Soulmates | S.M.

By burritosandnachos

223K 4.3K 1K

~Alana Sinclair finally has the opportunity to go see her favorite artist, Shawn Mendes, live in concert for... More

60 (final)


1.8K 47 11
By burritosandnachos

Alana's POV

My large dark purple suitcase was set on top of the bed in Shawn and I's bedroom. Since I was five months into my pregnancy already, traveling around with Shawn is risky so I'm going to be staying with my mom in California.

I packed the last dress and zipped up the suitcase. Shawn opened the bathroom door and walked out of the bedroom without acknowledging me. Curious, I followed him downstairs and into the kitchen where he was pouring himself a cup of coffee. His back was faced to me so I approached him and hugged his back and wrapped my arms around his torso. He stiffened. I pulled away and placed my hands on his back, rubbing in circular motions to soothe him.

"What's going on bub?" I asked, concerned. He turned around and his eyes were red and puffy. "Have you been crying?" I brought my hands to his cheeks and tears started to fall from his eyes. He sniffled, wrapped his arms under mine, and started sobbing. I hugged him and ran my fingers through his hair, our feet shuffling against the wood floor as I guided him to the couch.

I let him cry into my shoulder. He sniffled and pulled away. "I got some snot on your shoulder" He tried wiping it off with a tissue he got from the coffee table. He sat in front of me and blew his nose.

"Can you tell me what's wrong now?"

"I'm just sad that I'm going to be away for so long"

"Love bug. You're going to see me next month for Christmas. It'll be alright"

He shook his head.

"What do you mean, no?"

"Andrew called. Said that we're not going to be able to get Christmas off because we need to go straight to Mexico City after Asia. I honestly stopped listening after he said 'I'm sorry we won't be able to come home in time'"

My heart felt like it was dropping to my chest. "So the next time you'll see me is?"

"The week before the baby's due date"

I frowned. "You won't get to see me really blow up"

"I know honey. We'll FaceTime every day though. I can't not do my nightly rituals with my little girl" He placed both of his hands on top of my fabric-covered belly and leaned down to kiss it. "I actually got you something. Stay here" I watched as Shawn jumped up and ran to the basement. He came back less than a minute later with a pink gift bag in hand.

"Here" He handed me the bag. "Open it"

I took out the tissue paper and the box that was inside. "Headphones?"

"I wanted to make sure that my nightly good night songs are as real as possible. I'm going to record them and then all you have to do is put the headphones on your stomach so she can hear"

My heart cried at his words. I looked at him with sorrowful eyes. "We're gonna miss you a lot"

"I'm going to miss you two more"


"Auntie Alana?!?" Layla looked at me with the most flabbergasted look.

"Hi sweetheart" I smiled.

I leaned down to give her a hug and she looked at me with the same odd look.

"Did you finally give in and eat the whole buffet?" Layla and I had this ongoing joke that one day I was going to be hungry enough to eat everything at a buffet.

"No" I raised my eyebrows at Elena. "You haven't told her?"

"I wanted you to be the one to tell her"

"Tell me what?" Layla asked.

My eyes widened. "It's already been five months"

"Just tell her already!"

I faced down towards Layla. "Sweetie. Uncle Shawn and I are having a baby"

Her eyes lit up. "A baby?!"

I nodded my head. "Mhm. Do you want to feel her?"

"It's a girl?!" She exclaimed.

My smile widened. "It is. You'll have someone to play tea party with"

Layla's small hand touched my stomach. "Is she really in there?"

"Yeah. Sometimes you can feel her kick but she kicks the most when she can hear Uncle Shawn"

"Play his music! Play his music!" She jumped up and down excitedly.

I chuckled. "Alright" I pulled out my phone and put his album on shuffle. The song that started playing was Mutual. As if on cue, the baby started kicking right as Shawn started singing and I guided Layla's hand to where she was kicking.

Her eyes lit up even more. "Oh my goodness. I can't wait! Is she coming out today?"

"Not yet. In around four months"

"Four months? I don't know if I can wait that long" She frowned.

"It'll be quick. I promise"

Layla was silent for a second. I assumed she was trapped in her thoughts. Then she spoke, "Has Uncle Shawn showed you the surprise yet?"

I gave a look of confusion. "A surprise? What surprise?"

"Well," She started.

"Layla" Elena interjected.

Layla's eyes got wide. "Oops. I guess not"

I looked over at Elena. "What's the surprise?"

"If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise. It's not even done yet"

"Not done yet?"

"You'll know when he gives it to you"

"So it's an object" I concluded.

"Just wait" Her and Layla began to walk to their kitchen to grab a snack and I felt a buzz coming from my bag.

I opened it and pulled out my phone, excited to see a new message on my screen.

love bug

in honor of our daughter being as big as an avocado

hunny bunny
ughhhhh you make my heart MELT
you're like a month too late
she's the size of a sweet potato now

love bug
dang it
do you like the photo though?

hunny bunny
I love it

love bug
i miss you

hunny bunny
I know you do

love bug
ha ha very funny
do you have something to say to me?

hunny bunny
hmm lemme think
you look H O T

love bug
i was expecting something sweet
like i dont know
i miss you too?

hunny bunny
oh yeah that too
OH something else
what's this surprise that everyone seems to know but me?

love bug
that's for me to know and for you to find out

hunny bunny
you stink

love bug
you'll have to wait till Christmas

hunny bunny
but that's in three weeks
and you're not even going to be here and im going to be super duper sad

love bug
im super duper sad too
oh i have to go
love you honey

hunny bunny
can i change your name to love butt?

love bug

hunny bunny
i wont let you go until you say yes

love bug
fine. go ahead.

hunny bunny
love you MOREEEEE

love butt
i love youuuuu more

hunny bunny
I thought you needed to go

love butt
okay okay im going
love you

"Is Mr. Mendes hitting your DMs again? You're smiling like Pennywise the clown" I looked up from my phone and Elena was peeking through the kitchen door, her eyebrows raised.

"Hitting my DMs?" I chuckled.

"Isn't that what you kids call it?"

"Uh. Maybe middle schoolers? Not sure" I put away my phone and followed her into the kitchen.

I sat at the counter next to Layla and took off my black pea coat, hanging it over the chair. "Do you happen to have pickles and peanut butter?" I asked Elena as she was in the pantry, looking for Layla's goldfish.

She brought out the goldfish along with a jar of peanut butter and set them on the countertop. "You're going to eat them together?" She opened the fridge and took out a jar of pickles.

"Am I crazy?"

"Not at all. I used to do the same when I was pregnant with Layla. I'm surprised though. You hate pickles" She handed me a fork and a spoon from one of the drawers. I took it and opened up the jars.

"Pregnancy does weird things to you"

"Yes it does" She agreed, taking a pickle out for herself and took the spoon of peanut butter that I was holding, plopping both in her mouth.

My mouth went agape. "You took my peanut butter"

"Sorry. I'm just so hungry" She grabbed another spoonful of the peanut butter and took a bite out of the pickle. She ate it like it was the best thing on the planet.

"Uh. Can I have another spoon please?" I asked her, something about this whole situation feeling off to me.

"Sure" She opened the drawer again and handed me another spoon. I furrowed my eyebrows as she handed it over to me. "What?" She asked.

I studied her physique. She was glowing. I swallowed the bite of pickle that was in my mouth and said, "We need to talk"


"Yeah" I pulled out my phone and opened up my messages.

mrs. mendes

mrs. hernandez

mrs. mendes

I turned off my phone. "How far along?!"

"About two months. How did you figure it out?"

"It must be a pregnancy thing. I'm becoming more observant. How come you never told me"

"Josh and I weren't planning on telling anyone until later. For the same reasons as you had"

"Oh my gosh that's incredible. Congratulations" I motioned my hands for her to come over and she gave me a warm hug.

"You and daddy weren't planning on telling anyone what?" Layla's little voice spoke beside me.

"Oh" Elena said, slowly, trying to figure out what to say next. "Daddy and I have a surprise for you, like how Auntie Alana has a surprise from Uncle Shawn. You have to wait though"

She pouted. "So much waiting. You guys are ridiculous"

Elena and I raised our eyebrows at each other. I turned to Layla. "That's a big word. Where did you learn it?"

"You say it to Uncle Shawn all the time when he does something silly" She continued to eat her snack and I faced Elena.

"I'm so excited for you. Layla's always wanted this"

"I know. I can't wait to tell her"

"You can just tell me now, you know" She joined the conversation.

Elena shook her head. "You have to wait for your surprise. Just like Auntie Alana"


"Let me see her!" Shawn exclaimed through our FaceTime call on the phone. I set my phone down on the bathroom counter and showed off my baby bump. Over the last couple of weeks, I think it grew tremendously.

I picked up the phone again and brought it with me to the bedroom, going under the covers. "Tomorrow's Christmas. Where are you headed off to next?"

"We're going to Mexico City"

"So close yet so far. Are you sure you can't just stop by?"

"You know I would, honey. Anyways, your surprise is tomorrow" He raised his eyebrows up and down. "It's a good one, I promise"

"Is the surprise you?"

"Mmmm. No. Something much bigger"

"Then I don't want it" I pouted.

I watched him, wishing I could just pull him out through the screen. "What're you thinking about?" He asked.

"You. Being apart for this long makes me sad. I miss you. The baby misses you"

"I miss you guys the most. Honey?"


"We still need a name for the baby"

"I know"

"Are we ever going to find one?"

"Probably not. I have a feeling it's going to come to us naturally though"

"If we don't figure out a name by the time the baby is out, can we name is Skyler?"

"Ehh" I sighed. "I don't know, handsome. It's too plain for me"

"Pretty please?"

"I'll think about it"

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