I didn't mean to have it out with her like that either."

I rarely air my dirty laundry like this, but when I do? It's usually Mel or Andy who come to my rescue with sage words of advice. And now, I honestly need all the help I can get to figure this out.

"I'm frustrated and worried shitless is all. She's been acting so strange for weeks now. And before she left? It's almost as if she was deliberately avoiding me. Like she can't even stand being in the same room unless she absolutely has to."

"And I just don't know why. She hardly talks unless she has to....never even laughs or smiles anymore. It's beyond fucking killing me! "

I grab our empty coffee cups and refill them, before sitting opposite her once more. Opening the little trailer window above the table to let some fresh air in.

Trying to calm down and not let loose the tears that want their freedom.

"Don't know why? Norm, after the way you....my God!  I'm surprised Fin is still around you at all. Full stop"  She shook her head at me in sad astonishment.

Then shook it again in just....incredulous disbelief. After I gape back at her in total confusion.

"Look, I don't know....don't want  to know whatever specific arrangements you have with each other in this pretend marriage of yours. It's none of my business."

"But I'm damned sure she didn't sign on the dotted line. To willingly become the butt of snide remarks and cruel jokes from your colleagues on set....or from you."

"No  woman deserves to be treated that way, Norm. And especially not one with as beautiful a soul as Fin's. I like her, I really like her a lot."

"What do you mean....what remarks and jokes? Did one of the tech guys ask my missus if she'll turn his software into hardware?"

The burst of inappropriate laughter bubbling up my throat in response to Mel almost strangles me. When I catch the look she's shooting in my direction.

It's like a death ray.

"Don't you dare laugh, Norman. Don't you fucking dare!"

"I'll never forget the look on that poor girl's face after she....we....heard you. What on earth possessed you to go and do something like that? Put her down like you did. And in front of everyone?"

"It's bad enough that you continually allow the brassy blonde twat to get away with the shit she throws at her. You didn't have to sink your boots in as well!"


"Fin's been the in-house joke around the set, thanks to Laurie's blabbing bitchy mouth. Now they all call her 'Norm's escort service bride'  too. But then you had to go and start up as well!"

"So, you tell me? If that doesn't answer your question as to why she's upset and avoiding you? Then you're an even bigger dickhead than you already are. Shit...."

Mel leapt to her feet. Grabbing the scripts to stop them from being soaked in coffee. After I drop my cup onto the table. Once her words sink in.

"Norm's escort service bride?  I've never said Fin is a fucking hired escort! What the fuck, Mel? When did you ever....ever  hear me say that? TELL ME! "

"Norman! For goodness sake, lower your voice and get me some paper towels. Move it!"

Without thinking, I do as I'm told. Mind you, it takes me a while....cos I'm shaking like crazy by now.

Eventually, she had to reach over and grab the roll of paper out of my hands. Then lead me back to sit down on the bench.

"It was the night we had the pot-luck dinner at your place. When you gave her the birthday portrait. What....four weeks or so ago now?"

"Steve and I were in the kitchen helping Fin with the dishes. And you were outside with everyone else....remember?"

"Yeah, I remember that night. But I never said that she...."

"You didn't say those exact words outright, Norm. Yet everyone who heard it got your inferences loud and clear. When you said she's your best deal ever....called her your 'pretty woman'? "

She rolled her eyes when I shook my head, waved my hands around in bewilderment.

"Oh, for crying out loud....Pretty Woman!  Richard Gere hires a hooker, Julia Roberts. Pays her a fortune to be his pretend date for a week. To keep away all the single, gold-digging females?"

"Fin's doing you a favour....pure and simple right? So that was an incredibly piss-poor choice of analogy to throw around about her! Steve and I were absolutely horrified when we heard you say that."

"Especially when Fin...."

"When Fin what?"  I croak out desperately, as everything starts to dawn on me now.

All Mel can manage is a dreadful whisper. While closing her eyes and bending her head down. But it isn't quick enough....I still see her eyes fill.

"She just stood there, quiet as anything for so damn long. Eventually, she turned around. But couldn't bring herself to look either of us in the eye....like she was ashamed."

"I'm not a whore. No matter what he, Laurie and any of the others say....or believe. I'm not a hired whore!"

"She said something else. Only I didn't quite catch it before she went back out to collect more dishes."

"Fin didn't run away and hide. Which is what would've done if I'd been....demeaned in public like that. She stayed and toughened it out in front of everyone for the rest of the night. That took courage and true dignity."

"But I know real hurt when I see it....hear it...."

"Oh, fuck me....did I really say that? I can't even remember. Had a fair bit to drink by the end of that night. Why the fuck didn't she say anything to me? Let me know so I could've fixed it there and then?"

"There and then, Norman? Bit late don't you think?  You should've done that right from the start. As soon as Laurie started giving her hell and...."

"Fin can more than take care of herself with Laurie. We've all seen that for ourselves, Mel. If it was really bothering her all she had to do was tell me. Skip knows she can talk to me about anything"  I interrupt her with a small smile, which again flees in an instant.

"Oh really?  Honestly, mister. Sometimes, you make me itch like hell to kick the stupid out of you!"

"I just don't understand. Why you told Laurie of all people, the truth about your marriage in the first place? You know what she's like....how she twists it all around in her head to suit herself."

"And then you kept allowing her to hang about. Inviting her over to your home. And never once putting her back in her box whenever she insulted Fin."

"You never stood up on her behalf. You didn't stop it. Instead you just laughed and played into it, Norm."

"How on earth could Fin tell you she was hurting? When you were the one giving Laurie your tacit approval to keep going and bully her even more?"

I literally feel my lungs collapse, when my chest fills with shame and pain at my monumental idiocy. How could I've done that to Skip....no matter how unintentionally?

Best friends always look out for each other....

Ming's words echo in my head and I remember telling him, that they do. Except....I didn't. Did I?

Fin said she'll always have my back and she has. But when she needed me to do the same? All I did was stand aside and let Laurie stick her knife in it.

Then I did the same myself. Albeit unintentionally....thoughtlessly.

Long minutes passed before Mel slid onto the bench. Pulled me close in a hug, kissing my hanging head before letting out a huge sigh.

"Look, I fucked up big time starting something up with Laurie. And especially  telling her the truth about me and Fin. You called it all the way and you were right."

"But I....I couldn't exactly invite you guys over all the time and not ask her as well? I felt sorry for her. Thought it'd be....insulting? To leave her as the odd man out."

"Mel, I swear....I never meant to encourage her behaviour! I honestly thought Fin was holding her own on that battlefront. I was wrong. Just like I was when I called her....Oh fuck me! "

Called her the very thing Fin swore she was never going to be. I understand now, exactly what she meant and why she said it.

And It wasn't her pride she was trying to protect either, by insisting she support herself. But her own self-esteem.

And I stupidly took all that away from her  😧

Mel kissed me on the head again then tugged my chin around until I looked at her.

"Sometimes, Norman....you're too thoughtful and thoughtless for your own bloody good."

"But we'll fix this. You'll  fix this. Starting right now....with our lot at least. Clear it all up and explain to them that you misspoke. Didn't mean it as a slur against Fin."

"We'll sort out the rest of the crew."


That's....that's why Fin knocked Greg's job offer back? Why she hardly ever visits me on set anymore. Keeps coming up with excuses.

And every time she does, I make her feel guilty for it....don't I?

"Then you'll go tell Laurie. That once she films her last scene tomorrow? She needs to fuck off and take her batshit crazy, jealous fantasies with her. Leave you and your wife alone!"

"And if she continues to spread the insults and slander about Fin like she spreads her legs? You'll kick her fair and square up her...."

"Mel!  That's no way for a lady to talk?"  I splutter out in astonished laughter.

"Norm, hurt the people I love? I ain't no fucking lady! "

"It's Monday and you have until....what....Thursday or Friday when Fin comes back home? So that gives you two and a bit more days. To work out how you're going to make things right between the both of you again."

"If anyone can do it, Norm? You can. After all....God looks after fools and babies."

She kissed me on the head again before giving me a whack around the ear. Stalked to the door of my trailer and yelled out for Andy to "Grab the gang and get their asses over here pronto".

Two and a half days?

Think Mel is being overly optimistic about my chances? After all, she didn't hear the words Fin spoke....or the raw pain in her voice as she said them.

Hasn't watched her close up over the last month. Almost like a turtle retreating into its shell for protection.

The very thing she never got....from me.

"And once you're done grovelling on your knees, begging for her forgiveness? Then grow some balls. Man the fuck up....and tell her that you love her! "

"What the hell? I don't....I mean....hell yeah I love her like crazy. But it's not....not like....WHAT"  I splutter out in shock.

Mel just rolled her eyes and huffed again in utter exasperation.

"Fools, babies....and Norman's!  Hey, come on in guys. The village eejit has something he needs to get off his chest."

"NO....not you!  Invitation only and you're not on the list. So fuck the hell off! "

My head whipped up. To see a smiling Mel place her hand on Laurie's shoulder when she went to mount the step and walk in. Gave her an almighty shove backward.

Before slamming the door shut on her stunned face.

"Start talking, Reedus!"

By now?

I'm too fucking scared of her not to!

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