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Por lethal_bullets

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"๐˜'๐˜ญ๐˜ญ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ด ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜บ ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต" - @_๐˜ด๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ_๐˜จ๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ญ_ Book 1. Can be read as a stand-a... Mรกs

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Chapter 1 : "No, otherwise I'll look old."
Chapter 2: "No, I'm an angel."
Chapter 3: "...Didn't expect you to like erotic stuff."
Chapter 5: " One word is enough to kill you. "
Chapter 6: "You tried to steal my girl!"
Chapter 7: "OH LITTLE BRO!"
Chapter 8: "Nah, you look like a Cupcake to me."
Chapter 9: "THIS MEANS WAR!"
Chapter 10: "WE HEARD THAT!"
Chapter 11: "I won't look at your nudes or contacts."
Chapter 12: "And I greedily slung my pizza."
Chapter 13: "ALL HAIL SAM GORDON!!!"
Chapter 14: "Innocent my ass."
Chapter 15: "Your face is enough to make me smile."
Chapter 16: " Lance. Your full name is..."
Chapter 17: "What kind of question is that?"
Chapter 18: "Damn, Gentleman."
Chapter 19: "Aggressive, now are we? Sexy~"
Chapter 20: "You're on your period."
Chapter 21: "It's daddy~!"
Chapter 22: "Stay away from Amanda."
Chapter 23: "Are you wearing a contact lense on one side?"
Chapter 24: "Cause I'm in love with you."
Chapter 25:"YOUR ASS IS MINE!"
Chapter 26:"...if you never came to New York, I wouldn't have met you."
Chapter 27: "Oh dang~ who's this hottie?..."
Chapter 28: "What? This is just as exciting as the UFC fights. "
Chapter 29: "You better whoop them ass!"
Chapter 30: "I only have eyes for one."
Chapter 31: "Arsehole?"
Chapter 32: "...because I care for you."
Chapter 33: "Cherry clafoutis, be it then?"
Chapter 34: "I really am going to rip your head off and shit on your neck!"
Chapter 35: "I feel like a fucking Disney Princess!"
Chapter 36: "High school girls, High school girls, all for me~"
Chapter 37: "You know what else is pretty? My fist in your face-"
Chapter 39:"I locked him in the storage room."
Chapter 40: "I was just greeting her. "Geez~ calm your tits."
Chapter 41: "I'm fine. Don't worry."
Chapter 42: "Is Blakey blushing? Oh fuck, he really is!"
Chapter 43: "We're just friends."
Chapter 44: "I swear on my life, I am a virgin."
Chapter 45: "Chill your balls, Blake."
Chapter 46: "This is something between him and I."
Chapter 47: "Can't I watch you atleast get the shirt off?"
Chapter 48: "Karma is a bitch, Cohen."
Chapter 49: "And you're so real. A real Ass."
Chapter 50: "If I wanted a bitch, I could've have bought myself a dog."
Chapter 52: "Your stepdaddy does~"
Chapter 53: "You kissed me."
Chapter 54: "Think what you like...America is a free country."
Chapter 55: "Someone who loves me back."
Chapter 57: "You're gay?"
Chapter 58: " FUCK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH! "
Chapter 59: "Just like me, huh?"
Chapter 60: "You're only wearing your underwear!"
Chapter 61: "What did he do?"
Chapter 62: "... ' Do you like bacon? Wanna strip?' "
Chapter 63:"I fell in love with her."
Chapter 64:"Yeah, cause you are a gay bitch. You like dicks."
Chapter 65: "I'm fine as long as it's you. "
Chapter 66: "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!"
Chapter 67: "You mad bro?"
Chapter 68: "Did you just cosplay your childhood crush?"
Chapter 69: " There's no problem with a guy sitting next to another guy..."
Chapter 70: "Mark my words, I will fight for us till death arrives."
Chapter 71:"You make me sound like a loner."
Chapter 72: "...What am I to you? And what are they to you?"
Chapter 73: "I don't want to be friends with you."
Chapter 74: "Seems like you have to choose between us."
Chapter 75: "Happy Thanksgiving!"
Chapter 76: "Yes, I will."
Chapter 77:"I'm not one of your one night stands."
Chapter 78: "Don't tell anyone about this, okay?"
Chapter 79:"Hate? You said, you were good friends."
Chapter 80:"Who are you calling fuck, you fuck!?"
Chapter 81: "Legends are born in a valley of struggle."
Chapter 82:"Just like us not being together, yet."
Chapter 83: "You have a stain behind you."
Chapter 84: "Distracted by staring at your beautiful face."
Chapter 85:"Fank Yew!"
Chapter 86:"Miggy is gay."
Chapter 88:"HAPPY NEW YEAR!"
Chapter 89:"Yes, I'm serious."
Chapter 90:"Why?"
Chapter 91:"Have you gotten over her already?"
Chapter 92:"Neither yours."
Chapter 93:"That's right. You're mine after all."
Chapter 94:"You know, that I'm all yours right?"
Chapter 95:"Women are scary."
Chapter 96:"It wasn't my intention to hurt you."
Chapter 97:"...I'm the reason why you are hurting!"
Chapter 98:"Boys are assholes."
Chapter 99:"He is the best mistake, I have ever made."
Chapter 100:"Dash has been missing..."
Chapter 101:"No, I really love him."
Chapter 102:"Ya'll fell for my trap."
Chapter 103:"Yes, I'm here!"
Chapter 104:"Stop eye raping me, will ya?"
Chapter 105:"I love you too."
Chapter 106:" Because of you."
Tแ•ผแ—ฉแ‘ŽK YOแ‘Œ!โค
BONUS CHAPTER: "Happy birthday, biatch~!"

Chapter 56: "Give him a chance."

35 2 3
Por lethal_bullets


-So this is it, I guess.

We're done with the plan and thankfully it worked! I should be in peace and be happy that it was worth it. I even risked my first kiss for it.

But then....

Why don't I feel anything like it? Why does it bother me now that it's over? Is it because I never had an actual boyfriend and am longing for it? Out of all people, why Blake?....

He's been acting strangely lately. When I first met him, I thought he was a jerk and an egoist, but the longer I got to know him, the more I saw how judgemental I was. He showed me sides, I never thought I'd ever see from him. Caring, sweet and funny... He's smiling brightly, when he's around me. It's like he has a second personality. I mean, he wasn't anything like this in the past. He would always be moody and teasing just to annoy me. I thought he'd hate me, but I don't know if it's still like that now...

But that's not the shocking part....

I received a message from Raven yesterday. After all I've done, he still doesn't want to leave me. I've only known him for two months, which is not long, but I know that he's a good friend. He's a keeper... way too good for me.


Raven: 'How have you been? I'm sorry, if I bother you. I can't seem to ignore you. I can understand, if you won't write back. It's okay. I just want you to know, that I'm still here for you, though.'


Tell me, would you ignore this message? Of course I read it, over and over, but I didn't know what to write back... It still aches my heart for the fact that I hurted him. I know, he had a 'crush' on me, but it's just so unrealistic to believe that. He's way too good for me...


I'm back again to reality.
-Same old school, same building and the same people.- Almost everyone is staring at me, but that's fine. I'm used to it.

Blake and Raven are not in school yet. I haven't come across Crystal, Kim nor Charles. It's just me, walking past these people.

Speaking of Blake, he phoned me in the morning. He told me that he can't pick me up today, since he's busy. I don't mind it. I mean, I saw what happened yesterday. A full crowd wanted to talk to him.

Court is being her usually self. I'd like to tell her the truth, but I might break Blake's promise.

Then again, Court is my best friend tho. I trust her...

"What's the matter?" My bestie nudges her elbow at my arm as we walk pass some teens.

"Nothing." I mumble and rub my hurted arm. -She may be skinny, but you know what they say. 'Don't judge people by their appearance.' -

"Aha?" She raises her eyebrows at me. "How's your boyfriend?" -He's not...-

"He's alright." I mumble, feeling a bit guilty for lying.

And with that she acts like everything's okay again. -She's kinda weird.-

"Have you heard? Everyone's been talking about a 'hot model', who is surprisingly waiting infront of our school." Court blurts out and I shake my head.

-What's up with these models, simply walking around New York?!-

"No. I'm trying to blur people's voices out. "I say and she laughs at me, telling me how unsocial I am.

Court and I walk out of school and there we spot him.

Jeffrey Anderson, wearing a casual streetwear, which is a simple black shirt, jeans and a snap back. He's smoking and looking around.

-What is he doing here?!Out of all places, why my school?! I just officially met him yesterday!-

My best friend covers her mouth and nudges me again. "Holy! He's really hot!"

I don't know, if I should shoot her a glare or just tell her the truth. -He's not that attractive in real life, if you get to know him.- "We should walk." I say.

Unluckily, he spots me and walks towards us with a wide smile on his attractive face.

Courtney keeps on nudging me and I secretly pinch her on her back, to make her stop.

"Hey, little sis." He winks at me and then smiles at Courtney. -Oh my gosh...-

"L-Little sis?!" My stupid friend squeaks and looks surprised at me, then back to him.

"Yeah, I'm Jeffrey Anderson, Blake's step brother. " The model says straightforward. -How weird...- "You don't mind me taking my little sis to her home, right?" -WHAT?!-

"Of course not!" Courtney, my naive other half, awkwardly laughs then winks at me, before leaving even though I'm giving her a hint not to leave me. "Cya around Amy!" -What a great friend she is, isn't she?!-

I'm still shocked by his sudden approach. "Why did you come here?" I ask and try my best to remain calm.

He stares at me with his piercing blue orbs, then flashes his Colgate smile at me. "I thought, I should spend more time with my little sister. Was that a bad Idea?"

-What is wrong with him!? He's so intimidating! He can be compared as a sociopath! Did I disrespect him that much?! Gosh! I regret it!... Wait a minute! What if he's actually testing me?! Oh my...-

"No, not all." I mumble.

"Great!" He looks happy for some reasons. "Is your bag heavy? Let me carry it for you." Before I can reply to him, he grabs it and carries it. Luckily, it's a plain black bagpack and not a pink one. Although, I think pink would suit him aswell.

-Should I follow him? I mean, he's walking away with my bagpack right now...-


I'm sitting opposite a famous model. He's wearing his sunglasses, since it's risky going out in public, especially in a restaurant. I know, others would kill to be at my place, but honestly I'd like to trade places with anyone right now...

"You impressed me, little sis." Jeff amusingly grins at me. "I gotta say, none of Blake's, so called, girlfriends even tried to make out infront of us."

I choke on my drink. - Jeff drove us straight to 'STK Midtown', although I told him I wasn't hungry.-

I place my drink to the table and apologise. "I-I'm so sorry! I sincerely apologise for my behaviour back then. I didn't mean to do that! I-I was in shock... a-and I didn't know how to act-"

He laughs while I'm apologising, leaving me speechless. "Don't apologise! Truth to be told, my parents really like you. You seem to be in control in your relationship." -That escalated quickly...-

I dumbly look at him as he continues explaining. "I know, Blake can be a real pain in the ass. He really is stubborn and full of pride... He needs someone, who can tame him."

-I'm confused... Jeff is the opposite from what Blake described him... then again, which one of them is lying? Or is it a misunderstanding?...-

I gulp, hesitating to ask him this one question. He notices and waits for me speak. -Say something, Amanda!-

"I've been meaning to ask you something." I finally spit out and he nods.

"Go ahead. We're a family now, after all." -Did he have to mention that?! I feel guilty enough already!-

"I know, this isn't my business... but why are you all so strict towards Blake? He looks like he's having a hard time around you, especially when you forced him to get married?"

I expect Jeff to stand up and walk away or even just tell me to keep quiet, but what he does is beyond my expectations. He is smiling. Not a cocky or amused smile, it's more like a sad and hurtful one.

"Blake is a man full of pride. He doesn't accept the fact that we're his 'new' family... I mean, I can understand that. He lost his father at a young age and then suddenly everything gets replaced by my old man." Jeff slurps on his water, removes his glasses, then looks intensely into my eyes.

"My father tried getting closer to him, but that boy just doesn't seem to listen. He'd fight back, while we try to make peace... Which leads me to my next point. Since he's so full of himself, my old man teached him a lesson, by organising a 'forced marriage', just to show him, who's still on charge. It was never our intention to hurt him that way, however someone needs to scare him somehow." He ends his sentence by taking a sip from his glass.

-I can't really follow up... So it's all a misunderstanding? Yet they scared him to death by organising a marriage... that's so sick...-

"That doesn't make any sense." I can't seem to keep my mouth shut. He stares at me. "I mean, yeah I get it. You want to break the misunderstanding, but why would you try forcing him into a marriage? What if he actually didn't have a girlfriend and failed to impress you? "

Jeff amusingly smiles at me again, which is giving me the creeps. "You aren't his real girlfriend, are you?"

With that I freeze and letting myself know, I just messed everything up. -I'm done...I let my guard down...-

"It's alright. We knew it anyways." He smirks and leans back to his chair.


"Y-You knew it the whole time?!" I sound so stupid.

He nods and chuckles. "Yeah. You were both so obvious. I mean, who gets a girlfriend in just a week? Anyone can fake a relationship... My old man just wanted to test him."

-All this time... I sacrificed my first kiss, my relationship with Raven and Charles, even though they knew?!-

I place my hands to my temples and internally cry. -I just want to get out of here...- Jeff remains silent and waits for our order to arrive.

"I have to admit, I wasn't sure if you were actually dating. You did well." He quietly says and thanks the waitress as she places our food to the table. She flirtly winks at him, but he doesn't seem to pay attention.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Your kiss. It looked real. Or am I just imagining things?" He asks back.

-Wow... This man knows how to scare me...-

"I-..." I stop talking, making him look back at me.

"Give him a chance." He then says and I stare at him. "He's a nice guy. I feel like, he opened up to you. I've never seen that side of him before." Jeff carefully digs his spoon into his food.

"I don't know..." I honestly say. He points at my food, telling me to eat and I do so, even though I lost my appetite.

"It's up to you. I'm not forcing you, but I'd be really thankful if you could give him a chance, little sis." He genuinely smiles at me, making it hard for me to swallow down my food.

"...I'll try." I quietly mumble.

He grins at me. "Oh, I almost forgot to mention! Mummsy and daddy invited you for dinner tonight."

And with that I choke. He stands up from his chair and gently pats my back. -Gosh! This is so embarrassing!-
Yes, I caused a scene, since waiters came with water to my rescue. Thankfully, Jeff is a gentleman to cover my embarrassment by telling them off.

"Thank you..." I flush as he hands me a cup of water.

"No need to mention it." He smiles.

-I think, I just judged Jeffrey Anderson way too quickly... He seems like a nice person... The family dinner today... Oh gosh...How will I face Blake afterwards?...-


Author: Whew~ took me pretty long to figure out, what I should write next :3 thank you all for your patience and support! Please, don't forget to vote♡

What is Jeff trying to do?

Is it really just a misunderstanding?

Find out in the next chapters. >~<

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