Please, Just One Wish (Jelsa)

By jelsa_doc

63.5K 3.2K 2.4K

Elsa Arendelle; the school most popular love advisor. Everybody wants her advice in dating and love life Why... More

Double Date
Last hope
Please Please Please
Bright Idea!
Strictly Business
Hold My Hand
Seven Minutes in Heaven
The F word
Sweet Dreams
Straight to the Point
Working on It
Half the Truth
The Encounter
Knock knock
Starry Night
Bailed out
Ticking Bomb
The Fool
Fair Warning
Saturday Night
Jekyll and Hyde
Cards on the table
Once, Twice, Three Times
Everything of Everything
Payback Time
The Afterglow
Memory Lane
Pinky Promise
Midnight story
Great News!

Jack Frost

1.2K 55 52
By jelsa_doc

"I love him"

They both went silent and stared at me for a very very long time, it felt like eternity. I saw Rapunzel's eyebrows knotted and Astrid's jaw was literally on the floor. Slowly, as if they were in a slow motion music video, they tilted their head facing each other and then facing me again.

"What?", Rapunzel replied in soft voice, followed by Astrid snorted before they both cracked into a laugh.

"What the actual fuck, Els?", Astrid said between her laugh followed by Rapunzel joining her laugh.

The blondes laughed so loud that they started to gain people's attention

"Guysㅡ", I cleared my throat and warned them to stop, but their laugh got louder and louder, even Rapunzel snorted which was very unlike her.

"Okay", I put down my sandwich as I saw them laughed even harder and louder, "Guys!", I tried to warn them but they weren't listening.

"She said she loves him! You heard that?", Rapunzel nudged Astrid while Astrid busied herself holding her stomach, somehow maybe she felt it was going to fall out from her body. "Why would she say that?", Astrid snorted even louder.

Okay, there's only one way left to shut them up

I laughed way way way louder than them, "HAHAHAHAHA! You guys are so funny! HAHAHA!" I didn't even care if all eyes were on me.

Astrid and Rapunzel finally stopped laughing and gave their attention to me.

"HAHAHAHAPhewㅡ I finally got your attention", I faked a laugh, "That'sㅡ quite funny isn't it?", I stuffed the rest of my sandwich in my mouth like it was a usual thing to do.

"Seriously Els, are you out of your mind? Geez", Astrid rolled her eyes and gave me a very judgmental stare, "Youㅡ I mean its okay if you love him, like you can't control who you fall in love for", Astrid added.

Rapunzel took a deep breathe and sighed, "but still Els, you shouldn't said it out loud and pretend he's not dating someoneㅡ you know what I mean, right? Also, Els, you violate the most important girls code! Never have a crush on your best friend's boyfriend", she ranted without catching a breathe between her words.

"Since when there's a girls code?", I protested with my mouth still full of the sandwich and they gave me an 'are you serious?' look.

"And No! Oh hell no! I don't even like himㅡ We're not even talking", I answered but I saw that they still doubted me.

"It was supposed to be a joke, you guys", I clarified, "Butㅡ I didn't expect you responded my joke pretty serious, like you know meㅡ", I digested the whole bite from my mouth down to my throat.

"We're being serious, Els", Rapunzel caught my gaze, "Just let them be happy y'know", Astrid added while she packed her lunch box to her bag.

"Yeah, yeah, sure! Totally! I was drunk at that time, I'm just messing around", I tried to explained myself in the most natural way.

"Hmㅡ Just don't do something too impulsive again, okay? Like declaring 'I love Jack' all of sudden", Rapunzel sighed rubbing her temple.

It looks like I gave her a headache, having a cousin like me.

"Besides, you're the love expert you had like dozens of guys before you date Jack Frost!", Astrid raised her eyebrows. She held her breathe and let out a loud sigh, "and you didn't look so attach or obsessed with them! I mean you dealed break-ups pretty casual and you seems like you don't careㅡ plus you always said you deserve better than the guy you've dated, remember Andy? And Bruce? And Tom? And Steve? And Chris? And Loㅡ"

"Okay, okay I got your point! Please stop naming them", I cut her off.

"Okay, since you got my point, then why? Why are you making this like a big deal? Why are you so obssesed and attached to Jack Frost?", Astrid replied emphasizing the obssesed word

"You broke up like a thousand timeㅡ okay, maybe I'm being hyperbolic, but you have experiences so why are you making this like a big deal? You act like this is the first time you broke up! Wake up, sis, its just another guy!", Astrid almost lost her temper as her voice went louder and louder with every words came out from her mouth and finally she took a long deep breath and sighed, "Why Jack? Why not the others?", she added

That's because the other guys arent real and this one is real which makes it really hurtful and it sucks.

"You're rightㅡ maybe I got too carried away", I lied instead of telling the truth, "Thanks guys"

Before they could lectured me more, the school bell rang just in in time.

Thank God.

"Biology class! See you guys soon!", I jerked up from my seat, grabbing my yogurt drink as I dashed through the sea of students walking to class.

While I stormed through the crowds, noticing how people looked at me and how they whispered to each other while giving me a cold glare, probably still talking about last weekend at Philip's.

In this kind of moment, I just hope the school walls could do me a favor by swallowing me up from this reality.

This sucks

I slumped myself in my usual seat, and tried to occupied myself by pretending looking for stuffs from my backpack.

I put out a notebook, a pen, a pencil, one by one on the table. Don't ask me why, that's just how I cope in this kind of situation, like you know a self defense from all the glare and the talks.

"Good afternoon, class!", Mrs. Clarion greeted us, followed by a lazy greeting from the students.

Mrs. Clarion immediately started her lecture about the cell division, like mitosis and meiosis stuffs, but my mind went back to our conversation at lunch.

I love Jack?
Why would I even say that?

No no!
Why do I even fall for him in the first place?!

Okay okay, calm down.
We need to get this straight.

Let's list the good side of Jack Frost first, I'm sure its not that much, right?

Let's start!

Jackson Overland Frost is kind.

He's nice.

He's not a bully eventhough probably he's a jock, well I don't really know that, but I know for sure he's not a bully.

Jack is aㅡ very easygoing person, with that authentic casual laugh slipping through his jokes and the way he always become life of the party without trying so hard, like all of that are parts of him.

He has always be the down to earth guy and keep himself reserved in public, he's well aware that all eyes were on him since he's the next in line of The Frost empire. To be honest, he sometimes complained about the life he's living when lots of people want to walk in his shoes; living with all the grand opportunities and surrounded by all luxurious stuffs, but that makes him more Jack Frost. The Jack Frost I always knew.

Jackson is very bright, not how in the way his face and hair literally glow but he's quite the smartest one in the room. He spent a lot of time reading books and stargazing through his own telescope that he asked his Dad on his 12th birthday. I remember we ate so much pancake that day since he hate a tart cake, so Gerda and Luna decided to make pancake as his birthday cake. I still remember how big my tummy because of those pancake. Good times.

Moving on, Jack always wear his glasses everytime he thinks he need to look smart, hm probably not, he used it when he couldn't see a damn thing, you know when he read a book or when he observed the stars, the moon, and the whole damn sky, poetic much?

He hates wearing a suit, eventhough he looks like a god when he wears it. Like is that even fair to be that attractive? Anyway he hates suit, because he hates the way people looked at him if he's wearing a suit, like they saw him as the next inheritor of his father empire, rather than him as a simple highschool boy.

He has this particular trademark smirk that only can be tolerate when he did it. God, I love when he does that smirk, like he's all mysterious and naughty at the same timeㅡ oh boy, oh boy.

Just don't get me started talking about his eyes how deep and blue which will mesmerized you just by looking at it, the deep blue of his eyes combined with his peculiar gene mutation of his hair, made him looks like the blue morning sky after the first snow or like when the sky touches the sea.

He has the most gorgeous hair, the weirdly white silver hair which anyone adore and that's quite intimidating for me eventhough I'm a lady, is that even make sense? I remember he used to hate his hair so much because it makes him stand up among the others and his pale complexion made it even worse, until summer 4 years ago when we were 14th, Jack bought two packs of brunette hair dye and sneaked into my room asking me to dye his hair brown which I dumbly gladly accept, the result was nice, he liked it and so do I. He looks alot like Emma besides his deep blue eyes. But the nightmare came when Mr. And Mrs. Frost gone back from their business trip one week later, and found out that their son dyed his hair, so then the brunette color didn't last too long.

Even the evening sky loves him, I'm not even kidding. Everytime he seats on the window frame the night sky greeted him as the moon shine its dimmed light upon him and how the night breeze gently stroking his hair, you will never find such a beauty.

"Okay, Elsa, can you please explain what happened after the cell undergo metaphase?", Mrs. Clarion voice woke me up from my thoughts

"I uhㅡ the cell goes into the anaphase stage, where each chromosomes move toward opposite pole of the cells?", I answered quite uncertain

"Correct! Please pay more attention in class, okay young lady?", she gave me a warm smile and I nodded

Thank goodness I answered it right.

Damn you, Jack Frost

The store bell greeted me as I opened the door followed by the usual protocol line to every costumer that came to Melkeveien, "Welcome to Melkeveien, how may I help you?"

"Oh, finally Elsa its you!", Ralph sighed in a relief as he saw me came.

"Hey Ralphㅡ why are you here?", I came near to the counter and let myself in, "Where's Tadashi?", I asked again and let myself went inside the employee room.

"Uhㅡ Tadashi decided to switch shift with me, he'll be working in the morning to noon shift", he leaned to the counter while stacking the icecream cone, "He just finished his shift and went home like 10 minutes ago"

"Oh", I put on my appron, "Waitㅡ he what?!", I almost choked because I tied my apron too tight after I realized Tadashi and Ralph switched shift.

"I mean its not a big deal, right?", he still busy stacking the icecream cone with his massive hands.

"It is a big deal for me, Ralph!", I exclaimed.

This means Tadashi Hamada officially avoiding me at all cost

"Ouch, that hurtㅡ", his eyes met mine as he pretending to get hurt because of my words.

"No, I meanㅡ I know you'll be a great partner, but why?"

"Why what?", Ralph asked.

"Why did a Tadashi Hamada suddenly changed his shift? I'm sure that's not the Tadashi Hamada I know this whole time"

"Maybe the real Tadashi died and his clone replaced him, besides he's a smart guy so that's probㅡ", before Ralph could continue his nonsense I cut him off, "Ralph, I'm serious", I crossed my arms and tapped my foot giving me a hint that I was irritated.

"I don't really know, Els. All I know Felix contacted me yesterday and asked me if I could switched my shift with him", he shrugged and put off his gloves as he finished stacking the ice cream cone, "And Felix is kinda the boss here since Tiana moved", he whispered and pointed to the door with a sign 'Store Manager'

"Ugh, Felix!", I groaned, "Is he available in his office right now?", I asked Ralph.

"I guess so, if I were you I wouldn't go inside becauseㅡ", but before Ralph could stop me I already knocked on the door and let myself in.

"Felix, with all due respect, what have you done to Tadashi's shift? Why are you letting him switching shift? He's an intern here and my shift partner, can an intern do that? Switching shift all of sudden?", I bombarded him with tons of question, "No offense Ralph", I gave Ralph a side look and he gave me a thumbs up before he disappeared to the locker room.

"Is there a problem here, young lady?", suddenly a woman in an air force uniform with blonde pixy hair stood up, "Why are you yelling to Felix?", she was way way way taller than me and her eyes pierced into mine, making her look more intimidating.

"Honey, honey, calm down, this is Elsa, she's an employee here", Felix ran to her side, and it seems to calm her down.


"Elsa, meet my wife, Tamora, she came to check on me since she just got a week off", Felix introduced her to me. Compared to her Felix looks way shorter than usual, he was only around her shoulder.

I cleared my throat, "Nice to meet you, Tamora", I offered her a handshake which she accepted with a strong grip, "Sergeant Calhoun for you, young lady", she gave me a stern look.

"Sir, yes, sir! I mean ma'amㅡ Sergeant. UhMa'am Sergeant Calhoun?", somehow her eyes intimidate me even more.

How come a guy as soft and kind like Felix fell in love with this tall gigantic intimidating sergeant?

Maybe love is blind or whatever

Sergeant Calhoun rolled her eyes, and smiled, "I'm just messing with ya kidㅡ Call me, Tammy"

Oh, now I know why Felix fell in love with her.

Don't judge a book by its cover, guys!

"Nice to meet you Tammy", I gave her a sincere smile.

"Okay, so Elsa, what's wrong?", Felix went back to seat on his chair.

"Tadashi Hamada. Why did you let him switch his shift? He's an intern, is that even okay with the contract?", I spelled each word so he wouldn't miss a thing what I was saying.

"He's not deaf", Tammy grinned as Felix cleared his throat.

"Please, fix it Felix", I begged him and slumped myself to another vacant chair beside Tammy.

"Well, is there any particular reason why you don't want to work with Ralph?", he asked

"No! No! It's not Ralph, I just wanna know why you let him switch shift"

"He said he must look after his brother since their Aunt will be out of town for a month", Felix reasoned.

"Bullshitㅡ I know really well that Hiro could take care of himself, Tadashi made that ridiculous massive balloon robot to look after his brotherㅡ bullshit", I fumed as I heard Tadashi's reason.

"Feistyㅡ I like her", Tammy grinned while Felix let out a sigh, "Listen Elsa, Tadashi has a strong reason and I couldn't say no since he brought his Aunt to support his reason", Felix leaned back to his chair, "I'm afraid I can't fix it the way you wanted"

What am I feeling right now?

Dissapointed? Uhm not really
Anger? No, I didn't feel any
Irritated? Nope
Regret? No

The right word is numb.

I couldn't believe almost all of the kid in school talked about me, my small circle laughed at me, and my best friend avoiding me. The worst part it all happened in the same day and the saddest part I didn't even feel a thing anymore.

"You okay, kid?", Tammy put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a firm assurance grip, "Y-yeah! Sure", I avoided her eyes and met Felix gaze, "I'mㅡI'm gonna go. To help Ralph and stuffs", I stood up and escorted myself to the door.

I stopped and turned around, "Thanks for the infomation, Felix and nice to meet you Tammy", and I swiftly close the door leaving the couple alone.

As soon as I got out, I grabbed a table cloth and start to make myself useful by wiping the tables one by one, even the clean one.

"How was it?", Ralph approached me after he delivered an Avocado Float to table 21.

"How was what?", I put all my attention to the table, not daring to look his eyes afraid he's gonna ask me why I looked sad or something.

"With Tammy", he chuckled

I smiled and glanced at him, "You sure are afraid of that lady"

"She's scary", he whispered but his eyes observed the surrounding checking if its save or not to talk about our manager's wife.

"That's my first impression", I grinned as I moved to the new table and start to wiping it off.

"Not sure if I agree with you", Ralph laughed, "Alright, keep up the good work Elsa", he then went back to the counter as he saw another costumer came.

I kept my mind and body busy by doing everything I could think off. I wiped every table, I checked our stock and pantry, I cleaned the bathroom which was a lot of work, I stacked the gelato cup, I wiped every sundae glass, I mopped the floor.

But my mind kept occupied with him.
Jack Frost.

So, you already know that the good stuffs about him, and you might wondering what's the bad stuffs about him, right? Because I've been wondering too the worst thing that Jack ever done to me.

Yes, we grew apart.
We grew apart since we went to separate school, and for me that's a normal thing because we have our own school agenda and our own circle of friends and different environment, so for me thats normal and its not a bad thing.

Now you're probably thinking, he's bad because he chose Tooth over me, right?
But you know what, he already said it since the beginning, that our affection and relationship was a stricly business. I also offered him a help to know Tooth better. Its also not Tooth's fault, she asked my permission first and I let her.

"I'm sorry, but he kissed you?", is that what you're asking me?
The answer is Yes.
Yes he did.

So then, I ask you who turned him down the next day?
Yes, of course you know the answer.
It was me.

So at the end, it was all on me.

Then what's the bad thing Jack ever done to me?

The only bad thing that he ever done to me was not being mine and the worst part is I'm the one who letting him go.

"Elsa, time to close", Ralph woke me up as he saw I fell asleep in the locker room, "You've worked really hard", he chuckled as he moved his gaze to my hair.

"Ughㅡ please don't look at my hair", I stretched myself and undoing my braid letting my hair fell free.

"You go home first, I could close the store by myself", Ralph smiled.

"No, no, I can't do that, no, I'm going to help", I jerked up from the spot where I fell asleep.

"Its okay, no biggie. You still have school tomorrow, maybe homeworks tooㅡ", he glanced at the clock that showed us 08.30 pm, "30 minutes left til closing time, I could handle this store by myself", he assured me.

"You sure you're not going to wreck it, Ralph?", I raised an eyebrow and gave him a playful smile.

"Well hopefully not, since I don't want to lose my 3rd job this year and I really enjoy working here", he rolled his eyes, "Go home kid, I'll see you tomorrow", Ralph left me as he heard the store bell dinged as a bunch of costumers crowded the counter.

I took off my appron and grabbed my bag before I let myself out and saying goodbye to Ralph, who was busy giving testers to the costumers.

As I opened the door, the night air welcomed me with an evening light breeze. I skipped through the nice-not-so-cold air to the bus station.

I saw a woman and a guy sitting at the bus station probably also waiting for the bus to come, I let myself sit on the other corner of the bench.

I checked my phone showing its already 08.45 pm.

Sounds like I have to stay up late to do my homeworks.

"Are you cold?", suddenly I heard the man asked the woman, I saw how the woman shyly nodded and the man gave her his maroon jacket.

Oh how romantic and cliché, I could gagged right now!

After the woman wore the jacket, she grabbed the man right hand and held it as she shoved both of their hands to the jacket's pocket.

Good lord, suddenly the thick night air felt so cold.
Is it because of my singleness?
Singleness? Is that even a word?

I rubbed both of my hand together and brought it near to my mouth to let them stayed warm.

"I hope the bus comes soon", I started to shiver as I talked to myself. I hugged myself hoping that it would warm me up a little, but it ended up useless, because the suddenly -out-of -nowhere-cold wind blew passed me making my breathe hitched.


Suddenly it felt so warm just like when the summer sun penetrates my skin giving a radiating heat to my chest and to every cells of my body and I realized a thick fabric covered my body.

The jacket was dark green, almost felt familiar on my skin, friendly and soft. I looked up and met a pair of eyes tangled with mine.

He then tugged a paper cup on my head, "Hot chocolate?", he offered me, "I have two"

"What are you doing here?", I asked and looked away.

"Just finished practicing", he replied and took a seat beside me.

"Since when your team skating rink moved in this neighborhood?", I cocked an eyebrow and pulled the jacket closer to my body.

"Well technically, I finished practicing and then I joined the boys to eat in a diner around here. Heard they got the best pancake in town", he shrugged and offered me the drink again.

"So you're not stalking meㅡ like maybe you waited for me finished my work?", I gladly accepted and took a sip from the cup, as the brown liquid met my tongue the warmth lingered giving me a nice relaxing feeling after being so tensed this whole day, "The fact that you bought two hot chocolate means you're expecting someone, but thank you though!", I gave him a knowing smile.

He grinned and let out a small laugh, "Don't push it, Els"

"Fine, I'm only joking", but frankly speaking, I was not joking. Part of me hoping he waited for me or maybe expecting me.

Then we lost words. Silence. This kind of thick silence would normally chill me, especially on an inky night devoid of even moonlight or stars, but tonight it works like a salve. Its not like us to lost words and things to talk about.

For a moment the world seems so distant and cold, eventhough he was there with me. It was only around 9 pm but the chattered in streets, the sirens, and the honking sound of cars couldn't pulled me out from this kind of silence, and for once I know that I felt lonely.

"Soㅡ", I tried to break the silence between us, I tensed my fingers like somehow it was sorta of a defense mechanism or a way to make me stay calm.

"So what?"

"How's your day, Jack Frost?", I finally called him by his name.

"I don't knowㅡ", he sighed and looked at me, "Tired I guess, you know how hard the practice could be", he chuckled and

"Coach was mad, he said we need to step up our game for the next season", he groaned and stretched his legs.

"New bruises, Jack?"

"You bet, Els", he laughed.

"Aren't you guys already the best hockey team? You won last season and before that too and before that tooㅡ you know what i mean right?", I tried to prove a point.

"Say that to my coach!", he rolled his eyes, "So since we're asking each other, how was your day, Els?", he asked looking deeply into my eyes and took another sip from the cup.

His eyes met mine and fragments of thought, splinters of words, and droplets of silence spun into a kaleidoscopic jumble haunting me with that loneliness. It was like a shadow for me, it kept following me.

I couldn't find the right words, my lips were tight sealed.

What should I say?
The world finally turned their back to me and I feel so alone?

"I'm lost at words", I laughed and he just gave me a concern look, "Please don't give that kind of look to me", I flew my gaze to another direction as I saw the bus came. "Let's get going", I stood up and put on the jacket.

We entered the bus and I chose to sit in the back row, since its not to crowded at the back. And yes, of course he followed me and sat next to me.

"I didn't ask you to sit next to me", I mumbled but I know he heard me clear.

"And I can sit wherever I want since I legally paid for taking this bus", he let out a soft chuckled.

I didn't really know how to answer him back, because my heart felt it was going to burst if I speak or if I move. My heart was racing, pumping blood through all of my veins and arteries, my stomach started to churned in a weird kinda wayㅡ butterflies in my stomach?

So he sighed and spoke again, "You haven't answered me"

"Why must I answer you? Give me one good reason"

"Because I asked you?", he frowned and laugh, "Sorry that's not a good reason"

I rolled my eyes and laughed as leaned my head on the bus window, "My day has beenㅡ okay, its pretty tough, but I can handle it", I forced a smile.

"No you're not", he answered.
Ah, the straight forward Jack Frost

"Why are you talking to me again? I thought we're in a no speaking term?", I scoffed and laid my gaze to the window, as if I'm watching the street light, but the truth is I'm looking at his reflection. "You hate me", I added

"Did I say that?", he leaned closer to me, "I never said I hate you"

"Whateverㅡ you said you're done with me", I replied still not looking at him.

"I did say that"

"So, in other words you hate me"

"No, its not"

"Yes, it is"



"Hm, Nahㅡ you just misinterpret it", he laughed.

The fuck? He thinks this is funny?

"The fuck is wrong with you, Jackass?", I turned my head and met his deep dark blue eyes.

He smirked, "That's more like you", he kept his eyes glued into mine, not even letting my gaze went to other direction. "Are we doing a staring contest right now?", he laughed but he didn't blink

Oh, its so on!

"The fuck is wrong with you, Frosthead?", I repeated my question, I kept my eyes wide open.

"The fuck is wrong with you, princess?", he asked me back, his gaze were still on my eyes.

I sighed but still didn't blink, "Why do you care? You're just being nosy"

"I'm not! I do care for you. A lot."

"Really? Then prove it", I challenged him.

We stared at each other in an odd way, as if it were a silent argument. Our glances battled each other, until tears arose. No, it wasn't because my eyes felt dried as the result of this stupid staring contest.

I cried.

Then it was dark and all I could see was fireworks, bursting into thousand of colorful butterflies.
I was completely unprepared.

Warmth radiates from the spot
where his lips touched mine, slowly spreading through my veins to every cells of my body, sending pure ecstasy.

His lips slowly graze onto mine, stimulate the weird tingling sensation that I missed. he intoxicating smell of early morning dew and the taste of the fresh fallen snow filled me up.

It was like a natural chemical reaction, the way his lips connected with mine.

His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than I could have remembered.

God, I missed him

And I updated my story, finally!

Sorry it took awhile for me to update, due too many tasks to do at uni.

I work so hard on this chapter (it took me like two weeks to finished this!)
I hope you guys enjoy it!

Please leave a vote and comments
It means a lot to me

Also I want to do some tag, I saw this on my friend story KittyKat060412.
Since I never talked to you about myself, so you guys can know me better
(its not like you want to know me either, but oh well lol)

Let's go!

1. The meaning behind username
Jelsa_doc. Well the doc simply stated for document, since I had some Jelsa story I wrote and I haven't published yet (and of ccourse its not finished yet HEHE), and also I made this account when I was like in my teen age, so I don't really know why I came up with this u/n exactly lol

2. Favorite books
I used to read a lot of novel, but since I entered university I stopped reading novel, because it took a lot of time to read and it was addicting. So then, I move reading textbooks and books references from my lecturers HAHA. But I guess I grew up reading Diary of a wimpy kid and also Geronimo Stilton (I know its so childish) but the books inspired me to write stories, so I guess it has huge impact on me.

3. What's your icon and background
THE FUCKING JACK FROST, DUH! He's handsome isn't he? Hahaha he's the most handsome animated character, I know y'all agree with me, don't deny it. The background was a starry night sky, I really love stary skies and evening skies (you'll know it if you read my story ;))

4. What type of book do you write
I write romance that involved daily life, like no super powers or magic at all. Why? Because its challenging to make something normal to something interesting to read like this story and my other stroy, "Not Your Little Brother"

5. Reccomend 3 books!
Boy, oh boy!
1. Devils don't fly by KittyKat060412
I'm literally obssessed with her stories, but this one got me hooked! I reccomend you read this story for a high quality Jelsa content lol
2. Marry My Son by @rosecoloredboiii
The storyline was so neat and I enjoyed reading this story a lot! Go check it out
3. Deficient Decree by chocolatiew
She describes the story really well, and I hope she updates soon *hint hint*
Also there's bunch other stories, but the author seems idle and wont update in like years, such as Asking For Trouble (by Sil-bD9) and The Billionares Hired Girlfriend (by musiciamo)

6. Secret about your wattpad
I write my stories on my phone. Idk why but it makes my writing more poetic lol and more ideas popped up for my story, well that doesn't even makes sense but its the truth lol.

Second of all, I have another story I published in this account but I unpublished it lol, did any of you read that story? I wonder

7. Tag 10 people
You know what? YOLO
Do this if you want to or not hahaha its your account you can do whatever you want

Well, I hope you know me better
Until then, I'll see you in the next chapter

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