Hello, Heartache ~Uchiha Sasu...

By Edgyandfancy12

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Of all the people I could have fallen for, I fell for him. I knew better than to, but I still did. Before he... More

Chapter 1: Meet my Family
Chapter 2: I ship it
Chapter 3: Our strange sensei
Chapter 4: Severed Head?
Chapter 5: Kakashi sensei's conclusion
Chapter 6: Our first real fight
Chapter 7: Momochi Zabuza
Chapter 8: The Hunter-nin
Chapter 9: Tree Climbing
Chapter 10:The Hero That Once Lived and Sasuke?
Chapter 11: Emotions everywhere
Chapter 12: It Ends Here
Chapter 13: Shattered on the inside
Chapter 14: Genins from The Sand
Chapter 15: Chuunin Exams?
Chapter 16:Sasuke fights against a guy with a green jumpsuit
Chapter 17: The Forest of Death
Chapter 18: We Make New Enemies
Chapter 19: Scrolls Will Be The Death Of Us
Chapter 20: I Fight A Pretty Hag
Chapter 21: The Damn Ankle
Chapter 22: Realization
Chapter 23: The Match
Chapter 24: (I can't think of anything)
Chapter 25: What's Under The Mask?
Chapter 26: Feelings
Chapter 27: I Want To Help
Chapter 28: Thank you's & Sorry's
Chapter 29: Sasuke's Gone
Chapter 31: Too Much Drama
Chapter 32: The New Team 7
Chapter 33: Team Seven Reunites
Chapter 34: Nicknames
Chapter 35: I'm Going On A Mission
Chapter 36: Unexpected Encounters
Chapter 37: The Sand Shinobi's Identity
Chapter 38: The Truth of The Night
Chapter 39: The First Encounter
Chapter 40: I Get Back
Chapter 41: The Hunt For Sasuke
Chapter 42: Sasuke's embrace
I Am Not Who I Remembered To Be
Chapter 44: Getting Ready For War
Chapter 45: Confessions and Medical Attention
Chapter 46: Too many bad things , not enough time
Chapter 47: The truth revealed and Sasuke's return
Chapter 48: Conflicted
Chapter 49: Trying To Go Back To Before
Chapter 50: Assumptions
Chapter 51: The Ribbon
Chapter 52: Attempting To Sort Out Feelings
Chapter 53: Back To Before ... Sort Of
Chapter 54: Sasuke Makes A Move
Chapter 55: I Make A Stupid Decision
Chapter 56: A Not-So-Great Family Reunion
Chapter 57: The Twins And Friends Trailing Adventures
Chapter 58: Sasuke Learns To Always Knock Before Entering
Chapter 59: Sorted Feelings
Chapter 60: Epilogue

Chapter 30: Changes

7.2K 256 56
By Edgyandfancy12

One Year Later

My eyes widened, seeing a kunai being pointed between my eyes. I fell backwards and sighed in defeat. 'You win, again.'

Ten Ten put away her kunai and smiled at me, holding out a hand which I gratefully took. She helped me up and said, 'You're improving each time, Makoto.'

Ten Ten and I have gotten pretty close. I was amazed by how well she used her weapons and I've got my interests in weapons as well. And let's face it - I'm absolute rubbish at ninjutsu.

'You ready for the next round?' she asked, looking excited.

I nodded, wiping sweat off my brow. 'You bet.'

Swinging my ponytail over my shoulder , feeling annoyed by it, I got into a stance. I guess my annoyance was evident on my face because Ten Ten laughed.

'Your hair's getting pretty long,' she said. 'Are you just going to grow it out?'

I shrugged. 'Probably not. I hate my hair getting in my face. It's too long.'

My hair had grown until my mid-back now. It was annoying. But I've been reluctant to cut it and I wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe I wanted to continue tying my hair with my maroon ribbons? Oh, who cares?

'Ready?' said Ten Ten, pulling out a kunai and I mimicked her.

I charged first.

After many attacks, my kunai ended up flying out of my hands and onto the floor.

I fell on my butt as Ten Ten came towards me, raising her kunai. My eyes lingered on my kunai that lay motionless on the ground, out of my reach, before I shut my eyes tightly and swung my arm in front of me, hand open. I wasn't exactly sure how that stance was going to protect me but hey, I never said I was bright.

I then felt something slide into my hand and then I heard Ten Ten gasp.

I opened my eyes an blinked at my kunai that was now in my palm. 'Huh?'

Ten Ten gasped, her eyes gleaming with excitement. 'Makoto! You've got it! You've got it!'

I stared at her. 'Got what? The kunai? Did you throw it at me?'

'No!' she yelled, looking unable to contain herself. 'Murasakigan! You've got it!'

My eyes widened and I gaped. Staring at the kunai in my hands again, I used my free hand to put it above the kunai before raising my hand up, the kunai following.

'Yes!' I yelled triumphantly. 'Finally! I've got it.'

I felt a strain in my eyes and relaxed them immediately. Ten Ten blinked at me, staring into my eyes.

'Makoto?' she said, sounding unsure and worried. 'When you get the Murasakigan, your eyes change can change back to its original colour, right?'

'Uh, yeah ... Why?'

'Don't scream.' she said and I slapped her across the shoulder.

'You don't say that! Now I really feel like screaming! What happened? What's going on?' I said frantically, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

Ten Ten said nothing but instead, dug inside her pocket thoroughly before pulling out a small rectangular mirror. She passed it to me.

I took one look at my reflection and I had to pinch myself to prevent myself from screaming.

Staring back at me, were no longer the stormy grey eyes I was familiar with. Only one familiar eye was staring back at me - the right one. The left eye, on the other hand, was lilac. Freaking lilac.

Each time I activated my Murasakigan, both eyes turned dark purple. But when I deactivated it, my left eye was lilac and my right eye was normal.

I sighed, handing over the mirror back to Ten Ten. 'Of course. This hasn't happened to our clan for over 30 years and now, it happens to me!'

Ten Ten raised an eyebrow. 'Wait, you mean it's not abnormal?'

'I don't know whether you'd call someone with mismatched eyes normal looking but it's happened before.' I told her, rubbing my eyes. 'Some people, very rarely - are able to deactivate their Murasakigan but their eyes, or sometimes, eye turns to lilac. We're not sure why but it's nothing serious. Just strange.'

She put a hand on her chest and heaved a sigh of relief.

I pulled my ribbon and let my hair tumble down loosely before tying it up again. This time, I let my fringe down so that it covered my lilac eye. I was not happy.

Ten Ten cracked into a small smile. 'You're going to get used to having your hair in your face if you're going to keep that hairstyle.'

I sighed, nodding.

'Well, I have to go. I promised to meet Lee and Neji today.' she said, waving at me. 'Bye!'

I smiled and waved at her, watching her leave before I flopped down on the grass.

And of course, without meaning to, I fell asleep.

My eyes fluttered open when I felt the cold air against my skin.

A blue-black sky.

I smacked myself in the forehead. Leave it to me to fall asleep on a training ground every single time. I sat up and let out an annoyed growl pushing my fringe from poking my left eye.

Grumbling angrily, I hurried back home.

'Where have you been?'

'I - uh -' I stuttered, seeing the angry faces of my parents. 'I was training and then accidentally fell asleep -'

'You fell asleep!' Otousan roared. 'What is wrong with you? Can't you do anything right?'

I looked away from them, keeping my breathing steady. Nii-san ... Why'd you have to be on a mission at a time like this?

'Listen to us when we're talking to you!' Okaasan scolded. 'Why can't you just do as you're told, for once? No one has ever given as much trouble as you have. Stop embarrassing our clan! Why can't you be like your -'

I had enough. I turned to them, eyes shooting daggers. 'Be like my brothers? Which one? Or in what way? Oh, you mean you want me to be dead?

'Makoto!' Otousan growled, his tone telling me that I should shut my trap right there. I, myself knew I shouldn't have said that but I couldn't help it.

'If you're so embarrassed of me being in this damn clan, then fine! I'm leaving!' I snapped. I pushed past them and pulled the door open before running out of the house, ignoring their calls.

Hot tears spilled from my eyes, causing my vision to go foggy, not knowing where I was going.

I wasn't sure how I got here, but I found myself at training ground 12. It seemed like all roads led me here.

I rested my back against against a tree, allowing myself to cry.

I Activated my Murasakigan, I entertained myself by focusing on a rock and moving my hand in all sorts of directions, the rock following.

I sighed, suddenly remembering Sasuke.

Sasuke ... Where are you? I try to stay mad at you and try to convince myself that I can find a better guy than you but it just doesn't work! Please come back and we can start all over again ...

Snapping away from my thoughts, I tossed the rock aside. I got up and left the training grounds, heading back to my house to get my things.


I was currently at Ten Ten's house. She said I could live with her for as long as I want and I was extremely grateful for that. Although she did get quite a shock seeing my face at her window at one in morning.

'Didn't your parents see you enter the house again? Didn't they stop you from leaving?' she asked, sitting crossed-legged on her bed.

'I climbed in through the window and they were asleep.' I said.

'What will your Nii-san say though?'

I stiffened. 'He has too get used to it. Me moving out. I don't know when he'll be back from his mission though ... Besides, I think a change might just be what I need.'

She raised an eyebrow. 'Why?'

I chewed on my bottom lip before I looked away from her. 'Does a change help you get over something?'

Ten Ten looked at me strangely. 'I guess so. Why?'

I faked a smile. 'Nothing. I'm just wondering.'

She looked at me as though she wanted to ask me what on earth I was referring to, but instead she nodded.


It's been two weeks since I've left my house. Or should I say - former house. That's right. This girl managed to get her own flat. I was pretty nervous on moving out on my own but then I realized Naruto lived on his own at a young age and that boy couldn't tell what food had already expired and what had not. Therefore, I should stop being such a bloody chicken. I just moved in last night and I haven't moved the furniture the way I wanted it to be nor have I unpacked my stuff. So, Ten Ten said she'd bring our friends along to help.

There was a knock at my door. I smiled, that should be them. I hurried over to the door and swung it open, expecting to see people around my age. Instead, I came face to face with a very frustrated looking Nii-san with my friends right behind him, hiding their faces from me.

I looked at Ten Ten who had her hand covering her face.

I looked at her through half lidded eyes. 'Y'know, I remembered you specifically saying you'd bring only our friends. I'm not sure where Nii-san comes in -'

'Makoto,' Nii-san said, and I could tell he was trying to keep his voice steady. I paled, looking up at him. 'It's not your friend's fault. I got back home just an hour ago when I found out that you ran away. I just happened to meet your friends and followed them here.'

I felt my legs shaking. Nii-san looked mad. 'I - uh - you see, I didn't technically run away. I - uh -more of stomped away.'

I saw Sakura face palm herself and Kiba try to hide his laugh with a cough.

Nii-san narrowed his eyes at me and I stared at the ground and opened the door wide enough for all of them to enter the house.

Once they all entered, Nii-san grabbed my arm. 'We need to talk.'

His tone made it simple that he meant we should speak in private, I walked over to my room together with Nii-san with all my friends giving me a worried look.

Once I entered, I closed the door behind me gently.

'What were you thinking?'

'That my walls should be maroon instead on cream coloured? I said stupidly, trying to change the topic.


'Alright, alright! I can't stand it anymore, okay?' I said, folding my arms. 'I hate coming back home everyday and getting scolded for everything I do! I hate getting compared all the time! I don't even feel as thought I'm part of the clan! You would leave to if you felt like an outsider in your clan!'

Nii-san looked surprised by my outburst. His eyes softened and he sighed, before motioning me come over.

I reluctantly walked over to him.

To my surprise, he put a hand on my head before pulling me into a hug.

'I'm sorry, Makoto.' he said, patting my head. 'I didn't mean to scold you like that. I just ... I was worried about you moving out.'

I shook my head and smiled. 'It's alright. But I guess Otousan and Okaasan are happy with me gone, huh?

Nii-san rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. 'They think you're currently living with a friend and you'll move back in once you ... Um ... Get over the fight.'

I scoffed, folding my arms before I remembered something and started bouncing on my feet.

'Y'know, y'know, y'know?'

Nii-san raised an eyebrow, the end of his lips curling into an amused smile. 'What is it?'

'I obtained the Murasakigan!' I said, grinning.

His eyes lit up. 'Really? That's great! I can train you -'

'But,' I said, lifting up my fringe showing my lilac eye.

Nii-san's eyebrows knitted together. 'I see. So that's why you had your fringe down. So you're one of the few who -'

'Has the worst luck? Yup.' I continued, putting my hair into place. 'It sucks but I'll have to get used to it, right?'

Nii-san nodded, smiling.


Hey guys
I am so sorry for this super late update. I've been extremely busy these past few days with school and work and having guests over. It has been absolute chaos. But there you go with this chapter, sorry if it wasn't so good I've just been getting writer's block and stuff. So ... Yeah ...

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