Finally Yours: The Sequel | T...

By ratedJG

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Read the first book before reading this. More

• prologue •
• one •
• two •
• three •
• four •
• five •
• six •
• seven •
• eight •
• nine: part one •
• nine: part two •
• ten •
• eleven •
• twelve •
• thirteen •
• fourteen •
• fifteen •
• sixteen •
• seventeen: part one •
• seventeen: part two •
• seventeen: part three •
• eighteen •
• nineteen •
• twenty: part one •
• twenty: part two •
• twenty one •
• twenty two •
• twenty three: part one •
• twenty three: part two •
• twenty four •
• twenty five •
• twenty six •
• twenty seven •
• twenty eight •
• twenty nine •
• thirty •
• thirty one: part one •
• thirty one: part two •
• thirty two: part one •
• thirty two: part two •
• thirty three •
• thirty four •
• thirty five •
• thirty six •
• thirty seven •
• thirty eight •
• thirty nine •
• forty •
• forty one: part one •
• forty one: part two •
• forty two •
• forty three •
• forty four •
• forty five •
• forty six •
• forty seven •
• forty eight •
• forty nine •
• fifty one •
• fifty two •
• fifty three •
• fifty four •
• fifty five: part one •
• fifty five: part two •
• fifty six •
• fifty seven •
• fifty eight •
• fifty nine •
• sixty •
• sixty one •
• sixty two •
• sixty three •
• sixty four •
• sixty five •
• sixty six •
• sixty seven: part one •
• sixty seven: part two •
• sixty seven: part three •
• sixty eight •
• sixty nine •
• seventy: part one •
• seventy: part two •
• seventy: part three •
• epilogue •
on to the next... book #3!

• fifty •

567 23 59
By ratedJG

Tuesday, December 24

"La, are you sure you don't wanna come over tomorrow?"

"No." she said abruptly on the other end of the phone.

"No as in you're not sure or...?"

"Kelly I'm not coming."

"But it's Christmas!"

"What gives you a reason to believe I'm in the Christmas spirit right now?"

"It's understandable that you may not be but damn it La you haven't left the house since the day of the incident. At this point it's not even about being in the Christmas spirit, I just don't want you sulking around by yourself on a day where you're supposed to be around people you love."

"I'm not gonna be by myself though. There's honestly no sense in me coming to y'all when I could just stay here. I know you'd rather be cuddled up with your man while spending the day with the kids, especially since it's TJ's first Christmas. Why would I disrupt that? Y'all don't really want me there."

"Girl I'm literally inviting you over, how would you be disrupting us?! Of course I want you here! I wouldn't be on the phone begging you if I didn't."

"Ya know, this entire time you've been talking about me coming over when I got a whole plus one and you haven't mentioned his name not once."

I made the stankest face one could ever make when I realized who she was referring to. "I mean, isn't it a given that he would come too?"

"You tell me."

"I don't know what to tell ya honey."

"Kelly don't act like you don't know what I'm getting at. I know y'all got into it last week, he told me all about it. Would he be welcomed into your house?"

"That's literally my husband's best friend, there's no way he wouldn't be welcomed. I'm not clueless or heartless, I'm aware that if you're coming then he'll obviously be coming with you. It's not like I would send him away."

"Okay yeah, but it's like why would he come over to begin with when he knows there'll be tension between y'all."

"Girl I ain't worried about that man."

"You refuse to say his name..."

"Cause I ain't worried about him." I repeated, annoyed at this topic of conversation. "I'm only worried about you and your wellbeing. Any other shit on the side is irrelevant to me. I'm not tryna force you to come but—"

"You kinda are though."

I pursed my lips together as tightly as I could to block what I really wanted to say from coming out of my mouth. I was so tired of it being implied that I'm pushy and dominating when in reality I just want the best for everyone. But if I was the type of bitch to be dismissive of my friends' problems and only care about myself, I'd be wrong right?

"Noted." I finally managed to say.

"I'm just being honest Kelz, don't get all upset. It's not that I don't appreciate you for being there for me but if I'm not feeling something then why force it upon me?"

"Ok. Have a great night Alani." I said passive aggressively before hanging up.

This shit was beyond me.

"That was La?" I heard Trey say from behind me.

I frowned, "Yeah."

"She still not tryna go anywhere huh?"

"Trey, I'm really concerned. I'm trying so hard not to be overbearing but I can tell she's slipping into a state of depression and I just can't stand to watch it happen."

"Well if everything goes as planned tomorrow, she'll be back to her old self in no time."

"But how is it gonna work when she won't even come? The whole point of tomorrow's plan is for her to be here."

"She's coming babe, don't worry. Chris will make sure of it."

I rolled my eyes at the fact that this nigga was being mentioned yet again.

"...And speaking of Chris," he continued when he noticed the look on my face, "when you see him tomorrow—"

"That's a big if at this point."

"No, when." He stood in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders, "Y'all are gonna need to talk."

"We already tried that, it ain't work. I don't know what else you want me to do."

The other day, Trey had tried to get Chris and I together to squash our little — to put it nicely — disagreement, but nothing came out of it. He refused to apologize unless I did first, and wasn't no way I was about to do that when he's the one who was out of line in the first place. Apparently he thought I came off as harsh and doubtful of his capabilities as a boyfriend when I said what I said, which is bullshit because neither of those were my intentions at all. How he interpreted my words isn't my problem whatsoever. I don't understand why people are making it seem like I'm more in the wrong than he is.

"Y'all need to try it again cause this shit getting real childish. I don't need two of the closest people to me fighting, especially on a day like tomorrow." Trey said.

"You been telling him this too or am I the only one being lectured?" I asked, crossing my arms and looking him up and down.

"Lectured? Are you deadass right now Kelendria?"

"Yes, I am actually. Cause you're standing here reprimanding me for simply defending myself. How bout you tell him to watch the way he speaks to me?"

"I have! You don't know the conversation I had with him after you walked out of his house that day. Aside from that I've told him countless times this week to grow up and resolve this issue with you. I'm fully aware that he came at you sideways. I agree with you on that, I'm on your side about that so I'm confused on why you're trying to start an argument with me."

I sucked my teeth, "No one's arguing with you Tremaine. You just make sure your friend comes through tomorrow with what he's supposed to do and then we'll see if he can get back on my good side."

"So damn petty." I heard him say under his breath, thinking I wasn't gonna hear.

I just glared at him before walking away and heading towards the stairs. "I'm officially over this conversation."

"Come back for a second."

"Trey I'm going to bed."

"Just come here."

I let out a frustrated sigh before turning on my heel and slowly approaching him. "Yes?"

"Closer..." He gestured for me to keep walking towards him until I was standing in front of him again.

"Tremaine what do you w—"

He pointed above his head and my eyes traveled upwards to see a mistletoe hanging there.

I tried but failed to hold back a smile. "You think you slick..."

He took my hand and pulled me towards him, holding my face with his other hand and giving me a few sweet kisses on the lips.

"You done with all that attitude?"

"Yes baby I'm sorry." I poked out my bottom lip and he started nibbling down on it. His nasty ass always tryna start something. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we got deeper into the kiss. It's just something about the way his lips feel on mine that instantly mellows me out anytime I'm feeling bothered. I could get lost in his kisses all day.

"Uhhhhhh... May I interrupt?" I heard a little voice say out of the blue.

I pulled away from Trey and amusingly looked down at Kiara, who was standing there trying not to look disgusted. "Yes you may. What's up?"

"Mommy we have to hurry up and bake the cookies for Santa before he gets here."

"Oop, I completely forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me cause I was definitely about to hit the sheets."

"Oh no no no, we can't have that." she said, shaking her head and wagging her finger at me.

"No we cannot." I chuckled. "Wanna do me a favor and lay out all the ingredients in the kitchen for me?"

"Sure!" she chirped. "Daddy do you wanna join us?"

"As fun as that sounds, I think it would be best if I went to bed cause I already know you're gonna have us up at the crack of dawn and I gotta make sure I'm prepared." he replied jokingly.


"Yuuup!" he mocked, lifting her up and planting kisses all over her face. "Good night babygirl."

"Good night old man."

"Oh nahhh. See, just for that..." He started tickling her sides and she bursted out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"S-stopppp!" she yelled in between laughs. "Daddy I was just joking, jeeeeez! Mommy tell him to put me down!"

"C'mon Trey, you know she's extremely ticklish. Stop torturing my munchkin."

He playfully narrowed his eyes at Kiara before putting her down. "Boss lady saved you this time but next time you won't be so lucky."

"Yeah whatever... old man." she muttered that last part under her breath. Trey lunged forward trying to scare her and she screamed and hid behind me.

I shook my head, "All y'all do is play. Kiki go get everything set up for the cookies sweetie, I'll be right there."

She stuck her tongue out at Trey before scurrying off to the kitchen.

"You mind checking on the baby while you're upstairs?" I asked him.

"I was already gon do that, you ain't have to ask." he replied smartly.

"Well I can't read your mind Mr. Wise Guy, so how was I supposed to know?"

"Common sense would've told you."

"Alright negro. That's why your daughter thinks you're aging. Bye." I said sassily before starting to walk away.

"Damn I can't get a kiss good night?"

"Kiss my ass."

"Shiiieeettt, you ain't said nothing but a word. Bend it over for me."

"Boy bye! You wish!" I shouted over my shoulder while laughing.

Next morning

I was awakened out of my sleep thinking I was trippin the fuck out because I felt a tingling sensation between my legs like I was getting some bomb ass head.

My eyes fluttered open to see Trey tending to my other set of lips down there, and that's when I knew I was in fact not hallucinating. He flicked his tongue against my clit harder and faster when he realized I was fully alert, causing my breaths to become shorter.

"Ohhh baby yessss..." I whispered shakily. I wrapped my legs around him and placed my hand on the back of his head while my back arched off the bed. My mouth stayed hung open but my eyes barely could as he continued to lick and suck on my pussy like a fucking neckbone until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Trey I'm gonna c— oh fuck, fuuuuuuck!" I moaned loudly, my eyes rolling to the back of my head and my free hand gripping the sheets as my orgasm came strongly.

He lapped up all my juices then slowly lifted his head up, looking fine as hell. I pulled his face towards mine and tongue kissed him so I could taste myself.

"Damn babe..." I mumbled against his lips. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"It's my first Christmas gift to you." he said smugly.

I smirked, "Well Merry muthafuckin Christmas. Can't wait to see what else you got for me."

We kissed again then eventually got up to do our hygiene routine then shower, where things got real steamy and I ain't just talking about the water.

After getting dressed we decided to go check on the kids. We went into TJ's nursery first and walked over to his crib expecting him to be sleep but he was laying there staring right at us.

I gasped, "Look who's up! Hiii bubba!"

I lifted him out of his crib and kissed his face, then raised him into the air and made him dance which caused him to smile.

I just knew he would be a happy lil baby ever since he was in the womb because he would always be smiling during the ultrasounds, and that's exactly what he is. He's only about two months but that personality is definitely already there. I just adore him, I'm literally obsessed.

"It's his first Christmas." Trey reminded me.

"Oh my gosh I know, I'm so excited!" I said cheerfully.

"Yo ass finna get all emotional ain't you?" he teased.

"I mean, I'll really try not to but... you know me."

"Sure do." he chuckled.

"Damn man, you weren't supposed to agree. Anyway lemme go wake up Kiara. Here ya go." I said before handing TJ to him.

I walked down the hall and into Kiara's room to find homegirl already awake and dressed. I don't even know why I'm surprised.

"Merry Christmas mommy!" she exclaimed when she spotted me, running over to hug me. "I was just about to come to your room."

"Aha, looks like I beat you to it this year. Merry Christmas cutie. Ya know, I don't ever see you ready this quickly for school..." I placed my finger on my chin pretending to be in deep thought.

"That's because Christmas is actually important." she replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Sheesh, tell me how you really feel." I chuckled.

"And also, I'm not really all the way ready cause look..." She pointed at her hair which was indeed all over the place.

I cringed, "I should probably take care of that huh?"

I was about to get out her hair products when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Hang tight for a minute baby, lemme go get that."

I rushed downstairs hoping it was who I wanted it to be. I looked through the peep window and literally thanked the Lord out loud when I saw it was Lala and Chris. I opened the door and immediately engulfed her into a tight hug, rocking her side to side.

"Drama queen." I heard her mumble under her breath.

"Shut up!" I laughed. "You don't understand how happy I am to see you, like for real."

"Trust me, I can tell."

I pulled away from her and just looked at her while smiling. "What made you change your mind?"

"I slept on it and decided I should take a day off from punishing myself. Plus Chris wasn't letting up on convincing me to come and I just wanted him to shut up."

I glanced over at him and we made eye contact for a quick second before he looked away.

"Where the kids?" La asked, noticing the awkwardness between us.

"They're— oop, here comes one of them now." I said as I noticed Trey coming down the stairs with TJ in his arms.

"My baby!" she squealed, holding her arms out.

"Yoooo, look who decided to show up." Trey approached La and greeted her with a hug before handing TJ to her. He then walked over to Chris and dapped him up.

"Kiki's upstairs, I can take you to go see her. I gotta do her hair anyway." I said to La.

"You need help with that?" she asked knowingly.

I cackled, "Giiirl, I was hoping you'd ask."


"Good job on getting her to come." I said to Chris after the girls went upstairs.

"Couldn't risk the day being ruined, ya know?"

I nodded, "Fa'sho. How you feeling?"

"I don't even know man..."

"Nah bro, ion wanna hear that. You gotta be confident about this. Everything's gonna work itself out."

"That's what I've been trying to tell myself all week but a part of me isn't so sure."

"Don't let any of those doubts get into your head. Everything's already set in stone, it's too late for you to be getting cold feet my nigga." I encouraged. "And speaking of working things out, you and Kelly...?"

"I'll talk to her at some point today, I just don't know how I'ma approach her."

"Well you once claimed that she was more approachable than me, so if you're able to talk to me right now then you should have no problem confronting her." I said jokingly.

"Nahhh, it's different this time." Chris replied, laughing a little. "I actually did something to set her off so her being approachable is no longer valid."

"She's in a pretty good mood so I think you should be fine."

"We'll see about that. I just wanna end this tension because... being on bad terms with Kelly ain't fun."

I laughed, "Not fun at all. Now you see how I be feeling."


Now that everyone was downstairs, Trey and I were working on Christmas breakfast while Kiara was watching TV and Lala and Chris were playing with TJ.

Suddenly the door bell rang and Trey and I looked up at each other at the same time. The first part of our plan was about to be in effect.

"I'll get it." I said in a sing-song voice before walking toward the front door. My face lit up when I saw our anticipated guest standing there.

"Ahhh, hey my baby!" I whispered excitedly, giving him a hug as I let him into the house. "Shoot, I can't even call you that, you ain't a baby no more. I swear you grow taller and taller every time I see you. I'm so glad you were able to make it!"

"Of course auntie. I had to find a way."

"And you brought the dog! Thank you." I smiled as I looked down at the puppy standing next to him. Today was just gonna be full of surprises.

"You wanna take her?" he asked, picking the dog up and holding it towards me.

I made a 'yikes' face, "Nah you got it."

I led him to where everyone was at then cleared my throat to gather their attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you..."

"KIYAN!!!!" Lala shouted at the top of her lungs when she became aware of her son's presence. I volunteered to hold the dog so they could have their proper reunion.

Tears streamed down Lala's face as she and Kiyan just stood there and embraced each other. It's only been a week since the court incident but it felt like way longer, especially since she wasn't used to being away from him this long. Even though they were able to talk on the phone, text and FaceTime, none of that compared to him being actually in front of her. She was able to clearly see he was doing okay and not physically hurt, and I could tell that made her happy above everything.

"Hold up, Melo got you a dog?" Trey asked Kiyan, pointing towards the puppy in my arms. "Dude really trying hard to win you over huh?"

"Actually, it's for you Unc." Kiyan replied.

Trey raised his eyebrow skeptically, "Watchu mean?"

I laughed awkwardly, "Surpriiise."

So, it's been over a year since Kane's been in the house and I still don't mess with him all that much, sometimes I even forget he exists. Trey has constantly been annoying me about getting a new one, talking bout since Kiara got a sibling then Kane should get one too. Of course I wasn't tryna hear that nonsense at first, but the Christmas spirit came over me this past week in a way that made me decide to go out and actually make it happen.

I obviously didn't think about the fact that two dogs equals double the chaos, meaning they will both be running around the house driving me insane every damn day. I was definitely gonna regret this soon.

"Ain't no way this is true." Trey said in shock.

"Oh it is. I went to the adoption center last week and picked her out myself, but I didn't wanna bring her home until Christmas day so I had asked Kiyan to pick her up on his way over here."

I put her down and she instantly ran over to Trey. It's like she already got the memo that he was her new owner. Trey grinned and crouched down to pet her.

"Wow Kelz, I was highkey joking about the whole Kane needing a sibling thing. I would've never expected you to actually go out and get one."

"Hell, neither did I... Love will make you do foolish things." I mumbled under my breath. "Her name is Halo but you can change it if you want."

"Nah that's actually perfect. It fits her cause she's like an angel that popped up into our lives unexpectedly."

"Cute, cute. Let's just hope she gets along with that other one so they can both stay away from me." I replied, causing him to laugh.

"Daddy let's go take her to meet Kane!" Kiara exclaimed. They both headed outside to Kane's little doghouse with Halo close behind them. Trey stopped to give me a kiss on his way out.

"You're the best, baby. Thank you so much."

I winked, "Merry Christmas my love."


I was headed back into the kitchen to check on breakfast while everyone else was doing their own thing when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Chris standing there looking like he wanted to say something.

"May I help you?"

"You still mad at me?"

"What you think?" I said in a snappish tone.

He sighed, "Kelly I don't want no problems with you."

"It's a little too late for that."

"Come on now, you know it don't make sense for us to keep beefing like this."

"Chris how long have we been friends?"

"Why are you asking—"

"Just tell me."

"Shit, a while. I think it was during that time we went on tour together. Matter fact, I'm pretty sure I'm the one who introduced you to Trey after he remixed Motivation so I'd say you and I became friends way before y'all did."

"Exactly, 12 years and counting! Way too long for you to be coming at me crazy as if I'm some random bitch off the street. I know you Chris. I see the good in you that people on the outside looking in would never get to see unless they were close to you. Yes we all know you've made mistakes in your past relationships, but I can tell it's different with La. I see how happy you make her and the glow she's had since this same day last year when y'all made it official. Don't you think if I didn't see you as a good match for her, I would've been said something?"

"Yeah I know that now. I wasn't thinking about all that at the time. I was just upset about everything that was happening and I felt kinda defeated cause nothing I was doing could make her feel better."

"Things like that take time Chris, she wasn't about to just get over the situation right then and there. I realize now that we shouldn't have been in her face talking about it trying to be detectives and whatnot. And I definitely shouldn't have said what I said about Kiyan being in danger. It simply wasn't the time. All she needed was our sympathy, and if you felt like I was getting in the way of you providing that sympathy for her then there's a nicer way you could've said that."

"I didn't mean what I said about you being in La's business too much. At the end of the day y'all have almost 20 years of friendship that I just won't be able to compete with sometimes and I'll have to accept that."

"Now now, let's back up a little bit. You definitely meant what you said, I know you did. And that's okay. Also, it doesn't matter how long La and I have been friends, if someone comes into her life then who's good for her then who am I to hold her back? You and I are not in no damn competition Chris. We both play an important role in her life in different ways."

"You're right Kelz. I'm sorry for how things went down last week. I was wrong for hurting your feelings like that."

"Well I'm not gonna act like you're the only one at fault here, I said some shit too. I apologize for being overly controlling and making it seem like you weren't doing enough. If you really need me to 'fall back' so you and La can do y'all thing, then I will."

"Nah chill, I was buggin when I said that shit. We still gon need you around. Truth be told, you're the most sensible out of all of us."

"Nothing but facts. As long as you know." I laughed and pinched his cheeks before giving him a hug.

He sighed of relief, "Glad that's over."

"Um, this wasn't the only thing you needed to handle today sir." I said, nudging him and wiggling my eyebrows cause he should already know what I'm talking about. "You ready?"

"I'm nervous as hell, I'll tell ya that."

"Don't be! It's going to be fine, I promise. Y'all both gon walk outta here today on cloud nine." I assured.

"Yeah, let's hope." he said sheepishly. "I've been rehearsing nonstop since Monday."

"Awwwww Chrissy!" I squealed before pinching his cheeks again. He's like that cute little brother who no matter how tough they be trying to act, you'll always see them as your wittle baby. "I've never seen you act this way towards a girl before."

"That's because she ain't like the rest of them. She's one of a kind, there's no one out there that could ever compare. My world finally feels complete now that she's in it. I don't know how I was able to be without her for all these years."

I smiled, "Well as of today, you won't have to worry about that anymore."


The morning had passed and the kids were both upstairs napping, leaving me, Kelly, Chris, La and Kiyan chillin in the living room. At this point we had pretty much finished exchanging gifts between everyone, except for one last gift I had for Kelly and a surprise Chris had for La that she doesn't know about.

"Here you go baby." I said to Kelly, handing her an envelope wrapped in a bow.

She placed her hand on her chest dramatically, "Gotdamn, another Christmas gift? This like my fifth one."

"Well this one ain't exactly a Christmas gift, it's your push gift. I'm like two months overdue but better late than never right?"

"Awwww babe, you shouldn't have!"

"Aight, if you say so." I shrugged, playfully reaching for the envelope and she yanked it away from me.

"Aht aht, I didn't mean it literally."

She quickly tore the envelope open and squinted at the piece of paper she pulled out.



"This is a certificate for the purchase of a private island off the coast of Fiji..."

"Uh huh..." I said slowly, trying not to laugh.

"What does this mean...?"

"Think about it."

"Don't play with me Tremaine, is this actually real?!"

"As real as it gets. We all know out of all the various 'holics' that you are, vacation-holic is one of them, so I thought why not just get you a spot of your own? You could go there anytime you need to get away and feel a sense of relief. We could even spend our anniversary there this year. It's all yours... Do with it what you wish."

"Oh my God... How the hell do you always manage to outdo yourself?! I swear you never run out of ways to amaze me."

"You deserve the world Kelz. It be hard as hell tryna figure out what else to give you cause you already have everything, so I had to start stepping things up and think outside of the box."

"Trey, this had to cost you millions. You ain't have to break your pockets for little ole me."

"The cost don't mean a damn thing to me as long as you're happy. That smile on your face is how I get paid back."

I watched her eyes get glossy as she looked up at me. "I told myself not to be emotional today and here you go... Baby I love you sooo much, words can't even express it. I can't thank you enough for all that you do."

"I love you more crybaby." I laughed and pulled her into my lap, giving her a passionate kiss.

"Y'all are too freaking cute." Lala commented. "What a great day this has been. I wasn't too happy with being dragged out of the house but now I see it was a part of y'all little scheme for me to see Kiyan. Between that and being surrounded by all of you, this is definitely one of the best Christmases I've had in a long time."

"It ain't over yet." Chris spoke.

By the time Lala turned to him, he was already off the sofa on bended knee.

"Christopher what the hell is going on..."

He opened the little box in his hand revealing a sparkling diamond ring.

"Baby, today officially marks one year since we've been together and I can honestly say it's been one of the best years of my life. We've been in the same circle for years and we didn't necessarily always get along, to the point where if someone were to tell us we would end up falling in love like this we would've laughed in their faces, but here we are. You bring out the best in me, you inspire me, you complete me. The happiness I feel being with you is something I never want to go away. I want this to be a forever thing, so... Alani Nicole Vazquez, will you marry me?"

We all awaited her response as she sat there stunned, eyes filled with tears. "I don't even know what to say..."

"Say yes, Ma!" Kiyan urged.

"You heard the boy." Kelly giggled.

"Oh my goodness... Yes Chris, a thousand times yes! Of course I'll marry you!" she cried out.

We all cheered loudly as Chris slipped the ring on her finger and they hugged and kissed.

"It finally happened! Congratulations my little lovebirds!" Kelly shrieked, running over to join in on the hug. Kiyan and I decided it might as well be a group hug moment and we joined in too.

"Y'all knew about this too, didn't you?" Lala asked suspiciously.

"Duh." Kelly smirked.

"Another reason why we planned for Kiyan to come. Since Royalty is spending Christmas with her mom and wouldn't be able to witness this, having Kiyan here is the next best thing." Chris explained.

"Too sweet." she smiled. "Ya know, Chris and I have actually talked a bit about marriage before. Of course we never came up with anything concrete, but one thing we did agree on was who the best man and matron of honor would be..."

"...Bitch stop playing! For real?!" Kelly exclaimed when she caught on to what La was saying.

"I mean, who else would we ask? Y'all have been with us every step of the way so it's only right that y'all be a part of the wedding planning process too." Chris said.

"That's real dope. I'm 100 percent down." I responded.

"We won't let you down, we promise!" Kelly said cheerfully. "This is about to be so much fun. Whew, it's just so many exciting things we all got lined up that I can't even keep count. Next year is about to be a whole movie."



"Solo Star!"

Trey, the kids, La, Chris, Kiyan and I were spending the rest of the day at Bey's house for her annual Christmas get together. Solange had arrived not too long ago and I haven't heard much from my sis in a while so I wanted to take this chance to catch up.

"Wassup killa Kelz. You done got thick bitch! That baby weight been doing you justice I see."

"Ya feel me?" I stuck my tongue out then did a little spin and striked a few poses. "It's kinda starting to grow on me a lil bit. At first I was pressed to go to the gym to burn the fat but now I just go there to box, do squats and work on my legs. I'm in no rush to lose the weight. Plus Trey's obsessed with it, so there's that."

"Shit well in that case, you got no choice but to keep it." she joked. "How have y'all been doing by the way?"

I smiled just thinking about him. "Better than we've ever been. I hate to say it but I feel like that mini crisis in our relationship was what we needed to snap ourselves into shape."

"Y'all don't be arguing no more?"

"Tuh, with my attitude and his slick ass mouth, us getting into our little spats is unavoidable. But they don't ever last long. As soon as we feel like things are starting to escalate, we find a way to put an end to it before it can turn into a full on argument. That's a skill we ain't never had in the past, I'm glad we have it now."

"I'm so proud of you guys."

"Thanks girl, so am I. What about you and Alan? How y'all doing?"

"We're good..."

"That's what I love to hear." I said before taking a sip from the glass of spiked eggnog I had in my hand.

"...Good enough for us to mutually decide to get a divorce."

All the liquid in my mouth immediately spit right back out. "Come again?!"

"Yup... We just finalized it a couple weeks ago."

"But he's here with you right now!"

"Yeah, because no one knows about it yet and I didn't want people to start suspecting things without me telling them first. You're the first person I've told so please don't say anything. I'll tell everyone else when I'm ready."

"You have my word sis, of course, but I still don't get it. I've never seen y'all have any problems."

"It's not even that we had problems, we honestly just... fell out of love."

"So it's not something you can work out? Like maybe through a couple of therapy sessions or something?"

"I don't think so. We both agreed that it would be best for us to go our separate ways."

"Oh my gosh Solo, I'm so sorry..." I frowned and pulled her into a hug.

"Kelly I promise it's fine. I realized I would be happier if I was single for now, and he feels the same way. Emphasis on 'single.'" She gave me a stern look after saying the last sentence.

"Why you doing all that? What that mean?"

She raised her eyebrow, "I don't know Mrs. Matchmaker, you tell me."

"Stop it. I would never force you to go out with someone, if you don't want me setting you up with anyone all you gotta do is say so."

"Great. Thank you."

"...Not even just one date?" I muttered under my breath.


"Okay okay, I'm sorry."


Happy Thanksgiving!!!
(if you celebrate it)

Appreciate all of you for taking time out of your busy days to read this. 🤗

I'm thankful for y'all 🥰😘❤️

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