The Egos and The Sanders Sides

By brookefox_

17.9K 540 462

[COMPLETED] - - - [A JSE & MPR Egos/Sanders Sides Story] Antisepticeye was known for not wanting help. Fo... More

✔ Info ✔
✔ Part 1 ✔
✔ Part 2 ✔
✔ Part 3 ✔
✔ Part 4 ✔
✔ Part 5 ✔
✔ Part 6 ✔
✔ Part 7 ✔
✔ Part 8 ✔
✔ Part 10 ✔
✔ Part 11 ✔
✔ Part 12 ✔
✔ Part 13 ✔
✔ Part 14 ✔
✔ Part 15 ✔
✔ Part 16 ✔
✔ Part 17 ✔
✔ Part 18 ✔
✔ Part 19 ✔
✔ Part 20 ✔
✔ Part 21 ✔
✔ Part 22 ✔
✔ Part 23 ✔
✔ Part 24 ✔
✔ Part 25 ✔
✔ Part 26 ✔
✔ Part 27 ✔
✔ Part 28 ✔
✔ Part 29 ✔
✔ Part 30 ✔
A Thanks

✔ Part 9 ✔

417 12 0
By brookefox_

Actor had a new plan, so his first thought was to call Callie. He quickly took his phone out of his pocket and dialled her number, it ringing for a few moments until the girl finally picked up.


"Callie, I have a plan," Actor stated, pacing up and down the room he was in, eagerness lacing his voice.

"Another one?" The girl sighed, pausing for a moment before replying. "Alright, tell me."

"I'm gonna need you to open a window in Dark's office without being noticed. I'm gonna sneak in and wait for him," Actor filled in after he stopped moving about, a wide smirk on his face.

Callie sighed, not knowing how that would work with so many people catching onto her schemes already, but she would try anyway, "It'll be hard, but I'll try."

"I need you to do something with that hero as well. When you've done that, call me and I'll tell you what to do next."

"Will do," Callie answered before hanging up and looking around the room that Mark let her stay in until she wanted to leave. "Now it's time to open that window."

- - -

Callie walked around casually, making sure no one was around and Dark wasn't in his office before slipping through the door, closing it as quietly as she could.

The witch looked at a window before she walked up to it, trying to open it, but it was locked. She sighed in frustration and looked around the room, noticing a compartment underneath the table.

She opened it, seeing a range of keys. She grabbed them from the drawer, the keys all being on one key ring, making her annoyed as she had to try every one that was there.

Callie tried to be as quiet as she possibly could with all of the keys jingling with every step she took. She tried all of the small keys, none of them working so far until she got to the last one that would fit, the key sliding into the lock.

She twisted the key, the window unlocking, the girl pushing it opened further. She took the keys and walked over to the compartment and opened it, putting them back in their original place.

The door of the office opened as Callie was still in the room, the witch not being able to move anywhere as Bim walked into the room.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked, not expecting the girl to be there, his arms folded as his left eyebrow raised.

"Oh! I was just. . .. looking for Dark," Callie replied, having to think for a second for an excuse, pursing her lips as she internally cringed.

Bim stared at her for a few seconds, obviously not believing her, but he smiled at her all the same, "Well, he's in the living room, if that helps."

Callie hurriedly walked past the Iplier and into the living room, going to ask Dark how long she was allowed to stay in the house so Bim wouldn't get any more suspicious.

When she finished talking to Dark, who seemed to hate her presence, she returned to her room and took out her phone.

'I've opened the window' She texted to Actor, having to wait a few moments for a reply from the man.

'Great. Take care of that hero now'.

'Will do'.

- - -

The Jim twins and King were wandering around the halls, trying to find Dark, for what reason? We don't know.

They walked into Dark's office seeing as that was the first place anyone would look for the demon, but they were taken aback when they saw Actor sitting on the far chair.

The three froze, all petrified when they spotted the guy that was hunting them sitting in the office, King gulping as he glanced around.

The door slammed behind them, a large, muscly man standing there and guarding the door, glaring down at the three Ipliers.

"Ah! Didn't expect you three to be here," Actor said, standing up as he clasped his hands together, a small, wicked smile plastered on his face. "Well, looks like I'll have a few more captives now."

Suddenly, the man behind the three, plus two others that the three hadn't seen, tried to grab them, but they bolted in different directions, King jumping up onto the table and the Jim twins running either side of it.

That didn't stop the three from getting grabbed by a few men, though, Actor walking up to them slowly, watching as they struggled to get free from the men's death grips.

"Say hello to that glitch when you get there."

- - -

Dark walked through the halls briskly and stopped in front of his office door, opening it and walking inside, shutting the door behind him. Dark looked up and saw none other than Actor himself.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Dark growled, clenching his hand around the cane he always brought with him, the man's aura lashing out, the red more than blue.

"Dark, it's okay! I mean no harm!" Actor replied, holding his hands up from the other side of the room, trying to look as innocent as he could.

"That's bullshit," Dark swore, glaring at Actor as he slowly walked towards the demon who kept his guard up.

Actor sighed, expecting this attitude from the other Iplier, "Dark, let me talk to you. I need to tell you something important."

Dark looked around, noticing there where multiple men scattered around the room, the demon raising his eyebrows as he gave in, a scowl on his face as he spoke, "Fine. You have five minutes."

- - -

"Jackie," Came Logan's voice behind the hero, who turned around in surprise, the Septic relaxing when he saw it was just Logic.


"I've found who the fingerprints belong to and I don't think you'll like it."


Logan quickly led Jackie to his room after telling him what he found, closing the door so no one would know what they were doing.

"Here," Logan said, pointing to a computer screen showing the results of the test, Jackie widening his eyes.

On the screen, it had information written on it as well as a picture.

What it read was, 'Callie Monroe, Age 27, born July 19th, 1992'. It also shows a clear picture of Callie, the same one that was in the household.

"Are you going to tell me what's happening, now?" Logan inquired, already having a small idea about it, but he wanted to make sure he was right by asking the hero.

Jackie sighed, seeing no point in hiding it from Logan as he had done this for them, "Me, Anti, Dark and I'm pretty sure Virgil, Bim, Yandere and Deceit have all suspected that Callie is a spy of Actors."

"I've thought that myself," Logan claimed, shrugging as he glanced at his computer. "Her story doesn't add up and she's been acting suspiciously ever since she got here."

Jackie nodded and filled the logical side in with anything he missed, but he knew mostly everything seeing as he was Logic itself.

- - -

"What did you want to talk about?"

Actor looked at Dark, putting a fake frightened face on, which made the demon furrow his eyebrows, not expecting that reaction, "Dark, it wasn't me who made them weapons."

"What?" Dark questioned, not knowing if he should believe him or not, his mind swaying between options.

"Someone has been disguised as me."

"So a shapeshifter?" Dark questioned, in doubt that Actor would let this happen seeing as he was usually stealthy about things.

"Yea! Yea, exactly. Look, I need your help to get him away," Actor said, a hopeful yet mischievous look in his eyes, to which Dark didn't catch as he was staring at the table.

"Why did you bring them," Dark sighed as he looked towards the men, glaring around at them all who sent one back.

"Just in case you tried to attack me."

Dark nodded, still doubtful about the situation at hand as his hands clasped together in front of him.

"Still don't believe me?" Actor sighed, Dark shaking his head in response, still weighing his options out. "Maybe this will make you."

Dark, already suspecting of this scenario happening, ducked, catching a glimpse of a baseball bat that swung past right where his head was.

"Clever," Muttered Dark, the demon turning around swiftly and impaling the man who held the baseball bat with his cane, striking him right through his heart, the man's mouth filling with blood as he fell to the ground, blood pooling around Dark's feet. "But not clever enough."

The Iplier Demon swiftly turned around, spotting a knife that the other man in the room was holding, about to strike Dark with it.

Dark only smirked, grabbing the knife's blade, paying no mind to the edges digging into his skin and he clenched his fist, the knife blade shattering to pieces.

The Iplier's aura then ripped out, encasing the man that Dark was facing, sickening cracks being heard from his body. Actor's henchman fell to the ground, his body being twisted in inhumane ways as Dark just stared at it, a tainted smirk playing on his face.

Actor, in an act of shock, took the baseball bat that was on the ground, swinging it at Dark, only for the latter to catch it before it hit his head. Dark turned slowly towards Actor, his eyes flickering between a pitch-black, blue and green every few seconds.

"You've lost.. ," Dark gowled out, throwing the bat to the ground, the demon's eyebrows pinching together slightly as he watched Actor grin from ear to ear.

"Oh, you really think so?"

Suddenly, Dark was hit over the head with something hard, everything going black, Dark just barely seeing Actor's devious smirk and one other person he hadn't remembered being there.

- - -

Anti woke up with a groan, looking around and seeing he was in some sort of supply room, four other people tied up around him, the Septic squinting his eyes in an attempt to see who, but it didn't work.

"You're finally awake," Came Actor's voice, Anti abruptly moving his head in the direction of the voice, the demon snarling at him.

Anti tried to move but noticed he was gagged and tied up along with the other four he could now recognise as King, the Jim twins and Dark.

'How the fuck did Dark get kidnapped?' Anti thought to himself, not believing the Iplier ego would let himself get taken, great suspicion taking over his senses.

Anti then looked back up, noticing Actor walking closer to him, the glitch glaring at him in hatred.

"I've got a deal for you," Actor said, stopping right in front of him and leaning down, now right in front of his face. "I want you to join me. If you do, you won't get hurt, but if you don't, I'll make you suffer."

Anti pretended to think about it, already knowing he was going to say no, humming to himself as he stared upwards.

"I'll give you a minute to decide," Actor said, leaving the room in a brisk manner, seeming to be busy with something else.

Anti looked around once more when Actor backed off, finding the man's phone on a nearby table. He thought, trying to find a way to use it to get them out of here.

Anti gathered his energy, temporarily glitching into the phone and sending a message to Callie saying, 'I need you to drop all plans. Undo the curse on Virgil'.


'Because I said so, now do it'.

'If you insist,' the witch replied, making Anti snicker to himself, glancing over at the other four to see if they were okay for a brief moment.

Anti smirked in victory as he got back into reality after deleting the messages, not wanting Actor to find out what he did too soon.

Although, after he did that, he tried to glitch himself and the others in the room out, but nothing worked.

Anti then groaned, feeling the same magic that was in the cabin around the walls of the room he was in, meaning Callie put up a spell to stop anyone from using their powers in this room.

He glanced at the others in the area, rolling his eyes at them before looking around to see if he could get something to escape.

- - - - - - - -

2125 Words

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