Infatuated ◆ JeonJungkook ✔

De BornToSpark

758K 36.5K 13.8K

"We all need someone, sometimes." ❖ Your mom decides to move in with her new partner, taking you and your you... Mais

• Playlist •
tysm/ghost in my head
Fairy Realm


15.2K 803 345
De BornToSpark

Turns out that Jungkook was a man who held his word - very precisely though.

Because after you had tucked Jee in, checking if he had a fever, he had left the house without anymore words - you weren't even sure if he used the door, he could've just jumped out of the window as well.

But the next morning he had greeted you as soon as you entered the kitchen, the pleasant view of an nearly healthy Jee and a topless Jungkook making coffee embracing you, "Morning Y/N."

"Uhm" Was your only answer and you quickly turned to Jee, using your brother as an excuse not to drool over your step-brother's body.

Jee was seemingly just as smitten for Jungkook as you were because his eyes were shining like little stars when he said. "Look how tall Kookie is! Do you think I'll be as tall as Hyung one day?"

A small smile made its way onto your lips and you shrugged, pulling the book Jee had been looking through towards you, "Do you want to read or should I read it out for you?"

Jee grinned sheepishly, he knew if your mom was home she would make him read it but to his luck she wasn't, "You!"

You laughed, "Alright."

It was a children's book about the Disney version of Sleeping Beauty, you fairly remembered the last time you had read it out for him and turned back to this page, "The prince saw the beautiful princess, laying in her bed, surrounded by blooming roses-"

You stopped when you felt Jungkook's presence behind you and turned your head, to see Jungkook looking down at the illustration in the book. It showed the prince kneeling in front of the bed, next to princess Aurora's head. Your step-brother's face was expressionless, no emotions being displayed.

"You can stay and listen if you find this book so interesting." You eventually said, after his weird expression started irritating you.

His eyes flickered back at you and he chuckled, "No thanks, Disney isn't my number one choice for entertainment."

"Oh right, I remember that this was a quite different thing." You said, not having wanted to sound so bratty.

The - still topless - boy turned back with a cocked brow, "That's not what I meant."

"But that's how it is, right?"

"I don't need a little girl lecturing me." He said with a scoff and that was the first time you were able to look at him without starting to blush or stutter like a dumb virgin.

And well, what you saw made you stutter, though for another reason. What ever he had done  at night, you didn't want to know.

There were love bites all over his neck and chest, and when he turned around to leave you saw red scratches going down his back - not to forget the dark marks around his wrists.

You heard him chuckle darkly when he walked out of the kitchen, leaving you at a loss of words and the feeling of regret of not having said anything more.

I don't need a little girl lecturing me

You snorted.

Jee looked up at you with big eyes, "Is everything okay?"

You sighed but smiled anyways, "Of course it is Jellybean. Look, I'll go upstairs now, try and read a bit on your own."

He didn't seem all so pleased but didn't complain either, sensing your distress and you took that as your 'ok' to leave him alone.

little girl

Technically yes, you were a girl. You even were a girl that couldn't really be considered as tall.

It was obvious that Jungkook, who had called you 'little one' for so many times now, didn't take you serious. He didn't take you serious, neither did he see the effort you had put in this weird ass patchwork family to working out, he simply didn't realize that you were as mature as he was - probably even more than that.

All this was really getting on you, you hated being talked down like Jungkook had done this morning, just because you said something he wasn't happy with.

You were still thinking about what happened in the morning - the short conversation with him, the marks all over his body but overall his weird behavior - when you went to the store around the corner in the evening to get some tea, because frankly Jee hadn't stopped coughing since late afternoon.

You almost reached the store when you literally bumped in to a girl you recognized as the store owner's daughter - what was her name again? - who was cursing very creatively from then on, "ugh of course it's Jungkook's little slut."

Why weren't you surprised that obviously Jungkook had fucked her already?

"If you mean by 'slut' younger step sister, then yes that's me." You retorted, wanting to get away from her as fast as possible.

"How is it to have him around you that often? Or did he get bored of you already?" Store-Girl asked mockingly.

You groaned, "God, why does everyone think that we're shagging?"

"Because Jeon Jungkook doesn't leave girls untouched." She said, "Or boys... well people in general."

"I know, I know. No one's safe." You huffed sarcastically, "And now let me pass?"

Store-Girl crossed her arms, still not making space for you to finally enter the shop.

"For fucks sake, just let her pass Minseo."

You jumped startled when Mr. Doesn't-leave-girls-untouched came from behind you, a highly annoyed expression present on his face.

Oh right, her name was Minseo.

Minseo suddenly dodged you to the side, leaning forward to get a bit closer to the boy with a wicked glint in her eyes, "Shouldn't you be at Jimin's place?"

"Wait what?"

Jungkook lifted a hand to shush you, "We have three Jimin's in our neighborhood, don't worry."

You were about to ask what he'd be doing when he was with this Jimin but then you realized the overly ridiculous situation you were in; A horny girl had you pinned against the door frame of her dad's store with one arm, while trying to get as close as possible to your step-brother who seemed both high-key annoyed and disinterested.

"Alright." You eventually said, "Whatever  you are up to I'll get my tea now, good night." And with that you forced yourself past them.


When she had left, Jungkook turned his attention back to Minseo who was looking at him with a hopefully expression, "So, according to you I'm sleeping with my step-sister hm?"

She nodded, until she realized that he probably wasn't all so happy about it and quickly shook er head.

Poor her, he had already shoved her against the wall, "If I hear you or anyone saying bullshit like that they will suffer the consequences, understood?"

Minseo just giggled, "Right, we don't won't your nice-boy image ruined, especially not in front of  your parents."

Jungkook lifted a brow, "Right." He leaned closer towards her, licking his lips, "We don't."

At the end, Minseo got what she wanted.


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