
By theathea3015

225K 13.7K 1.3K

"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the te... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 49(Pt.2)
Chapter 50

Chapter 38

3.5K 204 35
By theathea3015

"I thought you said we were going to your house." I asked Nick once we had reached a condo. We were in the elevator after the long and tense ride. All I wanted to do was kiss him. I think I'm getting addicted.

"We're in my penthouse baby.. no one knows this place so there's more privacy here.."

" the way, thank you for dress. It's beautiful.." I told him smiling and trying not to look at his pink lips.

"For nothing cara." He said as the elevator opened and we got into his massive penthouse.

"I know I should be used to this but you never fail to surprise me with your luxuries."

"It's all vanity Ariane. The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury.." he said and I smiled sweetly at him and kissed him deeply. Gosh he was so sweet.

"You're my idea of luxury too.." I said when we pulled away.

"Share a drink with me?" He said and walked us to the bar and poured us a glass of wine.

I took it and I could feel the shivers down my spine when our fingers touched. We clinked our glasses together and each took a sip.

I have no idea about wine but this was really good. I finished my glass quickly. "That's so good. Can I have more?" I asked and he smiled at me and refilled my glass. I drank again and he smirked at me.

" Slowly slowly Baby. Don't choke." He said when I almost downed all the contents of my glass in a gulp whispering extremely close to my ear.. my eyes widened at his deep husky tone Causing  neurons to shoot all over my body.

I felt his hard body pressed over me and I  couldn't think properly anymore. Maybe it was the wine. Or maybe it was just hormones. I have no idea.

I felt him pushing my hair to the side and kissing my neck. I want to jump his bones.


Then I felt a cold metal on my neck. I looked down and saw a gold necklace that read 'Tesoro'. I turned around and faced him with a The wine glass still in my hand and a huge smile.

"I hope you like it. I wanted to get you shares in Kit Kat since you like it so much but Tamara advised me against it .. and I wanted the necklace to say 'mine' but it's too short and I don't want you to think you're some object or —" I cut him off by kissing him deeply.

"I love it. Thank you so much. I don't deserve all this..y-you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." I told him wholeheartedly and he pulled me close by my waist causing the wine to spill on my chest down to my white dress. I didn't care. He took the glass out of my hand and placed it on the bar.

"It looks so beautiful on you. It means 'darling' in Italian"

"I know.. you've called me that before and I looked it up..." I said smiling at his brown eyes. He looked at me and kissed me softly and I shoved my hand through his hair and kissed him back. His kiss soon became demanding but gentle, hard but soft. Confusing and shooting all reasoning out of my brain. I don't know how it happened but we ended up on the couch on a full on make out session with his jacket off.

"We..we should stop.." he said biting my ear softly.

"W-why? I don't want to.." I was drunk on his kisses. Or maybe on him.

"Because I want you so much..and I -I might not be able to control myself any further.."

"I -I want you too ..Don't control yourself anymore..." I whispered and kissed his neck.

He looked up at me intently and I was lost in his brown eyes..

"Are you sure about this baby? No pressure. Because if I start.. I might not be able to stop cara.."

"Then don't Nick. I'm yours .." I told him and he grinned widely like he had won the lottery.

"I want to devour you and gently kiss all the wine off your nipples , then make love to you slowly over and over ...are you ready?" He asked and a shiver ran through my body making me nervous yet very excited.  I nodded and he carried me bridal upstairs to his room.

If I thought seeing him shirtless would make me pass out , I was wrong.

If I thought kissing him  was addictive, I was so wrong.

And if I thought after my first time, my feelings for him would lessen or diminish , I've never ever ever been so wrong.

My feelings for him have heightened. And his touch is all I will ever be able to think of.

It was a long long night.


I could feel his member pressing against my butt early the next morning. His arms were tight around my waist and his face in my neck. I turned around and looked at him and watched him frown in his sleep.

"Cami." He said and I frowned. Why is he dreaming of her? I'm already getting jealous.
I tried to get out of his hold when he opened his eyes..

"Where are you going?" He asked in a deep husky baritone.

That's so hot!

I couldn't help but remember his voice and all the things he said to me last night.

Such a dirty mouth. Very dirty mouth.

But his tongue is magic.. and his fingers too.

And his...

Stop thinking about sex!

"J-just to the bathroom..I'll be back soon.."
I told him kissing him and he nodded and mumbled inaudibly. Even my voice sounded strained! I picked up his shirt on the floor and walked to the bathroom.

Walked ? More like wobbled !

As usual, it was huge and beautiful. I looked at my self in the mirror for a while. I looked flushed and my cheeks were as red as roses. My hair was all over the place and there were hickeys all over my neck underneath the gold necklace. I had wanted to take it off but he didn't let me. Something along the lines of "I want to fuck you with it on you.."

I washed my face with warm water and shrieked when I saw Nick standing behind me in the mirror when I Put my head up.

"Y-you scared me .." I told him looking at him through the mirror. I didn't even hear Jim come in.He just looked at me with a glint in his eyes and walked closer to me. For a second all I could think of was vampire diaries when the vampire's about to feed.

"Good morning baby.." he said kissing my cheek softly.

"M-morning" I muttered smiling.

"How did you sleep?" He trying to touch my boobs. I could feel him very prominently on my butt.

No restraint. None at all when it comes to him.

I can't even speak.

"Great." I moaned when he continued with his magic fingers.

"That's good to know." He said and I could feel his arrogant smirk through his voice. He turned me to face him and tried to take off the shirt I was wearing when I stopped him.

"Y-you're naked.." I muttered trying not to look at it.

"Yeah. And my friend down there loved the forbidden fruit last night.. he wants more.." he said pulling me closer.

Oh my God! Does it grow or what?

"I-I.." I don't know what to say. "I..I can't feel my legs Nick.." I told him and he touched my bottom lip with his thumb.

"That was the plan love.." he said and I noticed him looking at all the hickeys he's left trailed down my body.

Well, I might have scratched him last night..

"You feel good about yourself huh? Leaving all these hickeys on my body!" I said smacking his chest and he grinned like a goon.

"It's so sexy.. like my own personal piece of art ..and to be fair, you marked me too .."

I blushed. "I-I'm s-sorry ... I was just caught in the moment, I didn't—"

"Hey hey hey , don't worry about it. I want you to be comfortable with me okay? Tell me what you like and what you don't. We're lovers. And it was hot as fuck." He said and kissed my nose.

"Let's shower together ? Please? No naughty business. Just showering. I promise." He said and I had to give in.

He took off the shirt and carried me to the bathroom stall and we started washing each other at first and as usual , Nick didn't keep his promise..

I won't go home with a voice. Definitely.

After the shower, I wore one of his t shirts and we went downstairs for breakfast. He was making pancakes and syrup in just long black sweatpants with his hair still wet and messy from the shower.

We were eating opposite each other because Nick is so touchy and I'm still kinda sore from yesterday.

"You look so handsome this morning. Extra handsome ." I told him with a smile. I think last night made me a little bolder.

"Yeah? I had some bomb ass puss—"

"If you finish that sentence Jeremy ! Oh my God!" I interrupted him quickly and he laughed so hard.

"You literally have the dirtiest mouth ever! Do you kiss your mum with that mouth ?" I asked and he laughed even more.

"Cmon cara. I know you love my dirty talk.. you even said—"

"Stop! Stop!" I said closing my ears from the crazy stuff I said last night. He said and he laughed again and stood up to go answer the ringing doorbell.

"I'll be back scream queen." He said I blushed so hard. I ate my breakfast waiting for him to come back. I checked my phone to see messages from Tammy , Tyler and Harry. I read Harry's first. He told me to come to his house at 9am. He said there's something important he wants to tell me.

It was 11am.

I'm so doomed! Nick and I lost track of time ! He soon came back and took a seat . I composed myself and tried not to look to panicked.

"Are you okay?" He asked after taking a bite of his pancakes with sardines in them.

"Nothing. Who was at the door?"

"Oh. Just the neighbors."

"What did they want?" I asked eating some more pancakes

"Oh , they were wondering if you joined the choir. You were hitting some high notes last night." He told me and I choked and spat out the contents of my food to find him laughing as usual. He's such a stupid clown!

He got me a glass of water and helped me drink it while tapping my back. "You're such an annoying person. I almost died! Jerk!"

"I'm sorry. You're just so easy to annoy and you're extremely funny. I'm sorry baby."

"Huh!" I Humphed and rolled my eyes and cleaned my moth with a paper napkin.

"Cmon , you have to admit it was funny! I can't help it around you . That was my driver. I asked him to Bring some important documents I have to sign. And some clothes for you. Forgive me?" He asked and kissed my nose.

"Fine. I have to go home today.. I have stuff to do.." I told him and he frowned.

"You're leaving? I thought we would spend the day together.." He asked me with his brows creased.

"Nick.. you know if we spend the whole day together , we're just going to keep ending up in bed."

"Well that's the plan Ariane. What do you have to do?"

"Nothing you know of Nick and I'll be back in the evening if you want." I told him throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him.

"Fine. Let's go get you dressed up." He said snaking his arms to carry me and I squealed. "I can dress up by myself Nickkk."

"Where's the fun in that?" He said as we walked upstairs in a fit of laughter.


"I-I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't see your message till later." I told Harry once I got into his house. Jasmine and I chatted briefly and told me he was in his office. He stood up and stalked to me. He was wearing black pants and a white shirt with the top buttons unbuttoned.

"Where did you go last night ? I called you and I even went to your house. I called Nick's and he wasn't at his house either. I even called your friend Melanie. And she had no idea.So where were you?" He asked looking suspicious.

"Uhh..I—" I didn't know whether I should tell him about then penthouse or tell him about Nick .

"Is that a hickey?" He said looking at my neck that I tried and obviously failed at covering with my hair since I had no makeup with me.

"You were with Nick?" He said pulling me harshly towards him and taking a better look at them. "You were definitely with him since you have a truckload of them all over your body!"

"Did you sleep with him?" He asked me holding me harshly. "You fucking had sex with him!"

"Y-you're hurting me Harry .." I told him whimpering. And he strengthened his hold for a second before releasing me harshly.

"I should have seen this coming. From the way you were both cozy with each other. And I should be so fucking happy about it but you know what?" He said clenching his fists. "I'm livid. I hate it. I hate that he touched you!" He almost yelled in anger.

"W-why?!" I asked him because he was confusing me. He using me  to ruin Nick but he's mad that I'm doing what he asked me to.

He looked at me and came close to once more. "Answer this question. Do you have feelings for him?" He asked and I looked at him trying to find the answer.

I think I already knew the answer but I was trying to deny it.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. The hesitation , gives it all away! You could have been a little subtle about it. Do you have feelings for Tyler."

"No." I answered almost immediately proving his point. He chuckled humorlessly.

"Wow. He just has to take everything from me huh. Everyone wants him like he's the last fucking candy in the jar!"

"Why are you so upset ? Isn't this what you wanted ? For me to get to know him and for him to fall for me?  I'm doing everything you asked but you're throwing a fit! I don't understand".

"Because I'm falling for you!" He yelled and I felt like everything stopped.

What? Falling for me?

"Believe it or not. I can't stop thinking of you and about you.  And your stupid annoying laugh. And the fact that you have feelings for the asshat is killing me! You need to stop those feelings before they blossom or I will take everything from you. Mark my words. Your cute little boyfriend won't have anything to say or do about it. Remember, I can easily send this pictures to whoever the hell I want. So take my threat fucking serious." He said and I felt tears drop from my eyes .

" I want you to break up with him during thanksgiving. During his family dinner."

"That's in a month.. so enjoy your time with your little boyfriend." He said as the tears rolled down uncontrollably. He walked to his desk and took a seat as I watched him.

"Our meeting's over princess. 30 more days to fuck his ass. You can leave." He told me dismissively.

"For someone who says he's falling for me, you have a hard time showing it." I said and turned on my heel and ran out of his house, not before hearing something crash in his office.

30 more days to go...


I know some of y'all wanted to be some mosquitoes on the wall while they were having sex🙄🙄🙄 I am sorry to burst your bubble😂😂😂😂

But that chapter will be available privately soon.🙄🌚

Sorry for the late update. How do you feel about this chapter?


Vote and comment and share guys😘😘😘


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