just a bunch of Sterek fluff...

By ShiryoReikon

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Just a whole loadda sterek fluff one shots some may be a second shot that continued from another ill let you... More

New Teacher
Risking my teaching position
Little Fox
Road Trip
Vacation with the Hale's
The cold
Anchor 2
Missing Stiles
Sleepover 2
Sleepover 3 - birthday
blind date
who are you?
The New Teacher
Being brave?
I got something to do
Injured Wolf
not lost
Movie Night
oh god!
Silent Treatment
Author note
the fox and the wolf
The Fox and The Wolf 2
Just for a while
No coffee
Ball for the Prince
pack mom
Baby Stiles
Hunting Season
Say you're with me
Hold my hand
Can I stay?
Layla Starts school
Layla's dinner invite
Hey there big guy
Dance practice
I Forgot You
Training 2
Training 3
Training 4
Happy New Year
my pet wolf
Scott ditched Lunch
For the Two Kingdoms
I love you
Lunatic A.E
go out with me
Missing Plusies
Stiles wants kisses to
Secret Valentine
Bestfriends Cousin 1
Bestfriends Cousin 2
Bestfriends Cousin 3
Bestfriends Cousin 4
Bestfriends Cousin 5
The hunt
he's a fox?"
his Fiancé
Camping 2
Camping 3
Step Brother
The Hale house
Actions Speak Louder then words
Lazy weekend
Nerd and Jock
blind Stiles
The Alpha's Mate
Thank you
room mates
Sisters bestfriend
I can't marry him
Stiles Birthday
My brothers friends
My Brother's Friends 2
preparation guy
Request (I don't know what to title this)
Bedtime Routines
Bedroom Ceiling
make hate to me
Morning After
College Boyfriend
the Alpha and his collar
Alpha and his collar 2
Halloween Masquerade
sleeping beauty
Return of the pack human
Alpha Mate
Enjoying the sun
The Alpha and The Omega
the rumours
playing in the snow
Timid Fox
trip to Vegas


10.2K 215 97
By ShiryoReikon


it was as normal day at beacon hills well as normal as it can get for a bunch of teenagers involved in supernatural werewolf buisness that had to endure there fridays straight after school at a almost empty, cold dull loft with a brooding Alpha with social issues and as usual Stiles managed to get a detention with on annoying Mr Harris who was grimacing at the way Stiles impatiently tapped his pen on the table

So when Stiles received a message Mr Harris took the pen tapping as an invite to walk over an slip Stiles phone from his hand "Where the hell are you Stiles" he read outloud and Stiles gaped at him "you where suppose to be here straight after school" he then looked up at Stiles and gave his creepy I don't care smile "have I made you late for something Stiles"

"now that you mention it I do have a very important" he pursed his lip at the glare Mr Harris was giving him "nope nothing at all, whatever it is I'm sure it can wait, after all I love spending my Fridays with you" Stiles smirked as Mr Harris allows the phone to drop onto the table before moving back to his desk to rustle through the papers and books he has on his desk, Stiles licked his lips as he picked his phone up and proceeded to text Derek back

Well sourwolf I got a detention after stupidly telling Scott that he could take my jeep because oh I'd take a ride with Lydia but Lydia decided to forget about me AGAIN and go with Jackson and leave me stranded here at the school with only my feet as transport so you can expect me there in like an hour because I don't have werewolf speed and all that shit like you little pack of teenagers there

he hit send then retorted back to tapping his pen on the desk for another half hour

Derek had to hide the slight smile that tried to creep onto his face he found himself trying to stop his smiling recently whenever Stiles is around with his smart ass sarcastic comments even thpugh sometimes it irritated the hell out of him "Jackson" he spoke up causing the beta to turn to look at Derek "go and get Stiles from the school and bring him here"

"what why me, Scott's the one who took his jeep" Jackson whined and getting Scott's attention to the conversation

"because I said so Jackson now go" Derek growled out and Jackson practically shat himself as he darted out of the seat and out of the loft

"wow Derek you couldn't have picked a better person to get Stiles" Erica chimed in "or is it because you know Jackson hates Stiles and there's no way he'd come back smelling of Jackson" she teased and Derek gave her a low warning growl before heading up the stairs to his room

"his door's shut" Isaac announced and sat up straight "we should do something, it's irritating to watch him"

Erica nodded and Scott looked at them confused so Lydia spoke up "Derek is a jealous alpha wolf that doesn't want Stiles to smell like anyone but himself because Alpha possesiveness and all that stuff"

Scott still looked confused and Isaac ran a hand down his face "Derek likes Stiles, Scott like as in a LOT!"

Scott stared processing this before his mouth formed an 'O' Shape "Stiles likes Derek to"

"no shit sherlock" Erica chimed in "Lets see how much Derek can handle Stiles being so close to us" A sinister like grin formed to her face as she told them their little plan

given that around 20 to 5 a very satisfied Stiles walked through the door with a very unhappy Jackson behind looking as though he was ready to tear his hair out "I AM NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD IF HE...." he shut up the second the wolves heard a door from up stairs

"hey sourwolf" Stiles chimes as Derek walks down the stairs, Derek looked at him and this is the first time the little group in the couches noticed the strained frown he gave towards the boy as he struggled to not smile

"you're late" he growled out slowly

"because I had a detention no thanks to someone" he shot a glare at Isaac who just grinned sheepishly at the boy

Derek gestured to the meeting table and so there little plan was now underway, Stiles went and stood where he usually would be next to Derek and Scott on the other side, however today he ended up with Scott and Isaac beside him practically sandwiching him into place with Derek scowling from the opposite side of the table

Derek's level of restraint was pushing its limits just at watching Isaac and Scott touching each side of Stiles as he spoke about the passing of the lone wolf and the possible chances of a witch going through the territory but thankfully no threat as of yet, infact the only threat he could see right now was his two beta's touching what he considered his and just hasn't told anyone yet and he wasn't about ready to let them know just yet as he scrapped his claws off the table and dismissing the meeting an hour later and heading to the bathroom

Isaac smirked like he won the lottery and Stiles glared at Scott and Isaac "what are you doing?"

"Nothing it's a werewolf thing to have some form of contact with each pack member" it wasn't a lie but that wasn't why they where doing that and Stiles didn't need to know the real reason just yet "movie night anyone"

"I'll pass" Jackson huffed out only to be grabbed by Lydia

"we are staying" she shot him a glare and he frowned but didn't argue as she pulled him to the couch before taking the loveseat with jackson because Stiles decided to lay down

apparently laying down was Erica's opportunity to use Stiles as some form of bed as she flopped down ontop of him and Boyd just say infront of the couch casually leaning his head back to lay it against Stiles leg as his effort to 'touching' Stiles he didn't like to push Derek unlike the rest "OH MY GOD ERICA GET OFF ME!" Stiles hissed out as Derek walked back into the room, his glare hardened and there was a dark gaze in his eyes as he practically stormed his way into the kitchen

Erica whined "but Stiles! I want to cuddle, you seem so lonely without cuddles" she rubbed her face into Stiles neck as he groaned and pushed at Erica to get off him "you're smell so nice Stiles" she murmured into his neck and the wolves heads picked up to the sound of a low growl coming from the kitchen

Boyd sat up and Erica quickly got off Stiles "Jealous much" Isaac grinned and Stiles looked at him confused, Isaac just Smiled at him "Derek can we order Pizza?"

"No" He grunted out and they all pouted

Erica was now sat in Boyds lap and Isaac turned netflix on and Stiles voted for a series of batman movies, they where going to argue but then someone decided to remember they may have just pissed off a certain Alpha and decided they weren't finished "yes lets watch batman" Erica grinned immediately "because I'm catwoman and Stiles is my batman"

Stiles rolled his eyes and Derek joined them back in the seated area it's not much a livig room its seriously just the main area of the loft situated around a coffee table and a TV, Derek placed two mugs of coffee on the table and pushed Stiles feet off the couch so he could sit down, Stiles sat up and grabbed one of the mugs "thanks sourwolf" he grinned and Derek just grunted in response

Erica pulled Boyd up off the floor and sat next to Stiles almost on him, and Boyd sat next to her, this practically forced Stiles to move over and close the gap between him and Derek and Stiles scowled at Erica who leaned closer to him "keep the scowl and I'll kiss it off your face"

Derek head snapped in her direction and he growled startling Stiles and Erica quickly sat back up at the command of Dereks red eyes, Stiles patted Dereks thigh and squeezed it "jeez Sourwolf she was only joking" leaving his hand rested on Derek

"I don't care" he grunted and sat back in his seat turning his attention back to batman

this time Erica had a smile of satisfaction on her face "I wasn't joking I would have kissed you"

"who are we kissing?" Peter chimes as he walks in the door

"go away Peter" the whole pack say at the same time as Derek puts a protective arm around Stiles glaring at his uncle who now had an amused smirk on his face

Peter held his hands up in mock surrender "I see so it's Stiles" he smirked earnig a low warning growl from Derek

Derek kept his arm around Stiles as Peter sat down between Stiles and Erica, Derek growled low at Peter and Peter smirked at him "what do you want Peter?"

I came to see how my nephew is doing, he patted Stiles knee "but there seems to be a small barrier between us"

Stiles flinced away from Peter glarig at him "Can you keep you werewolf hands of me" Stiles hissed out

Peter grinned at Stiles and leaned closer so Derek pulled Stiles up and into his lap and growled dangerously at the olderman flashing his red eyes "don't touch him"

Stiles eyes where wide as he sat in Derek's lap "ok. ok. I won't touch your precious little human" he hummed out leaning back as he looked at the TV

Stiles pursed his lips as he looked at Derek, this totally wasn't helping distract he attraction towards the man he was sat on infact he may be having a hard time holding down the boner that's trying to creep out, "D... Derek" Stiles stuttered as every dirty thought crossed his mind about being on Dereks lap

Derek looked at Stiles who's face was now a bright red, Derek let Stiles go and at that second he dived off Dereks lap and up the stairs to the bathroom "Stiles?" Derek got up and followed after him as the pack turned and smirked at Peter who just raised an eyebrow at them

"am I missing something" Peter humms

"oh just that you totally got Derek jealous" Erica chimes with a huge smile

Isaac nods "it worked better then Erica threatening to kiss him"

Peter sat back proud of himself and the effects he can cause his nephew

Derek looked around for Stiles he wasn't in the bathroom so he followed Stiles scent to his room "Stiles?" Derek called again walking into his room, the light was off but the small glow from under his bathroom door lit the room up enough to see, he walked to the bathroom door "Stiles you in there?"

he heard a gasp "yeah, I'm in here don't come in" Stiles replied Derek opened the door and froze Staring at Stiles "Derek!" he shouted "close the door" Stiles was sat naked in the cold shower with a hard dick "Derek" Stiles tried covering himself with his hands

Derek shook his head trying to stop his staring, he shut the door but stayed in the bathroom, Stiles looked at him wide eyed "what are you doing Derek, get out!"

"do you trust me?" Derek asked and Stiles frowned at him confused "yes of no, do you trust me"

"well I would answer that Derek but can you ask that after I'm dry and dressed an not in a cold shower.... naked"

Derek sighed "Stiles, do you trust me"

"Yes Derek I trust you now can you pleas elike, you...." Derek cyt him of as he stepped into the water leanig down to kiss Stiles on the lips, Stiles had a sharp intake of breath as his heart raced, forgetting himself naked he reached up wrapping his arms around Derek, Derek lifted Stiles up and Stiles wrapped his legs around Derek's waist

Derek held Stiles up against the wall of the shower deepening the kiss as he grinds against him, Stiles let out a soft moan and Derek broke the kiss no longer hiding the smile as he puts Stiles down stripping off his own clothes as Stiles leaned against the wall watching him

Derek adjusted the shower to warm before he looked back to Stiles "May I" Stiles nodded biting his lip as Derek leaned down kissing his neck griiping hold of Stiles hips, Stiles leaned his head back moaning softly as Derek grinded their hips and erections together

Derek gave a low growl as he picked Stiles back up grinding harder against him, grazing his teeth against Stiles, Stiles let out another moan as he grinded his hips along with Derek to cause more friction between the two "Stiles" Derek groaned against his neck

"Derek please" Stiles whined as He pressed himself against Derek as much as he could "Please Derek"

Derek let out a low growl before grabbing Stiles by the ass and pulling him up slightly as he squeezed, he lined himself up before slowly pushig himself into Stiles, Stiles squirmed in the unfamiliar feeling inside him as he dug his nails into Dereks shoulder from the pain, Derek grunted "Sorry" he mumbled "are you..." he trailed off looking at Stiles with a worried look

"a bit late to ask that now" Stiles growled "just... please Derek" Derek frowned but pushed in more, he grunted as he finally get his full length inside stiles digging his nails into Dereks shoulder as hard as he can, he groaned and bit down onto Dereks neck waiting for the painful feeling to pass

Derek didn't move as he held Stiles and waited for Stiles to be more comfortable with the feeling, Stiles lifted his head from Dereks neck and kissed him Derek kissed back immediately, Stiles soon broke the kiss "m... move" he breathed out, gaspig as Derek complied to his command thrusting his hips in and out in a steady rhythm, Stiles groaned at the pain and pleasure Derek grunting with each push, He spread Stiles ass as he pushed in nipping at Stiles neck "Faster" Stiles growled out so Derek did as he was told, he thrusted faster knocking him of his rhythm for a moment, Stiles let out a louder moan as Derek smirked finding that one spot inside him, Derek then made sure he hit that spot with each thrust causing Stiles to moan louder and claw into Dereks shoulder with his nails

"Derek" Stiles moaned out feeling that build up inside his penis

Derek smirked and kissed Stiles as he continued his thrusting "cum for me Stiles" he whispered against he boys lips

Derek needed not to say anymore as Stiles came over their chests, Derek kissed Stiles deeply as he thrusted a few more times before he pushe, Stiles gasped at the feelig of something swell inside him and Derek grunted as he came inside Stiles "w...what is that"

Derek looked at Stiles a little worried and bit his lip "that... that has never happened before" Derek groaned leaning his head on Stiles shoulder "that is a knot" he whispered

Stiles eyes widened "a a what, isn't that like...." Stiles trailed off and Derek nodded not needing Stiles to finish what he was saying

Derek groaned and held onto Stiles Shifting a little as he closed his eyes "I can't take it out" he groaned softly and Stiles burried his face into Dereks neck "Stiles" Stiles hummed sleepily against Derek as a response "I think I love you"

Stiles head shot up and he looked at Derek "what was that"

Derek groaned "Stiles" he glared at the younger boy

"I head I was just makig sure I heard you right because I'm pretty sure you just said you loved me" Stiles said with wide eyes

"I did" He grunted in response

Stiles stared at him a little shocked as a large smile grew on his face "Really"

Derek scowled and nodded "Really"

"I love you to Derek" Stiles grinned and kissed him passionately Derek immediately responded, the knock on the door seperated them and Derek groaned "What!" Stiles called out annoyed

"is Derek in there" Peters voice called back

"what do you want Peter" Derek growled back berying his face in Stiles neck

"well I was wondering"

"No" Derek cut in

"I didn't even get to finish"

"I already told them no, if they want to order food then they can go home and order food"

"Isaac you can order food" Peter yelled from outside the door before Derek and stiles heard footsteps move away

Stiles chuckled as Derek groaned "Isaac lives with you" Derek shook his head finally able to pull himself from stiles as he put the smaller male back to his feet, wrapping his arms around Stiles waist to support him "thank you"

Derek Smiled and kissed Stiles forhead before washing him down with some soap and water before washing himself, once washed and dried they got dressed Derek giving Stiles a set if his clothes that where a bit big on him "they better order something decent"

Stiles chuckled as Derek put his arms around Stiles kissing him passionately, Stiles humms happily as he smiles into the kiss "I could get use to this" He hums warpping his arms around Derek

Derek grinned and picked him up before carrying him downstairs where the others just stared at them with smirks on their faces "what are you all looking at" Derek huffed out sitting on the couch with Stiles in his lap

Stiles smirked and lay his head on Dereks chest "what we watchig, this isn't batman"

they all cleared their throats looking back to the TV screen "It's shadow hunters" Lydia says

they sit and watch the show Stiles stayed in Dereks lap, by the time they call it quits for the night, Peter and Derek where the only ones awake, Peter looks at Derek "You finally got him then"

Derek scowled at his uncle and got up with Stiles "yeah so don't touch" Derek flashed his eyes with warnig and headed up to bed

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