Trust Issues || H2O Delirious...

By DaughterDeHell

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Los Santos. City of thieves. City of Gangs. There is a constant battle to be, Number One. Every gang want... More

A/N || Thank you
A/N || Imagines Book Out!


1.5K 42 6
By DaughterDeHell

Y/n's POV

"Yeah? Well so am I."

"Alright dude, we saw them first, they're ours." The guy said, slowly reaching down for his weapon.

I slid one of my guns to the back of the waist of my pants so it's easily accessible. I quickly made my way over to them, eyeing the guys.

"Are these guys giving you a problem babe?" I asked, glancing at Delirious before glaring at the men.

His expression was still stone cold, and his eyes never left the group of guys as he reached towards me, putting an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into him.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and intertwined my fingers with his as he answered. "Not yet they're not."

The guys all looked at me with raised eyebrows. They seemed to all agree on something before turning back to us. "Alright, we'll make you a deal. Give us that one, and we won't have a problem."

"First of all, they're women, not objects, let's get that straight. Second of all, your not going to touch any of them." Delirious unraveled from me and stepped forward.

I raised the back of my shirt and tucked it behind the gun so it was within reach. I stepped forward, grabbing Del's arm and pulling him back slightly, a silent command to stand down.

I grabbed his hand and moved it to my lower back, placing it on the gun, telling him to take it. He finally glanced at me with a knowing look before glaring back at the guys.

"I don't think you heard me." The guy at the front said. He pulls out his gun and cocks it threateningly. The other guys followed, pulling out their own weapons.

I slowly reach into the side of my pants, gripping my own gun. I put my other hand behind me, signaling for one of the twins to hand me their own gun.

Macey discreetly reaches into one of her bags and pulls out the weapon, putting it in my hand. Kacey did the same, handing her gun to Delirious. The guys in front of us grew impatient and raised their weapons. "Alright fine, we'll take them."

I quickly spin and kick the gun out of the guys hand. Kacey is quick to jump and catch it as all of us point our guns at the guys.

Delirious and I pointing 2 each and Kacey pointing at one, then Ohm throws one at Macey. She quickly catches it and joins us, pointing her gun at the last guy.

Nobody moved.

It was as if we were in limbo.

We obviously had the upper hand, but our small advantage wasn't enough for them to back down. I smirked as the clicking of more guns were heard.

The five guys who still had weapons all had a gun placed to their heads. Squirrel, Cartoonz, Gorilla, and Ohm all held the weapons, Toonz holding 2.

The men stiffened.

"Alright, lets settle this. Ever come near one of my girls again, I'll put a bullet between your eyes. Got it?" Delirious warned.

The men swallowed and slowly nodded. We all eased and motioned for them to leave. They all run off immediately and we quickly conceal our weapons as to not draw attention.

I turn around and engulf the twins in a hug. "Are you guys ok? They didn't do anything, did they? I should've been with you."

They hug me back and try calming me. "Hey hey, relax, we're fine, they just caught us off guard." Macey says, giving me an assuring nod.

"Yeah, and besides, Del came to our rescue." Kacey giggled as her and Macey moved to hug him.

He hugged them back, giving a smile and ruffling their hair.

They laughed and slapped his hands away, fixing their hair.

We finally turned around to our 4 friends.

Gorilla and Ohm has suspicious looks on their faces. Luke on the other hand, looked slightly stern, slightly expectant.

Squirrel was the first to speak. "They were perverted. But hey, I didn't know you guys could act."

Delirious and I looked at each other, knowing this was our chance. We sighed and looked at the four of them.


I paused as Delirious put his arm around my shoulder, one of mine wrapping around his waist and the other moving to intertwine our fingers.

"We weren't acting..."

"Wait wait wait, let me get this straight, this has been going on since our first mission?" Ohm asks, looking at us in shock. We gave sheepish nods.

We were in the food court, waiting for everyone else. We got there a little earlier than expected because the guys wanted to question us.

Me, Delirious, and the twins all sat on one side of a table, Ohm, Squirrel, Cartoonz, and Gorilla opposite of us.  

"So, are you guys like official or?" Squirrel started, stretching out the question.

Delirious and I stopped, thinking for a second before he grabbed my hand.
"Well, Y/n, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

I smiled at his cheesiness and nodded, squeezing his hand lightly. "Then yes, yes we are." Del said, turning to Squirrel.

"Holy shit. When Vanoss finds out-"

"He's not going to find out." Delirious cut off Gorilla. "Not yet at least."

He relaxed, leaning back and putting a hand on my knee.

"And when he does?! She'll be as good as dead!" Ohm says frantically. I scoffed, causing him to turn to me.

"And you. You broke your own rule! If your teammates find out, they'd be pissed! They remind everyone that they aren't allowed to get with any of us on a daily basis!"

I rolled my eyes and leaned forward. "If they wanted to sleep with you that bad, they would've broken the rule."

"No, they wouldn't have. Out of respect for their leader. For you."

I felt the guilt wash over me as I dropped my head.

"Ohm." Delirious was giving Ohm a stern look. I put my hand on his shoulder. "No, he's right."

"No, he's not." Macey says, slamming her hand on the table. "Why would our team be mad? Why would anyone be mad?" Kacey added.

We all looked at them in confusion.

Why wouldn't they be mad.

"Were Kacey and I mad?"

I shook my head.

"Exactly. We weren't. Because we love you. We're happy that you found someone that makes you happy! Why would your happiness anger any of us?" Kacey exclaims.

"And you guys." Macey says, turning to the four men on the other side of the table.

"Isn't Delirious your friend? Instead of lecturing him, why don't you guys support him?! From what I've seen, he's one on the best members of your entire crew. He works his ass off! And for what? Money? Ever heard of the saying 'money can't buy happiness'? Well he's found it, and all you want to do is ramble about the possible consequences." She rants.

They all look at each other with guilty expressions before turning back to us.

"She's right. Look, we're sorry, we didn't mean to try and rain on your parade, we just don't want anything to happen to you guys. Of course we support you, you're our friends! And don't worry, we won't tell anyone." Ohm says, speaking for all of them and putting his hand on the table.

I smiled and placed my hand on top of his. "We know you won't, we trust you guys." I gave him a smile which he quickly returned.

We all continued to talk and relax as we waited for the others. After another 20 minutes, everyone was sat at a table eating and talking.

Vanoss broke everyone away from their own conversation to talk about the upcoming mission.

"Alright. As you guys know, we're helping the Misfits with their mission." Everyone nodded.

"Ok, everyone is on the field except for Toby and Bryce. You guys are going to be our eyes on the outside." The 2 men nodded.

"As we all know, it's a drug raid, so every bag is worth thousands." We've been through this hundreds of times so we all knew what we had to do.

Evan must've noticed our bored expressions. "Alright alright, you get the idea."

We all laughed and started to clean up our mess. We would have training tomorrow and a mission the next day.

We had to be prepared.

"Are you mad?" Delirious asked, a slight look of guilt on his face.

"No, not really, I kind of expected it." Cartoonz said, smiling at us.

Delirious and I were hanging out in Luke's room.

He was technically the first person to know, and one of Del's best friends.

"I mean come on, the disappearing at the same time? The tension when you're in the same room? Do you really think the joke in the pool went over everyone's heads?" We all laughed.

Now that I think about it, if you were focused on us, you could probably easily tell there was something going on.

We continued to talk and hang out, until Toonz said something that threw me off. "So, what exactly is your issue with the Rebels?"

I tensed up.

The guys seemed to notice and quickly tried to retract the question.

"No it's ok. The Rebels. They've caused us some real trouble back in the day. Killed 2 of us." I paused, feeling a lump in my throat. I swallowed and continued, trying not to show too much emotion.

"Two of my best. They died under my watch, their death is on my shoulders. The Rebellion leader, Harold, he killed them right in front of me. It's an image I still can't get out of my head."

Delirious grabbed my hand, rubbing circles on the back of it softly. "You don't have to-"

"No, I do, I need to talk about it."

He nodded, understanding. "Ive tried to avenge them so many times, but Harold always had the upper hand on me. He threatened my one weakness."

"The twins." Luke said, realization in his voice. I looked at him, nodding slowly.

"I've taken care of them since they were 10. I didn't even want them to join the gang, but they insisted, and I can't live in fear for their whole lives. I have to trust them. So I let them join. If anything were to happen to them I don't know what I'd do..."

I felt a tear slip from my eye.

Delirious placed his hand on my cheek, gently rubbing away the salty droplets.

"Nothing is gonna happen to them. They have a whole army behind them. And if anything does? Well then that scumbag is gonna be put through a whole lot of hell."

I chuckled slightly, trying to pull myself together.

Luke seemed to be in thought. I gave him a questioning look and he was hesitant, but spoke what was on his mind. "I know it's probably not the best time, but what's gonna happen after the deal is fulfilled?"

My smile immediately dropped.

I didn't think about that.

"I-I don't know..."

Delirious squeezed my hand gently. "We'll cross that bridge when the time comes, but seeing as there is no news on Rebel activity this month, we have plenty of time."

I smiled at him and Toonz and stood up, grabbing both of them. "Enough of the pity party, let's go hang out with everyone else."

They chuckled as we all walked down the stairs and into the living room. Everyone was gathered and Vanoss was standing up.

When he saw us he immediately waved us over to join in. We looked at each other, confused.

"Good, you're here. I was just about to send someone to get you guys."

We sat amongst everyone else, waiting for the announcement.

"The first Rebel attack of the month was just reported."

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