WARNING || s. stan

By lilyroselilac24

366K 7.4K 1.6K

| Sebastian Stan Social Media | DISCONTINUED UPDATE 8/15/2023: Thank you to all who have read this book, I tr... More

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thirty five

4.9K 107 58
By lilyroselilac24

"Come on, come on. We can't be late!" Mason yelled as she walked out the door to the LA home. The warm air settled over her exposed skin. Her hands settled on the sides of her dress and she looked at the black limousine that was waiting for them.

"Bye Mason, good luck tonight!" A chorus of goodbyes came from the ensemble that had helped Mason get ready tonight; a full hair and makeup team and of course, an amazing stylist who brought the very dress she wore now.

"Thank you again!" She called over them, watching as they scattered off towards their cars.

Sebastian then ran out of the house, closing the door behind him. "You left like every single light on." In his hand was a cover bag, where clothes were hanging from a hanger. "You forgot this."

"Oh my God, thank you so much! I would've completely forgotten." Masons eyes widened as she felt a wave of complete idiocy rush through her. "I don't know what I would have done without that."

"What even is it?"

"It's my performance outfit. Thank you, Bassy."

"Don't call me that." Sebastian laughed as they walked towards the limo.

Mason smiled and opened the door for him. "Ladies first."

He shook his head as he climbed into the seat. "This is going to be a long night."

Mason couldn't help but laugh as she climbed into the leather seat next to him. Once the door was shut and the driver introduced himself, they were on their way.

Sebastian watched as Mason leaned back against the seat, her pretty wide eyes looking out into the city as they drove. Her hand rested softly on the curve of the limos door and her finger tapped against it to the beat of the song that was playing.

He noticed the way that she would shift in her seat every few minutes, as if staying still for too long was impossible for her. She licked her lips often, and chewed on the bottom one until the lipstick she had been wearing was practically all of.

Sebastian had still yet to see her without makeup on, and he wanted to more than anything.

His eyes reverted back to her hands when she shifted once again. This time, he paid more attention to the lingering tattoo on the softest part of her forearm. It was then that he noticed, just further down from the tattoo, a scar reaching from her inner elbow to her wrist.

His gut immediately wrenched as he realized what it was. Though he told himself to look away, his eyes were glued to the white scar against her skin. It was still just barely red, more white than anything, but it was noticeable.

Sebastian felt the urge to take her hand and tell her that he cared for her, that he would be there for her no matter what. He wanted to know what she thought, how she felt, and every and anything else. All he wanted was to make sure that she felt wanted, needed, and loved.

But he knew that she wouldn't necessarily like being touched and fawned over, it wasn't in her character.

So he chose to make conversation. "I'm excited for tonight. Thank you for bringing me."

Mason looked over at him in the sudden interruption of silence. A smile spread across her face and her head titled forward. "Of course. I'm glad you decided to come. This will be very fun, I think our fans will go crazy."

Sebastian's laugh filled the limo. "Yeah, it should be interesting."

Mason looked out the window again as they approached the highway. It would only be another few minutes before they got to the Microsoft Theater, but the traffic getting in will undoubtedly be harsh.

"So your performance, can you spare me any details?"

"Oh, it's nothing really special. It should be fun though. I'm nervous. I haven't performed in front of a live audience in so long." Mason thought back on the last time she did. She closed her eyes as the painful memories came over her.

"When was the last time?" Sebastian asked the question she so desperately didn't want him to ask.

Embarrassed, her shoulders shrugged before hanging low. "Eh, I don't remember." That was a half truth, she had been so high on various pills that she didn't remember the whole thing.

Sebastian knew she was lying but he didn't press for the truth. "I'm sure that you will do amazing. Are you going to want to go to the after party?"

Mason immediately shook her head. "No, I don't want to go. But you should! I'm sure it would be fun, I don't want you to not go because I'm not."

"I have no reason to be there if you're not there." He didn't mean it in a flirty way, he was very serious. But either way, both their cheeks blushed.

Small talk filled the limo after that, plans on what they would do after the awards show filled the conversation.

Too soon they arrived at the show, and the size of it was double then the movie premiere back in May. Mason's stomach immediately filled with both anxiety and nerves, but she told herself to relax.

Sebastian stood beside her, a reassuring hand on the small of her back. He tried his best not to move to close to her, to act friendly. But he knew his presence close to her relaxed her in the large crowd and he didn't want her to get another panic attack. 

As soon as the blinding lights of the cameras flashed, Mason wished that she was back home in bed. She longed for her blankets and Netflix and the action of doing completely nothing.

It wasn't until they stopped and smiled for a few photos that Mason realized they looked like a couple. The idea of them being together brought butterflies to her stomach and a blush on her cheeks.

"Oh my God." Mason muttered as she looked at who was arriving now. "Sebastian. That's Jessica Lange."

His eyes glanced over to where the older actress was, but he didn't pay too much attention to her. His eyes and thoughts were only consumed of Mason and how nice she smelt standing so close to him.

Then her fingernails dug into his arm in a tight grip. "Oh my fuck that's Lady Gaga."

Sebastian laughed and tugged Mason along. "Come on, the quicker we go the closer we'll get to getting off this carpet."

Mason nodded, her eyes lingering on one of her favorite artists. "Fine but I want her autograph."

It didn't take them very long to enter the theater and find their seats. They were towards the front, scattered among many other celebrities. Their seats were comfortable and soft, and both Mason and Sebastian leaned closer to each other.

When the lights dimmed and award show started, Andy Samberg as the comical host. Mason found herself lost in show, a smile never seeming to leave her face. Then one of the crew members came to collect her; she needed to get ready for the show.

After giving Sebastian's arm a squeeze, she followed the crew member towards the backstage area. A small dressing room, where the various other performers of the night, was full with makeup artists running around like crazy.

They were very used to their job, as soon Mason stood in completely different makeup and an outfit.

"You've got to be kidding me." Mason mumbled as she adjusted the skirt on the outfit. "This is why I fucking hated touring as Mason fucking Blue."

"It's the style the picked." The makeup artist said. "Besides, you look nice."

"I don't look like myself." She looked herself up and down. The skirt was hardly an actual skirt, with flaps only on the side. The top of the outfit was lace and showed the black built in bra, and the sleeves ran long. The thigh high boots were jet black, with flats instead of heels thankfully.

"To be fair, the last time the world saw Mason Blue, you were a bubble gum princess who sang Disney songs. This is... this could be the new you."

Mason pondered his words. She did like the idea of reinventing herself. She wanted so desperately for people to forget who she used to be, both before and after rehab. She wanted to be known as Mason. Not Mason Blue.

Slowly she nodded and turned, lifted the flap of the side skirt and saw how her ass tattoo could be seen. A smile spread across her face. "I think I kind of like it."

"You should. You look beautiful." The artist said.

"Thanks. For everything. Wish me luck."


Bassy I'm nervous

Also my outfit for performing is
interesting so don't make fun of me

Interesting good or bad?

My fans will be  very very thirsty

Oh God

Yeah but I kinda like it so 🤷🏼‍♀️

I'm really really nervous

Are you okay? Do you want me to
come back there?

No, that's okay. I'm on in like two

I'm going to fucking die what if
I mess up???

You won't mess up. You will
do great. Better than Great.

Omg I just got my cue here we go 🙃


Sebastian sat anxiously in his seat. His leg was bouncing up and done and his fingers kept squeezing the arm rest.  The chair next to him was empty and he missed Mason's presence.

Though he was more than excited to see Mason perform.

"Alright," Andy Samburg said over the dying laughter from the crowd. "As promised, we have a very special artist coming up next. In one of the first live performances in over five years, Mason Blue."

The sound of cheers and clapping and screams alike filled the room, and Sebastian felt as if he was at a concert and not at an award show.

The lights dimmed and Sebastian felt himself growing nervous. He kept repeating in his head, she's got this, she's got this. He felt physically nervous for her; his stomach was in a knot.

When the lights faded on the stage, his mouth parted when he saw Mason standing center stage. His eyes roamed her body; the way her legs looked longer and thicker in this boots and how she looked incredibly sexy. His thoughts only dared to imagine taking those clothes off of her, layer by layer.

He snapped himself out of those thoughts almost instantly.

The start of the song sounded in the large theater and the crowd cheered again. Ever since it's release earlier in the month, it's been every where. The song completely blew up and the fact that she was here to sing it tonight, only made the hype for it stronger.

He watched in awe as she started the song, his eyes only looking at the background dancers for a moment. They were dancing as puppet masters, being controlled. Only Mason stood a few feet in front of them, her hands on the microphone as she started to sing.

"They say, oh my god, I see the way you shine. Take your hand, my dear, and place them both in mine. You know you stopped me dead while I was passing by, and now I beg to see you dance just one more time." Her voice was as raspy and thick as always, and the actor was focusing only on her.

"Ooh, I, I see you, see you, see you every time. And, oh my, I, I like your style. You make me, make me, make me wanna cry. And now I beg to see you dance just one more time."

He watched her pulled the microphone from the stand and take a few steps back, falling into line with the dancers. Their moves were almost robotic and Sebastian couldn't believe how their bodies moved like that.

"So I say, dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh. I've never seen anybody do the things you do before. They say, move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay. And when you're done, I'll make you do it all again."

"I said, oh my god, I see you walking by. Take my hands, my dear, and look me in the eyes. Just like a monkey I've been dancing my whole life. And you just beg to see me dance just one more time."

The actor continued to watch her with wide eyes as she sang, hearing the power behind her voice and the emotion in the words. As he watched her dance, the true meaning of the song came to him. He finally understood what the song meant and it punched him in the gut.

He felt like an idiot for not realizing it any sooner. All of Mason's songs had hidden meanings, connection to the life she had once lived. This song was no different; in fact, it's connection with her past life was bigger and stronger than the songs she's released before.

Maybe it was because of the dance moves; he thought. The routine was one based off control; Mason was being controlled by a puppet master. The routine exemplified that only her mouth was of her own control, but even then, when the song ended, her mouth was covered for half a second before the lights went out and the audience screamed in response.

The celebrities all around stood up in applause as the fans further back went crazy.

Sebastian felt like an asshole as he thought about the night before; how he had put in the song and asked her to dance with him.

"Mason Blue, everyone." Andy Samburg yelled into the microphone as he took the stage. "Mason, beautiful, will you join me right over here?"

Sebastian looked up as Mason once again graced the stage with her presence.

"Nominated for outstanding performance in horror, Mason Blue had shown a new side to her acting skills. Congratulations, Miss Blue." Samburg said. An unknown woman walked out onto the stage to give Mason the award, and even Sebastian could see the shock written on her face.

"For me? What?" Her voice caught on the microphone. The audience laughed in response. Then Mason took the award and looked around at the audience.

Sebastian's stomach fluttered when he realized she was looking for him.

"Uh... thank you to everyone who voted, I love you. Thanks to Dylan who made me go to that audition or else he would've dropped me as a client. Tough love works!" The audience again laughed at Mason's words. "Also thanks to my mom and my family and everyone who worked on the film. This isn't just for me, this is for all of you. Hallow never would have happened without any of you guys. Thank you so much, ah, thank you."

Sebastian watched as Mason ran off stage, his eyes lingering on her ass before he told himself to stop staring at her like that.

Andy Samburg launched into the rest of the show, but it was unknown to Sebastian as he focused only on watching Mason run through the aisles of chairs and dodging between celebrities. Of course, she stopped when she stood in front of Lady Gaga and gushed for a moment before she was on her way.

When she finally got to her original seat, she smiled and looked at Sebastian with wide eyes while holding up her award. "I won!" She whisper yelled towards him and sat down.

"You were amazing.." He stopped himself from calling her a pet name. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her in that moment. She looked beautiful with excitement and was still dressed in her performance outfit; having been too excited to change.

"I was so nervous I thought I was going to pee my pants." Her giggle was music to his ears.

Someone to their right shushed them and they shared a look before laughing.

"Would it be rude if we left?" Sebastian whispered as he leaned closer to her.

"Probably." She met his eye and then smiled. "Should we?"

Sebastian thought for a moment before he took her hand and pulled her up. They received immediate groans in protest as they blocked the view of the people they sat around him.

Though they didn't care; Sebastian continued to pull on her hand towards the back exit, passed a bunch of fans who were already recording. Mason paused for only a moment and pulled back on Sebastian's hand.

"Wait, is that Ryan Gosling?"

"Come on, Macey." Sebastian laughed and pulled her along. Her body nearly collided with his as he pulled her out the doors. The hallway was empty, save for a few crew members and dancers.

He continued to pull her down the hallway and out towards the emergency exit. They got several looks from estranged crew members and it was then that Mason realized what she was wearing.

"Wait, wait." Mason laughed as the cool air hit her exposed body. "I don't have any other clothes."

Sebastian looked at her, unable to stop himself from looking her body up and down. Then he smirked and raised an eyebrow just a little. "I think it's a good look."

"Maybe for you." Mason said, then laughed at the thought of him in a lace onesie. "Aside from kidnapping me from the Emmy's, what other plans do you intend on forcing me to partake in?"

"We should get something to eat." Sebastian said. He watched a brief expression of panic ghost across her face, but then her body relaxed and she smiled.

"Yeah. I'm actually kinda hungry." Mason said; she hadn't eaten all day, or the better part of yesterday.

Sebastian knew that she hadn't eaten, which is why he suggested it now. He didn't want to push her; of course not. He had spent the better part of last night, after they went to bed, researching and googling the eating disorder he was sure that Mason was suffering from.

They started walking down the busy street, where the excitement of the award show was still growing. Luckily they weren't stopped once, as most of the people outside were very used to local celebrities walking around.

"What do you want to get to eat? What's around here?" Sebastian asked her.

"There's an IHOP like two blocks down. I think?" She looked around the area. "I'm not really in this area too much." Mason then reached into her shirt to pull out her bra.

"You has your phone in there the whole time?"

Mason briefly looked at him before opening up Google on her phone. "It's basically an extra pocket." He didn't say anything, his eyes only gazing at her chest for a moment. Then he cleared his throat and looked up at the smog colored sky. He couldn't see any stars, just like the sky back in New York. "I was right. It's down the block a little bit. On 8th street."

"We could go there."

Mason smiled and held out her phone. "Would you mind putting this in your pocket?"

A smile appeared on Sebastian's face. "What's wrong with yours?"

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ENGLISH VERSION โ—ใƒปโ—‹ใƒปโ—ใƒปโ—‹ใƒปโ— A Sebastian Stan fanfiction inspired by a moment based on true events. โ—ใƒปโ—‹ใƒปโ—ใƒปโ—‹ใƒปโ— An inconspicuous little note, no bigger t...