Opposites Attract-George Weas...

Від amymicheleconnelly

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Ebony, the girl with no last name, at a young age she was sent to an orphanage with no memory of her past; sh... Більше

Chapter 1-Magical Berries
Chapter 2-Silly Snape
Chapter 3-Difficult Sortings
Chapter 4-Meeting The Twins
Chapter 5- The DA & The Change In Pansy
Chapter 6-Gaining Respect
Chapter 7- Blaise Zabini
Chapter 8- Almost an Accident
Chapter 9- Georgy's Feelings
Chapter 10- Getting Caught
Chapter 11- Getting to the Ministry
Chapter 12- "Ebony"
Chapter 13- Assumptions can Hurt People
Chapter 14- Graduation
Chapter 1- Confessions
Chapter 2- Distant Draco
Chapter 3- Nightmares can be Real
Chapter 4- The Truth
Chapter 5- Trusting Hermione
Chapter 6- The Cursed Necklace
Chapter 7- Pie to the Face
Chapter 8- Slughorn's Party
Chapter 10- Getting Suspicious
Chapter 11- Sweet Memories
Chapter 12- Leaving Hogwarts
Chapter 1- Secrets Come Out
Chapter 2- Professor Travers
Chapter 3- Crabbe and Goyle?
Chapter 4- Comforting Draco
Chapter 5- The War Begins
Chapter 6- They're Here
Chapter 7- Encounter with Mr and Mrs. Malfoy
Chapter 8- Astronomy Tower
Chapter 9- My Love

Chapter 9- Honest Feelings

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Від amymicheleconnelly


"Cormac now isn't the time" I don't think Hermione meant for it to come out as harsh as it did but it still didn't seem to faze him,

"Come on why are you all the way over here?" she rolled her eyes,

"Cormac I'm trying to talk to Ebony right now-"

"-About what? Girl problems? She can handle herself fine, or if you want I can stay here with you two while you talk" she huffed and shook her head,

"No Cormac this needs to be just between Ebony and I-"

"-Well Ebony can wait Hermione, I wanted to spend some time with you tonight, you were the one who asked me to be your date so I don't understand why we're spending so much time a part" he winked towards her and we both gagged, how is this guy so liked?

"And besides" he took a step closer,

"I was hoping we could have some EXTRA special time together after this party is all over; just the two of us if you know what I mean. I do have my own dorm after all-" Smack! Hermione cut him off with a hard slap to the face; he stumbled back a bit as he gripped his face; I covered my mouth with my hand and tried hiding my smile; Hermione is NEVER the type of person to do that type of thing but with the way Cormac was talking I don't blame her,

"Hermione why would you do that?" she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms,

"Cormac don't you think that you're EVER going to get anywhere like that with me let alone at all; I don't like you like that and quite frankly I think you're the most obnoxious person alive. I don't know what makes you think that you can talk to people like that but let me tell you I'm not going to tolerate it" his eyebrow quirked,

"Now if you don't mind Ebony and I were discussing things that you don't need to listen too" Cormac laughed a little and took a step forward; his hands now to his sides,

"Why would you invite me to this party if you didn't like me?" Hermione didn't say anything so I stepped up,

"Ever heard of inviting someone as friends? That's what Harry and I did" I crossed my arms and Hermione smiled at me in thanks,

But I don't think Cormac believed me,

"No, the way Hermione talks to me it seems like she doesn't like me at all, so there's obviously another reason why you invited me" Hermione and I looked at each other while his eyes narrowed at us; how come he has to be smart at figuring stuff out now? I thought he was always stupid?

"Did you invite me just to say that you had a date? To show someone that you had a date? Who is it?"

"Cormac I think you're over thinking this-" he took another step forward and this time I stepped in front of Hermione; blocking her from Cormac.

Suddenly, as if Hermione was looking at someone Cormac followed her stare until he looked right at Ron and Lavender as his eyes narrowed even more,

"Really? Weasley? You like Weasley? And because he doesn't like me you decided to use me to make him jealous?" I sighed as my shoulders slumped; why was he suddenly so smart? Hearing no response he lightly growled as his fist clenched,

"Mclaggion you don't need to get hostile-"

"-Move out of the way Ebony" I stopped when for once I heard how angry Cormac actually was; but I stood my ground and didn't move.

"No, you need to leave Mclaggion, I'm not letting you get anywhere near Hermione" suddenly he grabbed my upper arm and tried to shove me to the side but I wasn't budging.

"Hey! Let me go!" his grip only tightened and I felt my eyes get watery; it was starting to hurt,

"Stop you're hurting me!-"

"-Hey!" Cormac and I looked over as we saw George speed walking towards us; anger laced his features.

"Another Weasley, what do you want I'm kind of in the middle of something" Cormac said in a bored tone but still had a firm grip on my arm; George looked at it and glared.

"She said to let go" he was trying to act calm because of the party but I could tell that George was angry; Cormac smirked and tightened his grip which made me cry out,

"This isn't your business Weasley so I suggest you stay out of it" George stood his ground as he stared at the hand wrapped around my arm.

"Let. Her. Go" he grinded his teeth as he hands clenched shut; this time Cormac glared as I felt his grip lighten.

"Fine" suddenly I felt a sharp jab to the ribs and I was on the floor gripping my side; I saw Hermione drop beside me and tried helping me up; I realized that Cormac used his elbow to shove me to the ground.

In a flash George tackled Cormac to the ground; I gasped and moved out of the way before either one of them pulled us to the floor by accident. Soon, a crowd formed as Slughorn tried to break up the fight. Cormac wasn't getting many good hits in but I'm surprised George hasn't knocked him out yet with now many punches he did.

"Mr. Weasley! Mr. Laggion! What on earth are you doing?! Stop!" soon they were pulled a part by some students; Fred was holding George back but George still looked pissed; trying to get free from Fred's grip.

"You're crazy!" Cormac yelled; wiping blood from his nose,

"Look at what you did to me!"

"DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!" my eyes widened when I realized that George was talking about me; I looked at Hermione and saw her smiling towards me as I blushed.

"She got what she had coming, I should've done more to that pretty little body of

hers-" George got loose and tackled him again; this time I stepped in and pulled George off of him before he got in more trouble; looking closely I saw a bruise forming just under his eye and his lip was all busted.

"George stop he's not worth it" I had both hands on his chest and what he did next I wasn't expecting. I felt my head get shoved into his chest as he held me tight; I could still feel him shaking but I knew he was calming down. I looked at Slughorn and smiled,

"I'll take him to the Hospital Wing Professor" he nodded,

"Yes that's probably a good idea" I thanked him for the party before getting myself out of George's grip; I took his hand as a jolt of electricity shot up my arm. I ignored the sensation and basically dragged him out of the party; but not before seeing Harry and Hermione giving me smirks.

Walking out to the hallway I immediately let go of his hand and turned around, glaring at him.

"What were you thinking?! You could get in serious trouble for assaulting a minor!" he opened his mouth but I put my hand in front of it,

"No don't speak you have no idea how angry I am right now" he tried opening his mouth once more but I shushed him.

"No George you and Fred have a business now! You can't be pulling stunts like this, don't get me wrong I loved seeing that prick get beat up and I know Hermione enjoyed it too but if he wasn't so stupid he could've gotten you into so much trouble-" I was cut off when a pair of lips covered mine, I was so shocked I wasn't able to do anything at first; then I realized that George was kissing me, George freaking Weasley was actually kissing me. With that thought I closed my eyes and slowly kissed back, I felt his arms slid around my waist and tug me closer to his chest, I kept one hand on his chest but the other went up as I ran my fingers threw his hair; I heard him groan slightly as his hands tightened around me; I pulled us even closer if that's even possible and lightly bit his bottom lip; he did the same in return as I giggled; it kind of tickled.

George was the first to pull away as my eyes opened once more; we were panting lightly, just staring into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever before he turned away.

Letting go of me I looked at him in confusion,

"What's wrong?" he shook his head and that's when I realized, he must still think I got together with Harry; I huffed and slapped his back; hard. He yelped out and I remembered the fight but I didn't care,

"George Weasley I still can't believe that you think that I'm with Harry" he looks at me but I still keep my eyes narrowed at him.

"And before you start going 'I don't want to hear it' or 'I know enough to know the truth' well let me just say that's load of BS, let's just get one thing straight here, I wasn't and never have been with Harry" his eyes widened,


"-No George what you saw in the hospital wing last year was me comforting Harry because he had lost Sirius; he was crying George so I gave him support; I don't know how that turned so ugly so fast but I'm sick of it. and if Harry and I had something who gives you the right to even stop talking to me like that? Do you know how much that hurt me George? Do you know how long it took me to get over that?" he shook his head as I wiped away a tear,

"Well I didn't get over it George, I still think about you, I still have the same feelings for you that I did last year, do you know how much I loved you George?" his eyes were now bugged out,

"Y-You loved me?"

"Still do George" I whispered, wiping away another tear, I felt him grab me and pull me to his chest.

"I-I had no idea-"

"-Well now you do, you think you were hurt? Try having you AND your brother hating me for over a year! Then coming back and being friends with Harry again but not even listening to either one of us; I find that the crazy part!" I sniffed and I felt his grip tighten before I pulled apart.

This time he hooked his arm around my upper back and pulled me into another kiss, he put his hands on my cheeks and I could feel him wiping away more tears; I wanted this-no-I needed this. I was scared, I was nervous, I was happy, I could feel all of my emotions at once. We were both hurt, I knew that, now it needs to be fixed.

Reluctantly I pulled away and took a step back; he looked at me in confusion, I was still scared about one thing.

"I'm scared George, relationships that don't have trust in them don't tend to last long"


"-George you know how much you hurt me, you didn't trust me with Harry and he's one of my closest friends, if you didn't trust me with him how do I know that you're going to trust me in the future? Draco is one of my best friends can you trust him?" he scrunched his face up and I frowned,

"Well he liked Pansy though doesn't he-" I groaned,

"Harry likes Ginny yet you didn't trust me" he shut his mouth and I frowned,

"I'm just scared that this is going to happen again George, I can't take that much pain again" my lower lip trembled when he didn't say anything.

"Well I'll try my best-"

"-Trying isn't enough George I need to believe that this won't happen, otherwise this will end in a disaster" he straightened up, angry.

"Well what do you want me to do?! I'm a protective person" I shook my head,

"Being protective and being jealous are two very different things, being protective was what happened back with Cormac, being jealous and not trusting me is what happened with Harry." He frowned and looked away,

"George you keep thinking that someone is just going to take me away from you but if I was going to let that happen than I wouldn't want to be with you, I wouldn't be trying so hard to be with you don't you get that? Stop thinking that I'm just going to somehow end up with every guy that I talk to because that just means that you don't have any trust. And most of my friends just so happen to be guys, but here's the twist...they're also your friends to, so why are you so afraid?"


"...So why are you so afraid?" I looked at her, her braid was slowly falling out in some parts but she looks just as beautiful, the way her nose scrunches up when shes annoyed makes her look so cute.

Why was I afraid?

"Because I don't think I'm good enough for you okay!" she stopped and put her hands down to her sides,

"Why would you ever think that you're not good enough for me George?"

"Because I'm not as wealthy or funny or charming as other guys are, and I'm afraid that one day you're going to realize that too and find someone so much better for you. Because to me you're perfect and I'm...not. You're funny, gorgeous, have such a kind heart and I see that so many guys here see that in you as well and sometimes I feel like they would be so much better for you than me, I get give you everything that you deserve, I can't take you out to dinner or make sure that you live in a nice house, in fact all I do is run a joke shop and what are people going to think once you tell people that? You deserve everything in the world and I can't give you that-" she took two steps forward and pushed our lips together, I felt sparks just like last time as my arms went back around her small waist; I would smell her chocolate cinnamon perfume and it smelt heavenly. There was a stone bench beside us and I sat down; pulling her on my lap; she kept both legs on one side and I knew her feet weren't touching the ground; she was always small but I thought it just made her look even more adorable.

She put both hands on my cheeks and deepened the kiss, I rubbed circles on her hips with my thumbs and I heard her sigh. She pulled away and now our lips were just lightly brushing up against each other's as her ocean blue eyes opened and looked into mine.

"George I don't care about all that, I don't care to live in a nice house or to constantly go for for dinner, I don't care that you don't have a lot of money you know why? It's not important, it's all materialistic in the end, what matters is you George, I want to be with you so bad that it hurts that you don't think you're good enough for me; you made me so happy before we got in this horrible-way too long-fight. I missed your jokes, I missed your smile, George I think you're perfect. I think you're too good for me" my eyes widened, she really thinks like that of me?

"Really?" she giggled and nodded,

"I think you're the best guy for me, and all of our friends think so too" we both smiled and leaned in again, but this time it was only a short kiss, she leaned into me and rested her head against my shoulder. We stayed like this for a while until people began coming out from Slughorn's party.

"George" she leaned back to look at me; her arms hung loosely around my neck,


"I love you" I smiled, feeling my heart skip a beat as I kissed her cheek lovingly,

"I love you too-"

"-But you need to stop thinking that every guy I talk to is going to take me away from you" I frowned when she got up from my lap and reached out, taking my hand and pulling me up with her.

"You need to gain some trust in me before we even think about taking this relationship any further" my heart beat quickened when she let go of my hand.

"You and I both know that this is for the best" no, I can't say I agree with you,

"You need to heal, and trust me before anything else happens, I can't afford to get hurt like this again George...it would kill me" I frowned but nodded, I don't think I'm going to change her mind, she put her hand on my cheek ad I leaned into it; kissing her palm.

"I love you George, I love you so much and I know we'll be together, but not until you fix yourself. I don't know what made you this way but you need to figure this out and fix it." with that she hugged me so tight I thought I wasn't going to to be able to breathe if she went any harder. I heard her sniff and I wrapped my arms around her; kissing the top of her head before getting down on my knees, now my eyes were level with hers,

"I love you so much Ebony, and I understand that I hurt you a lot. And I promise that I'll fix this okay?" she smiled and we kissed once more before I got up,

"May I walk you to the Slytherin Common room?" she smiled and took my hand as our fingers wound together like vines; it felt perfect.

I walked her to her room and before she left she gave me one final kiss before disappearing to her bedroom.

I could still feel her lips on mine even after she left and I smiled with my eyes closed, I was disappointed that we weren't dating but I understand why she doesn't want to yet with what I did to her. I frowned when I thought about how much I actually hurt her. I clenched my fists; I would punch myself if I could; but the faster I fix this negative part of myself the faster I'll be able to be with her.

And with that last thought I smiled and aparated back to the joke shop.

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