Trust Issues || H2O Delirious...

By DaughterDeHell

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Los Santos. City of thieves. City of Gangs. There is a constant battle to be, Number One. Every gang want... More

A/N || Thank you
A/N || Imagines Book Out!


1.1K 40 24
By DaughterDeHell

Y/n's POV

The Sidemen landed on the roof of the guys' apartment building and my nerves set in.

We got Delirious back, and although we weren't able to wipe out the rebellion leader, we accomplished what we had to, so now it was time for the conversation.

Yes, that conversation.

Delirious and I.

We all exited the helicopter and made our way downstairs, into, the now finished, innovated apartment of the Vanoss crew. Everyone had already reached the tower and they were all sat in the living room, waiting for us.

Macey and Kacey had on harsh expressions and seemed slightly red in the face, indicating that they were angry.

The Sidemen dispersed around the room, finding their own seats and looking down, knowing the conversation to come would be an awkward one.

I looked around and finally met eyes with Evan, who had a stern look in his face. He immediately stands up and starts walking towards us.

"Pack your bags, and get out." He said, crossing his arms.

Taken aback, I raised my hand. "Eva-"

"It's Vanoss to you."

I was starting to get impatient with his attitude. "I think you're being a little irrational."

"Irrational? Irrational? What's irrational is the fact that we set rules and the first thing you do when you step foot in our base is break them!"

Delirious pulls me back, telling me not to engage with owl boy. "Evan, without her, I wouldn't be here right now."

"Without her, we wouldn't be in this situation!"

"She jumped out of a fucking helicopter for me!" Evan quickly shut up. He didn't say anything but his gaze remained hard.

"You're on probation." He said to Delirious. "No missions for three months."

Jon opened his mouth to respond but ultimately decided against it. He shook his head and let out a deep breath. He was pissed.

"Now Alpha, you and your crew need to get your shit and get out." Before I could respond, someone else did.

"What happened to the other Vanoss? The cool, chill guy we knew had our backs? Without her, you wouldn't have completed your mission, neither would the misfits, so when you're throwing her, and the rest of us, out, remember that." Cleo said before getting up and marching out of the room.

I sighed and turned to follow but was cut off as Delirious grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Evan, you can't be serious! After all they've done for us? For you? You can't just throw them out!"

Evan sighed and ran his hands through his hair before turning back to Del, as serious as ever. "Watch me."

Evan turned and began to walk away when Del said something that stopped him.

"That's completely unfair."

Evan turned around slowly, obvious anger evident in his posture.

"You wanna know what's really unfair? Do you think it's fair that the two children in the house had to tell me that you and her have been fooling around since day one? Do you think it's fair that she turned her back on the rest of her crew for you? Do you think it's fair that you guys have been sneaking around under everyone's noses when it was specifically against our rules? Do you think it's fair that she broke her own rule? What's really unfair is the fact that my right hand man, my partner in crime, turned his back on me, broke our trust, and slept with the enemy."

Jon and Evan just stared at each other for a few seconds before I broke the silence. "So that's it huh? That's all we are? The enemy? Funny how you're all about trust when you just admitted that you never had any true intentions of actually trusting us. We were always just the enemy, right?"

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, turning to the girls. "Get your stuff, we're out of-"

"GUYS!" Smitty barged through the doors, grabbing everyone's attention.

Evan pinches the bridge of his nose and turns to Smitty, an obviously annoyed expression on his face. "What Smit?"

"It's the imposter, fake Wendy. She's gone."

Jaren turns to me and his expression turns sorrow. I give him a confused look but Evan cuts off my train of thought. "Yeah? Well that's not our problem anymore, it's theirs."

I rolled my eyes and continued towards the door, motioning for the girls to follow.

As I was about to walk through, past the anxious looking Smitty, he grabbed my arm, firmly gripping it, stopping me in my tracks.

I look at him in confusion and his face drops. "There's one more thing..."

My stomach began to churn, a certain feeling spreading throughout me. One I knew all too well.


"I think she took Cleo..."

It was as if time had stopped for a split second, the entire room freezing, then speeding up, spinning around in circle as I felt my knees become jello.

The last thing I heard before everything went black was the sound of Jon yelling my name.


I woke up in a familiar place.

Our base.

I looked around our living room, sitting up on the couch. It seemed to be the middle of the night. Leann and Jamilyne were passed out on the other couch and I assume Wendy and the twins were in their rooms.

I guess Vanoss still tossed us after I passed out. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore the thoughts seeping through my mind. I get up a little too quickly, a headache beginning to pound in my skull.

I made my way to the kitchen, grabbing two Tylenol and a glass of water.

Once downing the pills and the contents of the cup, a sat on a bar stool, staring into nothing, thinking of everything.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?" I look at the silhouette in the doorway and give a half smile.

"Hey Wendy." She yawns and goes to the snack cupboard, grabbing a bag of chips.

"You should go to sleep." She said, plopping a chip in her mouth. I smile and shake my head slightly. "First of all, I should be telling you that. Second, nah, there's no point, I won't be able too." She sighs and stalks toward the fridge.

"How about I make you a cup of tea? Hmm? Then will you at least try?"

I smiled and nodded. "Sure."

It's been almost 3 weeks since we've last spoken with the BBS.

The only thing we've done is dedicate a couple hours each day to look for any signs of Cleo. We haven't gone on any missions or anything since, but the guys have.

We'd sometimes watch them on the news, just keeping ourselves updated with the outside crime in Los Santos.

Delirious was never with them.

I assume they have him on complete house arrest.

We don't even have enough information to go out to look for Cleo. Nothing. She just up and disappeared. We've all been worried but we're trying to stay strong and optimistic.

Things around here have been a little different as well. For example, I found out last week that the cups of tea or hot chocolate the girls make me every night, is spiked with sedatives. That's the only reason I've been able sleep.

And they knew it.

I wasn't angry or upset with them, but I started to turn down their offers. I was no longer taking the beverages they would offer me and I think they've finally figured out why.

"Y/n, why don't you want tea or hot chocolate anymore? You always have a cup before bed."

I glance over at Macey, shrugging my shoulders. "Guess I'm just not in the mood."

My exhaustion was evident. My eyes had dark circles, my voice was groggy, and I plodded around the house like a sloth.

Leann grabbed the TV remote and paused the movie that was playing, turning to me afterwards. "You know."

I look at her and tilt my head, playing stupid. "Know what?"

"You can quit pretending Y/n. You know we're drugging you to make you sleep."

I immediately made a shocked face with a hint of hurt. "You guys did what?"

The other girls were quick to scold Leann and throw pillows at her, regret crossing her features.

I shook my head with a low chuckle, unable to form more than that from weariness. They all turned to me and I smirked. "Of course I know. Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

"Y/n, come one, it's been nearly a week and you haven't slept, you need to sleep."

I turn to Jamilyne and give a soft smile. "You know I can't. I want too, but I can't."

The girls sat silently for a minute, realizing how genuine I was being.

"You really love him, don't you?" Wendy asked.

I turn to her and my smile widens. "More than I love myself."

"You know what?" Kacey slams her fist on the sofa and stands up. We all look at her in confusion. "We should go over there and give Vanoss a piece of our minds!"

We all looked at each other, nobody moving.

"Kace, I don't think that's a good idea." I tried to reason.

"To hell with good ideas! I'm sick of his stank ass attitude! He's the only one who had a fucking problem with it!"

"You're right! Why should we abide by his rules? We're our own gang! He can't tell us what to do!" Macey said, joining her sister.

"Ok, girls, relax-"

"Now that I think about it, why are we listening to him? He's not the boss of us. Just because we're not as physically strong as them doesn't mean we can't whoop their asses with sense and intelligence." Wendy pipes in.

The other girls began to jump in the conversation as well, all agreeing with Kacey.

I couldn't even speak, they were talking over me and overall ignoring my remarks for them to stop and calm down. My energy was drained but I mustered up what I could and stopped the commotion.

"ENOUGH! We're are not going to go pester the guys. They want nothing to do with us and that's just how it is."

The girls all slumped back into their seats. I sighed and began to stand to go to the kitchen when a comment stopped me.

"Cleo would've agreed with us... not like we're going to get her back anytime soon." I turned around to face who said it.


It set me off.  I was fuming.

"Don't you fucking dare pull that card. I love Cleo as much as any of you! You think I don't want her back? You think I want to sit around here completely drained all day with no fucking sign of where my Delta is? Well guess what Epsilon? I don't. I want to be out there looking for her! But with all the targets on our backs and NO leads, what am I supposed to do? Huh? Exactly. Rooms. All of you. Now."

The girls all got up and quickly scattered away, terrified of the extremely rare pissed off Alpha.

Hannah walked past me and squeezed my hand, muttering an apology before shuffling up the stairs and into her room.

I sighed heavily, feeling my chest rise and fall before quaking with sobs. Tears streamed down my face as I fell to my knees, crying bitterly.

I slammed my fist into the small couch side table with a yell, shattering the glass and dropping the lamp and coasters that sat on top of it.

I continued to sob, feeling my body become weak and completely drained to the point of no movement, but I was too tired to even fall asleep.

So I laid there, crying immensely on the floor of the living room, not moving, but awake.

These are the moments.

The ones in which I wish Delirious was with me.

The ones in which I need you, Jon.

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