Firefly (BNHA)

By HallowsCos

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Hotaru is the twin sister of Izuku Midoriya, but she surprisingly manifests a quirk unlike Izuku who remains... More

Character Information
Firefly (BNHA)
"It's your quirk sweetheart"
"You've found an interesting one Toshinori"
"Just because my eyes are closed doesn't mean I'm asleep"
"She's in your homeroom, right?"
"Thank you for the introduction Katsuki"
"Hotaru made a friend,"
"Remind me to kill Yamada by the end of the day as well"
"How interesting"
"Nee-chan, some kids are wanting to know if you and Todoroki are dating"
"It's a plan, firefly."
"Toshinori, how is sensei"
"Izu, where am I?"
"We're rational, but we're still human Hizashi"
"The reporters didn't hurt you did they"
"Oh my god you can't say things like that with a straight face Shōto"
"Don't underestimate her,"
"You noticed how he looks like Aunt Rei, didn't you?"
"Or is it because I was blinded by my own damn actions?"
"It's only logical that you're the traitor who sold out our class"
"Shōto, you know you've got to do better than that to get to me"
"That means Toshi gets to go onto the third round and kick some ass"
"It's no matter because you don't deserve her"
"Little fire"
"Where are you interning at?"
"Also, I thought I told you to stop stretching like that"
"Your brother is in the hospital"
"Nezu wants to watch you go against Mirio as a way to see how far you've come."
"Taru you need to be treated now"
"What's up with you and the purple-haired extra anyways"
"Midnight into Morning coffee"
"Where's nee-chan at"
"Why do they want her"
"I can hold out as long as need be and I won't give him anything he wants"
"Just tell me that the students that were there got away"
"Toshi, I'm sorry"
"That's enough,"
"I wouldn't let them"
"Why aren't you staying with Inko?"
"Where have you been?"
"Can I give it to her now?"
Dorm Room Apperance
"You're my friend you idiot"
"Do you have a flame quirk that burns really hot"
"Why are you up so early"
"You're not there anymore"
"What ruckus are you causing now, problem child"
"You're a liability"
"Hello Eri"
"When was the last time I was here"
"Eri, you wanna hear that song?"
"Good Morning Mother,"
"Is something wrong"
"That's why"
"I'll grab the first aid kit"
"Tsukauchi, what's wrong"

"I just did what I'm supposed to do"

2.6K 88 19
By HallowsCos

I silently walk up to the school knowing that the kids are going to make fun of Izuku for being quirkless causing me to reach out silently. He grabs onto my hand without batting an eyelash as I can hear Bakugo shouting from out here making me roll my eyes. Izuku perks up a bit hearing Bakugo's voice before he takes off into the school leaving me with our mother. She heaves a sigh knowing what's going to happen once she tells the teachers Izuku is quirkless.

"Don't worry mom. I'll protect Izuku from the other kids if I have to."

"Hotaru, that's not necessary. The school is already upset with the amount of fights you are getting into with the other kids."

"If I'm going to be a hero mom then I need to protect those that cannot protect themselves. Izuku cannot protect himself from the other kids who like to use their quirks and it isn't fair that the teachers allow them to do it."

"Hotaru sweetheart please behave alright?"

I grumble out an answer before heading into the classroom while the teachers speak with our mother only for me to notice they've isolated Izuku. He sits in the middle of the classroom with all the other kids surrounding him talking about him like he isn't sitting right there. I growl pushing past all of them causing a few to flinch as if I'll use my quirk on them causing tears to prick my eyes before I push down the feeling to reach my brother. I plop myself in front of him with a grin causing his eyes to come back to his surroundings.

For years after the kids found out that he was quirkless they would treat my brother differently even going as far as bullying him. However, when I was around they wouldn't come near him which means I stuck close to his side during Elementary and as we entered Middle School. Izuku still saw Katsuki as a friend even though he belittles him which began fraying on my nerves, but I never let Izuku know this because it would hurt him. Katsuki and I however never got along. We were prone to explosive fights that ended up with both of us injured, but since Katsuki's quirk was prized by the school he never got in trouble for it. However, my mom has been called constantly about me being a disruption to the school just like today.

"Seriously Hotaru? Couldn't you have lasted for the rest of the day?"

"I've lasted longer than normal at least. It's not my fault that this school allows bullying and the teachers turn a blind eye because the school prizes someone's quirk. Seriously, some of the things I witnessed at that school would scare people but at least today was the last day."

"How do you expect to get into U.A. with your reputation?"

"If they ask me about it then I'm willing to explain the fact that I've come to the aid of many individuals who needed it. Bakugo only manages not to get in trouble because he has an explosion quirk which could end up putting eyes on the school."

"That's it Hotaru! Katsuki is your brother's friend and you need to respect that."

My flames flare up at her words before I get them under control with difficulty since my emotions are controlling them. Once we make it home I stay outside the apartment complex not wanting to go inside the house just yet. Plus, Izuku will be out soon enough and I'll walk down to meet up with him since Bakugo will most likely antagonize him without me being there.

It's a short time later when I head off down the sidewalk and wait outside the tunnel that Izuku has to come through on the way home. However, he's a bit late today making me nervously tug on the end of my long locks wondering what could be holding him up. That's when I see him at the end of the tunnel as he kicks a can with a dejected air causing me to sigh knowing Bakugo has said something that's got him down again. I calmly wait before he makes it to the sewer hatch when this slime starts covering him causing me to freeze in surprise. I sprint his way allowing my flames to come to life and kick some of the slime only to notice that it doesn't do anything against the slime when I hear someone appear behind us. Next thing I know there's a gust of wind that forces me to close my eyes and when I open them again I can see All Might putting the sludge in a bottle.

"So, you were following this villain already?"

"That's correct young lady and what you did was brave. Running to save him despite the fact that you are so young."

"It's nothing, I just did what I'm supposed to. Would you mind signing the book that's on the ground? He's a fan of yours and I would hate to be the reason he didn't have a chance to get your autograph."

He picks up the book quickly signing it before carefully placing it down on the ground as Izuku starts to come around again. I kneel at his side with a tilted head hoping that nothing serious is wrong with him when his eyes widen looking behind me. I duck my head with a soft smile hearing his stammering in front of his personal hero before he begins bowing to All Might. I roll my eyes before softly shoving his shoulder making him blush releasing how overboard he is going again.

"Izu, are you alright?"

"Thanks to you, nee-chan. You're always having to save me." He mutters out the last part causing me to ruffle his hair before we're interrupted.

"Say who's your favorite hero young lady?"

"If you're expecting my answer to be you then you'll be disappointed. My favorite hero is an underground hero that goes by the hero name Eraserhead."

"Interesting, well I must be off."

He walks away and Izuku takes off him causing me to curse before racing off after them with a shake of my head. However, when the two are about to take off I grab onto Izuku's jacket causing him to look at me for a second. His eyes widen and he gives a sheepish smile before looking up and realizing how high up we are going. He begins to freak out which draws All Might's attention our way and his eyes widen causing me to give a lazy smirk. Once we land on a rooftop he attempts to leave quickly when I notice the bottle he had put away is missing. I attempt to look on the ground ignoring the both of them, but don't see it and turn around hearing Izuku's questions.

All Might raises an eyebrow at whatever expression I'm making before he gives a light cough making my eyes narrow wondering what is going on. That's when I see the blood smeared across the back of his hand causing me to raise an eyebrow at him and he grimaces realizing I saw the blood. He sighs heavily as smoke envelopes his figure causing me to tilt my head to the side watching what unfolds. When his less muscular form appears my eyes narrow as I hear Izuku shrieking as I calmly think about what I've seen so far.

"You can't hold up that form for very long, can you? Interesting how no one has managed to notice such a thing yet," I bluntly state causing him to give a light flinch.

"Yes, I was injured in a battle long ago that I didn't let out to the public and I needed many surgeries just to stay alive. Now that I have told this to the both of you it must not be told to anyone or put on the internet at all."

"Not that hard for me since I have no friends," I mutter causing Izuku to awkwardly laugh.

He begins taking his leave while Izuku is distracted so I take off after him into the staircase knowing he's bound to find out that the villain is missing. He looks up hearing the door slam open next to me and I quickly come down to where he is as he stares with confusion.

"Your bottle that was holding the villain is missing and you must have dropped it somewhere when struggling with my brother and I. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I know it's not around this building because I already looked around for it."

He begins looking through his pockets at my words before cursing causing the ends of my lips to quirk up. I head back upstairs just as an explosion goes off causing me to peer out the windows knowing exactly where it is. Izuku comes down to my side with wide eyes, but I also see the sadness he's trying to hide from me causing me to ruffle his hair. I look at where the fire is and know that I have to go there even if it means leaving Izuku to walk home alone which will upset our mother.

"Izu, I understand that you probably don't want to go watch the heroes right now, but I have to make sure that there aren't civilians there. I'll catch up to you later."

I take off running and catch sight of All Might watching form the sidelines and shove myself to the front carefully taking in what is going on. However, my eyes widen seeing the pros just standing around trying to just hold off the damage meaning only one thing. My thoughts are broken though when I see a familiar hair color being engulfed in the slime as explosions go off.

"Katsuki!" I unconsciously shout causing him to look my way.

Before anyone can stop me, I've pushed past the officers with my quirk coming to life as I go after the slime while trying to avoid Katsuki. I flip back after a few hits when explosions ring out again causing a few of the pros to flinch not expecting it as I calmly look around for anything that could help us save him. However, I'm frozen seeing my brother run up and start yanking at the goo surrounding Katsuki's face making me click my tongue. I shift forward allowing my flames to burn slighty hotter than they normally do and deal a few more punches that do nothing before dragging Izuku back a few steps. I prep myself to raise my flames to the highest I can go when there's sudden wind around us forcing me to put up an arm in front of my face. When everything clears I see All Might in his muscle form as rain begins falling from the updraft he created.

"What you did was reckless," one of the pro-heroes chastises my brother.

I roll my eyes as the others are praising Bakugo for how long he held up against the villain as well as for his quirk when the two of us lock eyes. His eyes narrow before looking away causing me to huff out a breath. I grab onto Izuku's arm despite the heroes protest and start dragging him through the crowd ready to get home. However, a short time later we are stopped by Bakugo's shouting causing me to rub my forehead.

"Go home Katsuki. I don't have the damn patience to deal with you right now."

He frowns before leaving as he grumbles and not long after he leaves All Might steps into our path causing my eyes to twitch. I just really want to get home and take a nap. However, my interest is piqued as he begins explaining his quirk and the ability to pass it onto Izuku. My tough exterior cracks seeing the way Izuku is sobbing and I turn my head away gritting my teeth knowing it's because no one believed in him besides me. However, I'm broken out of those thoughts when All Might turns to me.

"Young lady, I'd like to have you meet with someone I know. I want to test your intelligence based off what happened at the villain attack."

"What do you mean?"

"You came up with a plan of action in an instant after realizing that no one was going to be able to help that young boy. Not everyone can think that quick on their feet."

"Where would you like me to meet you at then?" I reply tiredly.

"Such a quick response. Meet me outside the gates of U.A. in the morning."

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