Daughter of a trickster God (...

By EsmyRiley345

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Davina is the daughter of Loki, Goddess of fire and virtue, granddaughter of Odin, niece of Thor and Princess... More

The start
Finding out
Who is she?
Why help?
Warning to the so called King
My scepter
Shopping ambush
What to do for fun
Rocket and Groot
Lunch visit from Kol
Found you
A week later
First date
Frigga's visit
All about an Asgardian
Nurse Davina
Work together
Girl fight
Dramatic birth
Sent away
Kol's Steamy visit
Attention caught
Battle of New York
Dinner is served
3 weeks of bliss later
Sweet phone call
Turning up the heat
Long lost sister
Tale of Dahlia
Loki's arrival
Books for you
Pairing for Rebekah
Welcome home (sort of)
Date night
Meant to be
Banner and Stark's visit
Pay back prank
Make you talk
Dahlia attacks
Flerken + the tesseract + A Koloki talk
Ice bath
Damn those witches
Don't mess with this mama
What now?
Avengers visit
Moving time
Family dinner
Unexpected Arrival
To Asgard
Meeting Odin
Dinner and a tour
The Christening
I am yours
One month later
Going on a date
Marry me
Car sex
New story
More information
The next morning


924 20 7
By EsmyRiley345

I am really sorry for the lack of updates. I'm back at college and I'm doing my level 3 so I've got a lot of work to do plus my mental health hasn't been great as of late. Anyway here's this little chapter to make up for it.

The next day....

No one's pov

Davina woke up early that morning having been woken up by Gideon at 4 in the morning for a feed. She couldn't get back to sleep after that so she stayed up, cleaning up around the house and playing with the dragons. Davina had managed to get her father to watch Gideon as he slept while she got ready. Davina dressed herself in one of Kol's shirts and a pair of skinny jeans, she wore her hair in a plait which was left to the side. Davina felt a tiny bit better than she did yesterday but she still felt insecure about herself.

It was currently 7:30 am and Davina was preparing breakfast for everyone even though most of them were vampires but that didn't mean they didn't eat human food because they did. Hell they ate a load of food yesterday at the thanksgiving dinner Davina and Kol held.

Davina cast a spell over the food to keep everything warm as she heard Gideon begin to stir indicating he was waking up. She turned off the stove and wrapped the sausages and bacon she made with cling film as she had let the dragons in and they kept poking their heads in the kitchen, smelling the meaty foods. Davina had to shoo them out the kitchen since they tried nicking a raw sausage. The baby dragons were starting to get very mischievous. So Davina had to cling film the sausages and bacon so the dragons couldn't eat them but it's not like they wouldn't try. Dragons are deviant and stubborn creatures, probably why Davina and her father bond so well with them.

Davina left the kitchen, making sure to shut the door on her way out. She eyed the dragons peering round the corner at her and she giggled as they darted over to the kitchen door and growled as they realized it was shut. "Nice try boys" she called out as she went up the stairs. "Good morning Davina" Elijah greeted her in the hallway outside the guest bedroom he and Hayley had slept in "morning Elijah. There's breakfast ready in the kitchen if you want to start laying it out on the table for yourself and everyone" Davina informed "of course, I'll get right to it" Elijah replied as he fixed his tie "okay but just be careful. Mushu and Eragon are lurking around and they will try to steal one of the meaty foods" Davina warned "thanks for the warning, I'll make sure they don't touch the food" Elijah replied as he walked away and went downstairs. Davina continued her way to her son's room and walked past her father's room and saw he was inside, standing over the desk reading something as Trigger rubbed himself against her father's legs "what are you doing?" Davina asked startling Loki who didn't know she was there "just reading this book. It's about Earth witches" he replied glancing over his shoulder and at her "why are you reading that?" She asked "to try and understand earth witches a bit more. When Frigga told me stories of how she was raised by witches, she said they were good people, they liked to help people but earth witches are nothing like that" Loki replied to his daughter "well it's like you said, they're just not like the witches Frigga told you of. Earth witches are corrupted but I believe there's room for change except for those that tried to sacrifice me and my son because they can kiss my ass and go to hell" Davina replied making her father chuckle "I also want to learn about them for Gideon's sake" Loki said Davina opened her mouth to respond but stopped as Gideon cried from his room "hold that thought, I'll be right back" she said leaving the room and heading to Gideon's room.

She opened the door and entered the room "it's okay, I'm here" Davina cooed as she walked over to the crib and popped her head over the railings. "Hey there, my little prince. Why are you crying huh?" Davina cooed smiling down at her baby boy who's crying halted slightly at the sight and sound of his mother. Davina gently picked Gideon up and held him securely in her arms "you can't possibly be hungry. You've got half an hour before you're due for another feed" she cooed as she gently bounced Gideon in her arms. Gideon stopped crying as Davina cooed and gently bounced him in her arms. "There, there my sweet child. You're okay, you just needed some attention" Davina said softly as she stroked his head making him coo. Davina smiled and placed a kiss on her son's head as she left the room and headed back to her father's room.

"So back to what we were discussing. Why do you want to learn about Earth witches for Gideon's sake?" Davina asked as she entered the room making her father look up. "Because he's part earth witch too because of his father and to mention he comes from a line of powerful sorcerers on our side of the family. Me, your mother and you. I'm curious to know how powerful an earth witch can be and if that witch side of him or even his sorcerer side will clash because they're both forgein to each other and just so different. I want to be able to help Gideon if he ever has trouble" Loki explained to his daughter "well if Gideon ever does need help, he has a lot of people on hand to help him and guide him. I'm well skilled with my magic as are you and Kol knows his magic too although he can't do magic but that's not his fault and it doesn't mean he can't help Gideon plus there's also Freya that can aid Gideon in magic and Frigga too" Davina replied as she gently rocked Gideon in her arms "I know but learning about Earth witches doesn't hurt. It's better to know than not know" Loki replied "I understand that papa. If you want to learn about Earth witches so bad, why don't you ask Kol? I'm sure he'd be more than happy to tell you everything you want to know" Davina suggested "I'll take that into consideration but for now I'll just read up on it" Loki replied "alright then well I'll leave you to it, this one's getting impatient and wanting his feed" Davina said tickling Gideons stomach as he kept wiggling in her arms and tugging at her shirt with his little fist making Loki chuckle. Loki nodded to his daughter as she left with Gideon.

Davina headed downstairs and saw everyone in the dining room sat round the table eating breakfast including Kol who was talking to Klaus. Kol looked up as he heard someone entered the room and his face lit up as he saw his girlfriend with their baby son. "Hello darling" Kol mused as she walked over and leaned down to give him a light kiss on lips making him smile "good morning" Davina said as she stood back up "is that Kol's shirt?" Hayley asked "uh yes it is. I just grabbed it without thinking since Gideon required my attention" Davina responded "I wondered where that shirt went" Kol said flashing a wink at Davina as he eyed her in his shirt, he liked it when she wore his shirts. He thought she looked sexy in his shirts. Davina blushed at Kol "okay you hold this little munchkin while I give the dragons some food as I can hear them squabbling and they're hungry" she said as she handed Gideon to Kol "okay, come here buddy" Kol cooed kissing his son on his forehead as Davina walked away to feed the baby dragons.
5 minutes later...

Davina returned to the dining room and held her hands out for Gideon "right time to feed Gideon" she said "eat first love" Kol said "but he's getting impatient and if he doesn't get his food soon he will get grouchy" Davina protested "well he can learn to wait another ten minutes" Kol responded as he gently held Gideon against his chest "are you sure making him wait is a good idea? I mean Kol if he's anything like you when he gets grouchy god help you" Klaus commented earning a glare from Kol and Davina "making him wait another ten minutes won't hurt" Kol replied as Davina got herself some breakfast. "So what's the plan for today?" Hayley asked "well that's entirely up to you lot, you're more than welcome to stay a few hours if you wish too" Davina replied as she swallowed a bit of pancake. "Well I don't feel like heading back to New Orleans just yet. I'd like to stay a bit longer and spend some time with my favorite nephew" Rebekah replied reaching over to Gideon and tickling his side making him squirm against his father's chest as he let out a squeal which was very cute "that was the most adorable sound I've ever heard" Rebekah gushed as she kissed her nephews cheek making him coo which made everyone at the table smile softly. Davina smiled at her baby boy who reached out and grabbed his aunt's pinky finger, wrapping his little hand around it. "He's got you now Beks" Kol said with a chuckle as he gently placed his chin on top of Gideon's head. Rebekah smiled at her nephew "he can hold on for as long as he wants" she said in a baby voice making Gideon giggle as he pulled Rebekah's hand towards him and opened his mouth, clamping his mouth down on her hand making everyone chuckle "don't eat your aunts hand. She won't be able to claw people's eyes out without them" Kol joked "he's definitely your son Kol. He's already trying to bite people" Klaus said "he'll be teething soon and babies like to suck on things to help sooth their gums. Hope used to suck on my hand or my pinky finger when she was nearing two months old" Davina remarked "what was Hope like when she first started teething?" Hayley questioned Hope had grown two teeth when she saw her for the first time, six months after sending her away with Davina. "She actually wasn't too bad. Sometimes she got a little fussy and the pain from teething bothered her but she just required a bit of TLC and she was fine after that" Davina replied "what does TLC mean?" Freya asked having not heard the term before "it means tender loving care" Davina explained "Kol gave you a lot of TLC when he paid you a visit" Klaus remarked "well if he didn't we surely both would've gone mad from the lack of sex and affection and Gideon wouldn't be here today if Kol refused to give me some TLC" Davina replied with a smirk, biting her lip as she glanced at Kol who smirked and winked at her. "I'd never deny you any TLC. You can have some whenever you want" Kol replied "I'll be sure to take you up on that" Davina replied sending him a wink making him smirk while everyone else groaned. "Okay give me my nephew. I don't want him to hear his parents discussing the nasty" Rebekah said "well you have no problem doing the nasty whenever you please so get stuffed" Kol replied "I haven't done the nasty in a while. Not since Loki told me Thor's my soul mate" Rebekah shot back "about that. Are you sure there isn't some kind of mistake? Thor surely can't be your soul mate?" Klaus questioned making Rebekah scoff and glare at him. "Why can't Thor be my soul mate Nik? Please do enlighten me" Rebekah said in a sarcastic tone "well you're my little sister and no man is good enough for you" Klaus replied "what? Not even a bloody god? Thor isn't like other men. He's not petty or a whimp. He's strong, kind and brave" Rebekah said in a dreamy like voice "have you spent any time with my uncle by any chance?" Davina asked curiously "well I did show him a few places around New Orleans when he stopped by to fill in Davina about what happened when Gideon was born. We did some talking during that and it was great. Your uncle is so much more charming in person" Rebekah gushed "aw, that's great" I respond with a smile "so you didn't do the nasty while giving Thor a tour? Hey that rhymed" Kol said with a chuckle while his siblings and Hayley just shook their heads at him. "No we didn't because Thor is a gentleman and he doesn't quite know that we are soul mates yet" Rebekah replied "he'll figure it out, if he doesn't. My father or someone will most likely point it out to him" Davina spoke making Rebekah nod "I hope he figures it out soon. I'm desperate to snog that face of his" she replied making Davina, Hayley and Freya smirk and giggle "what? His face is to die for" Rebekah said shrugging her shoulders while Kol and Klaus snickered.

"Okay, it's time I feed this little munchkin. Klaus be warned I'm about to breast feed my son so if you don't like it either look away or leave the room" Davina said as she took Gideon from Kol. Klaus groaned but said nothing as he got up and turned his chair around before sitting back down so his back was to everyone else. Davina rolled her eyes while Freya and Rebekah snickered as Klaus mumbled under his breath. Davina unbuttoned Kol's shirt she was wearing and she pulled one side of the shirt down revealing her black lace nursing bra. She unclasped the left side of the bra and pealed it back revealing her left breast. Davina brought Gideon to her chest who quickly latched on and began suckling away. Kol smiled softly at his son before his eyes trailed up to his girlfriend who was smiling down at their son while stroking his head. Rebekah saw the way her brother looked at them before randomly pinching his arm making him turn his attention away "what was that for?" Kol hissed  'come with me' she mouthed making him frown. "Alright, me and Kol are going to wash the dishes" Rebekah said standing up clapping her hands before yanking Kol to his feet. Kol and Rebekah quickly gathered the plates and dishes before heading to the kitchen.

Once they were in the kitchen and they placed the dishes and plates in the sink. Rebekah shut the door as Kol ran some warm water into the sink and poured some liquid dish soap into the sink. "Okay, are you going to tell me why you pinched me and why you dragged me in here to wash the dishes?" Kol asked "one I dragged you in here to wash the dishes so Davina won't have to do it considering she made everything and she's busy feeding your son and two I pinched you because I see no ring on Davina's finger, not the one me and you picked out at the jewellery store all those months ago" Rebekah explained making Kol go silent. "Kol why haven't you asked her yet? Are you having second thoughts? Do you not want to mar..." Rebekah is cut off by Kol "of course I'm not having second thoughts. I'm just waiting for the right time" Kol replied "you got that ring a few months ago. You were so happy and excited to pop the question and get that ring on her finger. So why are you stalling? Why isn't a wedding being planned?" Rebekah ranted "it's like I said Rebekah, I wanted to wait for the right moment. A lot was going on Beks, we were dealing with Dahlia, Freya was being a pain in the arse to Davina. Davina was attacked by some creepy alien creature and she was pregnant. I wanted to wait until after she had the baby to ask her" Kol explained "so why haven't you asked her? I understand why you didn't ask right away considering witches had just attempted to sacrifice her and your newborn son but it's been nearly two months. Are you finding trouble asking her?" Rebekah asked with concern etched in her voice. She really wanted her brother to be happy, Kol had been through a lot of changes. He went from being a total asshole happy homicidal manic who almost died by the hands of newby vampire Elena and her hunter brother to a happy, decent man who had fallen head over heals in love with a girl from outter space who turned out to be his soul mate and whom he had a child with. Kol had found his happiness and she was the brother she knew and loved back when they were human and she wanted him to have complete happiness and she knew Kol would only fully be content once Davina became his wife. Kol wanted the whole package, he wanted the big house with a nice white picket fence, a beautiful loving wife, beautiful children and maybe a dog or two. Kol would get most of that, he'd get the beautiful wife and children but he wouldn't get the house with the picket white fence as he would most likely live on Asgard with Davina and Gideon which he didn't mind. One way or another he would get that whole package.

Kol sighed as he looked at his sister "its not that I'm having trouble. I just don't know how to ask her. I want to give her this beautiful speece and I want to do this amazing proposal. I mean I'm only going to propos once and I want it to be special plus I've been trying to figure out how to ask Loki for permission to ask Davina to marry me" Kol explained Rebekah smiled "well first of all, you need to relax. You don't need some big beautiful speech or an over the top proposal. Just as long as you bring yourself and the ring, the rest doesn't matter. Davina loves you, she's your soul mate so she's not going to care about how you propose. Just let your heart do the thinking and talking for you" Rebekah adivsed Kol smiled "thanks" he replied grateful for his sisters advise "and as for asking Loki for permission, just grow some balls and ask him. He can't exactly say no can he? You're Davina's soul mate plus you already knocked his daughter up so you can't do anymore harm" Rebekah added "well gee thanks Rebekah" Kol snorted sarcastically "you don't need my permission" Loki said as he appeared out of nowhere making Kol and Rebekah jump in surprise. "What the hell!? Don't you know how to use a bloody door?" Rebekah asked sassily making Loki chuckle "well I do but using the door isn't nearly as fun as magically appearing in the room" Loki replied with a smirk before looking at Kol. "Seriously though. You don't need my permission to marry my daughter. The universe paired you together so I can't say no" Loki said shrugging his shoulders making Kol sigh in relief. "Although you will need to ask Odin's permission" Loki informed "what? Why do I need to ask his permission and not yours?" Kol asked "because he's the King of Asgard. He has to be informed and asked for requests to marry someone in particularly a member of the Asgardian Royal family which Davina is. Odin will want to get the word out to the whole of Asgard that someone in the family will be getting engaged or married" Loki explained "its complicated I know but I don't make those rules. Odin does but don't worry he can't deny you permission to marry Davina. You're his soul mate and I highly doubt Frigga would allow him to deny you" Loki added "so I have to go to Asgard and get his permission?" Kol asked "yes" Loki confirmed "well that's bloody great. I don't even know when we'll go to Asgard" Kol replied "don't worry, I have a feeling that you'll be going to Asgard very shortly but I don't know when or why" Loli replied before turning around and walking out the room, using the door to leave. "Well at least he used the door this time" Rebekah said before turning to Kol "and you need to plan how you're going to ask Odin for permission to ask Davina to marry you" she added "it can wait for today. I'll figure it out Rebekah. I promise" Kol replied "you better otherwise I will propose to Davina for you with or without Odin's permission" Rebekah replied before leaving the room, leaving Kol to wash the dirty dishes alone "thanks for the help sis" he mumbled sarcastically as he began washing the dishes.

End of chapter

What did you think? Any good? Some cute Gideon moments there. Kol and Davina got a tiny bit flirty at breakfast. The dragons are getting mischievous you will slowly start to hear more about them. Kol bought an engagement ring months ago but is yet to pop the question. Loki sneaked up on Kol and Rebekah. Kol has to get Odin's permission to marry Davina. Rebekah gabe some nice sisterly advice. Rebekah yearns to snog Thor but don't we all. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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