Slow Down

By starboylies

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(UNDER EDITING) *BANG* Screams. Painful, screams. *BANG* Madison Beer was just 17 when her mother died. Ship... More

Chapter 1: 'London Gatwick Airport.'
Chapter 2: 'Bangers and Mash'
Chapter 3: 'American Girl'
Chapter 4: 'Old Cousin'
Chapter 5: 'She's always like that.'
Chapter 6: 'Grounded and Humbled.'
Chapter 7: 'That's Not A Real Name'
Chapter 8: 'Posh Little Prick.'
Chapter 9: 'There's Your Change.'
Chapter 10: 'Patwick?'
Chapter 11: 'I'm Not Interrupting That'
Chapter 12: 'El Beso' part 1
Chapter 13: 'El Beso' part 2
Chapter 14: 'Blueberry Muffin.'
Chapter 15: 'Deadly, fam.'
Chapter 16: 'Shut up, Danish.'
Chapter 17: 'Truth or Dare?'
Chapter 18: 'La Meurte' Part 1
Chapter 19: 'La Meurte' Part 2
Chapter 20: 'My fucking muffin!'
Chapter 21: 'I love you, Lewis'
Chapter 22: 'Spit it out.'
Chapter 23: 'The Date'
Chapter 24: "He's working in Tesco?"
Chapter 25: 'Lets see if I laugh.'
Chapter 26: 'Always a pleasure.'
Chapter 27: 'I bet she is.'
Chapter 28: 'A place called Heaven.'
Chapter 29: 'Promise?'

Chapter 30: 'Is everyone in a gang in London?'

19 2 0
By starboylies

30 chapters of this terrible book, wow. Lemme go cry ;(


Patrick's POV

"Hello Patrick." A very familiar, bold voice spoke into the phone.

My confusion had only grown since my phone first started ringing. It was late and I never trust an unknown number, but I answered it anyway.

I recognise that voice.

My eyes widened.


"That's my name, baby. Try not to wear it out, yeah?"

Internally, I rolled my eyes and visualised myself beating the shit out of this kid.

"What do you want?" I groaned. I didn't have time for this, or anything.

"Now, now. Let's not be hasty. Slow down, we'll get there." He replied, angering me even more.

"Shut the fuck up. What do you want? Why are you calling me?"

Impatience and sheer anger flooded through me.

"That's no way to treat someone who has something of value to you."

I raised my eyebrows. Something of value to me? What could he possibly be talking about?

"Spoken to Maddison recently?"

I instantly panicked as I heard her name.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I rushed, trying to hide my worry.


Dead, silence.

"Speak! Now, you piece of shit! What are you talking about?" I screamed through the phone, clearly shocking him.

He remained calm, which only infuriated me more.

"By the looks of it social services came and took Rey away from Maddison, claiming Maddison wasn't emotionally stable and shit. What a shame."

Yet again, I was confused. I remained quiet.

After a minute of silence, he spoke again.

"Ah well, lucky I've got Rey isn't it?"

My heart sank.


"Told you I had something of value to you." He added.

Oh my god.

I'm going to fucking end his life.

"What did you do with her?" I angrily questioned.

"Keep your cap on, Bamford. She's fine. She's in safe custody and you can have her back... So long as you give me the information I need."

"You're a twisted little shit, Brooklyn. I thought you liked Maddison? Why the fuck would you kid nap her cousin for information from me? What information?"

He stayed silent and it gave me a moment to think.

"Are you working for my mother?" I quickly ask, anxiety swallowing me up.

He scoffed.

"You think I'd work for Audrey? Honestly, I'd rather die. Why I need the information is irrelevant. I just need you to tell me where Don Ferrando's new shipment of class 1 weapons are coming from. I need them."

I listened carefully to what he asked of me, but I couldn't do it. Don Ferrando was a good guy and not only had he helped Tony a lot over the years, he was a powerful man and I didn't want to risk putting myself or anyone else in danger. However Brooklyn knew I was able to easily get this information and I know it's the only thing he will trade Rey for.

I was getting Rey back one way or another.

I sighed.

"Okay. Fine. Text me the location and we'll set up a meeting. But I swear to god Brooklyn if you touch a hair on her head I'll-"

"Yes yes, I know. I'll text you." He cut me off and abruptly ended the phone call.

The prick.

Maddison's POV

"So they just took her? No questions asked?" Chanel asked after the fifth time I explained to her what happened.

"Yes, Chanel. I don't want to lose her. I've lost aunt Jessie, I can't lose Rey."

Her eyes softened as she looked at me.

"Don't you think it's kind of sketchy? The whole situation?" She asked, clearly thinking deeply about what I've told her.

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned back.

"Well, they just showed up out of no where and took her. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but I can't help think it has something to do with-"

"Patrick?" I interrupted her.

The name sounded foreign to my lips.

She nodded slowly, clearly scared of what my reaction could possibly be.

I've been trying so hard to push him out of my head, I didn't even think to link this situation to anything he's involved in. I knew I needed answers, but I also knew it wasn't a good idea to tell Patrick, or even speak to him for that matter. It's too painful and I don't want to put Rey in any further risk.

I looked up at Chanel, who was now stood up, pacing around my room as I crossed my legs on my bed.

"Do you think you could ask Danish? See if he knows anything?" I asked her, which stunned her slightly.

Her face cringed prominently, but she eventually sighed and nodded.

Patrick's POV

"He wants to meet you here?" Ivy curiously questioned as we pulled up to a large storage warehouse.

It's always a warehouse, isn't it?

"Yeah I guess." I replied, nonchalantly.

I brought Ivy with me to make sure Rey gets back to Maddison safely. I knew I couldn't involve Danish because he doesn't think before he does anything and him going in full guns blazing could get him killed.

A question I continued to ask myself was... Why did Brooklyn and whoever he worked for need the class 1 weapons? And why so desperately that they kidnapped a little girl?

I wasn't going to give Brooklyn the information he wanted. I would never cross Don Ferrando, I wouldn't want to piss him or Tony off. I'm getting Rey and I'm leaving.

Ivy and I got out of the car after I parked and entered the large building through one of the many open entrances.

Stood, directly in the middle, was Brooklyn.

My attention wasn't on him though, all I could focus on was Rey, shaking next to him as he held her close. She looked terrified. My heart ached and it angered me even more that he caused someone like Rey to feel like this.

I clenched my jaw and walked towards him.

I stopped a 5 feet away from him, Ivy close behind.

He smirked evilly and looked me up and down. 


"Well?" I asked, impatiently.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed Rey by the arm, pushing her over to me. I instantly fell to my knees and let her fall into my arms.

"Shhh, you're okay now princess." I whispered as she cried into my shoulder. I hugged her tightly. Once I pulled away, I placed my hands on her face and looked into her tearful eyes.

I let out a breath of relief, realising she wasn't physically harmed. She gave me a small smile, trying to hide her pain but failing. I smiled back before I allowed Ivy to take her hand and lead her to the car.

I stood up straight and coughed lowly, ruffling my hair and facing the vile creature in front of me.

"You're disgusting." I spat, making my hatred for him clear.

He rolled his eyes again.

"Yeah, yeah. Just tell me what I want to know." He sighed.

I poked the inside of my cheek with my tongue and laughed dryly.

His expression was now puzzled.

"Go to hell." I said before shaking my head and turning around to walk away.

I heard him mumble something under his breath as I walked away and stopped at the exit when the once open door, wouldn't open. My eyes widened.

I spun around quickly and was instantly tackled by 3 massive guys. One of them lifted his fist in the air and the last thing I saw was it coming down towards me. Fuck.

Danish's POV

I was still confused as hell as I drove to the coffee shop Chanel texted me to meet her at. It was the usual one, the one that does the blueberry muffins she liked. I gathered that from my last mistake of buying the last one before her a while ago.

Her text was oddly vague and I also haven't heard from Patrick in 2 days, which is weird, but not enough for me to worry about what shit he's gotten into.

He says I'm the crazy one yet, he's probably somewhere plotting his mother's death.

I didn't expect to hear from Chanel at all considering what went down but I had no complaints as I pulled onto the side of the road.

I casually walked into the coffee shop and my eyes instantly fell on Chanel, sitting in a small booth in the corner of the room, with a blueberry muffin of course.

I almost forgot how beautiful she was in the time I hadn't seen her. Her straight hair fell in front of her face repeatedly as I made my way over, she tucked it behind her ears as I sat down opposite her.

"So..." she started.

"What can I do for you, angel?" I asked, impatience getting the best of me.

"Listen. I know we aren't on speaking terms and I kind of, you know... dislike you. But I need your help."

I raised my eyebrow at her response.

I smirked.

"And why should I help you, darling?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Can you stop with the names? You can't even decide on one." She said, clearly getting annoyed and pushing a strand of hair out of her face.

I chuckled at her annoyed expression. She's cute when she's trying to be intimidating.

"You're right sunshine. How on earth will I choose? There's so many."

She let out a sigh and shook her head.

"Listen. Social services came and took Rey away from Maddison. They said she isn't emotionally stable or ready to look after her something. I don't know I guess it just seemed weird to me and I wondered if there's a chance it had something to do with Patrick and his psychotic mother." She rambled on.

The shock I was feeling must of radiated off me because her expression changed and she sat back, sighing.

"Damn. I mean I do-"

I was interrupted by a text. I pulled out my phone, ready to ignore whoever it was. Until I saw the message on the screen.

From Tony.

Ivy is here. Some guy has Patrick. He went to get that little kid related to Maddison. You need to get here now.

My eyes widened. "Fuck." I whispered under my breath.

"Listen I'm sure she's fine. I doubt Patrick's mother would take Rey so close after she killed Jessie. I need to go." I rushed out as I stood up and looked at Chanel's confused reaction to what I just blurted out.

Before she could say anything else, I rushed out of the coffee shop and straight into my car.

Well shit.

I started the engine and sped through traffic, ignoring the amount of people who flipped me off for passing them and cutting in front.

I made it to HQ in less than 20 minutes and rushed inside.

"Madani! There you are. Come on." One of our shipment dealers, Luca, calls to me as soon as I step foot in the building. I nod and follow him.

Tony was hunched over a computer with four other guys when I entered the room. My eyes scanned everything that was going on. Chaos.

I almost gave myself a heart attack when I spotted little Rey in the corner of the room, looking scared and confused.

"Where have you been?" An angry female voice calls to me as I continue examining the scene before me.

"I wasn't near here when Tony texted me, I'm sorry. What's going on?" I ask and turn to the girl talking to me, Ivy.

She explains the situation quickly and I curse myself for not keeping in closer contact with Patrick at all times. Maybe this wouldn't of happened.

"Have they found out where Brooklyn took him?" I questioned her.

She shook her head, sighing.

"They're getting there. In the mean time, I think you should speak to the girl. She looks scared shitless." Ivy says, causing me to nod and look in Rey's direction.

I walk towards her and give her a warm smile as I approach her. she looks confused at first but recognised me fairly quickly.

"Danwishhhh!" She shouts and jumps into my arms, shaking.

I give her a big hug and lift her up.

"How are you feeling, Rey?" I ask.

"I'm scared. Where's patwick? Where's Maddison? I confooosed."

I smile at her again and hold her close to me. "It's okay Rey. I'm here and you're safe. We'll get you back to Maddison in no time."

She nodded slowly and cuddled into my chest.

"Found him! The bastard!"

Patrick's POV

"Tell me, Patrick. It will make things much easier." Brooklyn harshly says, for the tenth time.

I roll my eyes at his behaviour and he grabs the baseball bat and hits me again. This time in the stomach. His men must of taken me to whatever this place is and tied me to this chair.

Cliché torture, I know.

I spit out the blood that was starting to fill my mouth from the many punches to the jaw I've endured.

"I'm not telling you. Wrap it in." I say, keeping my cool.

He scoffs, almost as if he can't believe what he's hearing and grabs the knife he'd already used, stabbing me in the arm for a second time.

I groaned loudly. "Shit."

"This can still end nicely Patrick. Tell me what I want to know."

I look up at his smug face and spit straight at him.

He wipes his face, which has now taken on an infuriated expression.

"You piece of fucking shit." He says before he stabs me in the leg.

I groan once again and realise that the pain is becoming too much. I wasn't crying. I'd never cry. Not over this twat, but I could feel myself starting to lose consciousness. Probably because of the amount of blood I've lost.

My vision was starting to become blurred.

Brooklyn gave me a hard slap across the face to keep me awake. He pulled out a gun from his jacket and before he could do anything else, the doors to whatever this place was busted open with a loud crash.

My head snapped up and I watched as Danish and Ivy stormed towards us, 10 men following behind them.

Danish saw me instantly and then looked at Brooklyn, almost studying him. He must of recognised him from what I'd mentioned of him because his expression changed.

"Fucking hell. Is everyone in a gang in London? Christ almighty it's like walking into American Gangster, fam." He shouted.

I felt my eyes becoming extremely heavy and my head began to weigh me down.

"Stay with me, Bamford. You'll be alright."


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