Kitten ( Namjoon x BTS) (Curr...

By redminnie

761K 24.7K 18.9K

Namjoon should have known it was too good to be true , a huge apartment, in a nice safe area, only 5 minutes... More

1- Introduction
2- The move
3- Work time
4-Dress up
5- shy, shy,shy
Thank you 💜
7- Kiss me
8- The Talk
9- Not surprised
10- Is it love or is it fate?
Not an update ( 25-06-2019)
11- The mall
12- You're my best friend
13- Together
14- Let's Try
14- Fluffy Drunk
15- Study Time
16- Bad Boy
17- Magic shop
18- Hot Chocolate
19- Leave me alone ( pt 1)
Not an update
20-Leave me alone pt 2
Not An Update
21- Heart Broken
22- Fake Love
23- Worry me
25 - Sick Day
26 - Virginity
27- Now Cry
28 - Please daddy
29- Lollypop
30 - Please
31- Damn Daddy
32- A bad turn
Not an Update 💜 [Face Reveal]
33- Bucket List
34- Trapped Inside
35- Awake
36- Angel
37 - You're my Star ⭐
New Story?
38 - Family
39- You Can't Buy Happiness
40- It's time to say goodbye
The Letters
Questions ~

24 - Pink Lemonade

12.4K 448 242
By redminnie

[Namjoons POV]

I opened my eyes, expecting to still be at the club, but what I want expecting was to be met with pink. Just pink. I blinked my eyes a few times before realizing I was in a bed. Now, this freaked me out. Who's bed was I in? Did somebody kidnap me? Did I die?
Loads of thoughts filled my head until an alarm went off, and I jumped, ended up on the floor, my knees to my chin, as my eyes roamed the room I was in.

It was then I realised I was in my own bedroom, and the pink I had been seeing was the fact that my pink fluffy pillow was right in front of my eyes. Scoffing at myself, I got to my knees before standing up, my knees cracking as I did so. I cracked my fingers before wrapping an arm around my neck, and cracking it slightly to wake myself up.

I couldn't remember coming home so I racked my brain, trying to get some information on how I eneded up here. As pictures of Yugyeom, the club, Youngjae and then eventually coming home and wanting the boys to fuck me came flooding back in I winced.
It was then, I brought my hand up to my lips, the memories of Yugyeom kissing me, his hands down my pants, and not getting of me as I struggled against him. I let out a shout of annoyance before stripping out of a pair of boxers, which was the only thing I was wearing, probably courtesy of Jungkook or Yoongi. I quickly turned on the shower and stepped in, my body shivering and my mouth shouting, but the only thing on my mind was "dirty".

I scrubbed my face, my lips, my neck, my stomach, my arms, my hips, my privates even, I scrubbed everywhere that he touched. However, I sadly couldn't scrub for as long as I wanted as Seokjin, Taehyung and Hoseok burst through the bathroom door, searching for me as I shouted and cried.

It was probably a sight for them to see, there I stood in the bathroom naked, freezing cold water running down my body, my tears blending in with the water, my eyes red from crying, my body red from scrubbing it so hard with the cloth. It showed too as all three of them stood staring at me, most likely from shock.

Jin was the first to react. He quickly leapt forward, shutting of the water, and grabbing my hands to take the cloth. "Hoseok, towels" he said which seemed to snap Hoseok and Taehyung out of their daze. Hoseok quickly came to me, shushing me as he wrapped me with towels. "Whats wrong baby?" Taehyung asked placing a hand on my cheek and I cried even louder as he did. I turned slightly away from Jin and Hoseok, and they quickly realised I wanted Taehyung. Taehyung wrapped his arms around me and although I was taller, he made me feel small and safe and warm.

All three of them walked me out of the bathroom, and sat me on the bed. I was currently still crying, although they were in sniffles now. Taehyung sat beside me, my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my eyes gently, while trying to also dry my hair.
Jin was bent down in front of me, rubbing and drying my legs, while he shushed me and said some things to help me calm down. Hoseok on the other hand, was running around my bedroom, he had lotion in his hand along with a small bundle of pink and a small Ryan plushie, one of my favorite ones.

"Baby, you're hair is pink now" Taehyung giggled. I didn't say anything, although pink was one of my favorite colours.
"Was the purple dye a washable one joonie?" Jin asked, looking at me, but not making eye contact. I nodded. We finally made eye contact and he smiled at me.

"Jin, where's Namjoons Ryan jumper?" Hoseok asked, sounding worried and slightly frantic. I smiled at the mention of the jumper, it was too big on me and went down to my knees, and gave me sweater paws. It was one of my favorite jumpers, especially for lazy days and chill days and my " feeling small days".

Jin stared at Hoseok, his eyes widening. "Didn't Joon wear that the other day?" he asked and I smiled, remembering that I had worn it a few days ago, when I got in bed and watched a movie with Liam via FaceTime.

"Shit it's in the wash then" Hoseok muttered. My lip curled up after Hoseok spoke, and I could already feel the tears welling up, ready to fall. It really was the best jumper for feeling small days, and although I wasn't before, after being pampered and looked after by my three hyungs, I really did feel small, and the jumper kept me safe and warm which was all I wanted now.

"Hey baby, don't cry, it's okay" Taehyung said as he crouched a little and wiped my tears away from my eyes. "Aw baby I'm sorry you can't wear that one but I have an even better one, is that okay?" Hoseok asked, getting down on one knee as he patted my knee. I slowly nodded at him, curious to see which jumper he was talking about. Hoseok whispered something to Jin and Jin made an" ah" sound before nodding, and I watched then as Hoseok ran out the door and to the left, to more bedrooms.

"Baby do you want to dry your privates yourself" Jin asked, now making direct eye contact with me.
He would have to make eye contact at the embarrassing times I thought, as my cheeks began turning red.
Although Jin had walked in on me staring at my boner, thankfully covered by my boxers, not knowing what to do, and had been the first one to kiss me, I still didn't want him to see my privates.

I quickly stood up, almost too fast as I grabbed Jins shoulder to stablise myself. "Be careful baby, we'll stay behind you but turned away okay" Taehyung said and I nodded, covering myself with the towels before quickly drying my body and stepping into the Tommy Hilfiger boxers that Hoseok had laid out for me. There was also a pink skirt and a pair of yellow booty shorts but after last night, I didn't want to even look at the skirt so I put on the shorts before turning around to tap their shoulders.

"Ah my baby dressed himself, he's growing old on us" Taehyung fake cried, even pretending to wipe tears away. I giggled at him before shaking my head sideways, a smile evident on my face.

Hoseok came running back into the room, a pink hoody in his hands as he stretched his arms out to show me. It was a pale baby pink colour and it was long, and it had a hood, apart from that it was very plain. However, Taehyung grabbed it from Hoseok before showing me the insides, that were Fluffy!

I giggled slightly and held my arms up, as Taehyung placed it over my head and on me. It did make me feel warm and I giggled as it went to my knees, hiding the shorts I was wearing. It also gave me sweater paws so I turned around to face Hoseok and I nodded loads of times, to show him I liked it.

"I'm glad you like it baby, you can keep it if you want" Jin said and I spun to look at Jin, who was holding a pair of fuzzy pink socks, a smile on his face. "It's Jins jumper Joonie" Hoseok said as I made an "oh" shape with my mouth.

"Now, will we put these on and go get some treatment for that little lovely neck of yours" Jin asked, wiggling the socks slightly.

After the socks were on, and Ryan was in my arms, we all walked downstairs, my hand in Taehyungs.
Hoseok ran to the kitchen, to order some food, whereas Taehyung and Jin led me into the sitting room, and sat me down on the end of the couch ( my favorite spot).

Taehyung was on his phone messaging someone, while also holding my hand and smiling at me. Jin had gone running around, saying something about disinfectant wipes and bandages.

I found out what he meant, when he came back, and explained that he needed to bandage the skin where I had scrubbed it so hard, that it not just turned red, but parts started bleeding too. I didn't regret it, and even now I still felt dirty.

I had squeezed Taehyung hand so hard while Jin wiped my neck and my chest with an alcohol wipe, which by the way, stung worse than a bee.

However, as Jin went to wrap my neck in bandages I stopped him. As much as I hated them, I wanted to see them, I wanted them to see when I paid Youngjae a visit to thank him. Jin and Taehyung were surprised, asking me multiple times if I was sure, but eventually gave in and just bandaged my chest.

They ended up turning on Aladdin for me, and using blankets and more of my stuffies to cover me, and I giggled as they they so. Taehyung tried to leave me, to go somewhere, but I whimpered when he left, my bottom lip sticking out, and he immediately stayed, whispering something about how I was the cutest baby.

The rest of the day went surprisingly good. I stayed in my comfy clothes all day, cuddling with Taehyung, and sometimes Jin and Hoseok, Jin did everything I wanted, which even included going to the nearest shop to get me coca cola flavored ice pops. Hoseok had ordered pancakes for breakfast, from the one and only IHOP.
(BTW We don't have IHOP here which sucks because pancakes are amazing). Then he had ordered chicken nuggets for me for lunch, which was the best.

Most days the hyungs were strict enough with my diet, making sure I ate healthy, but today was apparently an exception. I had come to the conclusion that it was most likely their way of making me forget about the previous few days. It did work, but at exactly 5:15pm there was a knock on the door, and Jin went to get it, saying that one of the boys had most likely forgot their keys. What myself, Hoseok and Taehyung didn't expect to hear was "what the fuck do you guys think you're doing at my house".

Hoseok ran towards the door, telling Taehyung to keep me in the sitting room. I sat up, obviously curious.

[So I was looking for a cute picture of Namjoon in blankets while sitting up and I found this and I just ahdgsjsk 😍😍]

It was when I heard a familiar voice, I gasped. I quickly stood up, throwing the blankets of me and accidentally ripping one. Taehyung was in so much shock he stood up and ended up falling back down, tripping over the blankets. I ran towards the door, before stopping behind Hoseok. At the door stood Youngjae, who I wanted to thank, but beside him stood Yugyeom.
Jin and Hoseok both stood looking at them, but more like staring at them. Jins tongue was between his lips as he bit it, while staring at the boys. I gepd slightly because Jin and Hoseok were always smiling unless during play time, but now they looked intimidating.

[To anyone who doesn't think they are intimidating or shit, I'm gonna leave photos below 💜]

"Namjoon" Yugyeom spoke, after spotting me and Jin and Hoseok spun around, their eyes widening slightly as they looked at me.
I must have looked hilarious to Yugyeom, last night I had slicked back hair and dark eyeliner and a dark but sexy outfit. Currently, I stood in Jins oversized pink hoody, covering my shorts so it looked like I had no pants on. My hair was messy, and my Ryan stuffie was in my hand, the yellow fluffy blanket currently draped over my head.

I held on to Hoseoks arm as I hid beside him, before whispering to him that I'd like to thank Youngjae.

Hoseok coughed, before spinning around and asking what for. I ignored him and walked up to Youngjae, pulling him into the house, and dragging him to the kitchen, where Yugyeom couldn't see.

"Namjoon" he began to talk, but I cut him off, asking why Yugyeom was standing outside.
"He fucking insisted on coming with me" Youngjae said, rolling his eyes in annoyance at Yugyeom. I shook my head before staring at the brown haired man in front of me.
"Listen, I just wanted to thank you for last night, if it wasn't for you I don't know what would have happened so I really do appreciate it, however I do not want to see him right now, I want to stay here with my boyfriends and try to forget about what happened " I said to him, trying my best to sound serious and strict.

Youngjae gave me a small smile before hugging me, and telling me he would keep in touch by messaging some people. I smiled back, glad that I did indeed still have a friend in him. As we walked back towards the door, Taehyung appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me, pulling me away from the door.

"Taehyung!" I exclaimed, kicking and thrashing in his arms as he tried to pull me away. "Sorry baby, you can't go out there though" he quickly replied.

It was then I heard it, and the only reason I recognized it was because I had heard it before. The sound that made me flinch, and want to hide away. The sound of shouting. It was loud as well, much louder than 3 people which told me mroe people must be here, so I broke out of Taehyung grasp, much to his surprise, and ran towards the door, Youngjae right behind me.

Jungkook and Yoongi were both home, and currently Jin and Hoseok were trying to pull Jungkook of Yugyeom as he slapped and scratched his friends face, saying a series of sentences with bad words.
"How fucking dare you?
" To my fucking beautiful baby? "
" I'll kill you I swear"
"and to think I told him to stick next to you because I trusted you, I fucking trusted you, you asshole"

A lot more was said, but I wouldn't dare repeat it for fear that Jin would find out and spank me.

Yoongi was holding on to Yugyeom, and was trying to get Yugyeom to not hit Jungkook back, and ruin their friendship even more.

Taehyung and Youngjae had even ran to try and solve the fight, and I stood there, staring at the scene in front of me. I felt my eyes begin to water, and just like that, it happened. My eyes teared up and I felt the tears drop, as my legs began to shake, and my mind tore itself apart.

[This photo affects me in too many ways, I... :(]

"Daddy?" I spoke lowly, trying to get Yoongi and Jungooks attention, but I wasn't expecting everything to go quiet, and for everyone to turn around and stare at me as I sucked my thumb and held my Ryan plushie.

"I'll speak to you later, my baby needs me" Jungkook said, jabbing a finger in Yugyeoms chest before running over to me, and that is how I ended up here.

Currently on the couch again, with some cute puppy's cartoon on the TV, cuddling Jungkook on my left side and Yoongi on my right side. Just the way I liked it.

[Word count - 2641]

Hi💜 The new chapter is finished yay!!

I started college today ( I graduate this year like what?!?!) and it was so tiring, I'm going to go to bed now 😂

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! It was a bit more fluff than the previous chapters. If anyone is wondering if Namjoon is little or what's going on, all of that will be explained in the next chapter 😇

Thank you all for the love that I receive every day for this book, and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it!

Ill see you soon!!

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