
By theathea3015

224K 13.7K 1.3K

"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the te... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 49(Pt.2)
Chapter 50

Chapter 36

3.3K 205 9
By theathea3015

"We can't move in together when we've been dating for just 3 weeks Nick." I told him sitting on his lap. We were in his house on the couch watching one of my shows. Actually he was just looking at me watching because he never watches TV. He said he's to busy to watch 'silly tv shows." I couldn't believe he doesn't watch tv so I forced him to watch it with me.

"Why not?" He asked rubbing my back sensually.

"Why not? Because it's way too soon! How many times do I have to explain it to you?I just can't." I asked him rolling my eyes and he frowned.

"How soon is soon? Do you not feel anything for me?" He asked with a serious look.

"That's not what I mean.."

"Answer the question Ariane." When he said my name, I knew he was serious. From the moment he asked me that 2weeks ago, he's been nothing but sweet. I couldn't even believe he asked me that. I was in a daze for a second before he repeated it and it took all of me not to scream "yes!". After that, he had kissed me softly like he did before and we spent the rest of the evening just talking. It was amazing. The weekend passed in a blur. Talking, making out, swimming in the indoor pool, making out again and then some more making out.

Since then, I spend the weekends in his house. At work, he's always trying to touch my butt or squeeze it and I have to shove his hands away. Or he'll pull me to our joint bathroom and kiss me silly making me lightheaded afterwards.

Bad for my health. Bad bad bad.

I know he's been putting up a lot of restraint because he's always looking pained after out make out sessions but I don't know if I'm ready to sleep with him ..

"I..I do..but?"

"But what? I haven't asked you to fucking sell your kidney Ariane. Or to get pregnant for me. I'm just looking at a possible future for us! Is this all a joke to you?" He asked and I could feel the frustration and anger in his voice. I held his jaw in my arms and forced him to look at me.

Gosh, why am I doing this to him?

He'll never forgive me.

And my feelings for him are getting deeper and deeper.

I'm so sorry Nick

"J..just give me a bit more time caro. I'll think about it.."

"What do you have to think about? Is there someone else? You already spend most of your time here so—" he cut himself off and took a deep breath.

"Fine. I'll give you time. But don't take too long or I'll take drastic measures." He told me and i smiled kissing his cheek.

I continued watching my show and thinking of the money I had saved up to leave this city. If I worked for a little more, I would have enough money for Tammy and I to go. Thinking about it breaks my heart to million pieces.

Recently, Harry has been calling me over and over. But not to ask about Nick as usual, but trying to be friendly with me. It's so weird but I try to act cordial with him. He even sent me flowers with an apology note for everything he's done.But when I mistakenly called him Nick, I could feel his mood shift over the phone. He hung up, and the next time he called, it was to tell me to get intel on Nick's investors.

I have no idea what is wrong with him. Either way, I couldn't do it. I couldn't betray him that way. He wanted me to ruin his business? I'd never live with that.

"What are you thinking of?" Nick's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh nothing.." I answered when I heard my phone ring.

It was Tyler. I picked up the phone and contemplated whether or not I should answer it.

"I'll call him back." I said and declined the call. Nick looked pleased and was about to kiss me when Tyler called again. He pulled back and tried to hide his frown.

"Um..I'll just answer this quick.." I told him and he lifted me off him and made me sit next to him. He then stood up and walked away.

I answered his call when he was out of sight. "Hi Tyler. Sorry I couldn't pick your call"

"I thought something was wrong. How are you doing? You've been MIA..."

"I know I know.. it's just work. How have you been? Having fun at work with Tammy?"

"Yeah. She's such a help to the company. I was calling to find out if you wanted to come to the vine and make wine with us .."

"Oh I'd love to but I have this thing at work.."

"Your work seems very tedious Ari. You need a break."

"You're right. I'll find time. Promise."

"Bye. Take care of yourself." He said and we hung up. I stood up and went to the kitchen to check for Nick. He wasn't there. I went to the room, he wasn't there either. I looked almost everywhere and lastly in the gym and there he was. Punching the hell out of punching bag.
He looked so angry and sweat and


Really? Now is not the time!

I didn't know how to approach him. He seemed like hell would break lose if I spoke.

"Um, hey.." I said finally. He didn't answer and kept punching and there was a very hard line set on his jaw.

"Uh, you want something to eat? I can make you a sandwich or a home cooked meal maybe?" I said again  and I was fidgeting with fingers for a reason unknown to me. I knew he was angry and I didn't aggravate him even more. He kept boxing ignoring me completely

"Please talk to me Nick.." I pleaded with him feeling like crying.

Don't cry! Silly girl, don't freaking cry!

"Alright I'll leave you." I said turning away to leave and then turning back when he stopped punching . He was holding the punching bag and looked and closing his eyes.

"I don't like him okay? And I don't know how to explain how jealous I become when I see you with another man. I..." he said in a hard tone expressing how angry he was.

I came back and looked at him in then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I don't even get it myself" he said chuckling and walking round the room. "I don't understand why I want to punch him so hard in the face when it's never been the case with my other.."

"Girlfriends?" I answered for him.

"Yeah. Well not really."

"Which are more than a hundred obviously" I said rolling my eyes and slowly getting irritated.

"That's an exaggerated number Ariane. Opposed to popular beliefs, I haven't had so many girlfriends."

"Really? You know what, I don't want to hear about your other girlfriends. Tyler is just my friend. Nothing more."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Friends? You think I don't see how he looks at you? He fucking wants you! Can't you see?"

I walked closer to him despite him being all sweaty and reached up to touch his face.
"I..I don't care if he wants me..I don't want anyone else but you." I told him honestly kissing him softly on his lips. He didn't kiss back immediately but soon sighed into the kiss and kissed back.

"Alright. Why don't you go shower while I cook up something. Okay?"

"Or, why don't we both shower together and we cook together yeah? Team work and all that." He said winking and sliding his hands to my butt but I stopped him.

"No. Nope. Go shower alone. Then, we can cook together. Or we can just order food. What do you think?"

"Perfect baby. I'll go shower now but I'll be thinking of you the whole time.." he said kissing me again and smacking my bum before leaving the gym.

"Nick!" I yelled and he just chuckled, running upstairs. I ordered pizza and Chinese for both of us. Luckily, Nate was still outside and so I told him to rush to pick it up. When he came back, Nick wasn't done showering yet.

What's taking him so long? He doesn't usually take that long. I wanted to go up and check on him but I decided to wait a little more. I walked over to the piano and took a seat.

It looked a bit dusty like he had not been used in a while.

Soon after I heard him come down the stairs.
"Sorry baby, I had a call from work."

I turned and looked at him over my shoulder and smiled, trying not to drool. He was wearing a white tank top exposing his arms and grey sweatpants. "No problem. I was a little worried though."

What a sexy human..

"Have you eaten already?" He asked standing behind me as I ran my fingers through the keys of the piano.

"Nope. I was waiting for you." I told him. I could smell his fresh scent behind me. It was so appealing.

"You shouldn't have. Common let's go eat." He said.

"Play me something first." I said looking up at him from under my lashes and I watched how his jaw was set in a thin line. His mood shifted very fluidly.

"No. Let's go eat." He said again and I wondered why he didn't want to play. I looked at him and frowned.

"Why do you have a piano when you don't play it? Is it just for fancy ?" I asked him

"I used to play it. But not anymore, I just haven't had time to take it out. Are you not hungry?"

"Really? You don't have time to take it out?" I said laughing "that better be a joke. You have more than a thousand workers and they can't take this out. You're not fooling me here."

"We're not having this conversation right now Ariane. You don't seem interested in the food at all." I could feel him becoming all defensive with a hard tone. He had his brows creased and he was starting to get upset.

"Just play one song and I won't ask you ever again. Please."


"Please Jeremy."

"Don't call me that." He said rolling his eyes.

"C'mon. I won't ever ask you again. I promise."

"Fine." He said begrudgingly and took the seat by me. There was enough space but I decided to sit up on the piano so I could watch him closer.

He started out softly and for a minute I thought he didn't know what he was doing but soon he picked up and started playing the notes like a pro. Well, I have no idea how pros play but I could tell he was good. It was later I realized it was 'When a man loves a woman' by Michael Bolton. It was a pretty old song but it was so good.

I watched him with keen interest as he played with so much emotion. It was a raw emotion I couldn't put a name on. I could imagine him singing but he just closed his eyes and played it to the end. While he played , I was thinking of the lyrics in my mind.When he was done with the song, I couldn't cipher the emotion on his face.

"T-That was" I told him and he just looked at me on the top of the piano and then pulled me to face him. He stood up and held my face looking in my eyes.

"What's going through your mind Nick?" I asked him holding him close to me with my arms around his neck.

"You. All you. Everything about you." He said kissing me deeply. As I kept kissing him, just one emotion was going through my hazed mind. My feelings for him are getting deeper and I wanted him so much. How could I leave now? What's this feeling? I kissed him with everything I had in me. I pulled away before it got too heated.

Too heated? My shirt was already on the floor and I was just in my bra and he was shirtless.

"F-food Nick.." I reminded him and he breathed hard and bit his lip.

"Fuck.." he said carrying me with my arms around him to the kitchen. I could feel how hard he was against him and I kinda felt bad for stopping him again. He put me on the kitchen island and brought the food. I was still breathing hard from that hot make out session.

We ate quietly still giving each other meaningful looks. I was still in my bra and my sweatpants and I was surprised I wasn't really self conscious around him. The food was on the counter and he was standing while I sat.

"Why did you stop playing the piano? You're so good!"

" I didn't see the need to anymore. My ex... we used to play together and when she.. um.. when were not together anymore.. umm.. I stopped." He said stammering a little.

His ex? Used to play the piano.

He's had many girlfriends and he's my first..

It made me upset and jealous but I didn't want to show it.

You're getting a little green there Ari

"Shut the hell up!" I whispered to myself angrily. Did I have to learn how to play the piano too? I have no musical skills at all. Except singing maybe.

"No need to be jealous Ariane, I have no feelings for her whatsoever." He said drinking water.

"I'm not jealous."  I lied to him through my teeth.

"You look mad and you're holding your fork really hard. Don't lie to me." He said coming closer to me.

"Whatever. Where's my shirt?" I said trying not to look at him.

"Don't wear it. I like seeing your boobs." He told me boldly staring at them and I widened my eyes. How does he say things so randomly?

"Are you usually this blunt with your other girlfriends?" I had to ask and I saw him raise a brow.

"Although it's absolutely sexy seeing you jealous , don't compare yourself to any of my exes. They have nothing on you. I'm blunt . To everyone. I don't like sugarcoating anything. As simple as that. So drop it." He said about to touch me when I jumped from the counter, not wanting him to touch me.

"C'mon baby, don't be like that. Let's plan your birthday, it's next week." He said holding my hand.

"I don't want to do anything for my birthday." I told him.

"Why not?" He asked with his brows creased.

"I don't usually do anything for my birthday. Just cake and dinner with Tammy and my old friends."

"Then invite them and we'll  have a party this year. You're turning 24 right?"

"Yeah. But no party Nick!"

"We won't argue about this now baby. Your heaving chest is distracting me anyway.." he said looking at my breasts in my black lacy bra.

"We didn't finish your show, how about it?" He said smiling softly.

"But let me get my shirt first.." I said as he pulled me to the living room.

"Nope. Skin to skin bonding cara." He said as we settled on the couch with me on him as usual. It became a routine. Our little routine.

It'll be hard to break when I leave

I thought sadly.

A little into the show, I could tell he was getting interested by it with all the questions he was asking and I answered them happily. His phone by the side rang and it said 'Alyssa'. He declined the call put his phone back.

"You never told me why you guys broke up though." I mentioned to him

"She was sleeping with Red Kerrington." He said casually and I widened my eyes. I suspected it! I was so right! What a bitch.

"Did you have him beat up?"

"Nah. Really didn't give a shit." He said holding me close to him. I bet I was making his laps sore.

"Can you play any other instruments Nick?" I asked him as I settled into chest taking in his scent. I was getting a little sleepy.

"A lot more cara. I'll show you."

"Okay." I said yawning and I felt him standing up with me in his arms. He walked us up the stairs.

When my body hit the soft bed, I could feel myself slipping into sleep. I wrapped my arms round his chest and slept like a baby.

Nick's my new habit  and this habit will be very hard to break...

Oh gosh!



Love y'all much !

Ari's birthday next!

Vote and comment and share!!!!

What do y'all think about Nick playing the piano? Sexyyyyyyyyyyyyy omg

My crush😍😍😍😍


Comment pls😔😔😔

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