Please, Just One Wish (Jelsa)

By jelsa_doc

63.5K 3.2K 2.4K

Elsa Arendelle; the school most popular love advisor. Everybody wants her advice in dating and love life Why... More

Double Date
Last hope
Please Please Please
Bright Idea!
Strictly Business
Hold My Hand
Seven Minutes in Heaven
The F word
Sweet Dreams
Straight to the Point
Working on It
Half the Truth
The Encounter
Knock knock
Starry Night
Bailed out
Ticking Bomb
The Fool
Fair Warning
Saturday Night
Jekyll and Hyde
Cards on the table
Jack Frost
Everything of Everything
Payback Time
The Afterglow
Memory Lane
Pinky Promise
Midnight story
Great News!

Once, Twice, Three Times

1.1K 58 80
By jelsa_doc

He kissed me.
I kissed him.
We kissed each other.

Which one do you prefer?
Waitㅡ You're asking me?

Well me personally, I don't really care.

His lips on mine and mine on his, wasn't that enough said? Because kissing him was the sweetest thing that happened today, it taste like the glazed coated strawberry on top of a soft delicate chocolate cake, it ignited every sense of your body just by tasting it and I wish it never ends.

His intoxicating smell woke every nerves of my body and I realized how much I miss him.

Suddenly he pulled me on my waist making me gasp just to slip his tongue in mine.

The feeling of ecstasy filled my lungs and my blood filled with excitement as his hands started to explore my back.

"Get a room", I heard one of the strangers in the bus murmurred as the bus stops making us stop too. How I wish the bus never stop.

"Get a lifeㅡ", Jack said in a mocking tone while giving a deadly glance to one of the stranger in the bus.

He stood up as he pulled me up from my seat.

"Jack, this is not our stop", I said to him as he pulled my hand, "Our house still like 5 stops away", I added.

"Uh-huh", he gave me a nod and took a deep breathe, "Let's go", he grabbed my shoulder and held me tight as my feet walked fast following his pace.

"J-Jack,where are we going?"

"You'll see", he smiled and giving a light rub on top of my head messing my hair a bit.

We finally out from the bus and find ourself in the middle of the city, and speaking of the famous New Yosaka, skyscrappers and lights surrounded us, as if they were competing to touch the sky. Sea of people filled every corner of the streets, chattering about their life and how New Yosaka treated them today. The smell of greasy hotdogs colored the air.

"Why are we here?", I asked again, "Where are we going?"

He didn't answer still dragging me to walk following him to nowhere in the middle of New Yosaka insane crowds


"Jack!", I yelled this time because my voice apparantely drowned in the middle of the sound of the crowds.

He stopped and looked at me, "Where are we going? Is it safe? Jackㅡ we really should just head back home, I don't want to go into more trouble with my Dad and- and- aren't you suppose to be with Tooth? Is she okay? I meanㅡ", I started ranting as I felt my anxiety started eating me up.

All the demand from my parents and the guilt that I made my friend hurt and for the cherry on top, I kissed her boyfriend.

Yesㅡ I kissed Jack Frost.

"We shouldn't even be here! We shouldn't even kiss!", I covered my mouth the taste of his lips on mine crawled back; the way we kissed, and the way I want him.

I slowly took steps back away from him. I heard people started shouting at me as I bumped into them.

"Elsa, are you afraid of Jack?"
Are you asking me that?

I'm not. I'm not afraid of him.

"So why are you running away from him?"
Is that your question?

I'm afraid of myself and what I'm capable to do when I'm around him.
He has this magnetic field around him drawing me with force and the worst thing it felt natural and I enjoyed it.

Jack didn't let my hand go, instead he pulled me and embrace me, "Stop overthinking about everything, Els", he murmurred as he cupped my face. And there, my safe haven; his eyes met mine and the calm blue eyes met mine.

This. This is what I afraid the most.
I'm home when I'm with him.

"How Jack? How? Please help me", I pleaded as hundreds of thoughts started dreading me.

His eyes that were full of calmness turned sad and sorrow filled his eyes, "I'm suffocating with my own thoughts and- and- I'm scared, Jack", I felt sweat formed on my forehead, my hand was shaking and the air got thinner, it really felt like I was gasping for air.

Tons of thoughts flooded me, I was so lost. The sound of the world getting more distant and cold, the street lights that were illuminating bright started to get all blurry.

Suddenly a hand covered my ears, "Look at me, Els. I'm gonna help you", he smiled


"Just trust me"

"Trust you on what?"

"You're adorable when you're asking questions", he chuckled and intertwined his fingers on mine, "Okay, let's go", he pointed to the dark night sky.

"Where are we going?"

"To the sky"


"You could say that again", I chuckled and rolled my eyes.


"To the sky", I copied the way he talked before, "Such a nerd", I snorted.

"We're on top of the tallest building in New Yosaka! We're almost touching the sky!", he stated his argument.

"Sure, Jack, sure", I said sarcastically gaining a laugh from him.

He didn't say much, which is really weird.

"So Jack, I thought you hate this building to the very core of your bone and soulㅡ", I stopped and he rolled his eyes, "Since this is The Frost headquarter, y'know your dad and you're the next line inheritor", I added

"Hmㅡ yeah, I hate this place but not the view though, if that counts as an excuse", Jack glanced at me giving me a side smile.

I look up to the sky and it was dark, no stars only moon covered by clouds.

I wasn't exactly sure, if it was the clouds or just the pollution of this city covering the sky disguising as clouds. I looked at Jack as he held his bag strap while looking up to the sky too.

"There'a nothing to look at", I said

"What do you mean?", he answered, "There's the moon", he pointed to the south.

"I mean stars"

He just grinned and stood still again as if he enjoyed the windy night as Autumn already striked in. Jack looked at the sky and then to the buildings below us, filling every corner of the busiest city in the world. But strangely it was so quiet, no honking, or sirens, or cursing from the people; and in that moment there was only us and the moon.

"Loving the moon?", he asked

"It looks so bright and yellow tonight", I looked closely to our moon. "Why do you love the moon so much?"

"You see that shadow? Thereㅡ you see that?", he pointed to the moon


"Thereㅡ the moon's dark spot", his hand tried to predict the spot, "You see that?"

"Oh yeah!", I finally saw it.

"Man in the moon", he smiled proudly but I didn't get it

"Man in the moon?", I frowned and asking his sanity, "Oh, you mean like Neil Armstrong?"

"No! Oh my Godㅡ look closely to the moon, you can see a face on it, like its smiling"

"Okay that's really creepyㅡ"

"Just try", he sighed defeated gaining a chuckled from me.

"I'm just messing with you, I see it", I tugged his silverish hair softly, "But reallyㅡ its not man in the moon, you Jackass, its a rabbit in the moon!"

"Not going to be tricked again", he rolled his eyes and scoffed, "I'm notㅡ look, look that's the ear and the tail, you see it?", I pointed at the moon trying to explain the shape of the rabbit.

"Legend said, the moon god came to the earth one day. He disguised himself as a poor old man, he had nothing to eat so he asked several animals to spare him foods, some of them brought back like fruits and fish, and then there's the rabbitㅡ", I stopped just to check if he listened.

"The rabbit had nothing to over, it only have grass. So then, the rabbit told the old man to set a fire, and the old man did exactly what the rabbit said. When the fire was big enough, the rabbit jumped to sacrifice itself as a food for the old man", I stopped and chuckled as I heard him gasped.

"Because of that the moon god or the old man saved the rabbit, he took the the rabbit and place it on the moon with him. There in the moon, the rabbit still pounding with mortar and pestle making rice cakes", I stopped and shrugged,

"What a story, huh?", I asked him and he just nodded still speechless.

"And that's the legend about the Mid Autumn Festival, that's why we celebrate it with eating rice cakes with family"

"Well, I didn't know that there's a deep back story for Mid Autumn Festival", he laughed.

"Now you know"

"Okay! Your arguments stronger than mine, so you win", he rolled his eyes, "For now"

"I always win", I gave him a side smile and decided to sit on the floor, he did the same.

Sitting here on top of the highest skyscrapper in New Yosaka, enjoying the night lights coloring and illmunating the darks made me feel small and how the big the world is.

Your problem is way much smaller than the world, maybe even the moon. It made me realize that no obstacles or problem, you can't solve because they are all within your capability.

And then for minutes we didn't speak, his eyes were glued to the moon, while mine on him. I'm not sure if he still searching for the rabbit or maybe he's talking to the man in the moon.

"Spill it", I elbowed him to break his silence and he took a deep breathe.

"Spill what?"

"I don't knowㅡ maybe why you kissed me when you already have a girlfriend?", I shrugged and he chuckled.

"Oh you think that's funny? Are you sexually frustrated, so you decided to kiss a random girl and apparently it was all just a coincidence that the girl was me?", I felt my blood boiled, just because I'm his close friends doesn't mean he could to anything he wants without my consent.

He finally stopped gazing to the dark sky, and his eyes met mine, "I'm sorry"


"At least give me some explanation"

He sighed and looked away once again, this time he looked to the city lights that lived up New Yosaka night life, "It was spontaneousㅡ I'm sorry, you're right, I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry"

"But you did"

"And I said I'm sorry-"

"And still you did it!", I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Stop being so stubborn, Els", Jack rubbed his temple and groaned.

"Oh, I'm being stubborn now? I can't believe you!", I pushed him a little on his chest.

"I said I'm sorry!", he took a step forward just to look more intimidating.

"No, you're not", I took a step forward closing the gap between us, telling him that he couldn't intimidate me.

"I'm sorry, okay?! Can you just accept it? Please!", he looked down to my eye level, a hint of frustration colored his words.

"Well, I'd love to but you owe me an explanationㅡ so no, apology not accepted", I looked into his blue eyes trying not to look intimidated by his beautiful deep ocean blue eyes.

God, what was I thinking!

"Elsa, I told you, I'm sorry!"

"No, you're not"

"Yes, I am"

"No. Nope, not even a tiny little bit- you're not sorry"

"I am sorry", his breathe hitched the tension between us was so sharp it could cut.

"No, you're not"

"I am sorry", again he said it this time his voice was getting smaller and softer, but not enough to be considered as a whisper.

"No you're not, Jack"

"Yes, you're rightㅡ I'm not", he said the words so quickly and yanked me closer to him.

The next thing I knew, he had slammed his lips to mine and nearly knocked all the air from my lungs. This time his kiss was hungry, he kissed me like he was longing for me. Jack held my head in his hands, and pulled me even closer into a fiery passionate kiss. Every smell of him intoxicating my lungs.

What have I done?

His hand started to explore from my back and drifted to my hip. It settled there and pulled me even closer, closing every inch of space between us. I felt my breathe hitched.

This is wrong! No!

I moved my hand on his chest, intending to push him away, but my oh my, I left it there and slowly my hand went to the back of his neck and his breathe quickened everytime my skin touched against his.

His kisses moved from my lips to my cheek, and unexpectedly he began nuzzling my neck sending those delicate kisses as I felt impulse of electricity and warmth radiated from every place that he kissed.

We pull apart as air started to fill our lungs, I opened my eyes and met his deep blue eyes. We stare at each other, deep into each other's eyes. My forehead against his and his against mine.

A faint of whisper came out through my mouth, "Whyㅡ", my voice trembled because my body was limp against his, I just wanted to surrender all to his touch, but I couldn't. We couldn't.

"Why did you do it?", I hiccuped, tears started rolling down with the same quietness. He sighed, his thumbs grazed upon my cheeks trying to wipe my tears away.

He sighed and gave me a sad smile, because he knew he couldn't give me the answer why. Because he knew, we fitted each others like puzzle and there's no words could explain that, so instead of answering my question, he said thankyou to me; almost whispering.

"For what?", I looked up and met his mesmerizing blue eyes. There's a small gap of silence as his eyes met mine before he answered, "For being you"

I knew he didn't love me back, but I couldn't resist. His words warmed my heart and he knew that's what I needed. I leaned a little closer until I could felt his breathe against mine. His smell flooding my senses and I found myself cupping his cheek pulling him toward me.

He didn't resist, instead he gently embraced me, stroking my platinum blonde hair. I closed my eyes as his hand touched my hair.

His lips brushed mine. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. I wanted to pull away before I lost myself and this time I still couln't do it.

In that moment, my senses have been seduced just simply by a light touch from him and I could no longer think straight.

We kissed.

We kissed for three times in that evening. This time Jack kissed me gently, it was slow and soft. Comforting in ways that words would never be, it almost felt like he loved me. He tilted my head slowly as his other hand moved to my thigh, and pulled on to his lap.

Not breaking the kiss, I moved slowly up to his lap as he caught me and I held him even tighter than before, until there was no space left between us. I could feel the beating of his heart against my chest.

His hand rested below my ear and caressing my cheek as our breath mingled. I ran my fingers down his spine, exploring his back. Jack was just wearing his team t-shirt and I could feel his lean body complexion. I wish I could touch the heat of his skin against mine, but the night wind seemed to hate the idea as a swift of cold air blew between us.

"This is not what I expect with you comforting me", I chuckled and he smiled. A rare sincere smile. I rest my hand on his shoulder, while his hand still caressing my cheek.

"You didn't mind either", he smirked and let a small laugh slipped from his mouth.

I gave him a small peck on his lips that took him by surprise, "I couldn't object", I giggled and he just smile.

A sighed came out from him as he pulled me into a hug, and I sunk into the warmth of his embrace.


His arms were around me and seemed very protective. Jack caressed my head gently and sighed again.


"You're already sighing twice, are you okay?", I said checking on him if he felt like gasping for air, but he didn't reply.

He kept his arms around me and his fingers dancing with my hair, every gesture that he did and every touch against my skin, made the night air felt warmer somehow.

"Elsa", he called my name


He then took a deep breathe and let out a long sigh.

Three times.

Then, he said it. The words.

"Tell me you love me"

Cliff hanger, much? Hahaha

Hello, hello!
Its your author here, and yes I'm alive!

How was this chapter?
Did you guys enjoy it?

For this story I tried to combine with Asian cultural background, which is the Mid Autumn Festival. Since I called the city where they live as New Yosaka (New York + Osaka) so I thought it'll be nice to add a glimpse culture into my story.

Please leave some comments and vote
It really means a lot and motivates me!

Thankyou for all your support and love to my story ❤❤❤

I'm so sorry for not updating in almost like a month! I am so sooorrryy (please forgive me)
I got so occupied with stuffs at uni since I'm in my last year.

So sorry, I hope you guys understand, but I promise I'll finish this story! So don't worry!

See you in the next chapter,

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