just a bunch of Sterek fluff...

Bởi ShiryoReikon

522K 14.5K 1.8K

Just a whole loadda sterek fluff one shots some may be a second shot that continued from another ill let you... Xem Thêm

New Teacher
Risking my teaching position
Little Fox
Road Trip
Vacation with the Hale's
The cold
Anchor 2
Missing Stiles
Sleepover 2
Sleepover 3 - birthday
blind date
The New Teacher
Being brave?
I got something to do
Injured Wolf
not lost
Movie Night
oh god!
Silent Treatment
Author note
the fox and the wolf
The Fox and The Wolf 2
Just for a while
No coffee
Ball for the Prince
pack mom
Baby Stiles
Hunting Season
Say you're with me
Hold my hand
Can I stay?
Layla Starts school
Layla's dinner invite
Hey there big guy
Dance practice
I Forgot You
Training 2
Training 3
Training 4
Happy New Year
my pet wolf
Scott ditched Lunch
For the Two Kingdoms
I love you
Lunatic A.E
go out with me
Missing Plusies
Stiles wants kisses to
Secret Valentine
Bestfriends Cousin 1
Bestfriends Cousin 2
Bestfriends Cousin 3
Bestfriends Cousin 4
Bestfriends Cousin 5
The hunt
he's a fox?"
his Fiancé
Camping 2
Camping 3
Step Brother
The Hale house
Actions Speak Louder then words
Lazy weekend
Nerd and Jock
blind Stiles
The Alpha's Mate
Thank you
room mates
Sisters bestfriend
I can't marry him
Stiles Birthday
My brothers friends
My Brother's Friends 2
preparation guy
Request (I don't know what to title this)
Bedtime Routines
Bedroom Ceiling
make hate to me
Morning After
College Boyfriend
the Alpha and his collar
Alpha and his collar 2
Halloween Masquerade
sleeping beauty
Return of the pack human
Alpha Mate
Enjoying the sun
The Alpha and The Omega
the rumours
playing in the snow

who are you?

8K 171 15
Bởi ShiryoReikon

as far as I was aware last night, I came home from school alone, did my homework alone, cooked for dad and myself putting dads in the fridge alone, and went to bed, ALONE, So when I woke up this morning what startled me awake wasn't the warmth of a muscular body wrapped around me nope, not at all, this was extremely comfortable, what alarmed me was the cockibg sound of my dads gun, oh god dads going to shoot someone, I dived out of bed freaked "Whos dying" I shouted as I woke up, he raised an eyebrow at me the gun still pointed to my bed "dad?"

"who's that" he gruffed out, now it's my turn to be confused, I looked over at the bed looking at the figure asleep "why was he holding you, are you gay, you know you can tell me right"

"Yeah dad I'm gay but that's not why he's here" pointing to the large hot muscled male lay on the bed, he actually looked cute and hot like really hot, my dad snapped his fingers at me "right I have no Idea who this is and I didn't bring him here I swear on my life"

my dad frowned "wake him up"

"you're the one with the gun you wake him what if he was to attack me" I said as I gaped at my father

"if he attacks you I'll shoot him" he stated easily "wake him up"

"why do I have to" I whined back

"because it was you he was holding, now shut up Stiles and wake him he's in your bed"

"can't we just leave him, it was actually kinda warm and felt...." I started

"Stiles" dad said in a warning tone

"ok ok, hey dude" I walked over to the bed and shook him slightly, he mumbled a go away so I shook him harder only to get my hands batted away "Dude, wake up get out of my bed" There was still no response so I decided tactic number 2

I raised my hand but as I swung down a large hand clasped over my wrist "i'm awake jeez" he opened his eyes but then quickly sat up and got off my bed "who are you?" he then looked around lost and confused "where the hell?"

"Hi welcome to my room, who are you"

he looked at me and frowned then he stepped back as he looked at the gun that was being pointed at him "who are you!?" my dad demanded

"D...Derek Hale" he still looked really confused "how did I get here?"

I shrugged and climbed back into my bed and pulled the blankets over me "no idea but it was nice and warm"

He then looked at me seemingly no longer worried about the gun "what was?"

"the cuddles" I mumbled with a yawn

"the cuddles? There is no way I would have cuddled you you're probably not even 18" he seemed shocked

"well that's why my dad has a gun and" I paused to look at the clock "technically I am 18 as of 3 hours ago, now would you please leave so I can go back to sleep so I'm actually capeable of getting some sleep before enduring my whole day at school with a bunch of annoying teenagers" I stopped seeing the confused look change to something of knowing "why are you here?"

he ignored my question and started searching his pockets my dad watching with amusement as he held the gun trained on the stranger "I don't know, last thing I remember is going to bed after my sister was complaining, do you have a phone?"

I pointed to my desk sitting up in my bed because clearly he wasn't leaving just yet "what was she complaining about?"

he looked at me then his phone and turned it on, "pass code?" he looked up at me

"answer my question and I'll answer yours" I countered

"0 9 11" my dad answered and I gaped at him

"thats not very nice father, have you been cheackig my phone again"

Derek froze and stared at me "0 9 11?" he questioned and I nodded, he looked tense as he went back to the phone obviously calling someone, he was practically pacing as he waited for the phone to be picked up "Laura come and get me" he looked at me then my dad "the sheriff's house" he mumbled with a frown, there was then a slight squeal down the phone "Laura! shut up before mom hears you" he growled and hung up the phone "honestly I don't know how I got here" he put my phone down on the desk "how long have you had that pass code?"

I tilted my head "why are you intrested in my pass code"

he frowned "no reason" he walked over to my dad "may I?" he questioned cautiously and my dad stepped aside not taking the gun from him "are you aiming that at me because I might hurt him then you can relax, there is no way I can hurt him" he said before slipping out of my room

I scrambled out of my bed and followed after him "hey you didn't answer my questions" he continued to ignore me as he walked out the front door and over to the black camero that pulled up along the side of the road "Derek!" I huffed and folded my arms

the driver got out and looked at me "do you know who he is?" I heard her ask and Derek shook his head "He's cute"

I ran over to him now wishing I grabbed a jacket before following the brooding man outside "D... Derek" I frowned

he glared at me "I'm not answering your questions, go back inside it's cold"

Laura smirked as I folded my arms "you're one to talk you don't even have a shirt on"

he looked down at himself almost as if he didn't know and frowned "I was asleep I'm surprised I have my jeans on" Laura was now chuckling trying to hold in her laughter "go inside" he then pushed the woman aside who I'm guessing is Laura "get in both of you before mom finds us"

"to late" I heard a voice behind me that made me practically jump into Dereks arm with a very manly squeal I may say and he scowled at me "I followed you here Derek"

Laura and Derek where both tensed as he looked over at the older woman "mom" they both said together

she looked at me and smiled I was still clinging onto Derek trying to get my heart to calm the fuck down which it finally did after a few minutes "Meiczyslaw Stilinski"

I tensed up at the name finally letting go of Derek "Talia?" my dad said walking out the house holstering his gun back "this is your son I'm guessing"

She looked to my dad and smiled "yes it is, nice to see you again Noah"

I was shivering again now I let go of Derek who was frowning at me "go back inside" he whispered to me and I shook my head, our parents hugging in greeting "Stiles!"

"how do you know my name" he looked confused at that himself, before shrugging "your mom called me by my real name how do you know that name" I folded my arms

Laura is now laughing and his mom turned back to us with a smile "that can be explained but Right now it's late, Derek it really is pointless to come back home but by all means try, I'll explain it to you both after school tomorrow" Talia said in her calm voice

Derek frowned and opened the car door getting in the drivers side "i'm coming home"

She shrugged and gave Laura a warm smile "He's being stubborn mom you know how he is" she said before getting in the car

Talia just smiled and walked over to me "it will make sense tomorrow, please don't be to alarmed if you wake up with him again" she then got into the car

Derek drove off and my dad grabbed my shoulder and dragged me back inside "go to sleep"

I nod and just head back up to bed, I didn't fall back to sleep straigt away it didn't seem comfortable much anymore but I eventually managed to sleep even though I wasn't to comfortably.

I was comfy at one point in the night, and when I woke up I found out why, when I opened my eyes I saw the broad muscular chest and there was a set of strong arms around me, I trailed up to see Derek's sleeping face "you came back" I whispered as I frowned before trying to get up but his grip just tightened "oh my god, get off" I grumbled as I tried to get out of his grip, "I have school get off me"

"fine" he grumbled letting go, a smirk grew on his face as I fell to the floor

"Asshole" I huffed out and stormed off to the bathroom, I took a wash andmade my way back into my room to grab some clothes forgettig about my little visitor that had snuck back into the room "Oh my god" I gasped out as a pair of arms wrapped around me "what are you doing"

"I don't know" he whispered and buried his nose into my neck

I shivered and ducked from his hold as I felt his togue slide against my skin "don't do that, oh my god get out of my room, I gotta get ready for school"

his eyes traveled over my body and I backed away from him "I quite like you like that, but I'm gonna go" he cleared his throat almost as if he snapped back into reality and quickly walked out my bedroom by the door

I gaped at the door for a moment and quickly got dressed before going out my room and rushing down the stairs "Derek?" he looked up from his cup of coffee that my dad had probably placed infront of him since he was sitting opposite Derek "what are you doing here I swear you went home"

"I did" he stated simply "I couldn't sleep, next thing I know I'm back here and at your window so I just climbed in and went to sleep" he shrugged as if it was a simple explination

I rolled my eyes and moved to the kitchen to make pancakes "you both talk like you known each other for a long time" he tapped his fingers on the table in thought "well you have but you both probably don't remember it's been so long, long enough for me even to forget your name Derek"

Derek looked a little confused but just sipped his coffee as I made pancakes, I could feel his eyes following my every move "you get up this early just to make pancakes"

I glanced at him before going back to the pancakes "yup, I like pancakes" he still kept his eyes on me, I plated up the pancakes I was even kind enough to make Derek some "there you go dad and Der-bear" i said with a teasing smirk

he glared at me because of that "Der-bear?"

"yep" I said popping the 'p', "you're like a big cuddly bear, really comfy by the way" I smirked and ate my pancakes and he just stared at me "eat up or I will"

he looked at the pancakes then back to me before he started eating, my dad got up once he finished "i'm going to bed I'll see you after school Stiles" I nodded to him and he smiled squeezing my shoulder before walking upstairs

I finished eating and took the plates Derek leaning on his hands as he watched me "do you have to watch me"

he frowned "I just can't, listen I don't get it and I won't till my mom explains it but you, I can't seem to stay away from since last night so yes I have to watch, it's like im drawn to you I can't explain it"

I nodded and turned back to face him after I finished washing up "you're not good at explaining anything are you"

he frowned at me and shook his head "i'm not good at talking"

"oh social skills a zero" I grinned "it's fine I'll just fill the silence myself"

he groaned and lay his head on the yable "please don't"

"I can literally talk about nothing for hours and still remember almost everything I say" he had his hands on his ears "but right now I have school soooo" I walked away and up the stairs

I come back down with my bag and Derek was looking around "do you have a top"

"I yeah but they probably don't fit" I then point to the stairs and he walks over to me

"wait for me" he jogs up the stairs and I purse my lips together before walking out the door and getting in my jeep tapping my fingers on my stearing wheel

he comes out the house with one of my batman shirts on a scowl fixed on his face, the top was tight enough to show every crese of muscle he had on his body "wow, you should definitely wear that more, definitely looks good"

he growled "I preffer superman" he said as he climbed into the passenger side of the car

"you know I'm going to school right, you know a place full of teenagers where they learn and have those annoying teachers that teach you..."

"I know what school is Stiles, just drive" he growled out interrupting my talking

I scoffed "thats ride to cut some one off from talking you know it's not. ery nice, I let you share my bed, you had my coffee and I even made you pancakes and this is how you thank me"

"Drive" he growled again and so I started the car and drove to school

"you should try asking nicely, and maybe smile, growling and demanding don't always get what you want" I continued and he just leant his head back and groaned

"will you just shut up already"

"I told you I'm a very good talker" I smirked and he was glaring at me almost like he was ready to kill me

I pulled up shortly into to school car park and I'm sure he was ready to rip my throat out from all the stuff I spilled about every star wars movie in existence, we got out of the jeep and he walked round to me "you going to run off home now, I have lessons to get to you know"

he growled and pulled me behind him as Scott walked over and I pursed my lips together as Scott froze staring at Derek "who's this?" he growled

I patted Derek's arm "ok big guy, this is my best friend brother Scott"

"Stiles why are you with a werewolf" Scott questioned and I stared at him then looked at Derek who seemed taken aback by the question "Stiles?"

"well Scott, I would live to chat but.... 3... 2... 1" the bell rang causing both Derek and Scott to flinch away "school and we have lessons we should get going" I stepped around Derek and headed for school but stopped as Derek started following "where do you think you're going"

"with you?" he stated like a question

"oh no your not, im5going to class and you're going to go walk on home"

he glanced at Scott then back to me "I'm going with you" then he pushed me towards the school, I frowned but continued into the school, I got strange looks sitting down in chemistry as Derek sat next to me "hey big guy hate to break the news but thats Scott's..." He glared at me and I pursed my lips together "Shutting up"

"Stilinski! who is this?" Mr Harris questioned as he walked in

I opened and closed my mouth before I heard a groan beside me as a girl walked into the class "that's my brother" Derek dropped his head into the table "i'm Cora Hale and that's my brother Derek Hale, we moved back to beacon hills last week, but I don't know why he's here"

"I'm here to watch someone so don't mind me" and Mr Harris narrowed his eyes at Derek "I'll make sure he stays quiet" he said pointing at me

"fine you can stay but one word out of you Stilinski and I don't care if you're a student or not you will be staying behind after class" he smirked "understand? "

I tightly pursed my lips together and mock saluted him "understood" Derek spoke and glared at me, what it's not my fault he followed me in here

and yes of cause I am Stiles Stilinski and who the hell thinks I can not say a single word for an hour is intirely out of their freaking mind, so after a long day at school, a brooding werewolf following me and his teasing sister not far behind me and Derek had to endure a nice lovely detention before we could go home

now the detention wasn't bad, at least that was intill we actually got in the room and I could clearly feel the deadly gaze of Derek as Mr Harris forced him to sit at the back and me waaaay at the other side of the room, lets just say the asshole placed us as far as possible from each other, honestly I'm fine with this well it be even better it it was the other way around but then i might actually see the staring rather then just feel it, this man has not left me all day now is it because of Scott or the reason his mom has yet to tell us, because we are totally going to be late with meeting her,

I really don't get it, last night he seemed to want to get away as fast as possible then today he stuck to me like glue and hasn't even taken his eyes off me and it was super wierd when he trailed me to the bathroom during 3rd period, like dude personal space like have you heard of it, but even with the awkwardness of the no personal space I somehow found some comfort in this and really safe, I glanced back at Derek he had a scowl on his face and tapping his fingers on the table still starig at me "Sir do you really have to keep Derek here, it's not his fault I can't shut up for more then 10 minutes"

"and there it is again, that itritating sound of your voice Stilinski" He said back "of just an irritating noise that i just don't care about"

I watched as Derek gritted his teeth scraping his human nails across the desk as he clenched his hand into a first "Fine, maybe I'll just shut up forever"

"If that was possible I would gladly invite it to stay forever" Mr Harris didn't even look up from what he's doing, he started packing up and I stood up, he laughed "where do you think you're going?"

"home?" i said pursig my lips together

he laughed again "I am goig home, you however can leave in half an hour and after every single one of these tables are clean" he picked up his bag and walked out

my mouth dropped open and the second he was out of the room I instantly felt the warmth of the other man that was in the room, I instinctively leant into it with a sigh but not touching him still "Is he always such an ass"

I nodded "only to me, he hates me since my dad questioned him, he finds the need to make my school life a living hell" I rolled my eyes and statted cleaning the tables, Derek soon cleaning to. we finished in ten minutes and I sat back down "any idea what your mom wants to say to us"

he shrugged "no, I guess it will be something about why I can't seem to stay away from you" he was frowning in confusion but eyes still on me

"you know.... I havn't had a peaceful sleep in a long time.... like 10 years ago when my mom read me one last birthday story.... before she died 3 months later" I looked at the floor fighting the tears "I use to get nightmares and wake up screaming or I'd just be so restless I felt like I haven't slept, last night... it was goid, it felt nice safe, it was...."

I trailed of trying to think of a word "Peaceful?" I nodded "I know the feeling, restless sleep because of somethig terrible... it was peaceful when I was with you"

I looked up at the clock "lets ditch he won't care anyways" i get up and Derek nods following me out to my jeep thats parked in the almost empty carpark

we pulled up at home, I had to park at the side there was a nice white car in the drive next to my dads cruiser, then as we got out the jeep the front door swung open and there stood one Talia Hale and Noah Stilinski "where have you been Stiles"

"Derek's fault" I quickly argued and he frowned at me

"how is it my fault, you just had to stay quiet for one lesson and it would have been fine" I grinned up at him

Talia shook her head "why didn't you come back home Derek?"

Derek scratched the back of his neck looking away from me mumbling some mumbo jumbo because he didn't really want to say, my grin grew wider "he got over protective of my werewolf bestfriend, so he stayed guarding me alllll day, and so mr harris put us in a detention because I spoke in his class after he specifically said that we'd both get a detention if I didn't keep quiet which is impossible and" Derek put his hand over my mouth glaring down at me

Talia sighed and looked at Noah who seemed to be holding in his laughter, Derek scowl grew deeper as I stuck my tongue out slobbering over his hand intill he let go which to then he grimiced at it like I just pooped on it of something, I couldn't help but laugh "you're disgusting" he said as he wiped his hand on my top that he's wearing as he walked to the house and I followed behind him

we all headed into the living room and I sat down Derek unconscious maybe, sat right next to me and our parents too the armchairs "you know about werewolves" Talia asked and I nodded she breathed out a sigh of relief "well that's one less thing to worry about explaning" she leaned back in her chair "what do you know about mates?"

I tilted my head "not much, just that they are like soul mates to a wolf and they can only have one and not all werewolves find their mates" I looked at Derek who seemed to go wide eyed at him mom

"there is no way" he shook his head "no no no oh god no" he put his head in his hands and Talia just gave him a warm smile

"oh" I breathed out "you mean I'm his" I pointed at each of us as I spoke, Talia nodded "i'm his mate?" she nodded again and Derek just kept his head burried in his hands "so he's stuck with me" I grinned

Talia again nodded "theoretically yes, You both can deny it but it could possibly kill him or"

"no way then" I cut in with a frown "I won't let him die"

Derek lifted his head to look at me shock on his face "you... what"

I turned my head to Derek giving him a mischievous grin "you're stuck with me" he just stared at me, he looked terrified

Talia smiled "as i was sayingor his wolf may just go crazy no one really knows, there isn't much to report on what happens if mates are not together once found each other, there havn't been a set of mates for thousands of years but we where all tought the signs just incase, the last set where killed and it could put you both in danger if others where to find out"

Derek frowned more if that was even possible I slid my hand into his giving it a squeeze that seemed to relax him a little "I... I don't mind but if i can hold off his death then I'll do anything"

Derek was just sat staring at my hand in his "I don't want others in danger because of me"

"Derek, you are a wolf and it could kill you to deny him, we don't even know what it could do to a human" his mom spoke softly to him

Derek sighed and locked my fingers and his fingers together "then I'll protect him" he lifted up his head to look at Talia "if denying this could hurt him to then I wont deny it"

Talia shook her head "you're so selfless it scares me Derek, but I'm glad you will take care of this boy" she then looked at me "oh happy birthday Stiles" she said passing me a small box

"thank you" I take the box removig my hand from Derek's to open it, Derek watched as i pulled out a necklace with a triskilion on it and a howling wolf "wow, thank you" Talia smiled and Derek helpped me put it on

"oh and Derek you're welcome to stay here" my dad funally spoke up as he watched, Derek looked over at him he opened and closed his mouth then nodded he kinda knew it would probably be pointless to try and leave without Stiles "Talia explained everything to me while you where at school"

he nodded then looked at me and I smiled at him as Talia stood up "I'll get going home and you guys can talk"

"Thank you for coming Ms Hale" I smiled to her

She shook her head "call me Talia darling, and it was no problem, take care all of you" my dad walked her out and i looked at Derek who was still frowning as if he was trying to figure out exactly what was going on

"Derek" he hummed almost instantly like he got caught doing something he shouldnt "you alright?" I frowned at him

"I'm fine" then his head snapped to the door and he had a low growl coming from his lips

"it's my birthday derek my friends are not exactly the stay at jome and don't celebrate" i grinned, the fact was Scott is a werewolf, so is Isaac and Liam, and now I apparently have an over protective mate whos protectig me from the people who would kill to protrct me. Derek just growled a deadly low growl which made me laugh as Liam, Isaac, Scott, Lydia, Jackson, Danny and Allison came into the room

Allison looked uncomfortable at the sight of Derek "Happy birthday stiles" Lydia chimed way to happy and so did Danny followed by the grumbling of Jackson "so who's the hotty that's been travelling around with you all day, a birthday gift" She smirked

I grinned back and looked at Derek "something like that"

Derek scowled at me then turned his attention back to the three werewolves that stayed at the other end of the room staring back at Derek "why does he look like he want's to kill us" Isaac questioned nervously

"over protective werewolf?" I said more of a question then answer

"werewolf? Stiles how did you find another one?" Lydia questioned me

I pouted "he found me actually" I huffed out "anyways I don't want to be questioned it's my birthday and I wanna have some fun with starwars movies and love food"

"Love food?" Derek questioned

"curly fries, Pizza, Ice-cream, popcorn, chocolate, all the goood stuff" I grinned at him and the others just seemed to watch us

Lydia grinned "is he your boyfriend Stiles"

"You're gay" Danny said wih a raised eyebrow

"I knew it" Jackson said smuggly

Derek grip on my hand tightened actually realising he hadn't let go since he linked out fingers together, everyone walked around to get comfy on the chairs, Drrek growled at Liam Isaac and Scott if they got to close "I'm not gay just" I looked up at Derek "he is hot and yeah I guess he kinda is my boyfriend"

A worried look crossed Dereks face for a split moment before it etched to a frown "I..." he frowned again

"so who are you" Danny grinned a lustful look as he stared at Derek

I frowned and climbed into Derek's lap and he looked at me a little shocked before putting his arms around me "This is Derek and he's mine so you can stop looking at him like that, Derek this is Danny lydia and Allison though I have a feeling you already know who allison is, and the three wolves are Scott who you met this morning, his not so secret lover isaac and the baby of the little pack Liam" Pointing to each one as i spoke

"what about me" Jackson huffed crossing his arms

I looked at Jackson "thats Jerkson"

"Jackson" he grumbled back

I smirk and look at Scott "anyways I'm apparently Derek's mate" I say simply and his grip tightens around me "anyways can we watch starwars now and have the foood"

Isaac gets up and puts the first starwars movie in and Lydia orders the pizza and curly fries while Liam and Allison go get the chocolate and popcorn

Jackson gets the door when the bell goes for the pizza, I smirk because he even payed which is a first because in all honesty jackson hates me,  I found myself leaning more against Derek rather then just sitting in his lap, my head resting on his shoulder as the movie plays Slowly eating the curly fries that Lydia so kindly didn't forget to order with the pizza "this is great" I smirked Derek looked at me then back at the screen "what's wrong?"

"nothing" he grunted out speaking for the first time since the others have got here

"if you don't tell me I'll get off your lap" he tensed and I felt his grip tighten more "what's wrong Derek, I'm getting this anxious feeling but I have nothing to be anxious about so tell me"

Derek looked at me a little shocked then sighed burying his face into my neck "it's just...." he mumbled the last bit that I couldn't hear him, Scott Isaac and Liam where looking over stifling a laugh

"he want's to kiss you" Isaac said with a chuckle

"that's pretty cute" Liam added pointing at the shy man that now was groaning as he tried to bury himself in my neck more

I chuckled and looked at Derek "shut up" he groaned out towards the laughing wolves glaring at them

I petted Dereks head and we went back to watching the movie, after about two more of the starwars movies everyone was ready to go home, well everyone except Derek, who wouldn't even let them hug me well the wolves anyway so Lydia and Allison and Danny got a hug, Scott had a pout on his face as he walked out the door so did Liam and Isaac

Derek had a scowl on his face as he watched the door shut behind my friends, I chuckled and took his hand and lead him up the stairs to my room, he followed the scowl still on his face "Derek" his look softened as I called his name, we where in my room "you can do that thing you know.... what you wanted to do earlier" i said quietly biting my lip

Derek stared at me his eyes searching to confirm that i just gave him permission, A small smile shown on his face ad he wrapped his arms around me pressing his lips to mine, I instantly responded wrapping my arms around him, he glided his tongue across my bottom lip and i granted him permission as we slowly moved onto the bed, he broke the kiss and looked down at me "that's as far as we go" he grunted out like he was annoyed for stopping himself, he pulled off the top he was wearing and lay beside me

I grinned and got up to go get changed but he pulled me back down before I got anywhere, wrapping his arms around me spooning me "ok I'll stay but at least let me get out of these jeans, I can't sleep in jeans derek" he grunted and reluctantly let me go, I quickly stripped the jeans and shirt climbing back into the bed with him, his eyes never left me "thank you" i smiled and gave him another kiss before going to sleep wrapped up in his arms held against his muscular chest

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