Child of the Moon

By LilyTiger21

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" know what I am?" I asked, looking at them. Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet all looked at each other, de... More

Luna Stone
Meet the Gems
Light Cannon Duo
The Cheeseburger...what?
The Gem Temple
A New Friend
The Cotton Candy Lion
A Feathery Duo
Sword Fighting Accident
Secrets and Dreams
Circo's Birthday
Lies or Truth?
Confused Emotions
Legends and Goodbyes
Family Dinner Plans
We ARE Family
Star People
Who is that?
Beneath the Surface
Message from Lapis
New Friends, New Enemies
Always a Way
Cross Roads
Hanging with Friends
Swords, Friends and Meaning
Not what I Thought
So Close, But So Far
Unexpected Help
Fire Opal
Living Nightmares
Amana Karmaria Jelani
Tiny and Cute
When It Rains
Corrupted Gems
Unexpected Guest
Birthday Troubles
Onyx's Past
Finding the Lost
The Lost Being Found
Finding Home
Three is a Crowd
The Old American Sport
Catching Up
Common Care
Drag Race Hill
Bringing Back Someone Special
Stormy Waters
A Cold Mission
Not So Small
Grown Up
The Past Comes Back
What Rose Quartz Did
Alone Together
Dream Abilities
Walking Among Dreams
Testing for Answers
Flexibility, Love, and Trust
Stepping Up
A Fruitful Birthday
Searching for Answers
Got to Go Fast
One of Us
Alone with Company
There Can Only be One
Second Chance
Detective Doug
Baking Out of Comfort
The Reoccurring past
Giving In

Where Your Meant to Be

331 10 6
By LilyTiger21

Hey guys! We're back with Luna and company as Amos' Dad and brother made a sudden appearance. What are they doing here? Let's find out! Also, here's a lovely drawing off Amos' dad and brother. Thank you Kiwi! :D

-Luna's POV-

I stared at the man Amos called his dad. I couldn't see the similarities but the way the man smiled was almost like how Amos would smile. But this man's smile seemed...dangerous. He walked over towards our group and said, "You didn't answer my question, Amos. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing well," Amos said, not moving. His dad kept walking towards him but Amos' mom stepped in between them. She gave him a hard look, saying, "You know your not suppose to be here, Akaash."

"Is it criminal to see my own son?" Akaash responded. He moved around Amana and walked towards Amos. He stopped in front of him and noticed how we were still holding hands. His dad smiled and said, "So you got yourself another one? Which one is this now and how long?"

Amos' grip tightened on my hand and he said, "She's the final one."

Akaash looked surprised but he laughed, saying, "Of course, of course. Well, aren't you going to introduce her to me?"

Amos seemed hesitant but I let go of Amos' hand and extended towards his father. "My name is Luna Stone," I said. "It's nice to meet you sir."

Akaash seems impressed and shook my hand, saying, "Akaash. But you already knew that. It's nice to meet you too. I hope my son is happy to be with you and is treating you right."

"He is," I said. "And he's a lot better then you think he is, sir."

There was a tense silence as Amos and Amana stared at me. Akaash's hand didn't let go of mine for a moment. Then Akaash let out a hearty laugh and said to Amos, "I like this one! This one has spunk!"

Amos and Amana relaxed as Akaash let go of my hand. He seemed to realize something and turned back to the group of motorcyclists. He waved his hand and said, "Raphael! Come over and say hello!"

Amos' face dropped and slightly paled as the guy next to Akaash's motorcycle got up. He was wearing the same outfit as Amos' dad. Except his clothes looked newer. This guy's hair was the same color but shorter. His skin a lighter color and he didn't smile. If anything, he looked like an angrier version of Amos. Raphael walked up and stood next to Akaash. He looked down at Amos and said, "Hey twig."

Amos growled and said, "Hey Raphael."

Akaash patter Raphael on the back and said, "Your brother here has been doing well with me and the gang. He's even learned a few tricks from your old man. You can learn a thing or two from him Amos."

Amos flinched at his father's words. I noticed and said, "Well Amos is the best motorcyclist in town. He can beat Raphael any day!"

Raphael glared at me and said, "What did you say kid?"

"Luna don't," Amos whispered. He placed a hand on my shoulder but I shook it off. I stepped closer to Raphael and said, "You heard me. He doesn't need to learn anything because he already knows a thing or two himself."

Raphael sneered and said, "I doubt that. Considering his girlfriend is the one speaking for him."

My hand twitched and a stream of water whipped across Raphael's face. I blinked in shock and stepped away, Amos placing an arm in front of me. I glanced down at my water pouch and watched as the water rushed back inside. Raphael put a hand on his cheek from where the water hit him and he stared at me in anger. "You little-!" Raphael started. But Akaash stepped forward and held Raphael back. Amana stepped next to Amos and said, "I see you still have that temper, Raphael."

Raphael stopped struggling against his dad and stood up straight, giving Amana an even stare. He looked at Amos and said, "Next time, bro."

He turned away from everybody and went back to his motorcycle. Akaash sighed and said, "I don't know where that water came from but I don't think you were responsible for that, Luna."

I didn't say anything and curled my right hand into a fist, hiding my gem. I nodded and Akaash stood up, "Well, I better be going. The boys and I need to get some rest after a long day today. I'm glad to see your doing well, Amana."

"Likewise," Amana said, though she sounded a bit skeptical. Akaash turned away from the group and said, "Oh, by the way Amos."

He looked over his shoulder at him and said, "My offer still stands if you ever want to take it up."

Amos' arm dropped and he stared at his father with a torn look. But Akaash didn't seem effected by it and turned away. He walked back to his motorcycle and led the group out of the car wash. When they finally all left, Amana let out a breath and said, "Oh thank goodness he's gone."

"What the heck was all of that?!" Steven shouted. Amana, Amos and I turned to see a confused Steven and a scared Connie. Amana rushed over to Connie and hugged her, who hugged Amana back, not saying anything. Amos sighed and said, "That was my dad and my brother. Things...aren't the best between us and them."

"And this is why I wanted you home early every night," Amana said, looking at Amos. "He's been driving around the city non-stop looking for you. Tonight was his last night in town but now that he found you, he's going to stay longer."

Amos smiled a little but it faded when he asked, "Does that mean Raphael is staying in town too?"

Amana sighed and said, "Wherever your father goes, he's right behind him following." Amana turned to me and said, "What you've done tonight could possibly put yourself into more danger, Luna. Raphael has a temper that can not always be in check."

"I'm a crystal gem, ma'am," I said. "I'm always in danger. Trust me, Raphael won't be able to touch me unless he wants a mouth full of water."

Amana didn't respond but nodded. Amos looked at me in worry and I looked at him. "Amos, I'm fine. You brother should be the one whose worried," I assured. He shook his head though. Just then, a car quickly pulled up in the driveway of the car wash and the door opened. Connie's mom jumped out and rushed towards Connie and Amana. Amana moved as Connie's mom hugged Connie tightly. "Are you okay, Connie? Your uncle didn't do anything, did he?" She asked.

Connie shook her head. "Luna and Amos took care of him," She said. Connie's mom snapped her head towards us and I flinched. She walked right up to me and stared down at me. I kept my gaze but eventually looked away, feeling too nervous to look back at her. She placed both her hands on my shoulders and, without a word, pulled me in for a hug. I stood in shock but she said, "I'm sorry if my brother said anything that offended you."

"Wait your brother?" I said, stepping back. She nodded and said, "He's my younger brother. He's always been....complicated."

I nodded and Amana said, "I think we all should be heading home. It's been a long day and we all need rest."

"Agreed," Connie's mom said. She motioned for Connie to come to the car and Connie followed. She stopped to say goodbye to Steven and she stopped when she walked up to me. "I thought you were very brave, Luna," Connie said.

I smiled and ruffled her hair, saying, "Thanks. You get some rest okay?"

She giggles and nodded. She went to the car and climbed into the back. The car pulled away from the car wash and drove away. Amana looked at Amos and said, "Why don't you give Luna and Steven a ride home, Amos?"

"That's okay," Steven said. "My Dad is waiting for me inside the car wash. I need to talk to him really quick."

Amana nodded and walked up to Amos. She hugged him tightly and said, "Drive safely."

"I always do," Amos said. Amana nodded and let him go. She turned to me and gave me a hug too. "Be safe, Luna," Amana said. She stepped back and said, "I can't tell you how unpredictable my husband and son have become. But please, don't do anything rash."

"I'll be fine," I said. Amana nodded and, after giving Amos another worried look, she started walking back to her house. Amos got his helmet and gloves, tossing me a pair. Amos started the bike and I climbed behind, hugging Amos so I wouldn't fall off. He pulled out of the car wash and down the road. We were close to the beach house, Amos parked his motorcycle and walked me down to the house.

We walked in silence, the only noise the sound of the waves crashing on the shore and a light breeze blowing through. I looked up and noticed how the stars were out but no sign of the moon. Must be a new moon. "It sure is nice tonight," I commented. Amos glanced up and nodded, not saying anything. I looked at him and asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"

He shook his head, "Not tonight. Too many things happened tonight that I need time to think. Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow?"

I nodded, "Whenever your ready."

We reaches the beach house and I turned to Amos, saying, "Goodnight, Amos. I'll see you tomorrow."

I turned to leave but Amos grabbed my arm, saying, "Luna wait."

I looked at him in confusion but he pulled me in for a hug. He hugged me tightly and said, "Please stay safe. I didn't want you getting caught up in all of this but now that you are and pissed off my brother, I don't know what he'll do."

I hugged Amos back, saying, "Amos, I'll be okay. You keep forgetting that I'm a Crystal Gem. I can protect myself and fight if necessary."

Amos chuckled and said, "I keep forgetting my girlfriend has crazy powers."

I pulled away, asking, "Are you implying that I'm crazy?"

He smirked, "Maybe a little."

I snapped my fingers a splash of sea water hit Amos in the face. He stepped away, wiping the sea water out of his face. I laughed and he started laughing too. I smiled, glad to see he's relaxed a little. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and said, "Get some rest Amos. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya," He said. He waved goodbye and started back down the beach. I watched him leave until he was out of sight. I turned towards the porch steps and made my way up to my hammock. I climbed into it and closed the zipper. As I rocked to sleep, one thought kept worrying me.

What was this offer Akaash offered Amos?

-Next Day-

I waited outside of the Big Doughnut for Amos. After deciding a meeting place over text, I arrived at the Big Doughnut early to get myself some breakfast. I finished my Boston Cream just as Amos' motorcycle pulled up. I waved to him as he parked in a parking spot behind the shop. He took off his helmet and smiled a little. "Did you get me anything?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes but offered him a bag with a glazed doughnut inside. He took it and said, "Thanks."

We sat down at a bench and I waited for Amos to finish eating. Once he did, we got up and walked around town a little. I looked at him and said, "So what do you want to talk about?"

Amos sighed, "What I need to explain to you. I'm sorry about my dad and brother. Both of them are tricky, my brother more so."

"Your brother is a 'work of art'," I said, putting air quotes. Amos chuckled and said, "He wasn't always like that. We used to be close when I was little. We used to do cool things together and hang out like brothers do. But...things quickly went south when my dad kept coming back home later and later each night."

"Because of his motorcycle gang?" I asked. Amos nodded, "He told my mom that he had quit the group when they married. But he lied. Mom eventually found out and said that Dad had to decide whether or not he wanted to be part of the family or not. He decided to be a part of his biker gang."

I placed a hand on his shoulder, saying, "I'm so sorry."

"It's not like he was completely gone at first," Amos said. "He would visit often and during the holidays. But the less often he came, the more aggressive Raphael became. From what my mom told me, Raphael and my dad had secret meetings outside of the visits. My dad kept convincing my brother to join his gang and, eventually, he dropped out of high school. That was when we had the big fight."

"Big fight?" I asked, recalling how Amos mentioned a while ago how he'd been in a fight with someone. Instead of saying anything, Amos removed his aviator jacket. He rolled up his short sleeved shirt to fully show his scar. He traced it with his finger, saying, "My father had given him a pocket knife for his birthday one year. I pushed him too far at the time. And...he hurt me."

The cold truth sank in by what Amana and Amos have been saying to me. Raphael wasn't just dangerous. He was aggressive when he was dangerous. I stopped walking and stopped Amos and said, "How could be do that?"

"He was just angry," Amos said, not looking at me. "He kept ranting about how I was a mommy's boy and how I was her favorite. And how dad only cared about him and only him. And that...I didn't need to be here."

Amos held his scarred arm and unrolled his sleeve, looking uncomfortable. I didn't say anything at first but eventually asked, "Then what happened?"

Amos and I kept walking, Amos holding onto his jacket. "I woke up in the hospital after that happen. My mother was standing next to me, crying and yelling at how Raphael reacted. She marched out of the room to go looking for him. But he came in the next minute. He said that I was going to die in that hospital and that he was leaving with dad. I was so scared I couldn't move and he left. It wasn't for a while of crying and freaking out did my mom come back, trying to calm me down. I told her what Raphael told me and we both cried."

I couldn't take it anymore. I stopped walking and pulled Amos in for a hug. He was startled and said, "Luna? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I said. "I just think you need a hug after what you just told me."

He relaxed a little and hugged me back. "Thank you," He said. I nodded and we stood in silence for a moment. I stepped away and we kept walking, asking, "I've been thinking about it since last night but what was it your dad offered you?"

"Well-" Amos started, but he stopped when his eyes fell on something in front of him. His face paled and and he stopped mid-step. I looked up and saw why he stopped. Raphael was walking towards us, and even though he didn't look angry, his walk said it all. Raphael stopped right in front of us and glanced at me, not saying a word. But then he looked at Amos and said, "I need to talk to you, privately."

Amos didn't say or reacted. But I could see how tender he looked. I put a protective arm out in front of Amos, saying, "He doesn't want to talk to you. Get lost."

Raphael shrugged his shoulders, "Fine, Amos. Hide behind your little girlfriend. Maybe I can have a chat with her instead."

That seemed to snap Amos out of it. Amos stepped past my arm and said, "Fine. We can talk."

Raphael smirked and started walking away, gesturing for Amos to follow. Amos turned to me and said, "Luna, I need you to wait for me. Don't follow me."

I didn't say anything as Amos rushed after his brother. Something told me to follow and, though he said not too, I decided to anyway. Keeping a good distance away, I walked behind them. I hid around corners and in stores. At one point, I hid behind a group of people so not to be caught. Raphael and Amos kept walking but as they passed an alley, Raphael pushed Amos into it. I rushed forward and pressed myself to the wall, peeking slightly over the corner.

Raphael had pinned Amos to the wall of the alley, Amos' jacket on the ground. I softly gasped and quickly covered my mouth. Amos' eyes met mine and, ever so slightly, he shook his head. Raphael didn't notice and said, "Your thinking of taking dad's offer, aren't you?"

"Maybe," Amos said, trying to sound calm. "Why do you care?"

"I don't want to be in the same gang as my wimpy brother," Raphael said. "So how about I change things up. Dad's going to pick his best biker to race you tonight to see if your worthy of being part of the gang. I'm going to volunteer myself to go and you will race me. If you win, which you won't, you can take my place as dad's right hand man in the gang. But if I win, you won't ever get a chance to join dad's gang and I get to beat you to a pulp."

I gripped my hand tightly and felt anger boil in my gut. Bits of water on the ground slowly started to form on the ground. I grabbed my wrist and forced myself to lower the water. It went back to the ground but the large puddle stayed. Amos noticed and said, "And what if I say no to this deal? What if I want to join the gang fair and square?"

Raphael looked down at Amos' coat and picked it up. "This used to be mom's aviator jacket right?" Raphael asked. Amos didn't say anything but stared in fright as Raphael pulled out a pocket knife. Faster then either of us could see, Raphael let go of Amos and, using his pocket knife, ropes the jacket down the middle. "No!" Amos screamed, but it was too late. The aviator jacket was on the ground, torn in half by Raphael's Knife.

Raphael looked at his knife and said, "Huh, either my knife is sharper then I remember or that was a terrible jacket."

I stepped out from the corner, and readied myself to charge at Raphael. But Amos looked up and looked at me in anger. I flinched and hid around the corner, not wanting to get into the fight that may happen. I peeked again and saw Amos slowly stand up, saying, "Your going to pay for that, Raph."

"I will? When?" Raphael taunted. Amos glared at him and said, "At the race, I'll make you regret ever facing me."

Raphael sneered and said, "Sure I will. Anyway, see tonight bro. You better bring your best. Or your worst; doesn't matter. Just know that this time tomorrow, you'll probably be back in a hospital from the beating."

Amos curled his hands into fists but didn't say anything. Raphael turned and started walking back down the alley. I pressed myself against the wall and tried to think of somewhere to hide. But before I could move, Raphael came around the corner and noticed me. We stared at each other for a moment, before he scoffed and walked away. Once he was gone, I rushed down the alley and said, "Amos!"

He looked up at me, holding the two halves of his jacket. I looked down at the jacket and said, "We can fix it. I'm sure we can. You can come over this evening and-"

"I can't, Luna," He said. "I have the race to do."

I stared at him in shock and said, "Your actually going to take your brother up on that deal?! But Amos-"

"I have to do it," He said, looking at me. "I have to settle the score with my brother. I have to do this. Please, try to understand."

I looked at him then at his jacket. For a long time, I couldn't say anything as worries, concerns and emotions mixed around. Finally, I put my hands over his and said, "At least let me be there for you during the race."

Amos smiled and nodded, though he looked uneasy.

-Later that Night-

Amos and I drove along the road, back towards the base of the hill were last night we had a drag race against Kevin. Was that really just last night? It felt like a long time ago. Amos glanced over his shoulder at me and said, "You've been quiet. What's wrong?"

"Are you really going to leave Beach City and join your dad?" I asked. Amos was quiet for a moment before saying, "Ever since my dad left, it had been a dream of mine to be with him and his gang. Travel the country, see the sights, and be with my dad. A part of me still longs for that."

"But is that what you really want?" I asked, hoping he would say yes. He didn't say anything and I felt a bit of doubt that he may not stay if he wins this race. We arrived at the place and it was completely crowded. Not only with bikers and motorcycles, but it seems like the news of the race tonight has spread to the darker parts of town. Music was blasting as people danced to the music. Small groups of some of the bikers were talking or flirting with some of the girls. As Amos pulled in, the music died down and the talking went to a hush.

Amos cut the engine and I hopped off the bike. I took my helmet off as Amos got off too. The bikers and people stared at us, mixed reactions on everybody's faces. Then, the crowd parted as Akaash came walking towards us. He laughed and said, "Amos! You made it! I'm glad to see your still interested in joining."

He stopped short when he saw me. His smile faltered and he said, "I didn't think you would come, Luna. This isn't exactly a place you should be."

"Where Amos goes, I go too," I said. "I'll always have his back."

Part of the crowd awed at my comment. Akaash nodded, "Tough girl. And a loyal one too. It'll be a shame for you to leave her if you win, Amos."

Amos didn't react but instead ask, "Where's Raphael?"

"He's at the top of the hill, waiting for you to join," Akaash said, gesturing to the top of the hill. "He told me about your talk earlier today and, I don't agree, but if it's what you want then okay."

I growled. Raphael must've twisted the story to make it sound like Amos wanted to race against his brother. Amos didn't react and said, "I'll head up there now."

"Now hold on," Akaash said. "We haven't decided who'll be the person to start the race. Normally we have a vote to see which lucky girl will be the one to start it and-"

"Luna will," Amos said. I blinked in surprise and Akaash and I said, "What?"

"I want Luna to start the race," Amos said, smiling at me. "If she starts it, I know I'll win."

I felt my cheeks grow warm as a part of the crowd awed at what Amos said. Akaash seemed surprised but said, "Alright, it's your race."

Akaash then pulled out a red handkerchief from his coat pocket, handing it to me. "When you get to the top of the hill, stand in between the two bikers. On the count of three, you raise the handkerchief and drop it on three. That'll signal them that you start the race."

I nodded and Amos climbed back into his motorcycle. I climbed on behind him, getting ready to put my helmet on. Akaash, however, walked over to us and said, "Sorry kids. But for this race, no helmets."

He took my helmet and Amos' helmet. I looked at Amos, a bit nervous. But he didn't seem fazed. He started his motorcycle and drove up the hill. Upon reaching the top, Raphael started his own bike. His cocky smile faded when he saw me. "What is she doing here?" Raphael asked.

"She's starting the race," Amos said, turning his bike around. He stopped his bike next to his brother's and I hopped off, holding the handkerchief in hand. I walked a bit further down the road and stood nervously in between Amos and Raphael's bike paths. I raised the handkerchief high and silently counted. On three, I dropped the red handkerchief. I looked at Amos one last time, silently wishing him luck.

Their bike engines roared and they drove past me.

The speed and air rush from their backs pushed me back to the ground. I quickly stood up and watched as they both turned the corner. Glancing up at the sky to see if the moon was out, I summoned my wings and took to the air. I soared down the hill and managed to find Amos and Raphael. They were neck and neck as they went down the road. "Come on, Amos," I whispered, watching them drive. Just then, Amos started to slowly take the lead, inching forward little by little. I smiled; he was going to win.

Then Raphael slammed into Amos.

I gasped as Amos veered out of control and broke through the guard rail on the hill, nose diving into the hill. "NO!" I screamed, diving down towards Amos. By reaction, I stretched my arms out and focused on his bike. A white light appeared under his bike and steadied it as his bike landed on the road, closer to the bottom. I touched ground and rushed towards Amos, who was clutching the handles tightly. Exhaustion washed over me but I ignored it.

"Are you okay?!" I asked, adrenaline running through me. Amos nodded and looked at me, "You saved me."

"Well yeah! I couldn't let you die!" I shouted, angry at the fact that Raphael pulled a dirty trick. Amos continued staring at me, saying, "You saved me. You...kept me from dying."

I nodded, not understanding what he was trying to get at. He kicked the kickstand down and grabbed me, pulling me in for a hug. I froze as he hugged me tightly, shaking. "Thank you, Luna," He said. Tears welled up in my eyes and I hugged him back. "I couldn't watch and let you die," I said. Just then, we heard he distant sound of a motorcycle.

I quickly wiped the tears and said, "You got to continue the race. He'll beat you if you don't."

Amos nodded and kicked up the kickstand. He paused then turned to me. "Sit behind me," He said. "I don't want him pulling anymore tricks."

I nodded and jumped on. I hugged Amos tightly as he revved his engine. He then darted down the road, in the led of his brother. It wasn't long before we could hear Raphael's engine more clearly. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Raphael was catching up. And he did not look happy. I smirked and noticed how close we were to the finish line. "You can do it Amos!" I shouted. "Your almost there!"

He sped up and turned the corner, the motorcycle turning low to the ground. I reached a hand out and brushed my hand on the road, feeling the same excitement as when Lumos was racing. Raphael's bike engine drew closer and I hugged Amos tighter, silently hoping that Amos would win. Amos turned the corner and crossed the line at the bottoms of the hill. The entire crowd exploded in cheering and I hugged Amos tightly. He won!

As Amos and I got off for his motorcycle, Raphael pulled up behind us. He kicked the kickstand on his motorcycle and marched over to us. Amos pushed me behind him and two people rushed over and Raphael. "You cheated!" He shouted. "You shouldn't have survived that fall!"

"Raphael!" We all heard. Raphael stopped struggling as Akaash marched towards us. His look harden and he said, "I told you that the race had to be fair! No tricks! Even still, your younger brother beat you! He deserves to take your place in the gang."

Raphael's face dropped and he stopped struggling. Akaash then turned to Amos and said, "That being said, welcome to the g-"

"I don't want to be a part of your gang, dad," Amos said. Everyone was silent as Akaash stared at Amos in shock. I blinked in surprise at Amos. He looked at me and said, "I'm already part of a family. I can't leave that behind."

Akaash sighed and said, "Oh Amos, if only you were like your brother. You would be a great right hand man."

"If I was like him, then I would be a short tempered loser," Amos said. The entire crowd oohed and Raphael struggled again against the two people holding him back. Akaash smirked and said, "Fair point."

He then placed a hand on Amos' shoulder and said, "You take care of your mother, alright?"

"I will," Amos said. He turned to me and, offering his hand, said "Come on, Luna. Let's go home."

I smiled and took his hand. We started walking but then, we heard behind us, "I'm going to kill you!" I turned around just Raphael broke through the crowd and charged at me, knife in hand. The anger I had been holding back for Raphael exploded. The water capsule burst open, and I lifted my arm, catching Raphael's arm in the water. Everybody stared in shock and Raphael was still. His knife was an inch from my chest and I took it out of his hand. I picked up a rock and smashed the blade into it, breaking the knife. I tossed the handle aside and said, "If you ever, try to hurt me, Amos, or any of my friends or family, I won't hesitate to use force to fight back."

Raphael didn't say anything and I realized the water. His arm was freed as the water returned back to the capsule. I turned back to Amos and we went back to his motorcycle.

-Not so later that night-

Amos pulled up to his house, and he turn the motorcycle off. Not a second later did the front door burst open and Amana rushed out. "Amos!" She shouted, literally pulling him off his bike and into her arms. I quickly put the bike stand down as Amana held her son. I got off as she said, "I was so worried. I thought you actually took your father's offer to race and-"

"I did," Amos said. Amana stopped and looked at Amos. But he smiled at her, tear running down his cheek. "I raced against Raphael and won. But I'm staying, mom. This is where I belong. This is where I'm meant to be."

Amana smiled and held Amos close again, crying. Amos cried too, hugging his mom. A tear or two fell down my cheek as I watched. Amana looked up and gestured for me to join the hug. I smiled and joined the group hug. All of us hugged each other, crying and holding the other. I felt overjoyed that Amos was staying, not because he just wanted too.

But because he knew this was where he was meant to be.


Yay! Amos won and he's staying! I think this is the longest chapter is this story so far. Not sure. Anyway! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to update ASAP :)

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