Steve McGarrett Daughter (Boo...

By LovePineapples123

109K 2K 979

Book 2 of Steve McGarrett Daughter!! Have you ever wondered what life is like to be a McGarrett or to be the... More

McGarrett Family/Team
I'm Back!!!
Field Trip....
Field Trip.... Part 2
Not a big deal?
Not a big deal?? (Part 2)
Not a big deal?? (Part 3)
Not a big deal?? (Part 4)
Not a big deal?? (Part 5)
Not a big deal?? (Part 6)
Wrong Choice...
Wrong Choices....(Part 2)
Wrong Choices....(Part 3)
Envy....(Part 2)
Envy....(Part 3)
Envy....(Part 4)
Envy....(Part 5)
Envy....(Part 6)
Envy....(Part 7)
Envy....(Part 8)
Doing the time....
Doing the time.....(Part 2)
Doing the time....(Part 3)
Doing the time....(Part 4)
Doing the time....(Part 5)
What Next??
The Old vs. The New
The Old vs. The New (Part 2)
The Old vs. The New (Part 3)
The Old vs. The New (Part 4)
The Old vs. The New (Part 5)
It's Up!!!
The Old Vs. The New (Part 6)
The Old vs. The New (Part 7)
The Old vs The New (Part 8)
The Old vs. The New (Part 9)
Cheat (Part 2)
Fist (Part 2)
Not again...
Not again....Part 2
Not again....Part 3
Not again....Part 4
Not again....Part 5
Not again....Part 6
Big deal...
Big deal....Part 2
NCIS Part 2
NCIS.....Part 3
NCIS....Part 4
Setting Up...
Setting Up.....Part 2
👻Halloween Special👻
👻Halloween Special Part 2👻
👻Halloween Special Part 3👻
👻Halloween Special Part 4👻
Leaving again...
Your Thoughts...
Leaving again....Part 2
Leaving again...Part 3
Leaving again...Part 4
Leaving again...Part 5
Gone...Part 2
Gone...Part 3
Gone....Part 4
Home...Part 2
Doing the time....
Doing the time....Part 2
Going over....
Going Over....Part 2
New Flame??
R (Part 2)
R (Part 3)
Christmas Eve Special
Christmas Eve Special (Part 2)
Christmas Eve Special (Part 3)
Hey Guys...
Christmas Eve Special (Part 4)
Christmas Day Special
Christmas Day Special (Part 2)
Christmas Day Special (Part 3)
R (Part 4)
R (Part 5)
Why (Part 2)
Why (Part 3)
Why (Part 4)
Why (Part 5)
Why (Part 5)
Why (Part 6)
Deep Deep Trouble
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 2)
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 3)
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 4)
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 5)
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 6)
Deep Deep Trouble (Part 7)
New Chapter Tonight!!
Seriously?! (Part 2)
Seriously?! (Part 3)
Seriously?! (Part 4)
Seriously?! (Part 5)
Seriously?! (Part 6)
Seriously?! (Part 7)
What Would You Like???
Truth Always Comes Out...
Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 2)
Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 3)
Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 4)
Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 5)
Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 6)
Revenge....Part 2
Revenge....Part 3
New Girl??
New Girl?? (Part 2)
New Girl?? (Part 3)
New Girl?? (Part 4)
Paying The Cost
Paying The Cost (Part 2)
Paying The Cost (Part 3)
Cali Adventures
Cali Adventures (Part 2)
Cali Adventures (Part 3)
Cali Adventures (Part 4)
Cali Adventures (Part 5)
🇺🇸 4th of July *Special*🇺🇸
🇺🇲 4th of July *Special (Part 2)* 🇺🇲
🇺🇲 4th of July *Special (Part 3)* 🇺🇲
🇺🇲 4th of July *Special (Part 4)* 🇺🇲
🇺🇲 4th of July *Special (Part 5)* 🇺🇲
🇺🇲 4th of July *Special (Part 6)* 🇺🇲
Cali Adventures (Part 6)
Cali Adventures (Part 7)
Cali Adventures (Part 8)
Cali Adventures (Part 9)
Cali Adventures (Part 10)
Cali Adventures (Part 11)
Cali Adventures (Part 12)
Cali Adventures (Part 13)
Cali Adventures (Part 14)
Cali Adventures (Part 15)
Cali Adventures (Part 16)
Sleepover.. 2
What Is That..
What Is That..2
What is that...3
What Is That...4
Again??? 2
Again??? 3
Again??? 4
🦃 Thanksgiving 🦃
🦃 Thanksgiving Pt 2 🦃
🦃 Thanksgiving Pt 3 🦃
🦃 Thanksgiving Pt 4 🦃
Arrested (Pt 2.)
Arrested (Pt.3)
Taken.. 2 3 4 5 6 7
Back To My Old Ways...
Back To My Old Ways..pt2
Back To My Old Ways...pt3
Back To My Old Ways....pt4
Secrets... 2
New Book Is Published!!!

NCIS Part 5

436 11 2
By LovePineapples123

Sorry this was really late...

I was helping my sister and brother in law move into their new house this past weekend.

-Back Inside-

Lissy- We sat back down and continued our night. I couldn't help but think what Abby told me about her punishment. It wasn't fair! We did the exact same thing but she got off easier. I was upset and angry. "Uncle Callen"? I asked while looking at him

Callen- "Yes"?

Lissy- "What kind of punishment did Abby get for sneaking out"?

Callen- I didn't know what to say so I looked at Steve

Steve- "Allyssa that's is none of your business"

Lissy- "But I want to know why"

Callen- "Well I decided that grounding Abby, is enough"

Lissy- "But why"?

Steve- "Allyssa enough"

Lissy- "But...."

Steve- "Allyssa McGarrett enough. Do you understand"?

Lissy- "Yeah"

Steve- "Excuse me"?

Lissy- "Yes Sir"

Steve- "Do not ask again. Is that understood"?

Lissy- (no response)

Steve- "Is that understood Allyssa"?

Lissy- "Yes Sir"

-Awhile later-

Lissy- My Dad got up to pay our bill. So I took the advantage to ask Callen again, hopefully my Dad won't catch me. "Uncle Callen, why did you only ground Abby"?

Callen- "Didn't your Dad told you not to ask me again"?

Lissy- "Yeah but can't you tell me"?

Callen- "No Allyssa"

Lissy- "Please"?

Steve- "Please what"? I asked appoarching the table

Lissy- "Oh nothing"

Steve- I raised my eyebrows at her "Are you telling me the truth"?

Lissy- I shook my head no

Steve- "Then what happened"?

Lissy- "I asked Uncle Callen a question"

Steve- "Does this question have to do anything what I told you not to ask him"?

Lissy- (no response)

Steve- "I'm waiting for an answer Allyssa"

Lissy- "yeah" I mumbled

Steve- "Can't hear you"

Lissy- "Yes Sir"

Steve- "I thought I told you not to ask him"

Lissy- "You did.....but"

Steve- "But what Allyssa? You thought it would be fine to ask when I was gone"?

Lissy- (no response)

Steve- "Answer me"

Lissy- "I didn't think you would find out"

Steve- "I thought I made it clear that you weren't suppose to ask again"

Lissy- (no response)

Steve- "Didn't I"?

Lissy- (no response)

Steve- "I advise you to answer me"

Lissy- "You did Dad"

Steve- "Don't ask again. Is that understood"?

Lissy- "Yes sir"

Dad- "I won't tell you again"

-Later On-

*Outside the restaurant*

Callen- "Thank you for having dinner with us"

Steve- "Thank you for inviting us. It tasted good"

Deeks- "We would've brought you to our bar but we don't have much food"

Danny- "No worries"

Steve- "I'll see you tomorrow" I said to Callen

Callen- "See you tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow is better than it was today"

Steve- "Im sure it will"


Dad- "I'm very disappointed in you that you thought it would be perfectly fine to go explore LA without me" I said after a few minutes going into our hotel room.

Lissy- "It's not a big deal"!

Dad- "It is a big deal if i told you not to leave"

Lissy- "You never said that I couldn't leave"

Dad- "Are you allowed to leave the palace without my permission back home"?

Lissy- "No"

Dad- "Then why would you think the rules would change"?

Lissy- "I was with Abby"!

Dad- "And you convinced her to leave even though she knew she wasnt allowed to"

Lissy- "We were only gone for a couple of hours"

Dad- "You shouldn't have been gone at all Allyssa"!

Lissy- I rolled my eyes

Dad- "Lose that attitude young lady"

Lissy- I was about to roll my eyes but stopped myself

Dad- "What if you got lost or someone kidnapped you? What then? Huh"?

Lissy- (no response)

Dad- "I wouldn't know you were missing because I would think that you were sitting on the couch like you are supposed to"?

Lissy- "But it didn't happen"

Dad- "You need to think before you do something"

Lissy- "I don't see why you are making a big deal out of this"

Dad- "Because you snuck out again, you left without me knowing, you stole money from my wallet, spent it, and lied about it"

Lissy- (no response)

Dad- "You are grounded for a month, getting a regular spanking, have extra chores to do during that time, and you are getting 10 with my belt"

Lissy- "Yes Sir"

Dad- "Hand over your phone"

Lissy- I took my phone out of my back pocket and handed it to him

Dad- "You will be getting this back in six weeks"

Lissy- "I thought I was grounded for a month"

Dad- "You are but you are not getting your phone back for a month and a half"

Lissy- "That's not fair"

Dad- "On top of everything you did. I'm being pretty lenient"

Lissy- "Still think it's not fair"

Dad- "It is not up to you when you get it back"

Lissy- "whatever"

Dad- "Keep up with the attitude and I can extend when you get your phone back. I can also add another week or two to your grounding"

Lissy- "Please don't"

Dad- "Then start being more respectful then and you dont have to worry"

Lissy- (no response)

Dad- "Is that clear"?

Lissy- "Yeah"

Dad- "Excuse me"?

Lissy- "Yes Sir"

-After spanking-

Dad- "You know that I love you" I said hugging her

Lissy- "I know and I love you too" I said as rested my head on his chest

So I decided to end the NCIS series here.....

Couldn't think of anything else to add....

But I have an exciting/sad chapter coming soon!!

Comment below what you think its going to be about!!!

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