My Best Frienemy(Exo-Baekhyun...

By wehotweyangyang

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Supreme Student Council President and the Genius Stubborn girl.. The SCC president who's being strict and a... More

Author's note
♪Chapter 1♪- The Beginning
♪Chapter 2♪- Meeting Sehun and the star ranking
♪Chapter 3♪- The Life of No Star
♪Chapter 4♪- Jang Geurim's Revenge part 1
♪Chapter 5♪- Jang Geurim's Revenge Part 2
♪Chapter 6♪- Meeting Kai and the Miss Good-For-Nothing
♪Chapter 7♪- He stole my first Kiss!!
♪Chapter 8♪- Rules and Regulations?i don't think so.
♪Chapter 9♪- I'm Baekhyun's slave
♪Chapter 10♪- My Knight and Shining Shimmering Armor
♪Chapter 11♪- Sehun is InLove
♪Chapter 12♪- Double or trouble Date
♪Chapter 13♪- The Terror Sister
♪Chapter 15♪- Mystery Guy
♪Chapter 16♪- Kidnapping Baekhyun
♪Chapter 17♪- Give Baekhyun Back!!
♪Chapter 18♪- The Sleeping Snow white and the Prince
♪Chapter 19♪-The Section 1's Tea Club
♪Chapter 20♪- The two of us in the dark
♪Chapter 21♪- Home visit
♪Chapter 22♪- Save the last dance for me
♪Chapter 23♪- Fiancè?!
♪Chapter 24♪- Promised of Each other
♪Chapter 25♪- Avoiding Him.
♪Chapter 26♪- Baekhyun's revealation
♪Chapter 27♪ - Acceptance or Rejection?
♪Chapter 28♪- Her Realization
♪Chapter 29♪- Geurim's Decision
♪Chapter 30♪- The Past.
♪Chapter 31♪- First date
♪Chapter 32♪- Meeting his Father
♪Chapter 33♪- Betrayal
♪Chapter 34♪- His real Identity.
♪Chapter 35♪- Christmas preparation.
♪Chapter 36♪- Christmas day
♪Chapter 37♪- She's Back
♪Chapter 38♪- The Cursed of Jealousy.
♪Chapter 39♪- Lovers Quarrel
♪Chapter 40♪- Into the dark: I Put My Life in Your Hands
♪Chapter 41♪- Reawakening Memories
♪Chapter 42♪- A bid of farewell
♪Chapter 43♪- Missing Baekhyun
♪Chapter 44♪ - First heartbreak.
♪Chapter 45♪ - I found her at last.
♪Chapter 46♪- To Lose Is To Win
♪Chapter 47♪ - Common lies
♪Chapter 48♪- The Pain of Broken Heart
♪Chapter 49♪- His Reason
♪Chapter 50♪- Bittersweet
♪Chapter 51♪- Long Lost brother
♪Chapter 52♪- Irreturnable Relationship
♪Chapter 53 ♪- Her precious friend
♪Chapter 54 ♪- The night of the Fireworks [Part 1]
♪Chapter 55♪- The night of the fireworks [Part 2]
♪Chapter 56♪- Wish upon the Lantern
♪Chapter 57♪- Operation:Saving Geurim
♪Chapter 58♪- The real war begins
♪Chapter 59♪- Prefinal
♪Chapter 60♪- Final

♪Chapter 14♪- What a day!

1.6K 60 2
By wehotweyangyang

14:What a day!

"And Ms.Jang Geurim .. You will be the prince "

"Hahahaa..yeah ..Jang Geurim will be the ----"

Will be the what ? ? the prince?Seriously ? or did i just misheard? but if i misheard it ,why are they looking at me?.the others are looking at me coldly especially the Baekhyun fanclub .Pssh bitch please

"Ma'am Seriously? why her?"

"A no star like her ? will be the prince ?"

"NO WAY !" Everyone object ,why are you guys like that to me ? but i don't want it anyway

"Is there any problem about my Decision?" Ms.Taeri said in deep voice that Made everyone shiver plus her scary look .Can i transfer myself to other Section now?please give Jin Sensei back .At least Jin Sensei don't notice me .Everyone just shake their heads and sigh .

"Hey oLd lady .Why would i follow you ? .As a SSC president i will refused especially if the prince is that ugly no star !" Ms.Taeri and I glared at him .Then she throw a can again on his head ,thats what she get haha .I think she's always preparing a empty can to throw it on him ..

"hey! i don't want to participate with you either hmmmp!!" we snob each other ..

"Shut up!!!!And you Mr.Byun Baekhyun..Who are you calling an old lady huh?" A bad aura came out from her body .Everyone is Shivering again because of her glared

"psh ..whatever !I swear.I won't do that role .." She runaway towards him and grabbed his collar that make him up .She's so strong " Hey Put me down !!!" He shouted ,i don't why but i want to laugh again but my classmates..their mouth were wide open looking at them and look frozed

"Don't you dare call me 0ld Lady !And don't you dare reject my Decision !! " She throw away the ugly president near at the trashcan ,I hold my Laugh back and teased him with my grins.He rolled his eyes on me then stand and went back to his place . "you will be the Sleeping snow white wether you like it or not"

"iih that's unfair!!!why am i the snow white ..i'm gonna wear a gown for girls?But that's unfair !!" haha he cried like a baby that's he get

Ms.Taeri just walk infront and banged the table

"Hey Sehun ..Is she really that terror?" i whispered to Sehun but he didn't answer me ,I think he's afraid

"Okay Listen !!!Starting tomorrow we will start the practice .wait a minute" sHe took a class record inside her bag "LIsten .. Cielo Tan You will be the witch "

"what?" hahaha ,witch? she's really suitable for that role .

"Any problem?"

"Nothing " .She said forcely smiling .she can't do anything ,so she just sat crossing her hand

while her eyebrows almost meet

"well then, Huang Zi Tao will be the huntsman, Oh Sehun will be the narrator , " She gave all of us a role forcely then left us all after she assigned us ..She said she need to dismissed us early because there will be a meeting for the upcomming festival ..Why are they so excited for the festival .. its still next 2 week .. i can't believe that woman can she do this to us? its child abuse! .. I don't want to become the prince !!

"Aish , how dare she assigned me as the witch ..its unacceptable ..its unfair .. My role should be the prince and not that ugly no star " they Look at me ,I just ignored them and step outside .This place really gave me stress .. after i left the classroom .. girls went to that ugly president to clinged ,to flirt or what so ever .i just ignored them and went to the girls rest room..I look at my reflection on the mirror to check if my face ..My allergy is still here ,i just used foundation to hide it and its effective ,no one notice it .When I heard someones comming ..I Hide one of the cr and sat on the cubicle

"hey have you heard it ? Baekhyun sshi will be the the snow white for the role play on festival "

"yeah ,i know that .."

"did you know that the prince will be that Ms.No star"

"what ? No way ! she's not suitable for that role ..She's ugly..and i'm sure she don't how to act !!" -Excuse me !i know how to act ..i am the best actress when i was in Elementary and Why are they always saying that i'm ugly ? i'm not ugly you know!

"PSSH ..If only Yuan was here , i'm sure that Program will be succesful"

"i'm still sad that She's not here anymore "

"yeah ..But its her fault anyway ..She cheated on Baekhyun oppa"

"she don't know what she wasted and lost ...come on girl lets go before somebody hear us"

"let's go!"

i stepped outside after they left . Seriously The news spread so fast like a virus .How did they knew about it ? it only annouNce just now .and who is Yuan? .I'm walking on the hallway now but i'm still thinking about that Yuan name that they mention .Is she that Alien's ex or simwthing like that ...Wait why am i so curious about? Maybe i'm just hungry so i went to the canteen to get some foods..


after i'm done taking my recess , i went to the music hall again to be alone ,i'm sure that ugly president is not there anymore right ? ..when i'm already infront of the door,i twist the door knob and i heard someone playing the guitar...I don't know why but My heart beats fast when i saw that person playing the Guitar .its the Ugly president..I hid in the dark corner and closed my eyes to listen to him..

[I do (cherish you)- 98 degrees]

i do ,I do ~i do ,i do~ ooh~
All i am~ All i'll be~
everything in this world
all that i ever need
is in your eyes , shinin' at me
when you smile i can feel
all my passion unfolding

you have thousand smile
and a thousand sensation
seduce me cause i

I DO~ Cherish you~
for the rest of my life you don't have to think twice
I will~ love you still ~
from the dephts of my soul
its beyond my control
i waited so long to say this to you
if you're asking do i love you this much ...
i do~ oh baby

dud dug dug dug that's what my heart says and i don't know why .How can he have this beautiful voice ? ..He looks a different person when he sings .Is that really the ugly alien president that i used to hate? or he's a different person ?.I can't avoid listening to his voice .Its warming my heart

in my world before you
i live outside my emotion don't know where i was goin'
Till the day i found you
how you open my life to a new paradise

in the world ---------

"Who's there?"

omo,i stepped on something that cause a sound that's why he stops singing.He shouldn't see me or else he will think that i'm stalking him ..i have an Idea...


its a bad idea but i hope it works .

"tsk ..its only a cat "

ehh?it works ..i peek at him and he's turning the guitar to its case then he left after that .I sat in the chair near the stage .The moment he sang from earlier is flashing back in my mind ..why ? why do i feel something strange ? maybe i'm just not used to see him singing .I'm over thinking so maybe i will ditch class to get sleep .I closed my eyes and later on i fell asleep


i woke up stratled when the bell rang ,i look at my watch and uts already 2 pm .I'm dead ..Its math class now .I overslept .I hurriedly run to the classroom but there is no one there ..I wonder where did they go?

"Geurim where have you been?we've been looking for you"

"sorry i overslept ..Sehun where are the others ?"

"they are already in the Studio for the practice " Practice ? right away? why are they so excited about it ? I just followed Sehun to the studio and they glared at me after we arrive there because i'm late

"here!" the ugly president throw a papers in my face ..its the script for the play ..tsk ungentleman ..He's not handsome at all..

dug dug dug here i am again heart is beating so fast .Hey heart stop beating so fast that's just a stupid ugly alien .I took a very deep breathe then read the script ..Then later on we start practicing ..i wish there is no kissing scene


After we done to practice i decided to walk around for a while. They are so busy for the upcomming festival ..Some students from other section started to build something, while the others are painting the woods

"look out !" i look up and theres a huge thing falling to me ,i want to run but my feet is not moving . i just closed my eyes waiting for it to fall but someone grabbed me and yank me to his chest ..I looked oj his eyes ..He has a beautiful eyes ..A brown eyes looks like he's eyes is calling me .its the first i saw his eyes .. "If you hit by that thing will be more uglier " he pushed me away and start to walk ..aaargh this stupid ugly alien who came from the star..what a ungentleman !that's why i hate him


i am now here walking on the way to the dorm ,its almost 6 so i need to change before the dinner

"Geurim ..wait for me" I stop and wait for Sehun ,he runaway towards me and catches breathe "lets go to the dorm together" i just smiled and nodded ..then we continue to walk together .When we are already in the dorm Sehun and i separated ..He went to the right way while I'm on the left way ..I saw Kai sitting under the tree ..He look at my way but he just put his headset and closed his eyes.. i walk towards him and sat beside ..idon't know why but my feet walks here on its own

"What's are you doing here?" he asked but his eyes is still closed

"Nothing.. " but the truth i just want to be with you for a while

"I'm sorry for the way i treat you yesterday .."

"its okay Kai "

"The truth is ..I want to avoid you ..but after i saw those girls picked you ..i can't stand it i went to save you..i don't want to see them bullying you ..I want to protect you" why Kai? why do you want to protect me?.

"why ?" that's the only word came out from my mouth but he didn't answer me ,he just stand and walkout .I wonder what's on his mind ..i can't read what he is thinking ...waaaaah i'm going crazy!

.i just went to my dorm and change then i went to the kitchen and wash all the plates .After i finish my duty . I went back directly to my dorm and lye on the bed .I took the necklace on my pocket and look at for a moment

"NECklace know this day is so tiring..please give strenght" too many happens today and its so tiring..first that role play,Then I heard that Alien sang ,and then my heart beats fast ,And then....and then.......aaaargh i'm going crazy ..erase!erase!erase!!

i put the necklace under my pillow and look at the ceiling until my eyes Shut down .oh what a day


To be continued

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