Substitute Alchemist - Bleach...

Da Midnight_Lilac

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Disclaimer and Copyright
Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Past and Present
Chapter 2 - Dimension Lapse
Chapter 3 - Truth
Chapter 4 - State Alchemist Qualification Exam
Chapter 5 - State Alchemist
Chapter 6 - Mission
Chapter 7 - Rekindled
Chapter 8 - The Warehouse
Chapter 9 - Transferred
Chapter 10 - Partner
Chapter 11 - Homunculus
Chapter 12 - Light Moments
Chapter 13 - Nightmare
Chapter 14 - Proposal
Chapter 15 - Briefly Sidetracked
Chapter 16 - Development
Chapter 17 - Contacted
Chapter 18 - Developments
Author's Note
Chapter 20 - Vacation
Chapter 21 - Revelation
Chapter 22 - Fight
Chapter 23 - Changes

Chapter 19 - Saved

404 23 8
Da Midnight_Lilac

This chapter is dedicated to mysticaldragon2001! Happy reading!


Kiana pov:

Scar was silent, hesitating. His fists were clenched tightly and a deep frown was etched onto his face. We had been sitting in silence for the past ten minutes, and I was waiting for Scar to break it in vain. I sighed inaudibly and reached out to him. I gently placed my hand on his arm, causing him to nearly jump out of his skin in surprise before he met my gaze. I gave him a small smile and then let go of his arm.

"Why are you hesitating, Scar? You know that I won't judge you for whatever decision you make...although I am hoping that you give up on your path of revenge for good," I said softly. "Tell me what's on your mind."

He looked away from me to gaze at the floor sharply again. He clenched his fists even more causing the veins on his arms to become more defined. He inhaled deeply once and spoke, "I...I can never be forgiven for the deeds that I have committed nor do I deserve your friendship or sympathy. What I have done is not only something looked down upon by everyone in the world but also a great sin in the eyes of Ishbala. I don't deserve anything but death."

We sat in silence for a few moments, each wrapped up in our own thoughts. While Scar was surely drowning in guilt and self-hate, I was thinking of possible ways to ease the torment he was going through. I looked away from him and at my hands on the pillow on my lap.

"Scar, did you know that feeling remorse is the strongest punishment for anyone's wrongdoings?" I asked, my voice soft but firm. "I agree that what you have done is wrong and you must feel terrible about it but it's human nature to make mistakes. Every person makes mistakes, perhaps of differing magnitude, and while some don't feel guilty about it, others do. Those who feel guilty suffer the worst punishment because most of it is mental and emotional."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that despite how you feel about what has happened and that you think you deserve to die for it, you can't take that decision. Death is easy for you, and will quell your pain in one go...but living the rest of your life aware of your wrongdoings, serving penance and promising to do good from now on until your last breath is the only way you can atone for you crimes," I explained. "Besides, you deserve a second chance."

He flinched at the last sentence that I said, his eyes going wide. "A second chance?"

"Yes. Everyone deserves a second chance...just as I did."

"Have you done something bad too? Something that you have not told anyone?" he pressed, seeming quite interested in my past now.

"I lost my parents when I was very young and harbored hurt and anger towards the creatures that killed them. After I recovered from the injuries I had suffered and was trained by the people I now consider as my family, there were many instances where I took out my anger on others and become violent and was restless. My rage was close to making me a monster bent on revenge and, to be honest, I still feel angry and upset about what happened sometimes but...I'm glad for that phase not lasting for more than a few months thanks to Shinji and Hiyori who taught me that fueling my anger with violence was wrong. Instead, they told me to think of all the people I could protect with my power, even if it meant defeating more of those creatures...but I would do so with my emotions in check. I would not be blinded by my anger towards the one creature that killed my parents. Although, I suppose it's silly for me to be saying this because I didn't get involved in any fight – I always avoided them and ended up paying a price for the lack of training."

"I'm not sure if I understand all of what you said but the gist is clear, I suppose. But what creatures are you talking about? Are they the Homunculi?" Scar questioned.

"No, they're creatures worse than Homunculi, though just like Homunculi, they're not that way because they want to be. Unexpected circumstances have made them that way and they are in the clutches of darkness that make them the violent, ruthless existences they are," I answered. "That aside, if you've understood what I mean to say with the narration of my past, what will you do now?"

"Your words are...admirable and definitely food for thought. However, my countless sins can never be forgiven and it's quite obvious that I can only live a life of hiding. I cannot live like a normal human anymore – that chance is long gone," he said and then looked over his right arm. "As for what my brother was unable to complete..."

I placed my hand on his tattooed arm, cutting him off mid-sentence. "What your brother was doing was wrong, Scar. You know that too. He and you may share the same blood but it doesn't mean that you're obligated to share his beliefs, his goals and complete what he began. Anything that is started to hurt others does not have to be finished once the one who started it no longer exists."

"You don't understand. This arm is the only thing that connects me to my brother, to my people. If I don't do this-"

"I'm not telling you to get rid of your arm, I'm just telling you to stop hurting other people in the name of something crazy that your brother started. I mean, why did he even want to try creating the Philosopher Stone in the first place?" I asked.

"To revive the woman he loved," came Scar's answer. "He tried to revive her once but it resulted in the Homunculus named Lust. He wanted to make her human with the Philosopher Stone."

"He wanted to kill hundreds of thousands of people to revive one person...I find that very demented, no offense. That aside, it doesn't seem to me like you are concerned about making Lust a human even if you did create the Philosopher Stone, so why hurt people for a goal you don't have?" I questioned. "Your brother's goal is not yours – you're just trying to finish what he started because you're lost and you don't know what else to do. You're not thinking for yourself. Please, Scar, you have to stop looking at the world through a keyhole and widen your vision to see that there is so much more to life. Everyone has lost the people the love – fairly or unfairly – but they move on, Scar. You have to move on from the past too."

I sounded desperate now and I knew that he could tell. He wasn't looking at me and appeared quite troubled. I restlessly waited for him to think about what I had just said and give me an answer, to tell me his decision. After what felt like hours, he sighed deeply and stood. I followed suit without taking my eyes off him and tensed when he met my eyes with sad, forlorn eyes.

"Thank you, Kiana, for...worrying about me," he said, sounding a little awkward, "but I don't think that I can get a second chance even if I want it. The military will not stop trying to find me and kill me, so-"

"I can take care of that," I interrupted. "I have a plan to help you in that matter, and with the right people, it will work."

"People? You plan to tell others about me?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Only a few that I trust very much." Clenching my fists, I continued, "So, does this mean that you are willing to start afresh if given the chance?"

"Perhaps," he said after a long moment of silence.

"I'm glad to hear that," I said with a sigh of relief. A seemingly suffocating weight had been lifted off my chest and I smiled. "I'll talk to some people and figure out how to clear the path for you and get you to a place where you won't have to hide anymore and-"

"I don't understand one thing though," he mumbled, interrupting me mid-sentence. "Why do you even care about a killer like me? Why unnecessarily stress yourself over me who's not related to you in any way, let alone tried to kill you several times?"

"Because you're human, just like me." I looked to the side with a short laugh, "Just because I'm being nice to you, don't think that you've escaped any sort of punishment, alright? I'm going to definitely make you pay for all the things you've done and all the hard work you're making me do. I think physical labor and something to test your patience will work."

Much to my surprise, he twitched and even paled a little. I was curious to know what he thought of to get such an expression but he spoke before I could tease him. "I have a feeling that it won't be pleasant..."

"Pleasant or not, you're obligated to do as I say," I said strictly. "Anyway, why don't you stay here for the night? You can sleep on the couch – I'll get you a pillow and a blanket."

"You're rather peculiar person," he mumbled.

"I'll take that as a compliment and agreement to stay here tonight. I'll be right back, okay?" With another smile, I walked into my bedroom to get Scar a blanket and a pillow.

>>Time Skip

"I refuse," Col. Mustang said curtly with a placid face.

"Huh?! Why would you refuse?! I haven't taken a vacation for years and I'm sure I have enough leaves for this! Kiana has enough leaves too!" hollered Jean, annoyed by the colonel's direct refusal to give us a week off to go to Jean's hometown.

"I didn't say that I won't give you a vacation ever but not now," Col. Mustang clarified. He closed his eyes momentarily and then looked at me. "Kiana san, I have a new mission for you, an important one that has to be seen through without any delay."

"An important mission?" I repeated and Jean and I glanced at each other momentarily. I then met the colonel's gaze again and asked, "What is it, Colonel?"

"I need you to go to Central City and investigate the odd disappearances of both State Alchemists and local alchemists."

"Alchemists are disappearing? Why?" I questioned.

"We don't know, but there are rumors of suspicious individuals and suspicious activity happening in Central. We think it might be Scar but what contradicts this guess is that we are not finding the bodies or any blood of the alchemists that have disappeared. I want you to find out about the people who are causing this."

"Wait, wait, wait," Jean said while holding up both his hands, "you want to send Kiana to Central City to investigate disappearing alchemists? Don't you realize that you're putting her in danger? She's an alchemist too so there's a high possibility that whoever is stirring trouble will try to attack her!"

"I'm aware of that but-"

"So, you can't send her! You should send regular soldiers to take care of this, Colonel," Jean insisted, frowning.

"Alchemists are not able to hold their own against these miscreants and you're expecting regular soldiers to?" mused Col. Mustang, his brows raised. "I'm aware that my decision is harsh but Kiana san is probably the only one suitable for this. She's strong and I have confidence that she can complete this mission without much trouble."

"Then I'll go with her," Jean said.

"I didn't give you permission to make such a request, Lt. Havoc. There are-"

"Jean, I'll be fine," I said, facing him with a smile before the colonel could complete his reprimanding. "I am strong and I can hold out against Homunculi. If you come with me, I can't fight efficiently while protecting you."

"But, Kiana, it'll be dangerous."

"I've sent a request to General Holden in Central to give Kiana san a team of qualified State Alchemists to help her," stated Col. Mustang. "She won't be going out to fight alone."

"I'm thankful for your concern, Colonel, and I'm sure Kyran will be able to help me a lot too," I responded, my smile widening and earning a smirk in return. Jean though, was unhappy.

We returned to our seats after that and got some paperwork done before going out for lunch at a restaurant close to the headquarters. Jean continued to sulk the entire time and Kyran was watching him in amuse. He helped me convince Jean that I would be alright on the mission and that we would return in one piece after solving the trouble in Central City. He was still not completely okay with the mission and was also sulking at the fact that his visit home had been delayed.

It had been more than four years since he had gone home and he was really looking forward to it. I could understand how he felt but I told him that we could go to him hometown right after this mission was over.

Post lunch, Jean dropped me off at the train station. Yet again, he fussed over me and told me to be very careful and told Kyran to be alert and watch over me so that I didn't get hurt. I had chuckled at his worry-wart side and Kyran had sufficed with a barely visible amused smile but both of us had reassured him that we would be careful. We parted with an embrace and him giving me an affectionate kiss on the forehead.

As I entered the train bogie, I spotted Scar sitting at the very back, the hood of his cloak covering his face from view of the people outside the train – especially the military personnel. Our eyes met and I smiled while giving him an inconspicuous bow before taking a seat in one of the front seats of the bogie.

After sleeping for a few hours last night, Scar had woken me so he could leave before the usual military patrol that happened at five every morning. He had awkwardly thanked me for my help and I had instructed him to stay close by to me and Kyran at any point of time so he would know what to do when depending on the conversations I had with those around me. As such, I had felt him lingering close by since this morning and he was now following me to Central City.

"Take care, Kiana, and be safe," Jean said while caressing my cheeks through the train's window.

"I will, Jean. You stay safe too," I replied, smiled and holding his hand, "and Jean?"

"What is it, Kiana?"

"When we're back, there are two things that I want to tell you. They're really important things that you need to know and, well, one of them is actually something I need your help with," I said vaguely.

"You know that you can tell me anything, Kiana. I'll be waiting," he responded with a nod, "so come back soon, okay?"

I nodded and Jean pulled away from my face at the train's last call horn. With a hiss of the pressure in the gears, the train began to move forward slowly. I waved to Jean and then sat comfortably, leaning my head back against the seat and closing my eyes with a sigh as we pulled out of the station.

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. The fact that alchemists were disappearing in Central City was indeed strange. It surely wasn't because of Scar because he had confessed that he hadn't been hurting any State Alchemists in the past few months. Besides, normal civilian alchemists were disappearing too and that was even stranger. The possibility of Homunculi being involved was high and if they were, what was their motive?

I suppose there was no point in getting worked up over the mission before getting to know more facts and figures. Col. Mustang had said that I would report to Gen. Holden there and I would have to meet Hughes san as well to deliver an important letter to him. I could get some details about the mission from them and from the State Alchemists that I would be working with for the next few days. For now, I would just enjoy the beautiful skyline and scenery that we passed by.

The seven hour journey to Central was mostly pleasant. We ate sweet bean buns in the middle, having bought them when the train stopped at a station midway between East City and Central, and even invited Scar to sit in the seat opposite to us. I had offered him a sweet bun too which he had taken hesitantly and awkwardly – he seemed to be quite awkward around me and it was amusing to watch – and he sat silently while looking out of the window while Kyran and I occasionally exchanged words on random topics. My guess was that he wasn't used to social interaction ever since he began his 'mission' to complete his brother's life's work but I think he liked receiving the general attention from me and accepted it without much resistance.

When we reached Central, Scar once again shifted to the back of the bogie and stayed hidden until there weren't any military personnel to confront him as he followed me and Kyran.

"The stars are bright today," Kyran commented while looking up at the sky. We were walking down the rather deserted streets towards Central's headquarters with Scar following about a block behind.

"They are," I replied, smiling too as I gazed at the sky. However, I tensed and immediately came to a halt when I sensed some unexpected reiatsus quite close to where we were. The vibe I got from them was unsettling.

"What's wrong, Kiana?" Kyran asked, having stopped as well.

"I can sense three Homunculi...and Hughes san just a little away from us. There's no one else within a kilometer of them," I said. "Something's not right."

"What do you want to do?" he asked and I thought for a moment. But just as I decided to inconspicuously check it out, the intensities of the reiatsus spikes. I also felt them moving – Hughes san was running and Envy was chasing after him.

Cursing under my breath, I used Shunpo to get to where they were, leaving Kyran and Scar behind and reached Hughes san and Envy near a public phone booth. Hughes san was injured on his right arm and blood had stained his sleeve, even dripping down the length to the ground below. In his left hand, he held a knife pointed at Envy's neck who had taken the form of a lieutenant.

"Why don't you tell me about it?" Hughes san said, his voice sharp. "Lt. Ross has a mole under her left eye."

Envy momentarily twitched at that and chuckled. "Is that right? I must have got careless," he said while turning to face Hughes san, touching the skin below his left eye to create a mole under.

"Isn't that amazing," Hughes san mused and I narrowed my eyes. Even before I could step up to them, Hughes san slashed Envy across the throat, causing blood to splatter and Envy to fall to the ground convulsing. "I'm sorry but I have a wife and daughter waiting for me at home."

"Hughes sa-" I was cut short by Envy standing up while taking the form of Gracia san. He held up a gun and Hughes san's eyes went wide at the sight – he was shocked and frozen, and unable to throw the small knife he had pulled out of his sleeve.

"That was a pretty good act, wasn't it, Lieutenant Colonel?" Envy mused, smirking wider than before.

"Hado no san jyu ichi: Shakkahou! [Hado 31: Red Flame Cannon]" I yelled split seconds before Envy pulled the trigger, blasting him back and causing nothing more than a fine scratch on Hughes san's cheek from the bullet. Startled by what had happened, the latter fell back onto his rear, dropping his knife with a clatter. I rushed to his side and kneeled with a hand on his uninjured arm. "Hughes san, are you alright?"

"Kiana? What...what are you doing here? And that person, who, what is he?"

"He's the Homunculus called Envy," I answered. "He can't be killed by a mere cut like that because Homunculi have the power of regeneration."

"I see...but what did you hit him with? It wasn't ice, was it?"

"Hughes san, we have to get to some place safe for now. We can talk about what happened later," I said and coaxed him to get up.

"You're a really annoying b****, you know that?" Envy seethed as he stood, his injuries from my Hado spell healing with crackles of red light. Hughes san cursed under his breath, tensing and concerned on how to escape. He came to stand in front of me protectively but I stepped out from behind him and stood in front of him protectively instead.

"Kiana, you have to stay behind me! This is dangerous and-"

"I'm sorry I'm so annoying, Envy," I responded, cutting of Hughes san. "That aside, why were you trying to kill Hughes san? And why are you abducting alchemists?"

"Abducting alchemists? Hah! Why would I do that? I have no connection to those freaks who are experimenting on alchemists," he spat.

"I'm glad to hear that but you didn't answer my first question. Why did you try to kill Hughes san?" I demanded, narrowing my eyes dangerously. He clenched his jaw but then chuckled after a scoff.

"He's being far too nosy, you know? He's digging into places he shouldn't be digging into and causing us trouble. We can't let him tell anyone about what he's found out."

"Too bad your efforts are going to be wasted, Envy, because you're going to have to get through me if you want to even put a scratch on him," I stated curtly, causing his face to contort in anger.

"Tch...I'll let you two off the hook for now. But don't worry, it won't be long before you're groveling at my feet wishing for death instead of the torture I have in stock for you," Envy seethed. "You don't know what you're up against and neither is he. But for now, you should do well to remember that if he tells anyone what he knows about us, the first person to die will be his precious little daughter."

Hughes san gasped behind me and cursed under his breath as Envy sprinted away from us. I glanced behind Hughes san in the direction of Lust and the other Homunculus whose reiatsu wasn't familiar and sensed them meet up with Envy and clear out as well. With them gone for now, I sighed and looked at Hughes san.

"Hughes san, are you alright?" I asked again and he met my eyes looking very worried.

"I'm fine but I have to get home quickly!" he turned to run towards his house and I fell in pace with him quickly.

"They won't come again tonight, Hughes san, so Gracia san and Elicia will be safe."

"How can you tell? They might be there right now!" he responded, cursing under his breath and picking up his pace.

"I know it sounds strange but I can sense them. They're heading away from your house and Gracia san and Elicia are safe." Hughes san stopped running and faced me with a frown. I then asked, "What did you find out that made Envy come after you?"

"What do you mean you can sense them? What kind of power do you have besides ice? You used fire moment ago and now you're saying you can sense the Homunculi and Gracia and Elicia? Who are you?" he asked, sounding very suspicious.

"I'm just a little special, Hughes san. I'll give you more details after we go to your house but for now, please, tell me what you found out about the Homunculi," I pleaded.

"How do I know that you're not a Homunculus as well? I wouldn't be surprised if you were putting up an act just so I will trust you and tell you all I know before you kill me," he said sharply.

His accusations hurt but I didn't express it. "I'm not a Homunculus, Hughes san, and I can assure you that I will never harm you or your family. I know that merely saying that I am different isn't enough information but now is not the time for me to give you details. If it makes you feel any better, Edward and Alphonse know the truth about me that will probably come into the light sooner or later. But until then...please, let me protect you without having to answer to your curiosity. We have to get to your house now – we'll talk further after that. Talking about anything in the open right now isn't the best idea."

He didn't respond and I resisted a sigh, I looked to the side where I could sense Kyran and called to him. He walked out from an alley moments later and joined me. Hughes san narrowed his eyes at Kyran and then looked at me again.

"So it's true that your partner is a Chimera...then perhaps you are one too."

"I'm a normal human, Hughes san," I said, unable to hold down a huff. "Let's go now."

I gave him a look that said that I wasn't going to ask again and he did as he was told hesitantly. We walked to his house through the empty streets, all while having him glance at us every now and then. I was almost sure that he had a dagger ready in his hand but was hesitant to use it.

"What did the Homunculi want?" Kyran asked, seemingly oblivious to the guardedness of Hughes san.

"Hughes san is yet to tell me about it. I had to use a Hado spell to stop Envy before he shot Hughes san and it's earned some amount of suspicious so he's hesitating to tell me," I answered, ignoring the narrow gaze our conversation had earned.

"Why don't tell him the truth?"

"I could, I suppose...though I'm not sure how he'll take it," I mumbled.

"What truth are you and the Elric brothers hiding?" asked Hughes san.

"It's nothing, Hughes san, Kyran is just-"

"She's a Shinigami," Kyran interrupted and I stopped walking. I deadpanned at Kyran but he maintained his poker face, as if he had merely done what he was supposed to do.

"Really Kyran?" I huffed.

"Shinigami? What is that?" questioned Hughes san, seeming to get more guarded.

"I'll leave explanations to you, Kyran. I've had to explain the concept of Shinigami way too many times that I'm bugged of it," I muttered with a roll of my eyes.

Our walk to Hughes san's house was silent besides Kyran giving Hughes san details of who I was and what I could do and, more than anything, the fact that I was probably from the other side of the Gate that separated the Alchemy World and the Non-Alchemy World. Obviously, Hughes san was disbelieving of it just like the others had been when they first heard about it and I had convinced him that I would give him proof once we reached his house. He was thoroughly apprehensive and got more and more tense the closer we got to his house though.

I think that he had the feeling that he wouldn't be able to win if he fought me so he was holding back from doing so or asking me to go away. I did think of telling him that I wouldn't go to his house if he was so bothered by me but I wanted to protect him and Gracia san and Elicia so if he had to be uncomfortable because of it, so be it.

When we reached his house, Gracia san embraced me and welcomed me and Kyran inside house while Hughes san followed silently, all while shifting his gaze between me and Kyran and Gracia san uneasily.

"Would you like something to eat or drink, Kiana?" Gracia san asked kindly.

"Step away from them, Gracia," Hughes san said, earning an odd glance from her.

"Maes, what's wrong?" she asked curiously.

"Just step back, now," he ordered and reached for the gun in the crockery unit drawer. He pointed it at us and said, "They cannot be trusted and it's not safe to be close to them."

"I feel hurt that I'm being treated so coldly, Hughes san," I said with a small smile.

"Show me the proof you say you have," he demanded, ignoring my seemingly lighthearted comment.

"Alright. Yukio?" I said and he materialized behind me, hiding behind my legs with only one eye peeping out. "C'mon out and say hello, Yukio. We've met Hughes san a couple of times before, remember?"

"That child appeared out of thin he your son, Kiana?" Gracia san asked and I laughed with a shake of my head.

"No, Gracia san – this is the physical manifestation of my power as a Shinigami, a term that Hughes san will explain to you later," I said and then kneeled so that I was at Yukio's level. "Say hello to them, Yukio, and can you please heal Hughes san's arm?"

Contrary to a bright smile and word of approval, he pouted with a deep frown and puffed up his cheeks before squishing my cheeks to give me a fish face. "Kii chan is really mean! You didn't keep your promise to call me out more often! I was so bored!"

"Ah...Yukio, mm showwy, mm shorry [I'm sorry, I'm sorry]," I managed to say through my puckering lips and gently made him let me go. I laughed at his still pouting face and picked him up into my arms. He crossed his arms and turned his head away from me and I gave Hughes san and Gracia san a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, he gets upset when I don't let him out often. I haven't been able to do so off late so he's sulking."

"He came out of your sword?" Hughes san clarified.

"Yes, Hughes san," I said with a nod and smiled proudly. "This is my Zanpakuto and the source of my ice powers – Yukio."


Things are taking a bit of a turn here, aren't they? Thank goodness Hughes san was saved just in the nick of time...but it resulted in another few people getting to know about Kiana's true identity. Let's hope that they trust her, hmm?

Aww, Scar wants to start afresh. I'm so happy for him! Of course, he's still a bit hesitant and awkward but it's one step forward, isn't it?

And wasn't Yukio so cute sulking because of Kiana not letting him out to do mischief often? XD He even squished her face XD

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!




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