(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Ch...

By Senpai025

148K 5.1K 4.7K

Dazai never cared for anyone around him at all, he only knew how to kill and survive... Especially with no me... More

Authors Note!!
A Broken Life...
Eyes Like the Moon..
Unwilling Encounter...
A Devil..
Memories She Gained..
His Promise to Her..
His Scars...
Roommate Number Two...
A Certain Back Story...
Cooking with 3...
A Certain Underling...
Her Rainy Days...
A Sudden Change...
The 4th One...
Taken Pt.1
Taken Pt.2
☆Special Chap ☆
Celebrating You..
Worthy of an Angel...
How do you Care?
Sweet Dreams....
Drunk Truth...
Relationship Status...
Your Name...
My Darling...
Plan B...
Her Own Special Reason...
Dazai's Choice....(FINAL CHAPTER)
Thank You!!

Plan A and B...

3.9K 141 127
By Senpai025

-(The Next Day)-

(3rd Person POV)

"W-What but boss isn't that..." 

"Isn't that....what?" the man turned around to face the guard in front of him. That man was none other than Mori Ogai, the one and only man who was the boss of the Port Mafia.
He sighed as he threw the paper he had on the ground in front of him. He had just received very interesting, yet annoying news. He never thought ever in his life, that Dazai would actually do such a thing...

"That woman, (Y/N), isn't she a cop? We could just kill her and be done with it! I'm sure that Executive Dazai will understand-," 

"Idiot....this is Dazai we're talking about." Mori grumbled, sitting back down on his chair. "Never in the entirety I knew him, has he ever done something so irritating and unlike him. If I were to kill that woman now he would surely come after me."

"B-But how can you be so sure that your plan will work sir?! She might just report us with everything she knows-,"

"You know....I think I need some time to think. Do you mind leaving for awhile and I'll call you back." the guard flinched at the coldness of Mori's words. 

"Y-Yes sir..."

"Thank you again for the info!" Mori smiled, waving to the guard as he left the room. Just then, a girl walked out of the door at the end of the room. She glanced at Mori and glared at him before walking towards him.

"He was kinda annoying." she said, grabbing papers and crayons from Mori's desk.

"Mhm, but he did give me very interesting info....but what to do with it. What do you think Elise? I'm torn between killing the girl or killing Dazai..."

"You know by now that killing Dazai would mean your death too Rintarou." Elise replied, as she started to draw on the papers in front of her. 

"True...." Mori sighed. Dazai basically thought the same way he did, he even knew that Dazai must've had a plan already set in case he did find out about (Y/N).
"Then I guess I have to deal with that woman then....I'll just go with plan A for now." he smiled at Elise, who didn't even seem to notice him smiling.

"I heard your plan that you said hen talking to that annoying guard...sounds okay if you ask me." Elise said.
Mori stood up and walked towards the glass windows that showed him the greatest view of Yokohama. 

"Mhm, I'm sure....she'll play the part I have for her very well."

-(Dazai's Apartment)-

( (Y/N)'s POV )

"C-Chuuya, I don't need anything else I'm okay-,"

"Shut up!" Chuuya handed me another small plate of food. "I'm gonna be here for you until you get better...bandages too." he smiled.

Yesterday, I got captured by people who seemed to be enemies of the Port Mafia. I sadly don't remember too much, because I was either knocked out or my head was covered with a bag.
But Dazai, Odasaku, Chuuya, and Akutagawa saved me and they have been taking care of me when they could.
Oda and Akutagawa had just left to go to work, Dazai however has been trying to learn more about the people who captured me.

"H-Has Dazai learned anything more about those people yet?" I asked, taking a bite of the scrambled eggs on my plate.

"Hmm....from what he's told me, these people are related to a bunch of events that's been happening for the past few weeks. Stolen mafia goods, our men being found dead, stuff like that. Whenever we catch someone, they either keep their mouths shut and die or kill themselves."


"But they always tell us the same thing, 'For the bosses revenge', is what they always say when they get caught..."

"So, their boss has issues with your guy's boss then?"

"Could be, if not then it might take us awhile to figure it out. But knowing Dazai, he might get good info by the end of the week."

"Mhm...I'm sure he will."

"Ah shit, of course he didn't buy fucking bread. (Y/N) I'll be back, Dazai forgot the damn bread." He growled, grabbing his shopping bag on the table.

"Okay, see you soon!" I smiled, waving to him as he closed the door behind him. I stood up with my plate in hand, and made my way towards the kitchen. 
I didn't think that I would become great friends with Mafiosos....I'm honestly grateful that they're here for me...

Then all of a sudden I heard the door open behind me, "Hmm, did you forget something-," but I froze....cause the person looking at me wasn't Chuuya...Dazai...Akutagawa....or Oda...

"Why hello there (Y/N)-chan~" the man smiled. He wore a black and red coat, with purple eyes, and shiny black hair. But even as he smiled at me...I knew that there was more then meets the eye.
"I'm just gonna take a seat here." he finally said, grabbing a chair and sitting on it.

"W-Who...are you?" I asked, finally breathing again.
"Me? Hmm...I don't know if Dazai said who I am yet....but I guess you can just call me Mori for now."

"Mori-san doesn't know this happened....but if he does there's a possibility he might kill you."

"M-Mori..." I felt my heart start to beat faster, and my face change to an expression of fear.

"Ah...so he did tell you who I am then." he grinned.

"Yes he has....you're the Port Mafia's boss....Ogai Mori."

"Ding Ding, winner!" he laughed, "I bet you think I'm here to kill you....right?" 

"......and if I am thinking that?" I did my best to try and push my fear back, now making a straight face.

"Ah, well I want you to stop thinking that...for now." he then leaned back into his chair. 
"In all truth and honesty, I think that killing Dazai and punishing him would mean my death....for he probably has a plan in motion for if I found out about you." his eyes turned more emotionless, "So I'm going to give you a choice madam....a choice that only benefits towards you."

"Oh...and what might that be?"

"Simple........" Mori then lifted his arms up, a weird smile on his face, "Join the Port Mafia!" he cried happily.

I blinked a few times before processing what he just said, "Join-the Mafia?"

"Mhm!" he placed his hands back down, "I've heard of all the things you've done in the Police force, you're better then most. Plus if you're with the Mafia, I don't have to worry about you ratting me or my workers out anytime soon."

"Ha...and so I'm guessing if I don't join you you're going to kill me?"

"Oh no, if anything I'll buy you a new home and send you away."


"If kill you, Dazai will probably kill me...or do something worse who knows. But if I just let you leave, send you away, then I won't have to worry about that."

"I-I see..."

"I'm sure you hate it here.....having to keep the secret about you and Dazai-kun's relationship."

No....I never did....

"I'm sure you'd rather live life far away from all this mess.."


"If anything I might be able to send you all  the way across Japan, so you won't ever have to see me or Dazai again." A certain thought now stayed and haunted my head now....to never see Dazai again.....
For some reason the entire time he said that, Mori continued to look at me. As if looking deep into my soul to see how I truly felt.


"What do you think? It's the perfect deal right?" he then stood up and held out a paper. It had what seemed to be a map and keys to a apartment.
"I'm sure this is what you've been wanting." he smiled.


"Hm? What's the matter, you seemed troubled." he then moved a few steps closer to me, his purple eyes gleaming.
"You do want to leave....right?"

Just then, a thousand bright images came to mind..
Chuuya and Dazai having a fight during dinner...
Odasaku and me cooking curry together...
Akutagawa and me playing Mario Kart...
The four of us hanging out together.....
Dazai's smile....

"To stay with you.."

"Mhm, I'm right here for you..."

"I can walk you home first. Hurry up."

"Mooncake-chan, make me more!"

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I couldn't come quicker.."

"For some reason...you're too interesting to let go..." 

"No.....I don't wanna go....I don't wanna say goodbye..." I felt tears spilling from my eyes now. I never realized...just how much my life changed for the better. 

"Ah, I guess I was wrong." Mori moved his hand away as I wiped my tears away.
"(Y/N)...if you wish to stay, then I suggest you agree with joining the Mafia. I can handle getting rid of your current job." he smiled.


"Hm?" Mori glanced at me again.

"Why did you only decide to show up now...." then to my shock, his smile turned to a almost evil like smirk.

"Because....in all honesty I hoped you would join the Mafia....after all you are a skill user." my heart stopped, I could no longer hear the noise that surrounded me.
I never had told anyone about my skill...it honestly only reminded me of my parents the more I thought about it...cause they were the ones who had loved and cherished it so much....but also feared it..

A skill....that lets any person I touch see the one thing that makes them happy....
But the longer they see it....the more closer to death they get...

My parents have taught me how to use it for only a few seconds and that was it. So that I wouldn't end up killing someone when I used it.
But I never used it again because....
I killed them with it....

"How...did you..."

"I have ways darling. Your skill is rather interesting....as useless as it sounds it's still a skill. Your story as well is rather sad." he completely turned towards me now.

"Your house had gotten on fire from an unknown cause when you were turning 16...however.....as you and your parents were about to escape they got stuck under the falling debris. Not knowing what else to do...they forced you to use your skill on them...killing them before you made your way out where the told you to go. "


"The only people who knew of this...were the Special Divison of Unusual Powers...whom you asked to keep it a secret. Sadly there are ways to find leaks."

I looked at him in silence...

"So then, (Y/N) (L/N)...how about it? Wanna join the mafia?" I glanced at the hand he held out in front of me...did he even have to ask.

I lifted my hand up and placed it in his, making him smile again. I knew he must've had a deeper reason for wanting to bring me in the mafia.....something I'm not supposed to know. But if it means I can stay with them....stay with Dazai...

I'll do anything...


(Dazai's POV)

"Can the two of you ever stop bickering?" Odasaku asked, as I slapped Chuuya with a newspaper.

"Nah.." I replied, for some reason me, Odasaku, Hatrack, and Akutagawa were called up to the boss. I made sure that (Y/N) would be okay without us by texting her and she had instantly replied.

Don't worry Dazai I'm okay I promise, you guys go do what you have to do. 

 As we walked up to the doors, the guards slowly moved out of the way and opened the doors.

"Why hello there you four!" Mori smiled, as we walked inside. Odasaku, Akutagawa, and Chuuya bowed while I looked around the room.

"Mori-san, why'd you call us here for?" 

"Oh, just wanted to let you know that....hmm...how should I put this?" He then pointed at me, "You've been keeping (Y/N) with you for the past few months huh?" 

There was silence....a long deadly silence...

"Oh, you all look as if I stole your most prized possession." He said, sighing.


"Where is she? Right here! (Y/N)-chan!" We all glanced to the right to see (Y/N) walk out of the room in the back. Wearing a black suit...her hair all fixed...


"(Y/N) here, is one of our new Executives! What's more she also has a skill of her own~" 

(Y/N) flinched as I continued to look at her, "I hope you treat and help her out when she needs it Dazai-kun~" Mori grinned.

We all continued to look shocked as (Y/N) made her way towards us. She looked at me with pleading eyes..that looked as if she wanted to say..

I'm Sorry

She took a deep breath before saying, "I hope...we'll be great work partners...Dazai-kun"


(Sorry this took me so long!! School was being a pain and I didn't know how I wanted it to go-but I think it's good! Old chap that was remade! Have a good rest of your day/evening!! Bye bye!!)

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