The Weak RWBY X Malereader

By Wolfinator12

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The story of a boy, which people only know as the brother of one of the strongest Huntsman, finally making hi... More

Bio / Prologue
Chapter 1: New Friends, new Enemies, old Problems
Chapter 2: Initiation
Chapter 3: Determination
Chapter 4: The bully
Chapter 5: First steps
Chapter 6: Helping a friend
Chapter 7: Back in Beacon / Author problems
Chapter 8: An eventful day
Chapter 9: The Phantom strikes again
Chapter 10: Dance Dance Phantom
Chapter 11: First mission.
Chapter 12: Opposites
Chapter 13: Juniper vs Sobek
Chapter 14: the Breach
Chapter 15: Let the Games begin
Chapter 16: JNPR vs BRNZ
Chapter 17: Strange day
Chapter 18: The Phantoms new Arsenal
Chapter 19: Choices
Chapter 20: Plans
Chapter 21: First steps once again
Chapter 22: Training and new stuff
Chapter 24: Quoteth the Raven
Chapter 25: Back together.
Chapter 26: New secrets revealed.
Chapter 27: Cinder Falls
Chapter 28: Peace in war
Chapter 29: Date plans
Chapter 30: Date the second.
Chapter 31: Date with the Cat
Chapter 32: Cheering up the Phantom and dating the Dragon
Chapter 33: Achive Men and Hunters
Chapter 34: Y/n doesnt like trains
Chapter 35: Dead?
Chapter 36: Fighting the lack of interest
Chapter 37: Argus
Chapter 38: What?
Chapter 39: Slaying the Leviathan
Chapter 40: The flying city
Chapter 41: Official
Chapter 42: First big changes
Chapter 43: 'Icecream' they scream
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: The End

Chapter 23: An (un)familiar face

7.5K 117 68
By Wolfinator12

Intercom: "Dear Passengers we will arrive at Vale Habor shortly, we apologize for possible delays in the local public transports due to the repairs after the event of the Fall." the voice of tha captain came over the ships intercom. Yang turned towards Y/n who was currently looking deep in thought, something she saw him do alot since the day Tai told Yang about her mother Yang.

Yang: "Come on Y/n lets go and get our bikes before we get stuck in the army of people who want their stuff." she joked , Y/n gave a small smile before following her. Soon the two off them were on their way towards the boarder between Vale and Mistral. The trip was quite, if you ignore the occasional group of grimm, and soon the sun began to set. Y/n made the suggestion of going to the next village and hope to stay there for the night. "Only if we share the room." she said in a flirtious tone. Y/n just smiled.

Y/n: "Isnt that the same thing we did for the last month or so back at yours?" he asked recieving a shrugg from Yang.

Yang: "But now I dont have to hold myself back so my dad wont hear us do something indecent." Y/n grew a heavy blush knowing what she meant with that. Its not like he never thought about taking their relationship further, but he always came to the conclussion of it not being the right moment. He sighed before looking towards Yang with a serious expression.

Y/n: "Yang... its not like I dont want to take the next step, but." He stopped to think of the right way of phrasing this. "We are currently on our way into possible danger, our friends are already there, I dont feel ready to do this." He pointed at himself and her repeatedly. Yang frowned before stopping her bike, Y/n did so too, she got off her bike and walked towards Y/n, quickly envoloping him in a hug once he got off his bike.

Yang: "I can wait." She said. "I can wait." She repeated, she leaned towards him and kissed him.

Y/n: "Thank you for understanding." He looked towards the setting sun. "Lets get to that village." She nodded and the two got back on their bikes. After the sun completely vanished behind the horizon the village came into view. It was surrounded by a simple wooden wall, some torches and guards could be seen. A sign saying 'Kousa' hung over the closed gate. The two stopped infront of the gate and a pair of guards came out.

Guard: "What do you want?" the first guard asked, Y/n noticed a tail, similar to that of a fox, swayed behind him.

Y/n: "We are currently on our way to Haven Academy and need a place to stay for the night." Y/n explained. The two guards looked at each other before nodding.

Guard2: "There is a inn near the town square, you can chain your bikes to a tree next to it. Please dont cause any trouble, we already have enough problems with the grimm and the bandits." Yang looked at Y/n and he nodded.

Yang: "If you want we can deal with the grimm around the village. We are Huntsmen from Beacon." she offered and the two guards started smiling.

Guard: "That would be a great help." he said before opening the gate, letting Y/n and Yang in. They got to the inn, ate a quick meal and got a room, falling asleep in each others arms. The next day they prepared for the comming battles against whatever grimm they might encounter. Y/n was currently fiddleling around with his wrist blades, again deep in thought, as Yang wanted to know what was going through his head.

Yang: "Hey Y/n?" a small hum escaped his mouth as he looked at her. "The past days you have been deep in thought a lot of times. What has you thinking so much?" She sat down next to him as he sheathed his blades.

Y/n: "I have been thinking about what to do once we meet Raven." he answered his stare fixed on the rooms window. "I believe we should try to get her on our side. But how will we be able to do that if all she believes in... " He stops and Yang saw a his eyes lighting up as if a he had an idea. "Is strength, thats it!" He got up from the bed leaving Yang as confused as before.

Yang: "Whats the plan?" she asked, hoping to get some clearity.

Y/n: "Raven believes in the survival of the fittest, she wont follow anyone that is weaker than her, so all we need to do I beat her. " Y/n said while walking back and forth. "No beating her wont be enough, we need to show her that she is weak and that we are strong. But how?" he went back into thinking. Yang got up from her seat and pat him on his shoulder, shaking him out of his thinking.

Yang: "We can think of a way once we are finished with the grimm." she suggested as the duo left their room. Once they left the village they started combing through the forest, searching and eliminating grimm left and right. That was until they came across something strange. In the middle of a clearing stood a gaint black rock. Yang was about to walk closer to have a closer look at it as Y/n grabbed her hand and pulled her back. The force behind the pull and the suddeness nearly caused her to fall. "Hey what gives?" she asked angrily.

Y/n: "You were about to walk closer to a strange looking, shiny, black rock in the middle of a forest we know is filled with grimm." he said as he pulled out one of his pistols and took aim at the rock. He fired off a single shot which seemingly sunk into the 'rock' as if it were made out of clay. "Strange." Y/n said before looking towards Yang and jerking his head towards the rock. Yang knew what he wanted her to do and fired off a shot from her shotgun, making a piece of the clay like substance blast off. The two watched closely as the 'rock' started moving, revealing a grimm neither of them has ever seen before.

It was nearly twice as high as Y/n and probably weight atleast a ton. It stared at the two huntsmen-in-training before growling as his arm changed into a blade.

Y/n: "Well shit." Was all Y/n said befor the two engaged the new grimm. Yang cocked her fist back ready to strike the grimm but she quickly used her prosthetics gun to rocket her away from the grimms blade. She quickly used the opening to strike the grimm, but she found her arm sink into the clay like body. The grimm tried to grab her with his normal hand, as she tried to free her arm from his body. She nearly was grabbed as the entire arm was cut of by Y/n who appeared next to her and helped her free herself, they got out of range of the now clearly angry grimm and watched in shocked awe as the severed arm reattached itself to the grimm. "Ok it is made out of clay, can harden its arms into weapons and it seems to be able to heal itself." Y/n summarized as they dodged the grimms attacks.

Yang: "We could really need one of your plans here Y/N!" She shouted as she ducked under a giant blade that was aimed for her head. She retaliated with a shotgun blast to its face, which caused it to howl in anger as it took a step back. Y/n noticed that and quickly started thinking about the info he got out of the exchange. After a few seconds he got an idea.

Y/n: "Give it another shot to the face!" Yang looked at him, smirked and quickly blasted herself towards the grimm, throwing a heavy right hook towards the grimms mask. A loud crack echoed through the forest as the grimm slid back a few meters. Yang came to Y/ns side as the two prepared for the next stage of the fight. "Its mask is solid and I believe so are the shards on its shoulders. So we have to aim for the head. I will get its attention and you knock it dead." Yang smirked and cocked her weapons. Turning into a hawk, Y/n flew towards the grimm, starting to peck at its face. This annoyed the grimm to the point of it wildly swinging at Y/n. Slowly but surely Y/n baited it towards the treeline until after a strong slash the grimm found its arm stuck in a thick tree. Y/n shrieked in his bird form, signalling Yang to attack. With a smile she propelled herself towards the stuck grimm, she soared through the air and with a devestating uppercut, strengthend by a shot of her shotgun, the grimms head was knocked off its neck. Y/n turned back into a human and watched the rest of the grimms body dissapate into smoke. He gave a deadpan look towards Yang who blew away the smoke of her weapon and shot him a wink. "Next time you play the bait." he joked before looking at the tree the grimms blade was stuck in. It was atleast 60 centimeters thick and the blade went through it entirely. "Good thing that the grimm seemed to be lacking intelligence." Y/n said before clutching his stomach in pain, a small grunt escaping him. Yang was by his side in an instant looking him up an down, searching for the origin of the pain, but she couldnt find anything.

Yang: "You ok?" she asked concerned. After a few strained breathes Y/n straightened up again.

Y/n: "Might have overdone it a bit, my stomach hurts like hell." He said , seeing no point in hiding it.

Yang: "Do you want to head back to the village? I'm sure we dealt with the big part of the local grimms number." Y/n took a moment to think but decided against heading back rather quickly.

Y/n: "Lets rest here for a bit and then continue slaying the grimm." He said before sitting down near a tree, leaning his back on it. Yang soon followed suit and sat next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder, Y/n wrapping an arm around her, pulling her closer. The two sat there in silence until Y/n broke it. "I think I know how we could get your mom on our side." He said making Yang look at him expectantly. "I will challenge her to a duel, maybe make a bet out of it too. If I win she will help me, because I think she doesnt trust Ozpin, if she wins we will have to see what she wants, probably for you to join her tribe."

Yang: "But I dont to join her merry band of murderes and thieves." She said angrily.

Y/n: "Thats why I'm going to win no matter what. But I'm going to need your help to pull it off."

Yang: "Ok whats the plan?"

Y/n: "I'm going to make her as mad as possible, call her weak, make fun of her tribe, maybe even mock her." Yang looked at him as if he grew a second head. "It will force her hand, she will have to fight to save her pride, that is going to be a mistake, her anger will cloud her mind, hopefully to the point of her blindly attacking me." Y/n held his robotic arm in front of him and closed his eyes. A light blue light started envoloping the fake limb. "Aura is a strange thing you know. Mine used to be weaker than piece of wet paper trying to stop a rocket, but now it can take hits from grimm no problem. So much is still unknown about Aura, but we all know that it is linked to our soul, it can be trained and it is linked to Semblances."

Yang: "What has your Aura to do with the fight against Raven?" she asked confused.

Y/n: "Quiet alot it turns out. Do you really think I only trained my body since I arrived at Beacon? I trained my Aura more than I did my body, I meditated while doing homework, in Ports classes I trained my focus, making it faster and faster with each passing second. My Aura evolved and so did my Semblance, 'Phantom Dash' and 'Phantom Mode' are proof of it, my Semblance used to be passive, uncontrollable, now I can activate part of it on demand. I have tried to do more, unlock more parts of it, either through training or through force. And now I think I have the perfect weapon against Raven." Y/n got up from the ground and turned towards Yang, his arm still glowing in the color of his Aura. "Focus your Aura into your shoulder." He said.

Yang: "Ehm... ok?" she said , unsure who that will help. After a few seconds of concentrating her left shoulder was covered in a yellow light. Y/n took a step closer and flicked her shoulder with his own aura covered arm. Yangs eyes shot open as she felt a slight amount of pain where Y/n hit. "Wait. How did I feel the pain? My aura was active and focused in that spot." her confused stare made Y/n chuckle.

Y/n: "The irony of life, my Semblance and my low Aura, both things that made me go ignored for so long are now helping me ignore something. If I focus my Aura into my hands, my Aura will ignore the enemy's, making my attacks go right through it." He explained and Yang shot up from the ground.

Yang: "YOU CAN IGNORE AURA?" She asked/shouted.

Y/n: "Yeah sounds pretty strong but there is a big drawback. You see. "He holds up his aura covered hand. "This is all my Aura concentrated into a single place. The rest of my body is completely unprotected, while I use this. Additionally I need to keep my concentration up for this to work and my enemy has to not expect it, which will be easy for the first time, the second time could look way different." To show this he flicked Yangs arm again, this time she felt nothing. "Now that you know this could happen you expected it and it became useless. Now to the part you are going to play, I'm going to need all my Aura for what I planned to work, so you need to keep me from taking any hits, be it from grimm or Ravens men." Yang stared at Y/n still having at least a thousand question flow through her head.

Yang: "How did you even find out you could do that?" was the biggest of them all.

Y/n: "Remember that fight against your dad? I used my Aura to enhance my strength, hoping that the extra boost in power will make it go faster and boom Aura ignoring punches. It was pure luck that that happened." Y/n said with a small chuckle as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah sounds cooler saying that it came through hard training." This caused Yang to giggle.

Yang: "Yeah it does. Lets continue with the hunt, shall we?" Y/n nodded and the two went back to kill the grimm in the forest, they did so until the sun began to set and they decided to head back to the village and call it a day. As they reached the villages gate they were met with the same two guards from the day before. The fox faunus saw them approach and nudged his partner, a smile growing on both their faces.

Fox faunus: "Glad to see you back and unharmed." he happily said. Yang gave a confident smirk.

Yang: "Yep nothing we cant handle. The village should be safer for the next few weeks." She informed before looking at Y/n, her confident smirk vanishing and a small frown came onto her face. "Is there a doctor in the village? My friend has some old wounds that are causing trouble." She pointed at Y/n who was holding his side in pain. The second guard nodded.

Guard 2: "Yeah I can lead you there, he should be free right now." The guard brought them to a small cabin. After knocking the guard turned towards Yang. "Dont worry, he will be able to heal your friend. Kid has a huge amount of Aura and his semblance seems to be healing. Saw him fix a broken leg in two seconds once." As he finished explaining the door opened to reveal a boy ,roughly their age, with blond hair and blue eyes. The boy looked at the people infront of his door and a nervous smile came onto his face.

Boy: "Cole, how can I help you?" He asked the now named guard.

Cole: "These are the huntsmen I told you about yesterday, the boy seems to have some troubles with old wounds." Y/n saw the flash of sadness in the boys eyes as Cole said that they were huntsmen.

Boy: "Oh..." he realized that they were still waiting in front of his door. "Shoot! Please come in. I will see what I can do." he said in a paniced tone.

Cole: "I will leave you to it. See you later." Cole said as he walked off, leaving the trio of teenagers. Yang was the first to get over the awkward moment and entered the cabin, Y/n following suit. The inside of the cabin was clean and nearly empty, except a small kitchen with a table for 4 and a messy bed, on one of the walls hung a sword and shield. The boy turned towards the duo of huntsmen and shuffled nervously.

Boy: "H-how about introductions? I'm Jaune Arc, short, sweet ,rolls of the tongue, ladies love it." Yang and Y/n just gave him a look and his fake confidence intantly vanished. "Or not, I guess." he said sadly.

Yang: "Meh, there is probably some lady that will love it. You are just trying it with the wrong person, seeing that I am already in a relationship, with that guy to be honest." She pointed at Y/n and the moment Jaune laid eyes on him he jumped back with a manly, definitely not girly, scream, falling flat on his butt.

Y/n: "Sup." Y/n said nonchelant, trying to hide his growing wish to laugh.

Jaune: "Where did you even come from?" Jaune asked as he got back up, dusting himself off.

Y/n: "The guard literally told you about two huntsmen." Again a flash of sadness could be seen in Jaunes eyes. "And you seem to have some history with huntsmen. Want to talk about it?" Y/n asked earning a shocked look from Jaune.

Yang: "Yeah, you cant really hide such things from him. Oh I forgot, I'm Yang Xiao Long and he is Y/n Jade." Yang introduced them. Jaune eyes widened at Y/ns name and in the blink of an eye he was right in front of Y/n, his eyes sparkeling.

Jaune: "Y/n Jade? As in THE Y/n Jade? The Phantom Hero?" Y/n looked towards Yang for some help, she only smiled and shrugged, earning a betrayed look from Y/n.

Y/n: "Yes I am Y/n Jade. Not sure if I am the only Y/n Jade. And I never heard someone calling me that." Y/n answered the questions of Jaune.

Jaune: "Seriously? There is like a million videos of you motivating the masses back at the Fall. Or the time you led the defences at the Breach. You are like my role model." Jaunes happiness vanished in an instant. "I wish I were accepted into Beacon." he said sadly.

Yang: "You applied to Beacon?" she asked.

Jaune: "Yeah... I was denied, dont know why." Y/n instantly spotted the lie.

Y/n: "You know why." Jaune stared at him in shock. "You dont have to tell us." Y/n suddenly felt nauseous and had to press a hand over his mouth to prevent himself from vomiting on the ground. Both Yang and Jaune were at his side in an instant.

Yang: "Y/n, whats going on?" She asked worried. Jaune noticed Y/ns pale face and quickly grabbed a bowl for Y/n to puke into. The moment Y/n had it in his hands he emptied his stomach into it. Yang and Jaune gasped as they saw no bile or vomit but blood in the bowl.

Y/n: "Well... shit." Was all Y/n said before another wave of blood came up his throat. Yangs eyes turned red and she grabbed Jaune by the collar of his shirt.

Yang: "Do something!" she ordered, dropping the frightened boy. Jaune nodded before putting a hand on Y/ns back, focusing her flared his Aura and it started flowing into Y/n envoloping him in a white light. After a few seconds of using his Semblance on Y/n, Y/n stopped puking blood and his breath went from rigid to calm. Jaune stopped using his Semblance and took a step back.

Jaune: "What the hell caused you to puke up blood like that?" He asked confused. Seeing Y/n still not being able to talk Yang decided to answer for him.

Yang: "Back at the Fall he was impaled by a Nevermores feather, it punctured his stomach." she said while rubbing Y/ns back in a calming manner.

Jaune: "Did the doctors say anything about that injury?" Jaunes nervous behaviour changed into that of a professional doctor.

Yang: "Y/n said that he needed to change his diet to prevent his stomach form bursting..." Her mouth formed into an O shape as she realized what happened.

Jaune: "Ok, my Semblance should have closed the wound and heal the damage from it. He is going to need to rest to replenish the lost blood. Try to stay away from any heavy meals, stay with simple soup and he should be fine tomorrow." Jaune explained before taking the blood filled bowl and clean it. Yang helped Y/n to his feet and walked towards the door.

Yang: "Thanks Jaune." She said before leaving the cabin.

Hey guys Wolfy here with a new chapter. As you read I revealed a new ability of Y/n and our duo of huntsmen met Jaune Arc, who after not being accepted at Beacon decided to travel through Anima and after unlocking his Aura and Semblance decided to become a doctor. Now before anyone asks for Jaune to join the group let me apologize, but Jaune is NOT going to become a part of the group, he will stay at the village, maybe he will reappear in later chapters but again only as a minor character. Now on a different note, I'm going to be away from home for the next 2 weeks which could mean no chapters coming out in that time. Still I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Wolfy out.

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