Opposites Attract-George Weas...

By amymicheleconnelly

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Ebony, the girl with no last name, at a young age she was sent to an orphanage with no memory of her past; sh... More

Chapter 1-Magical Berries
Chapter 2-Silly Snape
Chapter 3-Difficult Sortings
Chapter 4-Meeting The Twins
Chapter 5- The DA & The Change In Pansy
Chapter 6-Gaining Respect
Chapter 7- Blaise Zabini
Chapter 9- Georgy's Feelings
Chapter 10- Getting Caught
Chapter 11- Getting to the Ministry
Chapter 12- "Ebony"
Chapter 13- Assumptions can Hurt People
Chapter 14- Graduation
Chapter 1- Confessions
Chapter 2- Distant Draco
Chapter 3- Nightmares can be Real
Chapter 4- The Truth
Chapter 5- Trusting Hermione
Chapter 6- The Cursed Necklace
Chapter 7- Pie to the Face
Chapter 8- Slughorn's Party
Chapter 9- Honest Feelings
Chapter 10- Getting Suspicious
Chapter 11- Sweet Memories
Chapter 12- Leaving Hogwarts
Chapter 1- Secrets Come Out
Chapter 2- Professor Travers
Chapter 3- Crabbe and Goyle?
Chapter 4- Comforting Draco
Chapter 5- The War Begins
Chapter 6- They're Here
Chapter 7- Encounter with Mr and Mrs. Malfoy
Chapter 8- Astronomy Tower
Chapter 9- My Love

Chapter 8- Almost an Accident

257 6 20
By amymicheleconnelly

Entry #47

Hogwarts School

Monday December 19th, 1998


Dear Diary,

I know I already wrote earlier but I decided to again because of how much has happened today. First off I wanted to say that Blaise and I are the best of friends. We've been hanging out all day and even sat in most classes together. I've never met a person who acts so similar to me; we have the same interests and everything! He's also the first person I told about my friends in Gryffindor. After talking with Fred and George he had asked me about it; I couldn't lie or make up an excuse because he literally just saw me talking and getting along with two Gryffindors. So I told him about my friendship with Harry, Hermione, Ron and a bunch of other Gryffindors.

I told him how I actually have more friends in Gryffindor than I do in Slytherin. He even asked me how I was in Slytherin when I act this nice to everyone; he even said that I should've been in Hufflepuff. I'm not so sure, if the Sorting hat put me here than I trust that he put me in the right place.

Anyway, so we also have every class together and we even like the same subjects; we're doing an assignment together in Charms where we have to try to turn each other into Swans.

I think he's also gotten over Pansy pretty fast; he's telling me about this girl that he met in Potions. He doesn't know her name but she isn't in Slytherin; she happened to be wearing the Gryffindor uniform. Where I was sitting with Hermione I didn't quite get a good look at the girl; I'll have to ask tomorrow in Potions what her name is.

Right now I'm writing this as Harry is talking about what we're going to be learning today in the DA. So far we're learning a spell called the Patronus Charm; we're going to be learning this spell after Christmas break too because of how advanced it is. Apparently with every Patronus you make you also create an animal in your Patronus. It's really hard to do that but I really want to try; I heard that whatever animal it changes into is what your inner core is. And apparently if someone else has the exact same Patronus or if it's compatible with yours than that means you were meant to be. I'm not sure how much I believe that part but it does add to the story.

Anyway I should go, people are starting their Patronus.

Until next time,



"Ebony, aren't you going to try?" I looked up at Hermione before closing my journal and shoving it in my bag.

"Yeah, sorry I was just writing something" she nodded as I took out my wand and tried to practice the charm. I still managed to listen to everything Harry had said even though I was busy trying to write.

"Now all you have to do is think of a happy thought, the happiest you can think of. Let it take over you because the more powerful it is the better your Patronus will be" I tried thinking of a happy thought but none really felt right for me. It felt like none of them were happy enough for me to come up with a Patronus. I guess it is hard for me because most of my life I've been in an Orphanage and no one liked me there. The only happy memories that I have are from the last couple of months.

"Have you thought of anything yet?" I looked at Hermione an shook my head,

"No not yet, but I bet it'll come to me" she looked at me concerned and that's when it hit me. When I finally realized that I belonged somewhere, when I finally made friends who respected me and liked me for who I was. I felt my whole body turn warm as a smile grew on my face. I held my wand up and said the spell as I heard others doing the same; a white mist came out of my wand but it soon went away; it wasn't much but it was still a start.

"Wow, that was awesome Ebony, what memory did you think of?" I looked over at Hermione and smiled.

"I thought of when I finally had friends to call my own" she tilted her head at me but didn't say anything else. I don't really talk about anything that happened at that Orphanage; I'm not entirely sure why but I guess it's a bit embarrassing to admit that I didn't have any friends until I came to this school.

"Okay guys you're doing great now just keep practicing and I know you'll have this spell down in no time" Hermione and I shared a smile before my eyes caught George's who had already been staring at me; I felt a weird sensation in my stomach but just passed it off as being hungry; I mean it was almost dinner. I smiled and waved at him but he quickly looked away and continued to talk with his brother. I frowned as I dropped my hand; he's been acting weird since this morning; I hope I didn't do anything wrong.


A couple of days had passed and it's already just a couple of days before Christmas. Because my parents left me some money I had decided to get everyone some gifts to give them before they go home to the Holidays. I got Harry some supplies for Quidditch, Ron some sweets, Hermione some textbooks to keep her ahead of our classes, I got Pansy some makeup, Draco I also got some stuff for Quidditch, Blaise I got him a jacket that he's been eying everytime we go to Hogsmeade, I got Crabbe and Goyle some sweets as well and I got the Twins some supplies for pranking. I heard from Ron that their mom took all of their stuff and threw it out. I know that pranking means a lot to them; apparently they want to open up a joke shop as well so I'm also going to give them a bit of money so that they can start their business once they leave school.

So far I've given everyone their gifts except for the twins; and since the Quidditch match is today I've decided to give it to them after the game. I'm going to wear both colours so that I can cheer for both teams; I hope Draco and Pansy don't question it too much. Blaise already knows and is supporting me completely; right now I have on a green and silver pull over sweater that has the Slytherin crest in the front but I'm wearing red and gold leggings; it's red on my left leg and gold on the right. My shoes have both the Slytherin and the Gryffindor crests painted on and the same goes for my cheeks. On my right cheek I have the Gryffindor crest and on the left I have the Slytherin crest. My hair is up in a ponytail and I'm wearing gold and silver glitter on my eyes. I probably look crazy but I couldn't care less, I want to cheer for both teams so I will.

I looked in my mirror and smiled wide; I did look crazy but in a good way.

"Oh my god" I looked over and Pansy was staring at me with her jaw almost to the floor. I didn't know what to say, I knew she was staring at my leggings the most.

"What?" I tried to act oblivious,

"What are you wearing? I didn't think you would be rooting for Gryffindor and Slytherin" I smiled and did a spin in front of her,

"Well I have friends in that house so I want to cheer for them too" her eyes just about shot out of her sockets.

"Friends?! Who with? Why don't I know about this" I twirled a piece of my hair between my fingers as I tried to figure out how to explain this to her.

"Well you know Harry, Hermione-"

"You're friends with them?" I smiled and nodded,

"They're really nice Pansy" she shook her head at me,

"Ebony they're Gryffindors, you're not supposed to be friends with them because you're in Slytherin"

"Says who?" she opened her mouth and then closed it again and sighed,

"It just isn't right" I shrugged and walked around her and down the stairs.

"Well that's your opinion Pansy, I like them so I'm going to be friends with them if I want too" everyone stared as I walked into the common room but I just looked straight ahead as I walked out the door. There, I saw Draco, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle. I saw that Draco and Blaise were both in their Quidditch uniforms already.

"Hey guys! Ready for the big game today?" they turned around and Draco, Crabbe and Goyles mouths dropped just like Pansy's when they saw me. But, Blaise didn't seem fazed.

"What are you wearing" I rolled my eyes,

"I'm cheering for both today"


"Because she's friends with Potter and his freaky friends" I rolled my eyes as Pansy answered before I could; I was just trying to have a good day and now I feel like I'm going to get a lecture for something that isn't even wrong of me to do.

"Guys leave her be, she's allowed to be friends with whoever she wants; just because you don't like them doesn't mean she has to hate them too" I smiled and put my hand on Blaise's shoulder,

"Thanks Blaise" Pansy and Draco were looking at us as if we had lost our heads but we just smiled as we turned and started walking towards the doors that led you to the Quidditch pitch. The game was going to start soon and I don't think I'll have time to give the twins their presents so I'll just wait till after the game.

"Do you suppose she fell on her head this morning?"

"Has to be, there isn't any other explanation"


It was 90-80, Gryffindor was in the lead by 10 points and I was cheering for them. Everyone around me were giving daggers because I'm not just cheering for Slytherin but I just ignored them. I watched as Harry seemed to spot something behind Draco's head; he zoomed past Draco as it flew away as Draco flew after him; I knew he saw the Snitch too. This game was actually quite interesting; the last time I watched a game of Quidditch I was so bored. I watched as one of the Slytherin Beaters hit the Bludger as it raced towards Harry.

"Harry watch out!" no one could hear me over the crowed but Fred and George noticed the ball as George hit it back with one of his bats and out of the way of Harry. I sighed in relief before sitting back down with everyone else. This game was very dangerous, I don't know how anyone could play it. As the game progressed it was getting closer and closer to being over; the Slytherins were getting antsy and I could tell that they didn't want to lose again like last time. I suddenly had the urge to go to the washroom; which I didn't mind because I really didn't want to watch the ending; people always got way too aggressive at the end and I wasn't the type of person who liked things like this. I got up from my seat and began my walk down the bleachers; I had a little ways to go because I decided to sit at the very top. I still watched the game and I saw that Harry was getting closer and closer to the Snitch; I already knew that Gryffindor was going to win; I love my house but we suck when it comes to Quidditch.

I looked down because my shoe lace undid and I didn't want to trip over it; I stopped and leaned down so that I could tie it; I didn't even notice the crowed getting up in their seats again until I heard a bunch of gasps and some screaming. I looked up and saw everyone ducking under their seats; weird.

"EBONY LOOK OUT!" I looked up and saw a Bludger zooming towards me; I guess one of the beaters hit it in the wrong direction and accidently pointed it towards the bleachers.

I gasped as my eyes widened; I shut my eyes and squatted down as I covered my face with my arms. I've heard that getting hit by bludgers hurt like hell and cause broken bones. I kept my eyes shut and heard more gasps from around me; suddenly I heard something being hit and suddenly there was no light shining on me anymore. I slowly opened my eyes and dropped my arms when I saw George hovering in front of me with his bat in the air.

"What the hell is your problem mate?! You can't just take someone's bat and then turn the bludger towards the bleachers!" I looked around his shoulder and saw Flint holding the bat; but he wasn't a beater, he was a chaser.

"It was an accident calm down Weasley!" I saw George's knuckles turn white on the bat and I heard his teeth clench a little. I walked around George and put my hand on his shoulder as I frowned towards Flint.

"Flint you could've injured someone, don't you know the damage a Bludger can cause?" he scoffed and rolled his eyes at me before flying back down to the ground with the rest of the team. The game was cancelled because of how many people were involved with almost getting hit with a Bludger; it could've made the whole stand fall with the force and speed it had.

"Are you okay?" I looked over at George and saw that he was now standing with his broom in his hand. I smiled and nodded while moving a piece of loose hair from my face.

"Yeah I'm fine; you have to expect the consequences of playing a dangerous game like that" he didn't look convinced but I really was fine; I wasn't hurt and that's all that matters.

"Ebony!" I looked over and saw a mixture of green and red flying towards me on their brooms. Draco, Blaise, Harry, Fred and Ron all landed and got off of their brooms. Then, Pansy and Hermione arrived as well.

"Guys I'm fine really"

"Just wait, Flint's going to get it once we're back in the common room" Blaise nodded with Draco.

"Yeah even he knows better not to act stupid like that" Pansy and Hermione hugged me; not even noticing or caring who they were.

"We were so worried"

"I hate to say it but I agree with Granger" everyone was talking all around me; it was beginning to get overwhelming.

"Guys!" everyone stopped talking and I smiled a bit,

"I appreciate you guys worrying about me but really I am fine; now come on it's lunch time and I'm hungry!" I walked around everyone and sighed when I was far enough away from everyone.

That was intense.

I felt for my bag and gasped when I forgot about the presents. I looked over and saw that the twins were heading in the change rooms to shower.

"Guys wait!" Fred and George turned and stopped when they saw me,

"I forgot to give these to you guys" I gave them two boxes; one for each as they looked down and saw the Christmas wrapping.

"Merry Christmas you guys" they both unwrapped their presents and gasped; taking out a bunch of pranking items and books on the best pranks. They looked at me and I smiled.

"Ron told me your mom threw out all of your supplies so I stocked you guys up" they didn't say anything; then the bag of cash that I had hidden at the very corner of the wrapping paper fell out onto the grass. Fred picked it up and opened it; both him and George stared at it and said nothing.

"I also heard that you guys want to open up joke shop so I just thought that this might help you open" they both looked at me and suddenly I was shoved in a bear hug by both of them.

"Do you like it?" I heard them laugh,

"Like it? Ebony we love it!" they let go but George still had a hold on me.

"Oh my god you have no idea how much this means to us I could kiss you right now!" I looked up and I think George realiszed what he said because his smile dropped and Fred was smirking from beside us.

"But I won't because that would be weird right?" I nodded, I felt sick after he said that. I don't know why but it gave me butterflies when he said he could kiss me and then after he said no I felt like I was breaking inside.

"Yeah that-uh-would be weird" I smiled awkwardly as George let me go; it went quiet until Fred clapped his hands together.

"Thank you for this Eb, this means so much to us" I smiled and hugged them once more.

"It's no problem guys, but I should go I'm starving" I waved goodbye to them and turned towards Hogwarts; if giving presents makes people happy then why am I feeling so sad?

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