Opposites Attract-George Weas...

By amymicheleconnelly

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Ebony, the girl with no last name, at a young age she was sent to an orphanage with no memory of her past; sh... More

Chapter 1-Magical Berries
Chapter 2-Silly Snape
Chapter 3-Difficult Sortings
Chapter 4-Meeting The Twins
Chapter 5- The DA & The Change In Pansy
Chapter 6-Gaining Respect
Chapter 7- Blaise Zabini
Chapter 8- Almost an Accident
Chapter 9- Georgy's Feelings
Chapter 10- Getting Caught
Chapter 11- Getting to the Ministry
Chapter 12- "Ebony"
Chapter 13- Assumptions can Hurt People
Chapter 14- Graduation
Chapter 1- Confessions
Chapter 2- Distant Draco
Chapter 3- Nightmares can be Real
Chapter 4- The Truth
Chapter 6- The Cursed Necklace
Chapter 7- Pie to the Face
Chapter 8- Slughorn's Party
Chapter 9- Honest Feelings
Chapter 10- Getting Suspicious
Chapter 11- Sweet Memories
Chapter 12- Leaving Hogwarts
Chapter 1- Secrets Come Out
Chapter 2- Professor Travers
Chapter 3- Crabbe and Goyle?
Chapter 4- Comforting Draco
Chapter 5- The War Begins
Chapter 6- They're Here
Chapter 7- Encounter with Mr and Mrs. Malfoy
Chapter 8- Astronomy Tower
Chapter 9- My Love

Chapter 5- Trusting Hermione

216 3 0
By amymicheleconnelly

Entry #203

Monday October 31st, 1999

Slytherin Common Room


Dear Diary,

It's been about a month since I had that bad dream about my father; no one knows what happened except for McGonagall and Dumbledore. It's so hard not being able to tell anyone; especially Pansy. Once I told her that I wasn't allowed to tell her she gave me the cold shoulder for a couple of days. I can see why she's upset but I couldn't tell her anything; I've tried talking to Dumbledore about it but he really doesn't want me saying anything; because rumours can spread.

But, I know Pansy more than anyone; she wouldn't EVER spread anything about this. She would know not to say anything; she would know what would happen to me if everyone suddenly knew that the daughter of Voldemort went to Hogwarts. I would be forced to leave the school; so many parents wouldn't want their kids attending the same school that I'm in; so It's better to keep it a secret for Dumbledore's and I's sake.

Of course as you know I understand why I can't say anything but...to be honest I'm going mad because I can't talk to anyone how I'm feeling; I'm not the closest with McGonagall and Dumbledore seems to be busy all the time so I've been stuck in my own thoughts.

If only I was allowed to tell one person, that's all I need is one person who I know will listen to me.

But for now everything that I have to be hidden will be in this book too, I guess it is dangerous for me to be writing something like this in my diary but I put spells on this book so that NO ONE BUT ME can read it and open it.

Well, I should head down for breakfast, it's Halloween today so we don't have any classes. NICE!

Until next time,




I walked out of the common room in a skirt, a white blouse, black shoes, my tie, a robe and some black shoes. Even though it's Halloween we still have to wear our uniform which sucks but it's not the end of the world. October is my favourite season because it's the time of year where the leaves change colour and the weather changes to sweater and coats rather than shorts and tanks.

I remember when I was at the orphanage and we would go trick-or-treating (a muggle tradition) and for once I had fun because I wouldn't ever take the same streets as the other girls; I would always be down one street over. And, I would always finish first so none of the girls could try and steal my candy.

I smiled at the thought; I kind of missed going out trick-or-treating. Here in the wizarding world we don't go out and get candy from strangers; we sit in the great hall as Dumbledore summons up hundreds of different types of candy; and I prefer their candy over the muggles. I remember trying to master the spell that Dumbledore uses to summon the candy and now all I have to do is snap my fingers and Chocolate frogs and sugared pineapples will be in my grasp.

I made it to the great hall; pressing my hands up against the wooden doors it opened; making a slight creaking sound. As I opened it I saw Halloween themed breakfast; ghost French toast, spooky spider eggs (scrambled eggs), splattered goo crepes...you get the message. The whole place was decorated as well; our tables had black and purple drapes, webs and spider accents were sewed throughout it. All the curtains covered the windows, making it dark and dreary inside. The ceiling had lit candles and floating pumpkins; and the floors were all foggy. I smiled and made my way over to the Slytherin table and sat next to Pansy and Draco who looked to be having an argument.

"Hey guys" they stopped yelling at each other to give me a smile and a wave before glaring at each other.

"What's wrong?" Draco was the first to answer,

"Apparently Blaise asked Pansy to go to Hogsmeade with him this weekend" my eyes went over to Pansy's and she gave me a look that only I knew.

Play along.

"Really?" Draco huffed and nodded while Pansy smiled and nodded,

"Well that's great! I'm surprised he didn't ask you sooner! He does like you after all" Draco's jaw dropped as Pansy and I talked to each other about what she was going to wear and such.

"You're seriously okay with her going out with Blaise?" my eyes went back to Draco's and nodded,

"Well I mean out of all the boys that she's tried to date this is the only one that I actually approve of so far" he opened his mouth to protest but no words were forming.

"You okay Draco?" Pansy asked; making his blush lighting while I rolled my eyes. I knew what was happening; Pansy and Blaise are obviously planning on making Draco jealous so he can begin to realize how much she means to him. It's genius. BUT with how he listens to everything that his parents say; including him not dating Pansy I'm not sure how well this is going to work out.

"So I was thinking of wearing some nice leggings and a crop top-"

"But Pans it's October, aren't you going to be a bit cold?" she gave me a look and it clicked,

"You want to be cold so he can give you his jacket?" she smirked and nodded while I giggled,

"I love that idea-"

"Are you seriously talking about what's going to happen on the date in front of me?" we both looked at Draco with blank stares and nodded,

"I thought friends spoke about this type of stuff to each other; I thought you would support me of my dating life since clearly the one I wanted with you didn't work out" he flinched and the three of us went quiet; Pansy and Draco never spoke about that day on the docks; but I guess Pansy has had enough of his missed messages and snapped.

The doors to the great hall opened and in walked Blaise; breaking our silence. If looks could kill Blaise would be on the floor right now with how hard Draco is glaring at him.

"Hey guys..." he stared but stopped when he noticed the tension between the three of us.

"What's wrong?" Draco got up and pointed at Pansy,

"You guys are going to Hogsmeade together?" Blaise's face lit up as he nodded,

"Yup! I asked her last night" Draco's nostrils flared as his face seemed to turn red; by now all the other tables had stopped eating and were now watching what was going to happen between Blaise and Draco.

"You know Blaise...you know why I'm pissed" and with that he stormed out of the Great Hall; by now everyone was silent before everyone slowly went back to eating.

"You guys are horrible" I giggled, Blaise smirked at me while Pansy blushed a bit.

"I just don't know what else to do, people keep telling me that he's liked me for a long time but he's not actually doing anything to show me! I'm so desperate to see if he actually likes me because honestly he's the only guy I want to be with" she frowned as she looked down at her food, she moved her fork around but didn't pick up any food to eat. My frown mirrored hers as I leaned over and gripped her hand in mine.

"I feel like there's more to it Pans" my eyes went to Blaise's and he gave me a nod; he knew just as well as I did why he can't date Pansy.

And we can't tell Pansy because knowing her she would walk right up to the Malfoy Manor and demand them to let their son date her. Next thing you know Draco won't be hanging out with her at all; that's how harsh his parents are.

Although when I met them his mother seemed different, I would talk with her and she would kind of express how she doesn't agree with what her husband does; I think she just does along with what he does because she loves him that much.

"I guess so...but even though this isn't a date I still want to have fun this weekend" Blaise smiled and nodded,

"Oh yeah, I want to go to HoneyDukes and The Three Broomstick-" Pansy held up her hand to his mouth,

"Don't ruin the surprise!" he shrugged but she didn't move her hand from his mouth,

"So what are you guys doing today?"

"I'm hanging out with Millicent" Blaise removed Pansy's hand from his mouth,

"I have to finish an assignment that's due tomorrow" I nodded as I took the last bite of my Breakfast as the plate disappeared.

"Cool, I'm going to the Black Lake to read, I'll see you both later!" they waved as I let the Great Hall; it was a beautiful day and I really wanted to read while the leaves changed colour. But I'm not going to the Black Lake, I'm going to the Whomping Willow tree that's a little ways away from the Quidditch Pitch.

I walked up to it and didn't move; it was lightly swinging its branches around; not hitting me.

"Hey Whomp, I'm just here to read again" as soon as it heard my voice it stopped moving and relaxed, when I first came to this school I would often walk the grounds until I stumbled upon this tree; there were some other students trying to hex the tree so I stopped them. I don't think it's fair to harm something so innocent. And ever since that day the tree would let me sit under it; but no one else. This may seem weird but I like to talk to it, it can't talk back but I know it understands me when it tries to respond using it's branches.

"How's it been lately? The same?" Whomp stomped one of it's branches behind me and I nodded as I opened up my book; Beastly written across the front cover in gold writing.

"Same, George and Fred are still acting up because of what I did 'wrong' and I put air quotes on wrong just so you know" it ruffled one of it's branches as orange and red leaves fell on top of my head; I giggled and brushed them off beside me. Keeping one of them so I could use it as a book mark.

"I don't know why they just won't listen to me; I mean they're friends with Harry now but they won't even let him talk about it. it's almost as if he doesn't want to hear anything that will hurt him. Though, he's only hurting himself more by ignoring us." By now Whomp was shaking in anger; every time I talked about George he would react the same.

"It's okay Whomp, it's not like I'm going to see him after I graduate next year; he always comes to visit Harry Ron and Hermione so I kind of have to sit there and watch them have fun; but once I'm out I'm going to make sure that I don't EVER see him again" by now I was gripping my book so tight the spine of the book was flexing. Whomp shook his leaves as more fell and I shook my head,

"I know it's going to hurt me Whomp but what else am I going to do? I've been trying to tell this boy for a year now that what he thought Harry and I were doing wasn't what we were doing; I was just trying to comfort him after Sirius passed away; sometimes I wonder how I still like this boy" I shook my head and finally opened up my book and turned to the previous page that I was one; I didn't say anything else but Whomp lowered one of it's branches and rested it on my shoulder. Today was peaceful; no clouds in the sky but the air was cool, I could lightly feel it beneath my leggings but I didn't mind. My hair blew in front of my face so I constantly had to move it away; I was getting to a good part in my book when I heard my name being called. I looked up and saw Harry, Hermione, Ron...Fred and George. I narrowed my eyes as I closed my book, literally as I was talking about how I didn't want to see these two anymore ESPECIALLY George and now they just decide to show up; on my favourite holiday too.

"Hey guys" I smiled and got up from the ground; not looking at the twins; though they were all staring at me as if I was crazy.

"Eb...you're standing under the Whomping Willow" I nodded at Ron as I stuffed my book in my bag.

"Yeah I know, what's the problem?" Ron and Harry stuttered while Hermione's eyes widened; I don't know how the twins reacted but I don't care.

"Eb...you're underneath the Whomping Willow" I nodded and smiled, putting my hand on the trunk of the tree. By now everyone's eyes were about to jump out of their sockets; they took a step forward and immediately one of it's branches flew in front of them; forcing them to back up.

"It's okay Whomp these are my friends, they won't hurt you" immediately it put it's branch back in place and it let them walk forward.

"How are you not getting trampled by it's branches right now?" I shrugged as I patted the trunk.

"I don't know, I guess I have a way with trees" they blinked at me as I gestured them forward.

"Whomp won't hurt you, it knows that you're with me"

"Whomp?" my eyes went over to Fred and George as I nodded once, slowly one by one they came forward; Harry even laughed a bit out of shock. I guess not many people can come this close to Whomp; they just need to learn to understand other creatures.

"This is incredible" I smiled and nodded, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"I should go though; I actually have some homework to catch up on" no I don't, I just don't want to be around George any longer. Hermione gave me a look and I knew that she didn't believe me, we study together and she knows that I always finish my homework early.

"I'll see you later" I waved and walked away as they went in the opposite direction from me; probably going to the Quidditch pitch.

Thank god.


It's dinner time now; I currently heading to the Great Hall; I'm really hoping that Fred and George left before dinner. As I walked into the Hall I smiled and sighed in relief when I didn't see Fred or George at the Gryffindor table. I saw Draco, Pansy and Blaise sitting together; it looked like Draco was fine.

"Hey guys" they all waved as Dumbledore stepped to the centre of the room.

"Tonight is Halloween, where we celebrate all the creatures of the night; please enjoy your meal that was prepared by the elves and-" He was cut off by a huge bang throughout the room. Red and Gold covered our table as I coughed; trying to keep it out of my face. Once the room cleared I gasped when I saw that my uniform was now gold and red; not green and silver. And as I looked over to my silver goblet I almost screamed when I saw that my hair and eyebrows were the same colours as well. Looking over I saw that Hufflepuff had Ravenclaws colours, Ravenclaw had Hufflepuffs, we had Gryffindors and the Gryffindors had Slytherin.

"What the hell!" I looked over and saw that Draco, Blaise and Pansy were looking at each other with red faces; I heard laughing and glanced over at the Gryffindor table where I saw that Hermione, Harry and Ron weren't affected by the prank; that could only mean one thing.

"Fred and George" my friends looked at me in confusion,

"They caused this?" I nodded, pointing over at where Fred and George came out from their hiding spot and sat down next to Harry and Ron; unharmed as well.

"Of course when they decide to visit they couldn't just leave without pulling a prank" they glared in their direction; I did the same until they all looked over at us; Hermione immediately frowned when she saw that I had been pranked as well but the guys were still giggling like little school girls. I got up from my seat; not feeling hungry anymore and stormed out into the hall.

I couldn't believe them; these robes weren't free and with having my parent's (mainly mu mother's) money I have to be careful with what I spend; otherwise it'll be gone before I know it. Now, with my robe, my skirt, my blouse, socks, shoes and tie ruined I have to get some new ones.

"Ebony! Ebony wait!" I looked over and saw Hermione running up; trying to catch up to me. I stopped and waited for her; when she stopped beside me we slowed down to a walk.

"I didn't know they were going to prank you; they said that they weren't going to bring you into this but...they must've lied to us." I grumbled in reply as I looked at my red and gold hair; already missing my blonde waves.

"I'm sorry about Harry and Ron; they're just being boys-" I sighed and shook my head,

"It's fine; if I was in their position I probably would've been laughing; I'm just upset because I know that I'll have to buy some more uniforms with the money that my parents had; the only money that I have. I need to be careful because this money needs to last me until I actually get a job and I can pay bills without relying on anyone else. And now this prank cost me a new robe, a new tie, shoes, and even though I have more blouses and skirts I still need to get more so that it'll last me for the week because laundry day is every Saturday and now I don't have enough close to last me for Saturday!" I sighed and buried my face in my hands.

"Your parent's money?" I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized what I had just said. I cursed and looked up at Hermione as she looked at me wide eyed.

"Did I say that? Haha I meant-" She gave me a look and I sighed, I knew I couldn't lie to her but what was I supposed to do? As soon as she finds out the truth she won't want to be my fiend anymore. But one more look from her said that I couldn't get out of this.

"Fine, but we need to go somewhere private" she nodded as we arrived to the dungeons. I said the password and walked inside; stopping when Hermione didn't follow. I turned and looked at her; motioning her inside. She hesitated before walking in; the door closing behind her.

"Don't worry if anyone says anything they'll have to deal with me; and if they try to deal with me then they have to deal with Draco" she gave me a weak smile as we walked into the common room. I saw her stop and look around, the Slytherin common room does look different from the Gryffindor common room.

"Come on" I waved her over to the spiral staircase that led us up to my dorm. We walked up three flights before my room came into view. Pansy and I had decided to decorate it in purple, gold and grey so that it didn't look like every other door in our house. I opened it and saw that Pansy and Millicent hadn't come back yet; I was glad they didn't.

I shut the door and sat down on Pansy's bed while Hermione stood by the door.

"We don't bite you know, my bed is by the window" I pointed to the bed beside the one that I was sitting on and she slowly walked over and sat down, it was quiet for the first minute. I didn't know how to tell her my secret, a secret that I wasn't even supposed to be telling her or anyone else.

"So what is it?" she crossed her arms and I laughed nervously, looking down at my hands.

"I um...I-" I sighed and put my head in my hands; groaning.

"This is really hard" I heard the springs of the bed as I felt someone sit next to me; I looked up once Hermione put a hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to tell me if it's really bugging you" I opened my mouth but closed it; shaking my head.

"You don't understand, I've been wanting to tell someone for so long; Dumbledore knows and he doesn't want me saying this to anyone because if anyone finds out I won't be able to come back to Hogwarts. But the problem is, is I'm stuck in my own thoughts; I need to talk to someone about it but I just didn't realize how hard it was to say it out loud." Her eyes widened as she nodded,

"Take your time" I nodded and looked out the window, I took a deep breath and without looking at her I reviled my biggest secret.

"My father is Voldemort"

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