My Darling...

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-(4 Months Later)-

(3rd Person POV)


"Damn it Dazai." Chuuua growled, as Dazai smirked at him.


"You bet, I ain't backing down now." Chuuya glared at Dazai.

As Dazai and Chuuya were resetting for another game, (Y/N) walked out of the room. She rubbed her belly as she made her way towards the kitchen.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Chuuya smiled.


"You okay (Y/N)-san? Want some tea?" Akutagawa asked, as he finished cleaning the dishes from lunch. 

"Sure." She sat on a chair slowly, rubbing her eyes as Akutagawa placed the cup of tea in front of her. But for some reason she stopped moving, which of course caught Dazai's attention.


"....." no answer. Dazai sighed and stood up, walking towards her, he leaned closer towards her with a smirk.

"Sexy, are you there~"  he whispered, jolting her awake. She turned to him with a flushed face and kicked his leg.

"Aye!" He shouted.

"Don't call me that!" She blushed.

"Are you alright? If you're tired you should sleep." Chuuya said, as Dazai sat on the chair next to her. Rubbing the leg she kicked.

"I wish I could," she then glanced at her stomach, "but she's been kicking and squirming all week..I can barely sleep." 

"I see...well all you can do is ask her to stop." 

That's when Dazai stood up and knelt down to (Y/N)'s stomach. He then rubbed it gently, "Darling, can you please be more nicer with your mother? She's very tired and needs her rest." As if to respond to him (Y/N) felt the baby kick her stomach gently. Dazai had felt it too.

"O-O-OH! Did you feel that (Y/N)?! She moved!" He smiled.

"Yes I did." She replied happily.

"Now that I think about it, she should be coming soon right?" Chuuya asked.

"Mhm, any day now."

"Ha! What if she came today, that would be super unexpected~" 

"Oh I hope she doesn't, I'll have to make more dinner for her too." Akutagawa said.

"Well-uh-I don't think she'll be able to eat Curry just yet Akutagawa." (Y/N) giggled.

"How about a bet then!?" Chuuya grinned, "I say tomorrow is the day! What about you Dazai?"

"Hmmm." Dazai pondered for a moment, "Today!" 

"Huh? Well alright then."

"Loser has to buy the winner a twenty peice chicken nugget meal!" Dazai cheered.

"Ha! Challenge accepted!" Chuuya replied.

"Are you two serious right now..." (Y/N) sighed. But Dazai and Chuuya ignored her as they went back to setting up their chess game.

"Jeez, you guys didn't even bother helping Akutagawa at all!" She said, as she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Oh, it's fine (Y/N), I can clean up."

But that just earned a glare from her, "No! You don't even live here and you do half the work! Unlike some people..." she turned towards Dazai and Chuuya who had then felt a chill go down their spines. 

"Well, I'm still okay with it." But (Y/N) didn't seem to have heard him. She started putting a few dishes away that were on the table. But as she grabbed the last tiny dish a sudden pain shook her whole body.

"A-Augh!" She cried, dropping the plate on the ground.

Dazai was the first to react, running towards her. "(Y/N)!" He cried, gripping her tightly as she was about to fall. Beads of sweat dripping down her face.


"Hm? What's wrong!? Is there-,"

"It's happening...the coming."





"I'll call Hirotsu-san!" Akutagawa said, as he grabbed his phone.

Dazai on the other hand bursted out laughing, he pointed at Chuuya and said proudly, "YOU OWE ME A TWENTY PEICE MEAL!" He cheered.

But sadly he received a slap from (Y/N) as he said that.


-(6 Hours Later)-

Hirotsu was a very gentle yet crazy driver. Having been able to drive them to the hospital in under ten minutes when it should've took them at least twenty.(Y/N) was then immediately taken in, the others on the other hand had to wait. Dazai was the most anxious out of all of them.

"Is she ready yet?"


"What about now?"

"Dazai you moron! It's not a easy task giving birth! It might take hours!" Chuuya growled, and indeed it did. They waited for exactly two whole hours until a small nurse came and told them (Y/N) was ready. Dazai was practically skipping with joy to her room.

As they neared it, the sounds of a baby crying could be heard. Dazai, Chuuya, Akutagawa, and Hirotsu all walked in. (Y/N) smiled at them as she cradled the baby girl in her arms.

"So that's...the baby?" Akutagawa moved closer. He couldn't help but smile at her.

As Dazai got a closer look he also couldn't help but smile at her. She had a cute face, with rosy cheeks, and eyes that looked just like Dazai's.

"Just like her father..." (Y/N) smiled.

"What were you planning on naming her ma'am?" The nurse asked. (Y/N) looked like she was thinking for a moment but then turned to me.

"Well Dazai, what should we name her?"

Dazai froze, "Huh? You want me to pick the name?!"

"Mhm, please." Dazai gulped and looked at his daughter, just what did he want to name her?

"But you know...I wouldn't mind having a daughter."

"Ehh, what would you name her?"

"Well....I would name her..."

"Kaori.." Dazai smiled as he gently patted his daughters head. "Her name will be Kaori." 

As if the baby already knew, as Dazai said her name she looked up at him. Then as Dazai placed his finger in her hand she smiled at him.

"Hmm...I like that name." (Y/N) smiled, as Kaori started chewing on Dazai's finger.

"It's settled then!" Dazai said, "Hello darling Kaori!"


(For those of you who read the original you'll notice that yes, I changed the name of the baby. Cause why not🤷‍♂️ I also liked the idea of Dazai wanting to name his baby what Odasaku would've wanted to name is daughter😭🤚💖But yes, thanks again for reading! Super happy this book reached 800 votes! Have a good rest of your day/evening!! Bye bye!)

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